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Everything posted by DragoTheWise.7256

  1. Overall- Pros: I like the theme of the spear. It hits the engi itch. The abilities look great and only need some cleanup on the character animation a bit. It was good that it has some utility thrown in to make it more distinct from using p/p Each skill is decent on its own and most likely do not need too much change in function… but more on that below. It was fun to play. I had a good time just playing with the spear and while it currently has rough edges, it is something that I will use in the future. Using the 2 skill to engage was fun and felt snappy when it did work properly. A nice way to be aggressive. Cons: Some of the skills have a weird cast or after cast that makes the flow of the weapon not great. Mainly 4 and 5. The numbers for damage (power and condi) seem a little bit on the lower side and would like to seem them buff up. In addition, it felt like the power scaling was a little too low. This overall meant that the overall damage and burst even on a focus target didn't feel impactful. Targeting and movement is kinda weird at times. Like the 3rd skill once the spear is ready needs specific facing to work properly. It also just doesn’t fire if a target is too close. The 2 skill sometimes pushes you through enemies or even through objects (got stuck in column in a tower in WvW). I also got launched in the air a few times too! The focus target gimmick doesn’t feel like it has much impact. Yeah, it does some extra damage/KB, but besides that it doesn’t have a lot of weight (excluding #5 with the extra burning). It was also hard to tell if the target was focused if the model was some enemy too big. Even on a normal model, it would be nice to have a debuff on the enemy’s buff bar to help indicate that or have the focus graphic give a better tell. The 2 skill refreshing after your focus target is killed seems OK on paper, but it is already on a lower CD. I really don’t think it is all that useful and would only be used in open world since Raids/Strikes wouldn’t see this and wouldn’t fit in PvP/WvW either. I would either add something else for the focus target or add something like an evade or some other defensive ability instead. I would also like the 2 skill to have a little bit farther of a dash so it can be used in competitive settings as dashing without a target seems pretty short. PvE Specific Overall thoughts: It is OK. I mainly tried it out with condi mech DPS and condi mech alac DPS. The #’s are close to p/p or a bit above, but with the whole focus mechanic I was expecting a more damage on my focus target… So it needs improvements there. It has the benefit of a stun/knock down available which makes it a good choice for fights/situations where CC is necessary. As mentioned above, the cast/aftercasts made it not as smooth to use. With some clean up, it could be a decent condi weapon to use. I didn’t get a chance to do holo, but with the focus mechanic and how the skills are, it may be more difficult to pull off for that one since pistol is usually only used for a brief moment while spear takes up more of your time. WvW Specific Overall Thoughts: I played a some roaming in a small group with this weapon using firearms, tools, and holo. It seemed to do alright after a while I got used to what sort of combo I was able to unleash on a target. Even if I didn’t kill the target, the aggressiveness of the weapon helped push targets away from the group. I definitely had some trouble casting the 3 follow-up skill since the range is a bit short and so extending that a little bit would help. It would also just sometimes not cast because I was too close or wasn't looking at the target exactly in front of me. Sometimes the 2 skill would put me through enemies which made it a bit hard to follow-up with an attack. I say the hardest to pull off was the 5 skill since it is just so slow and has a bit of a aftercast. All of this combined made it difficult to pull off a full burst at times to truly make its effectiveness. This weapon for sure can’t be used in zerg warfare… But that is OK. Still, in order to make it competitive, we would need to see #’s bumped up, casts/aftercasts improved, and a little bit of a defensive… something added in. Final thoughts: Overall, it isn’t a bad weapon, just currently undertuned and needs some animation/skill/aftercast clean-up. Mechanically, it is almost there as we just need the focus target mechanic to have more weight to it. Finally, a light defensive option on a skill would help in the competitive scene to allow a little more flexibility in the utility skills. Ways to improve Engi Spear: Mainly cleaning up skill casts/aftercasts (mainly follow-up skill 3, 4 and 5). Better #’s overall and more so for the focus target. If the whole gimmick is that the focus target is to receive more damage, then it should feel that way. Having #’s close to p/p on the focused target doesn’t seem to me that it does that much. We should be seeing higher numbers against the focus target but a bit lower vs unfocused. Another reason we should see higher numbers is due to this being a melee weapon. We shouldn’t have numbers similar to p/p which is ranged. Skill 3 should have some sort of pulsing damage condi like bleeding. The 3 skill follow-up should have better flexibility for the throw as a target too close doesn’t work or if you don’t have the target in front of you. Giving it a bit more range would also help it this regard. The refresh mechanic on skill 2 doesn’t have any use in a competitive setting nor most PvE settings. It should probably be removed and adjusted with something else. It would be nice to have the 2 ability have an evade or some other defensive use (remove immob, apply swiftness, etc.) built in instead of the refresh-on-kill as mentioned above. The 2 ability having a bit longer dash will give it a boost in movement flexibility, something that most engi main weapons lack. Final auto attack feels weak. It needs to be buffed up to really match other autos. I know it helps in refreshing the focus, but it never felt it was necessary and the damage didn't add much compared to the rest of the chain.
