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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. i disabled all chat except npc chat... i didnt use warrior and i never hovered on any skill link or chat.. it crashed for me... couldnt pinpoint the exact cause.
  2. even if i disable chat, the game crashes... dragon stand meta rolled back progress.. eg if you progressed the map to 3 south pact waypoints, after crash, the waypoints get contested and need to do the events again... Note:even if i login immediately after crash 2seccs gap, all recent waypoints that are secured becomes contested. I could be wrong here maybe it landed me on a different map after crash? idk... take it with a grain of salt XD
  3. disabling chat [whisper,guild, map,say] does it avoid crashing? coz some trolls have been intentionally pinging it in chat during events and meta
  4. Do Evon Gnashblade know about any of this?Wild eyed Miller has got anything to say about this?I know caudecus has some snarky comment up his sleeve or some quiz/puzzle to pick your brain :p
  5. today, we did 5 successful caravan events and we managed to invite more ppl.. we tried our best not to deplete the progressbar(defeat mordant crescent forces and interceprt corpse caravans progress bar) too soon so it spawns caravans more and buys time for ppl to get the achi ... and try to keep the awakened casualties to a minimum to maintain the progress bar. my observation is... we have a better chance at a fresh working unbugged istan map when we just wait out the timer on the old map... rather than jumping to the mushroom blessing.... you can try it out.. if you do get a successful caravan map, try to kill the caravan as late as possible.. put up lfg and inv more ppl... cc the cow and kill it if either the progress bar is gonna deplete or the cow is about to reach the great hall note: if you get a caravan event and then the progress bar depleted, then the event will definitely fail... the bug has to do with number of awakened dead on a map that qualifies the next step in sunspear uprising meta to trigger... seems the devs forgot to reset the dead awakened count check once the sunspear uprising meta ended... the count seems to check once an awakened or the caravan dies.. so thats my observation
  6. Just now got the event successfully.. we were waiting for sunspear uprising on an about to close map and it failed obviously and we landed on fresh map instance when the timer ran out.. we didnt switch it manually... and we got a fresh map instance and we got caravan event and we went all out war on the cow.... and we succeeded.. FYI.. if ure just reading this, look for an LFG in istan... were trying our best to cc the caravan and kill it at the last minute until it reaches great hall.. glhf...
  7. at first I thought the event has three possible locations to spawn and players have been DPSing through the event and thats why it gets completed so quickly... after looking at this forum, apparently its not... this bug makes me want to think that pursuing "Vision" might be in vain and it isn't feasible at all... just fingers crossed, get lucky when istan is crowded on weekends and land on a fresh map instance... might want to upate the event's wiki section and include the bug
  8. "Rapid fire" tracking a stealthy enemy is like a ranger's intuition... Is like when arrows hit a target and the rangers predict where the target's going to be , even if the target gone stealthy after it got hit. The "prey" / "hunted" shd've gone stealthy before it got hit. No hate plzz X)
  9. When a passenger annoys you in anyway while you're airborne and it'd take some time to land to dismount and leave her (or you don't want to land now. Coz you need to reach your destination without any obstacles and you reached the perfect altitude)You don't want to waste time reasoning with the passenger who's a jerk... So we need option to eject her/him from the mount when we like. And also eject passenger automatically if we use "bond of faith" mount skill
  10. Underwater mounts not necessary... Since we got swim speed infusions and stuff already... else ppl will get mad and start debating whether to dump em in mystic toilet someway or the other...
  11. This could be fun... IDK but...Mount mechanics:1) when another player interacts with an already mounted player, the mounted player gets a pop-up similar to party invite popup for acceptance (raptor doesn't have any say in this matter... only the rider does :p poor Petey/bunny)2) when two players are mounted, the mount speed/endurance skill efficiency reduces in half. Same goes for endurance Regen rate3) the player in back seat can't control the mount but instead she can jump off the mount at any time and use her glider to land safely(if in air) or fall to their death X)4) the player who controls the mount should also have the option to eject the back seat lazy passenger X)5) during race events, back seat passengers can only speculate and they can't participate until the race ends or they dismount and talk to the race organizing npc
  12. My advice to successfully complete the jp => don't use norn or charr characters...:p
  13. If anet rewards the players who crossed a points threshold and top points in a specific clocktower instance, this'll bring more crowd... Now ppl just do this as a daily duty/ritual thing... Once done, they leave the instance... Festive events like these are so rare ... Gotta enjoy it to the fullest while it lasts... PS: don't bite me X)
  14. Timer is totally dependent on other players in the instance... If all die soon, you get to try the jp soon.. if one player reaches the top, remaining players get to wait till the end... That's just the nature of the puzzle though. If players were allowed to immediately restart while the puzzle was in progress, they'd all start under the acid to begin with . . .If players were allowed to immediately restart, anet would've designed it as a single player instance... But single player instance won't be fun anyway(except for immediate restart)... Being a multiplayer instance, we can show the others that we can complete the jp when other have a hard time doing it.. and brag about it X) and compete with others based on top points in the instance
  15. Timer is totally dependent on other players in the instance... If all die soon, you get to try the jp soon.. if one player reaches the top, remaining players get to wait till the end...
  16. Also... I like more mechanics to be included in fractals rather than mindless dpsing the boss... Shattered observatory is the best example for mechanics. Siren reef final boss bad example imo
  17. Nice to know some are still enthusiastic to include new fractals... Details are good... if it fits in a 15 min clear for a t4, then fine... If this fractal is a t1 recommended, ppl would try to avoid recs ... Happens a lot when shattered observatory listed in daily recommended... These days ppl ignore recs and leave party as soon as they complete t4... They feel recs are consuming their time for no good reason... Tldr: would be nice if fractal like these listed only in t4 or some layers not included in lesser fractals(modified mini versions)
  18. One thing I noticed... Gotta jump on the left side of broken clock tower... Broken Right side will fail the jp... In my observation coz I tried jumping as soon as the lightning stuck on the right side and it failed at least 3 times
  19. Let's rephrase that!I want a chocobo mount ;) similar to the one in "lightning returns final fantasy"
  20. First impression of the game that inspired me and made me stayThe quest at norn starting town where we run with sacred wolves pack and smash stuff around FunnyNpc dialogues and taimi's witty commentsThese dialogues sound more real rather than scripted... They are lively... Each npc in player's party has their own personality and it reflects through their dialogue their voice... So cool Few npc momentsReluctant asura inquiring a golem about the safety of asura gatesA skritt and a kid stealing apples in LAWild eye jack near the airship in LAthe cheating nuhoch froggy who gets 2 gold and runs away(this one's really funny. I won't forget it)Nuhoch frog idle animations(grabbing live bugs and eating, licking the eyes with their tongue) I love all the mounts idle animations... The funny ones are:Skimmer pokes you with it's tailRaptor shakes you off from the saddle Awesome thing is... Even the enemies express themselves... "You ran from skritt" "die two legs" "for tamini" afaik, all other games out there have silent enemies... Only gw2 has interactive and chatty enemies X) I'm grateful for all the NPCs and their dialogues created in gw2 GraphicsGraphics in gw2 is breathtaking ....First time I visited Caledon Forest and the Grove , I spent hours just watching all the water filled flowers the stream, the plants and shimmering bugs near the flowers and lights.... Dragonfall melandru's domain mist Warden area is so cool...The fungus spore area where our characters become Chibis and the events that transpire... is funny Asura running animations are nice and funny... Their jumping and their halting after a run... I love it...
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