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Everything posted by Czokalapik.6091

  1. https://beta.hardstuck.gg/gw2/guides/end-of-dragons/kaineng-overlook/ All info you need I collected and highlighted here. In reality, just put up 'kaineng for turtle' lfg and try once or twice. It's relatively simple and multiple experienced people often join to help. I'm helping such groups multiple times in a week for example.
  2. That behavior was changed in September 17, 2019 patch under "Bug fixes" section, it's intended.
  3. Basically any decent build can do this, it's a matter of mitigating the damage with dodges/blocks, but there are few broken builds that don't require dodging or anything and do 20k+ dps self-buffed. Condition builds are generally best for champs and you'll have time to ramp up condis, and you'll deal damage even when you will take a short break for healing or something. My top pick (because I love guard) is totally pepega build, aka "press everything that's blue" build, full mantra celestial hybrid FB: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAc+FlRweYQMJmJW2XZPdA-zxIY1o7vQaKUDsq6IBUbaAxZF-e pros: • you don't have to know how to play it, pressing all buttons will get the job done • true hybrid build, 85% crit chance most of the time, great condi, power, good passive sustain from boosted F2 passive and regen • easy aegis access, F2/3 tomes for situational sustain, and very good stab access with elite and F3 • GS is great for trash and when champion/boss has exposed debuff, otherwise for stronger enemies axe/torch is go-to set • you can swap Bloodlust sigil to Corruption if you want to stack more condi damage for bosses/champs or to Force if you want to hace slight boost in power damage on Greatsword set. I'm soloing full CM DRMs on it, doing general meta and OW, bounties etc. Very noob friendly, but you can push it to perform pretty good with few small tricks (you know, general guard usage, GS2 into GS4, F1 24512 etc etc). Second one is scrapper, because I like boons 😄 it can perform pretty good, sustain is good, buffs are all over the place, nice vuln stacking, now additional quickness ofc. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlRwgYNML2JWeTVtWA-zRIYRUwXGBmAVUAqNNU4MC-e Also, you can't go wrong with immortal condi Herald/Ren builds. In the end, every class can kill champion, it's a matter of dodging in the right moment, or mitigating damage in other ways, and it all comes down to what plays good for you. When I was doing 9 perfect characters (full story + map comp) I was running raid builds but tweaked a bit with some runes/sigils or traitline that offers more sustain or boons, I didn't have much problems doing HoT hero points run with any of them. And I consider those champs to be ...annoying to say the least.
  4. That's content fault, I afked almost all story DRMs on all my main 9 characters. Why? Because Anet made it so I can do it. Because Public DRM will be done by itself even with everyone will be afk, because they are made to be THAT easy. There is no afk kick, there is no auto party feature so others can votekick afk player, no anti-afk measures of any kind, and the content is soloable by NPCs. PS.: at last I had decency to hide in the bushes 🙂
  5. What about trinkets?Will I be able to turn off the trinkets visual effects? I'd hate to be forced to farm countless ascended trinket sets with new legendary armory being available, because I hate blobs trinkets bring with them. What about runes/sigils?I have to craft one rune and one sigil to "unlock it account wide", or one per slot I want to use it in? What about skins?Will skins be character bound? Let's face it, fashion wars is the true end game >.< - Overall idea is amazing if it will be well implemented. I love the fact that I will only need PvP ascended version for the looks while putting the mats in some weapon I use account wide (or trinkets if the visuals will be togglable) Also, will I be able to sell Jars of Distilled Glory, Stars of Glory, Records of League Victories/Participation and Globs of Condensed Spirit Energy somewhere since I won't be needing them anymore and I bought set needed for leggy armor already?
  6. Because with group of farmers with shamans gear or no gear at all it still takes long to kill him with auto attacks doing 100-400 dmg, you could probably do a full circle in this time. It's simply a matter of highest profit. If you are aiming for 500+ ToT bags per hour, you don't want to loose time on bosses.
  7. @Lan Deathrider.5910 details don't matter much, but sure.Even with that though, answer for original question about why meta looks as it looks stay the same.