  2. It wasn't documented in the patch notes, but it looks like this bugged has been fixed. Finally had some time to test it. Thanks!
  3. Looking at the Engi changes, A lot is pretty good here. I welcome the holosmith buffs and adjustments to the medkit. However, I do have a few notes: I can see this being taken if folks use the new upcoming shortbow since overshield would be the standard if using shield. However, just like other skills that need healing skill for use traits (Cleansing Synergy, Reconstruction Enclosure), this will block Heal Mechs being able to use this due to heal kit tool belt being blocked. It is bizarre that if someone takes Mech and uses heal kit, three traits in a trait line, 2 of them in the minor category, just can't be accessed/used. I don't know about this change. If it does end up going through, the name/icon should be changed as it doesn't sound like the rework really meets the "Mecha Legs" name. I kinda prefer to keep the movement speed + soft CC flat reduction. I know ya'll wanted to "alongside some reworks of less-used traits in the inventions specialization" but really out of the 3 master traits that need reworks it would be Experimental Turrets. I know that means most likely a turret rework, but ya'll will need to tackle it eventually. While this is a welcome change, is the grace period issue going to be fixed? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/141080-mechanical-genius-grace-period-doesnt-work/#comment-2069978
  4. It is a great addition to the game and I hope that they do more stuff like this in the future
  5. I checked to see if this was fixed in the latest patch and just wasn't posted as a fix. It is still bugged.
  6. Was playing my Heal Mech on HTCM and noticed that the Grace Period that was brought back for Mechs actually doesn't work. See the example here: You can see I activate it once and it goes on a normal CD while near the Mech. I then go away and wait for the grace period buff to appear and hit F2 while I have about 1.5 s of the buff left. The CD goes on a much longer CD. This will happen with the F3 as well. This grace period is a different one from what we had originally- a buff that constantly ticket down from 5 and was refreshed when near the mech. Regardless, the new grace period will need to be fixed or use the old method that already worked. Let me know if I'm missing something but looks bugged to me.
  7. Engineer Shortbow’s beta debut shows a pretty weak support weapon that is clumsy and slow. It requires the player too much manual interaction to provide support resulting in the player not able to deliver what is needed quickly. With how slow the skills are, it feels more like a longbow than the snappiness that usually comes with using short bow skills. The current AOE radius for skills 2-5 are too small making it difficult to provide support within GW2’s combat system. I’m not sure the auto skill fits the theme either. The skills need to have a look over as to what this weapon is really trying to fill for Engineer as it feels like it does not add much to the Engineer’s kit. It is a hard weapon in its current form to be used in GW2’s combat system. I get that it is like a slightly faster thief preparation skill but on a range weapon, but it just doesn’t quite work. Main issues for me- Too slow for support- There are plenty of support skills that have long range, however, they have a much snappier response. Support needs to have range skills that happen when they are used to help allies immediately… like Druid CA 3. We can’t have the following: fire the arrow, wait for the arrow to prime, then hit the flip skill, then the slight delay for activate. And that is just one arrow. If we want to even have an additional arrow to cause a chain skill, that takes up more time. Allies more often need to move out of the way by the time an activation is triggered or just trying to setup bonus chain reactions, it also doesn’t help the AOEs are currently so small. AOE Radius- The current AOE radius is too small. Trying to use this in PvE and WvW was a nightmare. Anyone just moving slightly ended up not getting the benefits of the AOE by the time it was triggered. Unless you are using this on MO or a stationary boss, you are going to miss a lot. For WvW, I did a mix of roaming and zerg fighting and it was difficult to get the skills to line up to help allies. Sometimes if we held a tiny choke for a short time, there was some decent use, but it quickly went away due to how GW2’s combat works with the amount of movement. Lack of boons- The only real boon that this weapon gives is might which is a boon that Engi doesn’t have an issue generating in the first place. Why not put some boons on the weapon that Engi normally doesn’t have access to like resolution or resistance? Maybe add protection so that it can be competitive with mace/shield? It also makes the first line in Inventions having an issue of a “good” for selection without shield to provide protection