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Cragga the Eighty Third.60

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Everything posted by Cragga the Eighty Third.60

  1. I managed to eventually get to the point where Blish opens a portal (going in and out of the map repeatedly helped) but there were several network disconnects along the way, and when I entered the portal the network failed to connect again. Having trouble logging in, now.
  2. A great power for the future Ranger spec would be to interact with the ambient animals in the map. Do a jungle yell and all those annoying spiders come into the fight on your side. Do a calming whistle and that stupid herd of deer that you annoyed stops trying to kill you and goes back to grazing. Do an underwater yodel and the shrks stop trying to eat you and go after the krait instead.
  3. They seemed to be backlogged badly. I had a ticket with no response for 8 days, would probably have been longer, but I posted a 'never mind' message. (It was a 'please fix my screw-up' request, and I eventually decided to stick with the mistake I made.) Maybe they are prioritizing tickets, and my 'please fix my stupid mistake' request got dumped on the bottom.
  4. I got that same message when trying to run the repair app after a series of crashes (esp when leaving a scout's cinematic or map view.) Usually repairing makes the crashes go away, but this time they are persisting. At least it is not so common it interferes with play a lot...maybe once every few days.
  5. Considering all the times we have been transformed into rabbits, it's clear you have the animations you need, so--why is there no rabbit mini or tonic?
  6. I'm guessing it's actually "chests don't reset after the 22 May patch", and of course for anyone with a daily routine (one per day) who started when the chests were first released, that means "partway through the third cycle". The mythical keys that "drop from mobs"(1) would accelerate that, of course. (1) Sorry, but until it actually happens on one of my characters, I'm going to treat it as a myth. I got two mob-dropped keys, the first from fighting Chak in Tangled Depths, and I think one during a battle with Dredge.
  7. From the bug report thread, it sounds like almost everyone gets stalled partway through their third run of the achievement.
  8. Yeah, I was half way through cycle three when they bugged out for me. Exactly the same as me! Just bugged out today.
  9. I used to occasionally have the game bumped to the background by other things (iCloud login request, Divex update notices.) That stopped happening. I don't know when, but I just realized it's been quite a while. So, whatever got fixed there, thanks!
  10. I have one issue with outfits. There are so many helm/mask/glasses/hat skins in the game that could bring out your personality a little more. You can turn off the built-in helm for an outfit, but you can't replace it with a different helm. I wish all outfits were bare-headed, with just the helm included as a separate armor skin. That way, you could wear the outfit with your glasses or crown or witch hat or whatever.
  11. How are you playing? Have you tried running around solo, hitting the tiny camps? If you have a durable support-type build (I use Druid) you can usually take out a tiny camp on your own, better yet, you may run into another roamer or two and be able to take them out together. (Watch out for the invulnerable NPC, they are on a timer, but it will run out if you keep them from killing you for a few minutes.) You can also keep an eye on any of the NPC areas bordering your territory, waiting for a chance to take them over or renew your alliance. Rewards come slower like this than when you are in the big zerg, but it's a heck of a lot more fun. And yeah, you will still die sometimes. If you have any speed boost or stealth-type skills, it may help you to outrun and escape enemies you don't want to fight. (Though the occasional one-on-one slugfest is kind of fun, too, if you don't care a lot whether you win it.)
  12. I use MacMall.com, myself. Don't know what country you would be ordering from, of course.
  13. I don't really have a particular recommendation, but I know Sandisk and Kingston are reliable name brands. I bought an internal Sandisk Ultra II SSD (240gb) and a cheap external SSD-to-USB enclosure to connect it up. You can also buy external SSD drives which are all set to plug and play. They range wildly in price, though. The main things to watch are: Make sure it's an SSD (because the no-moving-parts is what makes it fast): Make sure you have a way to connect it: Make sure you have enough memory on it to run the game. The game app takes up 38gb on my drive, so you can probably get away with a smaller drive than the 240gb I went for. (But more disk space is always nice.) Two other things I'll mention: as I've posted before, when the game is on an external disk, you need a different address in the terminal to run the repair app--/volumes/NameOfDrive/Guild\ Wars\ 2\ 64-bit.app/Contents/MacOS/GuildWars2 -repair(Replace NameOfDrive with the name of your drive.) One problem I have, and I believe it's a Yosemite bug that you will probably not have to deal with: if I leave the disk plugged in and idle, for some reason after a short time the computer can no longer communicate with it, and gives me annoying messages like "Your disk can't be ejected because it may be in use" or "the app can't be started" or -36 errors. After trying several suggested fixes online, I gave up, and now only plug the disk in when I'm about to use it, and eject it as soon as I'm done. It's annoying, but with any luck at all, you won't have the same issue, since it doesn't seem to be widespread.
  14. They give live birth, and for food, they're omnivores and before surfacing they ate very tough mushrooms mainly (hence the sharp teeth) among other native animals. There are dozens of children in Soreen Draa and the Hinterlabs in Metrica Province, there's even a pre-college school with a number of events and a heart around it. There is even a tiny progeny which is smaller than any mini pet. Practically an ant tbh. A fun fact is that ear size as well as cranium size are treated as physically pleasing assets to other asura. Treated as a PG-friendly equivalent to large cleavage or being packed downstairs for men. There are also some interesting progeny in Mrot Boru in Brisbane Wildlands. I assume they have some kind of anti-gravity toys because they run around chasing each other and making unbelievable high jumps and falls.
