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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. Hey!!! I like to talk to that NPC... He gives me a good deal Everytime I speak with him... "ALL prices are non negotiable""I offer the best prices around" :p ;)
  2. You must be playing necro then. But that aside, yes, SpB is still overtuned. He's definitely a Necro... A pretty powerful one at that! :p How did he find an almost 2 years buried thread?
  3. But but but! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Solar_Beam“Fire a concentrated beam of light...” Solarrelating to or determined by the sun."solar radiation"relating to or denoting energy derived from the sun's rays."solar heating" https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_Wisp “Send a wisp to attack your foe...” https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancestral_Grace “Become a wisp of natural energy...” The Druid clearly channels cosmic energies such as solar and lunar power... “Their new profession mechanic allows them to accumulate astral force to become a celestial avatar”! So it totally fits and these would be awesome changes! Okay... U can have burning... But I wish it also gets these: ;)Solar beam : blind the eyes... So blindnessWisp: wisp drains the enemy's power while attaching to them... So weaknessAncestral grace: blast finisher and travels with speed of light. Appearing suddenly with a momentum, knockdown foes... So knockdown or knockback...
  4. Instead of burning on staff1,2,3 as suggested by OP, it could inflict blindness , weakness, a knockdown... Burning for druid?... Doesn't ring right with plant / green nature theme... But I might be wrong ;) :p
  5. I'm not arguing if DE should be nerfed or not... Just that it puts too much pressure on tanker classes even if the receiving end has a high skill level and the delivering end doesn't need to be one to apply equivalent or higher pressure
  6. I didn't know you have to give up the ability to dodge, block and reflect to become a bunker. Dodge is the only option... And for bunkers fighting and staying on points, it's always used up most of the time... Pressure from cqc guys hard to stay vigilant of health with a sudden 12k~20k drop in health, it's almost instant death... Running away is nearly impossible but only a pro can reset fight at that point... meanwhile, the thief who takes potshots necessarily need not be one to do that dmg.... U get my point??? That's why I mentioned it a frustration... Anyway it's up to a person's mindset weather to really accept it or not... Or suggest more cliche responses like "use dodge" "run away" "block" "signet" that's beside the point I'm trying to make... If you feel that's not at all a frustration for warriors and guards and esp necros, idk what is...
  7. So you're saying mesmer won't counter deadeye of any variety? Or daredevil? The only place I could see deadeye being useful right now is in mid against guardians and scourges, but since this deadeye build will still get instantly killed by the aforementioned mesmer and/or ranger and/or opposing thief, why would anyone justify the slot to bring deadeye? In the end it's still a liability to the team. Right now with this build you will instadie to mesmer, ranger, other thieves, engineers, and some guardians and warriors who know how to press their buttons. Ele is possibly a win and necro is a guaranteed win most of the time. Rev I'm not sure about. So you lose against 6 classes and win against 2, with maybe the rev as potential third win. So losing 66%+ of your fights and contributing nothing to the meta is op in your eyes? I agree with most of his statements coz, spvp mostly tries to put a thief in your team too if enemy has one.... So no point in debating against them, but as a single class which has high dmg output, max stealth/mobility , thieves can frustrate bunker and class that stay on single place(necros, guards, warriors,...) seems like if they can frustrate a bunker...it's a good thingBy frustrate, I meant the actual frustration.... No way to stay alive... Death in 2 secs... ;) And it doesn't stop there.... The thief picks another target now.... Opposite team -1 bunker so they get cut like a hot knife through butter.... ;) Btw, I'm not supporting nor belittling any class here...
  8. So you're saying mesmer won't counter deadeye of any variety? Or daredevil? The only place I could see deadeye being useful right now is in mid against guardians and scourges, but since this deadeye build will still get instantly killed by the aforementioned mesmer and/or ranger and/or opposing thief, why would anyone justify the slot to bring deadeye? In the end it's still a liability to the team. Right now with this build you will instadie to mesmer, ranger, other thieves, engineers, and some guardians and warriors who know how to press their buttons. Ele is possibly a win and necro is a guaranteed win most of the time. Rev I'm not sure about. So you lose against 6 classes and win against 2, with maybe the rev as potential third win. So losing 66%+ of your fights and contributing nothing to the meta is op in your eyes? I agree with most of his statements coz, spvp mostly tries to put a thief in your team too if enemy has one.... So no point in debating against them, but as a single class which has high dmg output, max stealth/mobility , thieves can frustrate bunker and class that stay on single place(necros, guards, warriors,...)