to allies. Identity- I get that for range support Engis are a lacking; however, with how slow this is, a lack of boons, and short range, I just don’t see many folks actually adapting this weapon compared to what we have now. There is a question as to what it exactly this is filling for the Engi considering the current kit outside of just range support. It doesn’t have very good damage scaling as it is supposed to be a full-on support weapon but skill 1 focuses on damage. I realize there won’t be any big sweeping changes nor a complete pivot to a different type of weapon like most folks were hoping for in the first place. However, short term, the following could at least help the weapon work better with what we have. Short term fixes- Make the AOE skills (2-5) more snappy- While the chain reaction allows faster activation once one is activated, that won’t always be the case as you wouldn’t want to blow the full kit. The initial skills just take a little too long to setup and then activate. Simply removing the fuse time may have this work better. Increase the AOE Radius- Right now it is set to 180. Needs to be up’d to 240 at minimum but I would prefer around 300 considering how much it takes to setup these AOEs. Boons- I would like to see one more boon added, perhaps adding it to skill 3 and removing one of the condis or removing the condi removal. The boon could be protection or give a boon that Engi doesn’t have such as resolution. Or change Skill 4 to provide a more variety of boons since Engis tend to have might already covered. Explosions- Considering the theme of the weapon, I would like to add the Explosion trait to skills 2-5. At the very least, skill 2 since that is already a blast finisher. Skill 1 needs to be changed- I’m not sure why a focused support weapon with really low damage scaling has a skill that is focused on damage. Either adjust the damage scaling or change it to meet that support theme. In terms of bugs, I only noticed the following: Mech- Using skill 3 didn’t activate the mech’s Mech Fighter ability. If this isn’t fixed, it will be one more thing a Mech player will be losing in addition to Reconstruction Enclosure. Skill 1- Tool tip says it would apply weakness in the description but rest of the tool tip shows that Vulnerability is applied instead. Skill 1- This didn’t arc like normal shortbow arrows do. I would assume that the final version will have the arcing. Before I close, I do want to touch on what felt good about the weapon- Barrier generation: Has tons of it and was one of the few parts that came in handy for support. Extra fields: Provides engi with fields we don’t normally have; however, using said fields appropriately can be an issue. When in play, I mainly focused on the main skills’ use and not so much about the field it would be giving me especially since setting up chains will have a field overlapping the other ones. Skills 2-5 non-projectile: At least in my play, it seemed that the skills could be placed anywhere and were not subjected to reflections/absorption. This is a benefit to not only try to place skills in the middle of battle, but also against the enemy via the non-lethal condis. Healing/condi cleanse- While the Engi kit already has plenty of this, it was OK to have a main hand weapon to have this. Theme- I really do like the theme of the Essences of various magics strapped to arrows to be used by the Engi. It really fits within the world of Tyria. In closing, the weapon needs work. The short-term fixes will at least give it a bump in usability but may not take over mace/shield. I would focus on cleaning the weapon up in the short-term and then later down the road trying to fix its functionality to be a bit less manual intensive and possibility adjusting its mechanic. Try to make it competitive against our support options so that we can chose for the correct situation and allow some flexibility for utility skills.
  8. From an Engi perspective, I'm liking a lot of these changes and I appreciate the fixes for the relics on Mech. Also, thank you very much for giving the grace time back on Mechanical Genius; it'll give me a little more wiggle room for support engi and I'm sure the DPS folks will appreciate it. I think the only thing that I'm unsure about is Emergency Elixir tied to elite use. This may cause problems for those using mortar kit and messing up a better opportunity to use it. Even then, if an engi wants to have it activated, it may force a use of an elite skill when it isn't an opportune moment to do so. I understand trying to get traits to be more active, but this one may be really tough to do. Also, can we just make Toss Elixir B not be random anymore? I've always thought it was strange that while stab is guaranteed, the other boons are not. Depending on the boon you get, it'll be helpful or not helpful depending on the situation. Removing swiftness narrows the boons given, but it would just be nicer to have a flat set of boons and knowing what they are.