  15. Glad to hear it! Have you also considered getting an external SSD drive and installing the game on there? It sounds like your specs are actually very close to mine, and the Solid State Drive was the only thing that made it playable for me before the patch. Now, after the last patch, I am still running it off the drive, and have turned up some of my settings to medium because it still works better for me that way than it did before the patch with everything on Low. ^^ (And I put Animation on High now and get to see all the pretty effects.) I think a misunderstanding came in. I was not saying anything against recent minis, rather I meant that minis (no matter the generation or game) should not be listed as even minimal requirements as that yields a false expectation that the game will play well on them. The game launches on my off-the-shelf 2015 macbook pro too but I would not suggest it for a gaming platform either. Minis are great for some uses, I have seen them used by companies. They just can give an uneven mac experience for other uses, although you can tweak some things to make the performance not as bad. Sorry if I got argumentative, I was up till 2:30 last night, which tends to make me owly. And I had no idea that Mac Minis were not being updated. It's kind of shocking that Menadena's new computer has almost the exact same specs as my low-end 2014 one.
  16. The point is not that I think the newest mini should be an awesome performance machine. (Which I never said.) The point is, the Mac version of the game should be able to run on a new Mac--of whatever sort--and if it doesn't, it's most likely something that may become a problem with all new Macs.. If the game is incompatible with new hardware or software in Mac computers, the game is going to need an update.
  17. Well, my mini was the cheapest rung on the ladder (and a hundred bucks cheaper for being last year's model when I bought it), so: 2.6ghz Intel core i58gb 1600mhz DDr3Intel iris 1536 mbRunning Yosemite with no intention of upgrading. (10.10.5)Running the game off an external SSD via USBI don't really know enough to be able to draw a comparison, but am pretty sure I do not have any sort of high-performance gamer's rig going on here. So that's why I'm curious and worried why a brand new Mini is no longer compatible with the game. Different chipset? Different graphics card? What's going on? Hearing that someone was told it is simply not compatible with the game sort of takes me back to the horror days of game support in the 90s/00s, where your first e-mail got you a useless automated response based on keywords, your second attempt got answered by someone paid by the number of 'solutions' they sent out in an hour who clearly did not read beyond the first sentence of your e-mail before copy-pasting solutions that either had nothing to do with your problem or ignored the fact that you had already said in your e-mail that you had tried that solution without success, and your third (angry) e-mail was answered by someone who said that you had no right to be annoyed with the bad support, because the problem was your computer which made it not their responsibility. Anet support, in my experience, has always been WAY better than that. So. GW2 not compatible with new Macs? Details would be appreciated, even if I have no immediate upgrade plans.
  18. The 64-client is smooth on Sierra, no problems at all anymore! Like Menadena said: I also wouldn't recommend playing on a Mini and/or minimum specs.It's good if you're on the road, but at home, look for an upgrade or at least a breakout-box for an eGPU. Um, I've been playing on a Mini. In fact, I play on a 2014 mini. I run the game off an external SSD for speed, but apart from that, it's working GREAT since the last patch. If a brand new Mac Mini is 'not compatible' with the game, something drastic has changed. From what Calisanna said, the problem isn't that the specs are too low, but that the game is considered not compatible with something in the new Mini. Which might end up being a problem for everyone, if whatever's incompatible is something that's going to be appearing in more new Macs. Calisanna, I think you ought to write back and ask support exactly what part of your brand new computer is incompatible, because it sounds weird that the Mac version is incompatible with a new Mac. I wonder if the support guy you talked to was confused.
  19. I don't have specific statistics, but: Running a 2014 Mac Mini with Yosemite, running the client off an external SSD. Before the patch, it was playable, but often choppy, with short freezes. After the patch, it ran so smoothly I decided to change all my settings from Low to High. :D That was, um, excessive. I quickly changed most settings back to low or medium. Everything ran smoothly, so I gave it the acid test: A full Palawadan raid! While I was frequently lost, kicked around by CC, and sometimes could not see what the heck was going on, it was NEVER because my screen froze up or because the animation was so choppy I was unable to follow it. Now I can turn around beside a huge crowd without the screen slowing down the minute the zerg comes in view. My hero panel and guild panel now come up instantly when I hit the key instead of freezing everything for a couple of seconds while they load. It takes a second to load the BL store, but the animation does not freeze while it loads any more--I could see my stalker's tail lashing behind the panel. Looking forward to my next Auric Basin meta, thanks to this fix. ^^ Thank you, this is a huge improvement.
  20. I hope this will encourage people to take the time to upload images of weapons, armor, and other items which still have no images posted!
  21. Yeah, they're talking about the book from S3 and the book from S4 (and from future seasons, and maybe other passes) combined into one single item.
  22. did it actualy eat a recording device since you dident have it in inventory? To be honest, I am not certain exactly how many I had. Have been trying to recreate the problem, but it has not been giving me more. Maybe one somehow started 'recording' before I banked it, and that's why it still gave me a recording..
  23. I knew about this bug, but figured I would be safe if my recording equipment was stored in the bank rather than in inventory. Guess again. I revived an NPC during an escort event, and now have another medical aid recording. I hope that an option will be added to the vendor that lets people sell back these recordings for the diflorite or at least new recorders.
  24. Hi! I main a druid in solo PVE, and it's a fun and easy class to play. I mainly use dodge to clear conditions (there's a skill choice for that) but if you choose other methods, you may not have to. I can often go in and revive people in the middle of a battle and just ignore the hits I'm taking. (Within reason.) I would recommend you build with an eye to power, healing power and toughness for an all-around solo. I used a fair amount of celestial in my armor, for my main weapons (double axes, though longbow is more popular) I use Crusader stats and for my druid staff I use Cleric stats, with runes of Dwayna for the extra healing power. If you want to be tankier for solo play, go for stats/runes with more toughness. Your Celestial Avatar mode lets you throw around some big heals for group play, but you will also find you have a lot of skills that allow you to share your ordinary heals with allies nearby. If you enjoy being a healer, but still want enough punch to take on tougher mobs, druid is a great choice.
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