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Everything posted by Riba.3271

  1. Home team could get the advantage of being able to treb outer from Garrison. Reasoning for replacing ruins being: - No team would have much spawn advantage at this objective - Important enough without double claim buff like keeps so great place to fight - Much necessary change to map layout (change is good!) - T3 EB SM camping wouldn't be enough to win skirmishes - They're great location to assault once you arrive on a map to build some numbers - Would add more importance to south camps and towers - Ruin scene is somewhat dead and castle would accomodate much larger playerbase Implementation: The castle on alpine maps would have its south gate around south ruin so both south camp dolyaks could enter it. In theory you could also make north east and north west camp garrison dolyaks take a small detour to take dolyaks there. On Desert map, just slap it somewhere and add some CC spamming PvE mobs in it, no1 really cares since that map will be removed anyways once they start caring about WvW. Note 1: Homeland advantage would still be very strong, goal of this would be just add activity and importance there Note 2: This would also change surrounding layout of land changing feel of the map even further
  2. They can add "difficult" elite specs all they want but the game is still far cry from the past when focus parties existed. People were even tankier back then but it was single target damage that killed you, meaning you got outplayed instead of ran at by some scrapper+shade spam. For example if you applied for a guild as staff elementalist, your application test was to survive as long as you can vs 2 thieves from that guild. Do you think communication, mechanical talent and faster reaction speed are relevant these days? Nah, it is enough for any guild if you play their copypaste builds and show up for raids.
  3. That is the case if you hire wrong illogical emotional guy. What you need to do is appoint the right king that won't bring the country to its ruin.
  4. Well, some skills should be 10 targets like tempest elite shout but it was obviously wrong having every facet on herald and every shout/overload on tempest 10 targets. Standardizing is same as having absolute unwavering ideology of how you should act in a relationship. It should be something you decide case by case.
  5. They should actually change their company policy since they won't find hardworking coder that is also passionate about competitive gaming. Hire 2 people: well spoken (direct, not empty talk) logical visionary that plays WvW at high level and a hardworking coder under him. Both relatively young so they have passion. These 2 young lads would fix the game in no time.
  6. WvW has declined but it isn't dying anymore. It is a retirement home. Small amount of people come and go. Some make zombie guilds that disband in 6 months. There will always be people to lazy to swap from cubic 30 kg televisions to better ones. Is it in thrash state? Yes. But lot of people are content with that. They are free cows to milk money from, any farmers dream. What is truly worrysome is that Steam release could make GW2 top MMO, but Anet chooses to throw the chance away by focusing on something that won't fix the gameplay/infrastructure of their most outstanding game mode. Tomfoolery. It is obvious they want money but dont know how to make it. I am 100% sure they will miss the crystal clear opportunity of a lifetime.
  7. Think about it, revenant utilities are already gated behind energy usage so having a few choices of utilities wouldn't necessarily make them much stronger, just more versatile
  8. I have a great idea: First person camera week. You can't disable first person camera. 😎😎
  9. They already tried 3 expansions to make ranger viable spec: - Druid: Long range healer (Was used in some guilds during HoT but became useless as soon as scrapper got reworked and there was better stealth/superspeed access) - Soulbeast: Pet was removed so your party can stealth and your group isn't vulnerable to epidemics. Stance share was added (Dolyak stance is stronger "Stand Your Ground!") - Untamed: Hammer CC and decent amount of boon removal Making longbow viable is obviously not a solution due to its massive range. All of ranger elite specs are almost viable but they're just not best at anything. For example Tempest provides better CC, Immobilizes, Revives and survivability than any druid build. I do give you that almost all ranger mains are tunnelvisioning on pewpew dream when obviously they should be running things like muddy terrain and immobilizing on well bombs. Unfortunately while they have great utilities, all their weapon skills are low-radius garbage. Granted if they get one outstanding skill similar to necro axe 3, they can be viable.
  10. If the maps were equally popular it wouldn't mess up the matchmaking as much. Obviously if you have home map that is less active, it is easier to defend or lose. Also yes, increasing amount of EBs would actually be quite entertaining and logical change. Actually something I have proposed in the past. But do note that there is only 1 EB so people who prefer it aren't split across 2 maps like with alpine. We can only determine from data that Desert map is super unpopular because there is only 1 of them and it has still low activity.