  9. I for sure like having hammer available to the other specs along with mace giving heal scrapper a much better option. Sword seems to be a bit weak outside of holo since it relies on the heat mechanic. Maybe a scrapper could use it to generate extra self quickness but that's all I can think of right now. I think it would be nice to try to look at getting what weapons we do have to interact with the heat mechanic for holosmith. I always thought it was odd that it was only done on sword but other professions get other weapons to have a spec's mechanic added in such as ambush skills.
  10. I really hope that Mechanical Genius gets another look. At the very least, put back the grace period while working on a better solution. It is a little much to try to ensure you and the mech is close together. Sure, both doing melee makes this easy, but if one is ranged and the other isn't, that makes it difficult. In addition, trying to move out of damage most likely will get you out of the small AOE, so the game punishes you for playing one of GW2's combat strengths- movement in combat. I get that it is a tricky issue, but its current implementation isn't the right call. I've seen some folks mention to instead grant a bonus when near the mech instead of a penalty. I feel like this is the same issues ya'll ran into with some of the fractal instabilities. I'd say take what you learned from those changes and implement them here.
  11. Yeah, a grace period needs to be added back. It really punishes the player for any sort of repositioning for even a few seconds.
  12. Mechanical Genius no longer has a grace timer. Is this intentional or a bug? I'm hoping it is the former... but if not seems a bit too punishing to not have that grace timer anymore since the mech can sometimes be finicky in addition, it is punishing for player the need to reposition as needed.
  13. I really like the theme that they are setting. Love to get back into some demons/realm of torment. Irt the Commander, I think they are due to face all the trauma they've had over the years. They haven't had a chance to slow down and really take the time to take care of themselves emotionally and mentally. Just taking care of one thing after another again and again and again. Not slowing down unless the Commander is knocked out from an injury. The Commander is ripe for manipulation and tbh, I hope we see the Commander break down and just let it all out. I want to hear the buried emotions surface and pour out now that the dragon saga is complete. I want to hear the Commander cry whether that is by themselves or with someone else. I really hoping the demon pushes it to that breaking point. I doubt the Commander will ever fully recover (the commander did die after all) but at least they would be able to resolve these emotions and thoughts to a point.
  14. Yeah, we just did Cairn and MO CM and didn't get credit though everyone was in instance before we turned on the CM mote, so unsure what caused the prevention. Something is for sure screwy and needs to be looked at.
  15. Yeah, whatever was done in the last update for the fight has made it seem she just chains swapping sides. In addition, the stated change of tail lining up with the CC bar didn't actually change anything. I've been through 2 or 3 metas now since the change and only 1 time was there a CC bar that didn't line up with the tail.
  16. I really enjoy this fight, but the RNG is really killing me. Two full runs tonight, all CC's happened a bit after the squad was trying to knock out the tail, and in addition she was doing bite attacks after we had already phased her. This note in the patch notes- "Updated the defiance bar mechanic of the final encounter in the Battle for the Jade Sea meta-event to be more consistent and not reliant on chance. This change should ensure more opportunities for players to engage with the defiance bar mechanic and allow for additional damage phases." Something hasn't lined up right. Before this patch, I had more consistent breakbars. May not have gotten all of them but at least the runs I was in were getting most of them. I would like the team to take a look at what circumstances the defiance bar is suppose to come up. Nothing like this happens in Raids where things are way more consistent.
