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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. I just feel disheartened to see someone bypassing the timegates and hard to get items by just throwing money at it... one full reward track(6hrs or more gameplay) gives 2 clovers and one day fractal vendor give 2 clover but if u got more gold, u can buy mc and throw it in toilet and get 77 clovers in a single day.. either anet should place a restriction like "only 2 clovers via mystic forge recipe per day" or remove it altogether.. anet placed time gate on t7 mats like lump of mythrillium, elderspirit residue and stuff.. and those are used for ascended crafting.. but opened up new possibilities to get more important crafting materials for legendaries within a single day... are "legendaries" considered inferior when compared to ascended? why the time gate on asc and not on legendary mats?
  2. Maybe ppl are buying a lot of mystic coins and gamble it on mystic toilet to get clovers.. maybe that's causing the shortage of mystic coins... If we craft a legendary, it should feel like its worthy to be called a legendary... nowadays.. ppl farm mindlessly for gold (players/casuals/tp players) just accumulate gold buy coins off tp and dump mystic coins into the toilet and increase demand for mystic coins and thus price rise up rapidly more than the supply can compensate for it... My suggestion would be... anet should remove the recipe to obtain clovers from coins in mystic toilet... Legendaries should not be crafted by throwing money at it... Gen2 legendaries is okay... since it has some time gated materials and u can't craft or buy gen2 legendaries by simply throwing money at it... Increased price for mystic coins is also a good thing coz u can't simply buy mc for low price and finish legendaries and that would defeat the meaning of a legendary... some ppl in forums might feel so proud that they are crafting legendary every week like as if they earned those legendaries... its all bcoz of that D.A.M.N clover recipe in mystic forge.. pls remove the recipe... when I craft a legendary with every step gathering clovers in fractal vendor, wvw reward track, pvp reward track and gathering mystic coins thru all painstaking ways and feel proud to craft a legendary, and suddenly I hear someone thowing money at it and crafting legendary every week, that totally disheartens me.. the word "Legendaries" lost its sheen.. might as well rename it to "coindaries" removing the clover recipe from mystic forge will reduce(significantly) the list of posts like "mystic coin price increase/mystic coin fix price/ mystic coin controlled by tp barons" and all other QQ posts regarding mystic coins above section might be incoherent and might irritate few ppl... but the point im trying to convey is remove clover recipe from forge and bring glory to the word "legendary" and bring respect to those honestly put effort into crafting one and not throwing money at it... edit:made sure no words are replaced by "kitten" X)
  3. whats an honor "SYSTEM"? does it mean if you dont do cm fractals and do some other fractals with choya tonic and speak to the choya sage, the system tracks internally you're dishonorable? and that might be used in future content somewhere and this is some kinda another new version of the shadowstone "anomalous appearances" achi?
  4. Please make dark mode preferences available for ppl who dont have account on guildwars wiki website please...for example, I'd love to see https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers on dark mode... that'd be cool
  5. no.. u guys misunderstood.. I was considering teleporting them inside the fighting pit and not outside... I thought some ppl will get the wrong idea that's why I mentioned it in title If they are afking in the event area for 30 secs, they might as well get puled inside the event... I think some event works similar to the idea.. I forgot which one tho... and fractals(ami trin, aetherblade) work in similar way but that doesn't give any leniency.. since this is pve, we give 30 sec afk time.. if they still afk and not move away from the area, they get pulled in.. if they do some action within 30 sec, they can stay on the cliff They’ll wait outside of the teleport area and AFK until the boss is low enough. That’s assuming they don’t find a way to bypass the AFK timer as players already do elsewhere in the game. I'll love it if they afk outside the event area... that'll really help in defeating drakkar since the event wont scale up. they can kill the boss at 1% hp or 0.5% hp I don't really care.. all I care is the effort other ppl put into the event should not go unrewarded and non-participants should not scaleup and make life miserable for the tryhards
  6. also.. consider mad king says... if ppl are inside the event area, they get damaged if they afk... anet can do something like that to check afkr's .. that way.. if ppl who are standing on cliff to get the achievement and not deliberately afk and scale event and get reward can atleast be forgiven
  7. no.. u guys misunderstood.. I was considering teleporting them inside the fighting pit and not outside... I thought some ppl will get the wrong idea that's why I mentioned it in title If they are afking in the event area for 30 secs, they might as well get puled inside the event... I think some event works similar to the idea.. I forgot which one tho... and fractals(ami trin, aetherblade) work in similar way but that doesn't give any leniency.. since this is pve, we give 30 sec afk time.. if they still afk and not move away from the area, they get pulled in.. if they do some action within 30 sec, they can stay on the cliff