  8. Note that I only glanced on responses, so this is only replying to the original post Not exactly, you want that, but for what reasons? It's: 100% crit chance on all power builds (here you can put Fury, banners and optional Spotter)Highest possible damage output (here is everything else, might, qs, alac, frost spirit, empower allies, banners, or sun for condi), and highest possible dmg is the thing that dictates what meta isDruid does offer a lot of the buffs and ofc healing (and it's way too much healing, in reality you need way less), but better your grup is, less healing you need, you are starting to want longer, uninterrupted bursts of dps, so you are starting to look for some controlled Aegis and Stability use to make those bursts possible. Take fractals progression as an example: You are running t1-t4 with "obvious" (for new players) druid/chrono setup because... well, druid is very obvious healer, and chrono is very obvious support if you are new. When you start doing CMs and you are more experienced, you realize most dmg can be simply avoided, and you would profit more from stability and aegis on certain bosses. You change to Healbrand/Alaren, that gives you stab, good aegis, and all the other buffs + healing ofc. You are loosing Frost Spirit, but Alaren dmg is making up for that loss.Now you want to do CMs and T4s even faster, you know the mechanics and you can avoid almost all damage, so why do you need a healer? Well, you don't. So you switch Healbrand to Quickbrand. In that scenario, you have 4.5 dps players in your group instead of 3.7, and you are able to skip some phases, make fights extremely short.You also want to know what classes can do what and what is the tradeoff, like Healbrand can do Fury and 25 Might, but it might not be 100% if you are pugging (if group is not stacked, if phases are too long, or if it's too chaotic). But if Alaren was told to help with might uptime - it will be covered. You don't want the warrior running Phalanx Str for might uptime because it will cost warrior more dps in comparison to Alaren pressing F2 from time to time (and due to gear difference losing way less dps group-wise). All the buffs your DPS classes are generating is also important, the best example from current meta is Dragonhunter. DHs are great power classes, but can also provide solid amount of Fury and Might (now with the Scepter nerf and Sword buff it will be more fury than might, that will only come from elite trap). Tke some optimal power dps bosses comps (simplified for example purposes), you are running multiple DHs and 1 Soulbeast (not counting supports), why is that? Well simply because Slb does not give many boons, but can give Vuln and OWP for others in the group and does similar dps as DHs, while DHs are giving boons and can cleave better. Also your overall group performance will directly influence "optimal" setup for you. For example: less dps your group does, more valuable condi classes are, more ppl dying makes heal necro more valuable, more ppl stack, your supports will give more boons, deal more damage, you might want to drop 1 support if another can cover 10ppl boons in small radius (chrono)(in some cases) more ppl failing mechanics, more aegis/stab you needetcBUT. Optimal/Meta is one thing, and killing a boss in a pug is another ;] If you want to run tactics War, you probably could, because why not, just know what you can do and what not, and say you need help with fury or something.
  9. Add option to display ACCOUNT name instead character names (especially in chats) For player like me, casual, absolutely not in the whole Role Playing thing, with multiple characters it's confusing to talk to ppl, one person will call me by my ranger name in chat, I'm responding as my mesmer, then someone calling my mesmer name and I'm already on my thief farming flax. I would like to show my account name in chat, and what the hell, even above heads of my characters. I'd like to be known as mr X, not mr A, B, C, D, E , F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S or T...
  10. We need glyphs in gem store (or gathering tools with glyphs), those released first are now only available in TP. I chose Glyph of the Leatherworker and I'm waiting for ages for Glyph of the Tailor to pop in gem store, those should be permanent items in gem store
  11. No idea if that was suggested before, but my idea for new item is: Personal waypoint: something like passkey/home instance teleport, you can set your target location, and use personal waypoint to teleport to that location multiple times again until new location is set again.It would be useful during story, for example setting target to Omadd's Machine during LS2 story, or setting target location to Istan for fast farm teleport. Don't know if setting location should be account bound or character bound, it would be nice to set location to Istan, relog on new character without that map and use personal WP to get there, but it would also be nice to set different locations per character. Maybe dialog window with option of setting "global" location (accessible to all characters) and "personal" location (per-character) would be the solution?
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