  17. Wife and I were having a lot of fun playing with the turtle mount. It is probably her favorite mount now hahah. We took turns driving and shooting... think she enjoyed shooting the most! We both look forward to having the turtle again so we can go forth and blow up some bad dudes 🙂
  18. After playing this round, I feel like the Mechanist is getting close, but still needs some work. I want to tackle first the items that were highlighted on the forum post prior to the beta. 1) Lack of easy-to-use pet controls- It was nice to have the added pet controls. From a support perspective, it can still be a little clunky for specific positioning since a lot of barrier/boons come from the mech. Suggestion: It may be good to put the signets activate abilities always on the Engi just to help a little bit and transfer of the "power" to the Engi player. 2) The Mech Command skills (F1, F2, F3) can feel unreliable I didn't have any noticeable issues on the commands, so thank you for fixing them up. I do find the change to rocket punch good/bad. The good is that you can decide when to use it make the Engi more in command of the mech and the two working together. The drawback is that it is now bound to mace. If the Engi uses other weapons, they will lose out on that ability. But in the end, that may be OK making the mace have OK damage but good utility versus the other weapons which would simply have way more damage. 3) Too much power is loaded into the Mech, instead of the Engineer player. Honestly, these changes coupled with the signet passive shares didn't feel like more power was transferred to the Engi player, it just made the mech weaker and just gave the mech what the Engi got from signet passives. I still don't understand the note about crit capping when the Engi has to really push precision in order for that to work without traits/other sources of crit % don't transfer to the mech. It just doesn't seem to work out for power builds. Suggestion: At this point, it may just be better to have the mech 100% get all of the Engis stats and then adjust the traits/skills accordingly. I said previously I liked the holosmith route to making/forging your holoforge via the traits, but a difference I'm realizing is that middle tree kinda hampers flexibility due to each trait along that column gives the Mech the 100% of a set stat inheritance. Holosmith wasn't anchored with this issue and really had that "lightsaber" customization feel and gave the holosmith flexibility. The Mech could be like that too, but the stat inheritance needs to go from that middle column and integrated as part of the Mechanist as a whole with 100% stat inheritance. This will take a bit of tweaking on the mech itself but it could also free up some of those traits to give something to the Engi Player instead. 4) Related to #3: Boons on the Mech are an immense amount of potential power, This change was nice, but pretty much makes shift signet mandatory and really loads down shift signet. Don't get me wrong, I kinda like really like turning the signets up to 11 since there isn't a tool belt nor a weapon swap for the engi, but this functionality should just be part of the Mechanist without requiring a signet. Suggestion: Make the boon copying part of the Mechanist minor traits. I do like the addition of inheriting the passive from signets was a good addition. 5) The Mech can die suddenly in some content, leaving you with a long 'penalty' cooldown. The penalty is still a bit too long. I am glad that the CD was pulled down, but it would be nice to do another 20s reduction. I do like the additions for more effective regen as this is the first trait that benefits the Engi, will touch on that later. Suggestion: Reduce the CD even further. Now for more thoughts/suggestions, this is strictly from a PvE perspective- General Feedback for Support and Condi play: I was able to play the Mechanist more both on support and condi DPS as these two seem to be the better routes to take while power is still lacking. I won't comment on power further as I didn't really touch on it this time. In general, both support and condi feel good to play though support more so than condi. Condi Still need to have at least two kits due to Engis limited choice of utility skills since we no longer have a tool belt. Support Suggestions: I don't know why the alacrity duration was reduced for Channeling Conduits on barrier proc. This forces a bit more just sitting on mace auto which isn't as engaging. I would like to see the duration reverted back to 1 sec or even a little bit more to 1.25s. Have the barrier signet active ability always on the Engi. With the shift to wanting the engi player holding more power, it would probably be more reliable for the barrier/projectile blocker to simply always on the Engi given the Engi player more control. I don't think I saw any changes, but I would still like boon duration percentages to apply to the Mech. I am still a little worried about this against the 10 man alacrity professions. It won't be a problem in 5-man content. I didn't get a chance to test it in fractals, but still