  9. maybe rangers can have carl gustav heat rounds or high velocity rounds or smoke grenade launcher and fire grenade launcher... or "mosin nagant" tranquilizer rifles... that suits them best or we could even have fulton recovery call to get us out of a sticky situation... coz thieves use perma stealth and other irritating skills why can't rangers have fulton recovery to get out of a blind mad sword swingers' killzone? JK For better stealth and evasion i think Anet should rather tune dagger and sword. Together with a new smoke trap that replaces ice trap and a smoke field on muddy terrain it would work wonders to improve evasiveness for ranger.Putting it on en E-Spec wouldnt be the wisest idea IMO especially not with another ranged weapon. If you count staff from druid we are at 3 two handed, 1 MH, 1 OH that are ranged with 3 OHs with each a ranged skill. And currently if we count melee we are at 1 twohanded, 2 mainhand (counting dagger MH) 3 OH with one melee skill. And weapons with heavy CC are currently 4 with 2 of them being ranged two handers. We currently haven't got a Mainhand with heavy CC and only Axe OH with a pull.I am not against a riffle theme wise. But its definetly not what rangers currently lacking and a melee CC weapon definetly is. "I am not against a riffle theme wise. But its definetly not what rangers currently lacking and a melee CC weapon definetly is. " you're talking about a close quarters meele CC(that puts us in the killzone)killzone usually occupied by burn guardians, necros(who vomit all over) and mesmers spamming clone shatters and dodges... that'll be dangerous for rangers... So i suggested a ranged CC weapon like fire grenade launcher and ranged healing guns like the ones we use in shatterer fight to throw medpacks for our allies and i expect the ranged CC weapon to switch rounds/ammunition it can be a fire grenade, liquid nitrogen, bio poison grenade, electric grenade and so on... or even high velocity CC ammunition Or just play engi? xDoops.... i strayed away from the path of a soulbeast ranger... sorry... ;)
  10. maybe rangers can have carl gustav heat rounds or high velocity rounds or smoke grenade launcher and fire grenade launcher... or "mosin nagant" tranquilizer rifles... that suits them best or we could even have fulton recovery call to get us out of a sticky situation... coz thieves use perma stealth and other irritating skills why can't rangers have fulton recovery to get out of a blind mad sword swingers' killzone? JK For better stealth and evasion i think Anet should rather tune dagger and sword. Together with a new smoke trap that replaces ice trap and a smoke field on muddy terrain it would work wonders to improve evasiveness for ranger.Putting it on en E-Spec wouldnt be the wisest idea IMO especially not with another ranged weapon. If you count staff from druid we are at 3 two handed, 1 MH, 1 OH that are ranged with 3 OHs with each a ranged skill. And currently if we count melee we are at 1 twohanded, 2 mainhand (counting dagger MH) 3 OH with one melee skill. And weapons with heavy CC are currently 4 with 2 of them being ranged two handers. We currently haven't got a Mainhand with heavy CC and only Axe OH with a pull.I am not against a riffle theme wise. But its definetly not what rangers currently lacking and a melee CC weapon definetly is. smoke trap is very much appreciated... or instead of smoke trap, we can have nature trap... since were rangers, we need to blend in with the nature... if there are trees/bushes/rock we can have extended stealth time atleast double of what we currently have
  11. maybe rangers can have carl gustav heat rounds or high velocity rounds or smoke grenade launcher and fire grenade launcher... or "mosin nagant" tranquilizer rifles... that suits them best or we could even have fulton recovery call to get us out of a sticky situation... coz thieves use perma stealth and other irritating skills why can't rangers have fulton recovery to get out of a blind mad sword swingers' killzone? JK For better stealth and evasion i think Anet should rather tune dagger and sword. Together with a new smoke trap that replaces ice trap and a smoke field on muddy terrain it would work wonders to improve evasiveness for ranger.Putting it on en E-Spec wouldnt be the wisest idea IMO especially not with another ranged weapon. If you count staff from druid we are at 3 two handed, 1 MH, 1 OH that are ranged with 3 OHs with each a ranged skill. And currently if we count melee we are at 1 twohanded, 2 mainhand (counting dagger MH) 3 OH with one melee skill. And weapons with heavy CC are currently 4 with 2 of them being ranged two handers. We currently haven't got a Mainhand with heavy CC and only Axe OH with a pull.I am not against a riffle theme wise. But its definetly not what rangers currently lacking and a melee CC weapon definetly is. "I am not against a riffle theme wise. But its definetly not what rangers currently lacking and a melee CC weapon definetly is. " you're talking about a close quarters meele CC(that puts us in the killzone)killzone usually occupied by burn guardians, necros(who vomit all over) and mesmers spamming clone shatters and dodges... that'll be dangerous for rangers... So i suggested a ranged CC weapon like fire grenade launcher and ranged healing guns like the ones we use in shatterer fight to throw medpacks for our allies and i expect the ranged CC weapon to switch rounds/ammunition it can be a fire grenade, liquid nitrogen, bio poison grenade, electric grenade and so on... or even high velocity CC ammunition
  12. maybe rangers can have carl gustav heat rounds or high velocity rounds or smoke grenade launcher and fire grenade launcher... or "mosin nagant" tranquilizer rifles... that suits them best or we could even have fulton recovery call to get us out of a sticky situation... coz thieves use perma stealth and other irritating skills why can't rangers have fulton recovery to get out of a blind mad sword swingers' killzone? JK
  13. guys, please dont talk about mace and hammer for ranger... coz it just diverts the profession and the core idea behind it... rangers can use dagger at close meele if they've been spotted... rangers should use every opportunity to their advantage... not get in the killzone and swing their mace or sword or hammer like a blind mad man in the middle of the crowd hoping to hit everyone in the process... we got warriors, guardians and other professions for that...
  14. we already have transformations... bear, wolf, raven, snow leopard... refer: norn tranformations btw, im a norn ranger... so synergistic with pets and spirits of wild and transformations... :3 and FYI, hammer??? not good for ranger and manipulating the elements is not ranger's idea, thats one of elementalist idea... rangers should adapt to it and use the nature to their advantage... example... in pvp, elementalist and rangers should work synergistically for efficient and high damage and lead to team victory
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