  8. Some ppl just stand in the event area(THE CAVE) and it seems the event gets scaled and this is acceptable when there is a large group attacking drakkar.. but when a small group desperately trying to succeed the event, gets unfair treatment:unfair treatments:1) when u get inside the pit, u can't get out unless u switch characters and u cant switch to that character in the drakkar pit until the event completes coz u get in combat and cant use mounts2) ppl standing in the cliff (usually more than 10~15) and watching scale up the event and thus making the event even harder...3) watching afk's scaling the event demotivates ppl already fighting in the pit and some evven ping in chat to not rezz them and let them die in peace...4) failing the event makes us fight each other bad vibes in this event => ppl trying their best to defeat drakkar and succeed the event can't get away from the area(the pit) if the event's gonna fail but afk's can get loot if the event succeeds and if it fails they wont lose their lives and they just walk away take tequatl for example... if we're gonna fail, everyone have a chance to run away both afkr's and tryhards why drakkar event is designed to give such a bad vibe?
  9. I don't think having allied player name tags instead of their char model affects fps. Even if there are max players in a map gathered in a single spot all their tags visible( and char model limit lowest, char model quality highest, effect lod ) won't drop FPS right?Just asking coz that's the setting I have. If name tags too drop more than ~10 fps, I'll hide name tags too
  10. JP in gw2 should have perfect terrain/objects.. some spots look like they can support a footing only to realize later the spot is not what it seems to be... eg.. between two branches diverge and the mushroom heads so hit or miss and sometimes after u stand in the spot, u just slide off of it for no reason. Good example is some footing spots in dessa's lab fractal lobby jumping puzzle shortcuts which are... Idk what to say... Are they intentional? If so why constrict the players to stand on one pixel? Is managing to stand on one pixel considered a skillful gameplay? Even if the spot looks it won't give a footing. And some spots look like it gives nice footing but actually they don't. Few more examples are... When pursuing Joko in his castle, we need to avoid lasers... If game is calculating collision detection, lasers should be a single thin line and not a slim planar rectangle. You can notice getting blocked by something invisible if you try to jump across near the lasers. Maybe they polished/fixed it now but my point is... JP is not perfectly designed in terms of terrain but in terms of jumping distance, height and some challenging aspects are nicely done I appreciate that. Eg Coddler's Cove JP, hidden garden mushroom path towards the cantle of sun have some challenge in terms of deducing the height and length of your next jump
  11. I did notice an anomaly in twilight oasis fractal but it happened only once... I didn't die, auto loot enabled and I was within autoloot radius, my inventory had plenty of empty space and I was not encumbered. After defeating amala, I noticed the chest with interact option available instead of autolooting. It never happened again... Just to mention the auto loot does bug out sometimes but rarely... It's best to check out the final chest by running to it before clicking ready to return to dessa's lab
  12. I got an useful tip from a player for quick otter memories farming...Kill tribune => loot chest => swap character => loot chest => repeat swapping to new character until tribune chest disappears or next tribune is killed.I got really frustrated with the drop count and how grindy the achievement is. So I tried this one out. I don't know if this is allowed by anet or just a bug that needs fixing. But I consider this somewhat relative to winterberries farming and finished the otter achievement. Hope anet leaves it alone and not restrict this method of farming otter memory.With a full bloodthirsty squad, you can swap to 7 characters to loot one single tribune chest before a tribune gets killed. But same trick can't be applied for claw of jormag chest that's a one time per kill chest.Note:Move game files to SSD drive before attempting this to get faster map loading times during character switching
  13. Necro is not my main but I chose to try out scourge coz of its condi spewing... Applies all types of condi within seconds... Except confusion. And epidemic skill was so cool... it feels so satisfying to Look at those green globs of condi splitting and flying towards nearest targets
  14. Dhuumfire trait says it causes burn on shroud skill1 . When selecting scourge, the minor adept trait says all shroud trait effects will proc on shade and shade=> shroud When we use reaper shroud, the shroud skill1 is different... When we use scourge, there is no shade skill1.Will dhuumfire proc on .. sandcascade -> scepter skill1?Will desertshroud , sandcascade, neffav,garpill all proc dhuumfire on scepter skill1?