something to think about when balancing professions. Condi Suggestions: Just like under Support, have the condi signet active ability always on the Engi. Same reasoning as before more control and power to the Engi player. Last Condi trait still feels a bit weak. The mortar doesn't do a lot of condi damage but I think what really should be changed is explosion chance to be increased to 100%. The 33% just feels too low to be impactful. Perhaps try 66% first and go from there. Would like the Mech to inherit condi duration % increases. The rest for both support and condi felt good and I do like the buffs/positive adjustments that were given this round. Specific Feedback: I want to wrap up with more specific feedback regarding the spec. More traits to affect the engi player- With a push to give more power to the Engi player, it would be nice to have some of the traits to affect the Engi player. The grandmaster minor was a nice touch, but I feel that a few more should affect the Engi. When the Mech is dead, it really is a Specialization that is then kitten to just two trait lines and that just doesn't feel good. So much is lost/unusable that we haven't seen anywhere else. Without a toolbelt nor weapon slot, the Engi really relies on the Mech to be alive 100% and the loss is just too punishing. Pump up signets a bit more due to lack of toolbelt and weapon swap- I doubt we will get a weapon swap and we may not even get any portion of our toolbelt back. If this is truly the case, the signets need to be amazing. Other classes have two weapon slots + their profession mechanic to work well with signets, the Mechanist not as much. Giving up our entire tool belt, the thing that has given us flexibility due to lack of weapon swap for years, is a big change and needs to be considered with it being entirely removed. One suggestion would be to just make the passive on the signets always on even when they are activated without the need of the J-Drive trait equipped. This could also allow that final trait to have some extra tuning. Another thought is just to add additional functionally to all of the signets to make them more impactful. Giving up our tool entire tool belt needs to have a greater transfer of power/utility to somewhere else to the Engi Player. Return tool belt F1 or do something for medkit- I still suggest at least moving the skills over by 1 to the right in order to allow our heal skills to keep its tool belt skill. Medkit is the obvious example of what is affected by the complete loss of our toolbelt. The medkit works well with support focused Mechanist but is just punishing to not have that self heal available. Allowing at least the F1 available could also allow a little more flexibility given back to the Engi. A Cond DPS would be able to bring AED to assit with CC bars in raids, for instance. I understand that we won't get the full toolbelt back, but having the healing skill toolbelt ability is just too important. Even if we don't get the F1 back, something at least needs to be done for Medkit to get our self heal back. Better tooltips/UI- Tooltips still differ between what is on the skill bar for the mech vs what is in the trait window. While some folks will notice this and know where to look, the majority of players will not notice this and make improper decisions based on this false tool tip stats. We also need a breakbar to be displayed for the Mech. World bosses/Open world and even some busy raid bosses can make it difficult to see if the Mech is broken or not. Final Notes: Despite the wall of text I put up, I am really looking forward to playing with the Mechanist again. This round of updates were going in some good directions and I feel optimistic that more changes will do it good by the time EoD launches. It is a fun spec but has some rough edges that I can tell ya'll are really trying to smooth out. I will miss my Mech buddy, but look forward to reuniting again once the X-pack rolls around. I'm hoping that we are giving a bit more flexibility so that I can play with a variety of builds and find some that are fun to play.
  19. In regards to the Mechanist, I have a few thoughts. The Good I want to start by thanking you into looking at some of the clunkyness of the skills/animations and cleaning them up. Buffing mace is a welcome change as well as I thought it was a bit lacking after thinking about over the past month. Increasing ranges on the support abilities is nice. The regen buff is good too as it allows a push into even better support. I do like the buffs to signets as they needed to be more competitive as a choice. Looks like we got some condi buffs and that is always welcomed. The CD reduction for a dead Mech is welcomed, but hope it will be reduced further. Concerns I have concerns in a few spots with these changes. The Mech is getting nerfed without much to buff to the engineer to compensate. As stated, there was a concern that the Mech was too much as part of the engi's power/abilities, but I didn't see much changes to transfer that power to the engi. The changes to signets seem to have been part of this but the passives also