  11. GW2mists is one source https://gw2mists.com/matches/eu . There are others like WvWintel as well. If you go through all tiers, you can notice as a borderland desert borderland doesn't hold most kills for any server (even for those who it is home map) and there are couple of servers who have even as low as 1/4 kill participation on desert compared to alpine maps I also went through NA matchups and I noticed an anomaly that Tarniced Coast (NA) linking seems to prefer desert map. So only 1 linking out of 27 across both regions prefers the map over alpines.
  12. You are absolutely right about this. It is not my fault as Anet seems to be reluctant to be deleting desert map despite it showing considerably less activity than alpine maps. I do not know why but having 3 weeks of amazing 4-map WvW is totally worth the sacrifice.
  13. Actually numerically I am reducing the portion that desert map covers. In current iteration it covers 33.33% of borderlands and in my suggested one it covers 25% (1 of every 4 weeks). I dislike desert map almost as much as you guys but I do not mind having a weeks break from borderlands/WvW every month. I want to choose from 4 fighting maps, not 3. In addition to this I do not think scoring is particularly fair with one server having desert map and that the fact that you're rewarded with desert map as home map everytime you go up in tiers is terrible.
  14. When you daze an enemy, you remove any ongoing hard CC effects such as fears, knockdowns and stuns. This can be particularly problematic for WvW since you have no control over other players buttons and 1v1s are rare. CC overlapping particularly hurts classes that have daze on their key abilities like spellbreaker, harbinger, renegade, vindicator and thief Here is 5+ year old bug report about it: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Bug-Stun-boon-is-removed-upon-daze I just want to thank the dazers all over the world! Fears are nice too!
  15. Sorry but I believe your election candidate wouldn't survive election in todays times. Peoples values change and society evolves. But no worries: of course if Desert weeks show comparable amounts of activity, the map can occupy more weeks.
  16. Active timezones get reset every 2 months. You can find stable guilds, but not servers really. For example Blacktide and Vabbi were great places to be last linking, but this linking they had a mass of players illegally hop borders so not really. Unfortunately immigration agency has no power to deport them back. Of course servers always try to seem like they're running staple community but their core always jump ship as soon as things start to get hard. Anyways WvW isn't same as it was before. It used to be fun back and forth but at some point Anet decided to remove epic sieges and dueling by introducing passive stats and broken siege features.
  17. Looking at the desert activity numbers it still doesn't match alpine ones despite the fact that there is only 1 of them. Obviously we can't reduce the portion of desert maps but there is perfect solution that also makes matchmaking more fair: 4 week rotation: 3 weeks 3x alpine (all tiers) 1 week 3x desert (all tiers) (AKA break/EB week for most players) I think this will be fairest solution where desert lovers get to play their favorite map and matchmaking isn't ruined by one server having inherent advantage or disadvantage by having different borderland.
  18. Isn't that a player problem? What I ment is that you do not have a choice of playing on underpopulated or overpopulated server since relinkings try to balance populations every 2 months. There were plenty of guilds, commanders and players that preferred to stay out of blobby servers. Of course no server should be as dead as the most inactive servers in the past but tier 4 and tier 5 were completely playable back then and still offered communities chance of "server building". 500 gem transfer would be a good incentive to keep the T4-T5 alive. What? For average player, guilds or commander, every 2 months there is high chance their preferred timezone is unplayable due to changes in friendly, or even enemy servers. There can be too many or no commanders/guilds/players. This often leads to them quitting the game. Dealing with timezone gradually dying out is much easier than sudden changes every 2 months. So do you think a server having 1000 players playing for 10,000 hours a week is comparably fair to a server two that has 1000 players but they only put in 5,000 hours a week? or against a server that has 800 players but they put in 10,000 hours a week? Point is that with old system, with less servers, any server would have possibility to climb or drop tiers as their activity changed. If they provided good content and training, more players and commanders showed up. Now your servers playing hours just gets reset every 2 months thus lot of dedicated players and commanders try to minimize their playing hours to the best days and hours. Playing on any other timezone will drop their servers activity on their preferred one. Yeah we would have a bunch of dead servers with people crying for mergers every day. If you don't remember wvw was practically dying first six months of hot, and was already on a decline before hot. BTW all the problems of links existed before it, players bandwagoned, they left servers for dead, overnight time zones sucked up by a couple servers which forced the development of skirmish mode. The only problem with links was it was left in too long, world restructuring should have happened 3 years ago at most. Old system with less servers and tiers was the solution I was referring to. Not keeping all 9 tiers. There would still be plenty of these bandvagoner communities climbing from tier 4 and tier 5 revitalizing old servers (500 gems as incentive). If you try to break down night servers by splitting the players across 15 different servers, they just wouldn't play the game. You just can't get rid of certain timezones being centered around a few servers as there are only a few commanders willing to tag up almost every night of the week.