  15. When looking at the snowcrows rotation, they emphasize on doing blood is power and desert shroud immediately.. what happens in the background? Any traits being procc'd ?Desert shroud says it pulses necrotic energy... What is necrotic energy? Will desert shroud pulse the blood is power and extend the effect for 6secs of its entire duration? Or just the torment?
  16. comparing the timegated strictly one per day T7 crafting materials and mystic coins, it seems mystic coins price is justified to some extent.looking at gw2spidey.net, mystic coin price jumped to 1.83gold on jun 15 2020 jumped up 20 silver with huge volume of buy orders and the buy orders keeps increasing rapidly but the sell orders volume is stagnant(from nov 9 2020 to present day)looking at timegated strictly one per day t7 mats,Spiritwood plank -> sell orders exceed the buy orders by almost 2xDeldrimor steel ingot -> meeting the supply demand scale and sometimes sell orders exceeding buy orders, with one exception around may 11 2020Elonian leather square -> unknown spike around may 18 2020 for buy orers otherwise it somehow balances the scaleBolt of damask -> the sell orders try to keep up with buy orders but buy orders are higher always..(do ppl play light armor profession more ? idk) what really confuses me is that, even though t7 mats are strictly one per day timegated(rarely u get some from some chest - not guaranteed like mystic coins when u do CMs) why are their sell orders volume is atleast acceptable level when compared to mystic coins which makes me think are the buyers keep buying them and just deleting them? or place a buy order for 200k+ mystic coins and delete gw2 account on the same day?(not emphasizing on the last paragraph.. pls ignore.. its just not up for debate X) )
  17. I always do these festival thingies for unique items only these festivals can offer.. like delicious rice balls. But if only anet was lenient on those drop rates for that food... I got lot of food cosumables from wintersday but lunar new year is a big disappointment for me... Opening those envelopes gave me only mere quantity of those del rice balls... But the only positive thing from the envelopes, it gave luck and I increased my permanent luck to +4%
  18. Start new groups and learn the cm content? I don't think a new player or casual will often do that or it's easy for them... My point is whether new player be a source to compensate the demand for mystic coins... And yes of course if you want extra coins yourself, u gotta learn cm content but that's not gonna bring down the mc price . Idk ?
  19. Can't point only one. That'd be cruel.Archdiviner: bows before fighting usGladiator: cool personality.(arkk shouts "don't stand on the active grid". Gladiator replies "yeah yeah")Mai trin:cool boss but sad we have to fight her. Why is she afraid of scarlet? Makes me feel she's inferior. But in other ways camaraderie and stuff, she's cool. She didn't abandon her crewSiegemaster dulfy and captain ashym: they were brave. Hate those nasty gnarly charrs who killed themArkk: makes funny remarks during battle...
  20. When I started this game as a newbie, everything in the game overwhelmed me... Every single drop from monsters seemed like they could be a potential rare drop. Including mystic coins... Mat storage limit was 250. I didn't know what to do with mystic coins and yet I was not willing to sell them on tp coz compared to other materials, the accumulation was slow low... after a long time, I got to know about legendaries so I started hoarding it even when it exceeded 250 , I bought mat storage expansion and continued collecting clovers and coins. But I'm not interested in gold at all and definitely not interested in buying or selling anything on tp. Then it took a while to craft my legendary kudzu. This I believe is the mentality of a new casual player... The point I'm trying to explain here is new players are not that much interested in gold and trading post. They don't sell mystic coins unless their mat storage fills up (even then, they might not sell). So don't expect the supply from new players to compensate the demand for mystic coins. If u want mystic coin prices to stabilize or get enough for your needs, only way is anet should introduce a new source for mystic coins (coz wvw, cm fractals(always gated with 4k ufe) are not too friendly for average players)
  21. Few things that comes to mind...NPC flavor text chatter. I'm sure I heard an enemy frog sing somewhere in auric basin. And a frog with a banjo or something
  22. I want my mistfire wolf to stay alive until enemies kill it and not disappear after timer expires. And regen health when out of combat and receive healing. Edit:Mistwolfy can be disabled in competitive modes. I don't want ppl to complain about how OP or how under performing it is in competitive modes.
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