work on the Mech, so that really wasn't a "transfer" to the engi. And the signet change doesn't help if an engi decides not to use them. Really the only thing that was increased for the engi only was mace which may not really be enough to balance that true transfer of power and kinda pigeon holes it to that one weapon. Speaking of signets, I would have thought it would be a better fit to have the healing signet, Rectifier Signet, to have the passive for sharing boons. Putting it on Shift Signet is a bit odd and takes up a precious utility slot. This is suppose to buff the mech for group content, but we are giving up a precious utility slot just for boons to transfer. The rest of Shift Signet doesn't really fit with group content, at least from a PvE perspective, so it is an odd choice imo. At least with healing signet, it is in that same healing/boon category. A support build wouldn't need to worry about it, but a condi build would be sacrificing a lot just to ensure boons were being transferred over. I am unsure if full consistent boons with a signet not geared for group content is a good tradeoff with a loss of extra condi damage. I got a little confused with the precision change and in the same thought the change with "Mech Frame: Variable Mass Distributor" (VMD). Precision Changes: Having 0 being inherited by the Mech from the Engi without VMD feels like to get any precision for the mech one is forced into that trait. At least previously, you were able to have some precision transferred and would more than likely have fury to boost it up even more. VMD: The power inheritance missing from this is confusing for me. Sure Precision and Ferocity are at 100% inheritance but I'm unsure how being able to "crit cap" is gonna help here. Crit capping would be difficult since %/trait bonuses don't transfer to the Mech (High Caliber, Hematic Focus, sigil of accuracy, etc.). An engi would need to go in hard with precision stats to at least get close enough for fury to do the rest to crit cap the Mech and I don't think that is flexible. The slight nerf on alacrity was a little odd since it is only 5 man and we had the mace bug on the previous beta to not really see its full potential. I didn't see anything about medkit and how it is locked out of its self-heal. It would be good to hear if we are getting it back in some other form as the mechanist or we are just fully locked out of our tool-belt forever when using this spec... a concern I posted in the beta week 3 thread for the mechanist. Final thoughts I'll be able to test the Mechanist for beta weekend 4 and be able to give my thoughts, so I'll reserve final judgement then. I do believe there is a push/pull between what should hold the power, the Engi or the Mech. I know folks felt like the Mech held too much of the power, but in order for it to be transferred to the engi more traits would need to affect the engi on top of making some updates/reworks to core engi. The latter is for sure difficult since it will also affect holosmith and scrapper play. I think that the Mech should just be the one that holds most of the power. Just make it the power house that it is supposed to be while allowing some options for the engi when the mech dies/on CD. Nerfing the Mech just hurts the Mechanist more especially without additional power transferred to the engi. At least from the initial thoughts, support and condi should still be pretty good choices for the Mechanist. I feel that power is just not worth the focus/option considering the changes that were made.
  20. Just tried a bit ago, my account is fine, but my wife's account crashes upon trying to open the gemstore. Can still use the trading post but need to either sell via items in inventory or talk to a trading post NPC. I do notice that her account has the icon glowing claiming a new item while mine does not. perhaps a sync error.
  21. Here are some bugs I found: Mace 1- Last auto on mace 1 barrier is not going to allies and therefore not providing alacrity with Channeling Conduits trait. The stats of duration/damage can be confusing-The stats on the trait lines in the trait windows use the engis stats but the actual numbers for the mech are shown properly on the mech ability pet bar. Example, 15% boon duration only through mods on the engi and 0% boon duration on the mech shows 5.75s of alacrity for Crisis Zone in the trait/build window, but the actual ability on the mech shows 5s. There isn't a notice to tell players that stat modifiers (eg 10% boon duration sigil) doesn't apply to the mech. Crisis zone- It seems to apply the boons at max duration on the mech even if the mech is not at full boon duration, could be at 0% and still get 10s of alacrity and protection, 30s of regen, and 6s of Aegis. This seems to not happen on Barrier Burst. Spirits on Matthias- I didn't get a chance to do all raid bosses but things like the death walls on Soulless Horror or the poison from Sloth didn't do anything to the mech, but the roaming spirits on Matt did wreck it. Animations- They were a bit wonky at times. Nickname- Name of the mech resets when resummonded.