  19. Promises are made to be broken. Their biggest issue is the fact that they make massive changes without follow-up adjustments. It is like they can only bothered with grandiose plans and once it is done, it is supposedly perfect. The thing is old WvW was polished and current WvW feels like it is in beta phase. Almost all numbers are off from every system they changed since first expansion.
  20. What people have problem with is that FoW, WSR and Vabbi were all originally "empty" servers. Literally at bottom of tier 9 before linking system. So everyone there tends to be a transfer, in a guild or an alt account. Partly because guilds and fighting communities can't fit on pug servers without them hitting full status. Transfers aren't inherently better players, but they do care about WvW enough to transfer. So they most should have decent builds as well. As ex-dead server you also have to deal with less new players on these servers since PvE players will try to get their friends who buy the game to their server. Essentially linking system is far beyond its expiration date due to degradation from every transfer to a link. This causes full status being reached easier and easier and now dedicated WvW players and pugs can't fit in same server. This problem wasn't player caused, it would have happened eventually due to how full status is calculated.
  21. Conditions aren't the ones killing you. They're just filling you with conditions due to how boonrip and scourge works. Just don't step in a breach or middle of 10 people and you will be fine. It is enough to hit 5 people, no reason to hit excess. As a cleanser, in past metas used to be standard to only cleanse conditions that matter and save panic cleanses for panic situation. Maybe you are just wasting too much cleanse on useless things like removing poison or burning from full HP allies? Regarding builds, try running cleansing sigils in your guild. Especially potent on spellbreakers, tempest, scrappers and firebrands to save their AoE cleanses for allies.
  22. This obviously ment the 3rd servers corner that doesn't have a blob or is too weak to hold their own: see the opening sentence of this thread. I do not see why, I was just providing you the answers you were seeking. I included the relevant balance changes and list of defenders advantages just because it didn't seem to reach you. I hope you have a better day tommorow.
  23. I was answering the opening of the thread: Why do 2 blobs not push each others corners? They will happily fight each other at a corner neither side has siege, tactics, respawns or claim buffs. If you want them to try to take things from each other, the balance needs to change into one that is more fun. Do you really keep following commanders that suicide at enemy keep or sm multiple times in a row? No. It just isn't enjoyable. At least pillow fights are fair.
  24. Chilling fog isn't only used against weaker groups during fights but also it can be used against stronger groups to get them in combat and chilled while they're walking towards the lord room or to clear the siege. This will easily buy you half a minute and allow gankers to kill a few of the tailers that lack sufficient superspeed upkeep. Also this perma-alacrity meme is kinda overshot because most defensive fights are just stealth pushing onto enemy and ending the fight in 10 seconds. Alacrity won't do much there. There are also unavoidable filler conditions like vulnerability, immobilize, torment and cripple. Purity of purpose and Nefarious Favor cannot manage to convert all the conditions to boons.
  25. Towers flip all the time because it isn't unusual for groups to have different numbers and they're fast to get inside. I am only looking at the game from viewpoint of 2 equally strong groups fighting each other nearby or inside. It is fair that stronger or smarter group can flip something. It doesn't make them great or fair spots to fight. Your argument is kind of weird because most towers are flipped before defending blob even manages to group up. Lot of that is because tower wall HP nerf, addition of shield gens and nerf of defending siege damage to siege. Also scouts are less frequent due to watchtowers and lack of willing attackers (due to changes in objective balance), thus the response time is slow.
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