  22. Hello! Despite a busy week, I was able to play on the Mechanist some and even in a few raid encounters. I have some feedback I would like to share. Positives- Great theme- I just love the theme of the Mechanist and it just seems to fit so well with what we are going to get our hands on with Jade Tech. Follows holosmith trait customization- I really liked Holosmith trait customization as it was like building a lightsaber. After seeing the teaser, I was hoping for the same thing! Good flexibility- It can do a bit of everything depending on what you want your mech to do. Though the power line is a little lacking the other two lines, especially the support one seem pretty solid. Support route- Speaking of which, it seems to be pretty solid and fun though may have trouble fitting in raids or other 10man content where 10man alarcity is available. Mace works fairly well- It gets the job done. The confusion may not push it up to high damage standards but the support aspects are what's important. Mech is pretty responsive- Haven't seen too many issue with AI yet. Though there are times where he'll be a little delayed in coming to me on command. Mech is just plain fun- He is my best buddy ever. Suggestions for improvement Tool Belt F1 removal- Needs at least the F1 available at all times. Move the current f1-f4 over by one so mech abilities become f2-f5. Med kit gets really screwed up by not having the F1 available and makes it so that certain traits just can't be used like reconstruction enclosure. If possible keeping the tool belt when mech is away- It would be nice to keep the tool belt skills but make them only available when the mech is not around (except for F1 which should always be available). F5 would still not be present just like the other engi specs. It kinda makes a bigger push for the need for kits as the other engis skills relied on their tool belt skills to make them competitive against engi kits. I do realize this may make some signets less competitive as they would not likely get any tool belt skills. An alternative would be to make them more powerful when the mech is present in lieu of not having tool belt skills. If anything, medkit f1 could be tied into the mech f1 if the previous suggestion doesn't work. Modifiers- It would be nice to allow modifiers to be applied to the mech. 10% boon duration, 10% condition duration ,etc. If this is not going to happen/can't happen, it would be good to communicate to the player that mods like these don't transfer to the mech. Breakbar UI-It would be helpful to have the breakbar on the pet UI. It is difficult to see if the Mech is stunned in larger fights with abilities and many characters. Jade Dynamo- Consider upping the explosions chance for Jade Dynamo. Something like Shrapnel seems like it will have an extremely low chance to trigger for any sort of condi build synergy for the mech. Variable Mass Distributor-Would like the stats bumped up here to make power a bit more competitive. As a compromise, perhaps 75%? Of course would like 100% to make it a good competitive power build in PvE raids, but that may be a bit more of a stretch. Condi- The Mechanist can do well with conditions but still needs multiple kits to prop up the damage. The Condi signet can be useful on boss fights when more confusion is needed though. I think it will have a bit harder time competing with the more simple torment specs. In addition, since the tool belt is gone, a lot of CC potential is also missing. Range of Mech attacks when using bottom trait in column 1- I was doing Trio and was assigned the kegs. Ran a power build that time so the mech had its ranged arms. While the F1-3 abilities could shoot from where the kegs were normally located, it looks like its auto attacks couldn't reach for some odd reason. Perhaps allow the ranged auto attacks to have a bit more distance? Other Medical Dispersion Field (MDF)- This will be affected by the tool belt missing for medkit. The support build generates a lot of barrier (though right now the mace 1 doesn't apply to allies atm so this is based on self barrier). Since MDF only activates from your own heals when you are <100% with the exception of using a healing skill, this trait won't see too much action and the inventions like has a tricky situation in regards to the grandmaster selection. MDF has always been a very odd trait with some skills/boons/traits not working with it, some skills/boons/traits only work <100% heath, and then the healing skill only being the one exception where it will activate when at 100% health. Would be good to take a look at this trait again and explain to the player the complexity of the skill or at least make some sort of baseline. Visual changes- I like that the first column of traits changes the arms. It would be nice if the other three changed something about the mech as well. Naming- Would be nice to be able to add numbers and dashes to the Mechs name just like the default name for the mech. Conclusion There may be some more items I just didn't get to. But so far I'm looking forward with playing this spec. There seems to be a lot of good feedback and hope to look forward to any changes in November!
  23. I took a look at this and the minor is applying to the F skills. No bug on my end. CDs are below With Tool Line: F1 abilities: Rolling Smash- 17s Explosive Knuckle- 12.75s Spark Revolver- 17s F2 abilities: Discharge Array- 25.5s Crisis Zone- 34s Core Reactor Shot- 21.25s F3 abilities: Jade Mortar- 17s Barrier Burst- 25.5s Sky Circus- 25.5s Without Tool Line: F1 abilities: Rolling Smash- 20s Explosive Knuckle- 15s Spark Revolver- 20s F2 abilities: Discharge Array- 30s Crisis Zone- 40s Core Reactor Shot- 25s F3 abilities: Jade Mortar- 20s Barrier Burst- 30s Sky Circus- 30s
  24. They already have a schedule when the other elite beta weeks will occur. Basically, one a month. All of them go from Tuesday to Saturday. I'm not asking for a full month, just extend the dates from Tuesday to Tuesday. You can see the current beta week dates here (schedule is at the bottom of this post): https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/prepurchase-guild-wars-2-end-of-dragons/
  25. It is possible to have the betas last a tad bit longer? I would like to take the elite specs into raids with my static, but we can only really meet up on Mondays. My static would love to test these specs out as a group and would allow us to get more solid feedback/thoughts when testing on various bosses.
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