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Everything posted by Kong.3280

  1. Filled Strike CM group looking for 3 DPS. Runs are weekly on Wednesday Reset -4 hrs We do all EoD CMs, minus Harvest Temple, and Soto CO CM and Febe nm (since it doesn't have a CM at this time). We typically Discord while we clear. Knowledge of mechanics is a must. Having a Killproof.me account with coffer KP is not necessary to apply but helps to show your experience, especially if you don't have TGE title. Please DM me on forums if interested.
  2. No retroactive, but the CM rewards are available for the week still, just have to clear it again. Which is good enough for me. Already done it. 😁
  3. Got my refund and purchased game through the gem store. Got everything recently the gems so far. Hopefully everyone else gets things sorted.
  4. Hopefully they get it resolved. I will continue to post updates with my progress.
  5. Support just got back to me. They have confirmed my theory and are in the process of issuing me a refund.
  6. So, I updated my ticket with support because I think I solved the issue I'm having, I just need them to RESOLVE it I accidentally purchased the Collection Ultimate (all 3 expansions) rather than just EoD ultimate. This explains why trying to redeem to code says it's already been applied to my account because it already has HoT and PoF. I've asked for a refund so I can purchase the correct package I'm waiting for a reply.
  7. This is the same issue i'm having, I've contacted support and they've said they are working on it. I will reply here if/when they update me. I suggest you put in a ticket if you haven't already.
  8. I purchase went through successfully. Money taken from account. Got my email and code. Redeeming code says code has already been applied, yet it says EoD has not been purcahased, and no in-game items received. I submitted a ticket, waiting for reply.
  9. Thank you for further clarification. I will wait for the update to craft my Transcendence amulet. 🙂
  10. My concern here is I have everything to craft Slumbering Transcendence, was about to craft it for armoury, seeing as how it won't be usable account wide I am now waiting to craft it, but will the recipe change? Am I screwing myself over by not crafting Slumbering before the update goes live?
  11. You'll get the new skins unlocked for your wardrobe if they weren't already.
  12. This. It's a random drop like anything else. Unless stacked magic find has an effect, there is nothing you can do to influence it You are better off buying it from the TP at 143g. Selling wintersday gifts seems a good start! Better off crafting it yourself. It'll only cost you 93g. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jormag%27s_Breath
  13. The icon was always the logo of the trading company.. Why change it now? Especially without changing it everywhere else in game. I prefer the look of the old one, as it looked like a lion, now it doesn't. This update more than anything confuses me beyond words. Something so simple, yet they changed it in a way I expect few will like.
  14. For years i had my mesmer parked within the Not So Secret jumping puzzle helping players with portals, tips on difficult portions they were stuck on, and detailed instructions to help them complete the Dive Master challenge that beckons players to attempt the blind dive to the bottom. One day I thought to myself, "I think I want to play this character." So I created a new character to forever take up that task, and also become a storage mule for the odds and ends I don't want in my bank (which include skins, until Anet gives us the ability to convert single use apply now skins to transmutation charges). I named that character: Go Go Gadget Portal I was baffled no one had taken the name, and happy I was able to claim it for my own. Edit: I'm aware the subject of discussion is the unusual name that was already taken, but I thought i'd post this anyway. :)
  15. I have not read every post here, as I'm sure many haven't, this is simply to put my thoughts into what was released, what I like, dislike, and think should be resolved. Build Templates should have been included at launch. Such a wonderful QoL for us GW1 players when it came out, i will never understand why it wasn't included in GW2Equipment Templates are great and I absolutely love. It's very useful and extremely handy to have the additional equipment loadouts ready to go and not taking inventory space. Asking players to purchase additional slots is fine, if they need them.Build Templates ARE NOT TEMPLATES. While it is very handy to have some additional quick swap builds ready to have, the fact that any and all changes made to them remain and have to be manually reverted make this specifically NOT a template, They are more of a Ready Build. Asking players to purchase additional slots is fine, if they need them.Build Storage is EXACTLY WHAT WE WANTED. The community has wanted this for over 7 years and it's finally here. It's easy to use for personal character and the way it is displayed within chat tooltips is absolutely lovely. However, limiting the number of builds we can store completely is a little too much. The average player, once they start utilizing this feature, will quickly run out of room to save templates. Asking players to purchase additional slots is too much. Storage for these templates should be free, even if you cap the limit at 50 templates per account, and THEN start offering additional storage that would be fine. Seeing as how the current "build templates" are not actually templates, I think the limited and upgrade-able size of that limit is kind of pathetic and suggests that despite continually saying you know what we want you either had no idea or didn't care.
  16. I'm having serious issues with this right now, and it is ONLY related to my connections in GW2. Everything else is stable. It is becoming very frustrating and difficult to play. The issue has been steadily getting worse over the last couple weeks.
  17. I love that you added more books to collection in LWS4 Ep4, I really do. However, as someone with OCD who is a bit of a hoarder we really need some place to store all these items. I just found a nice bookshelf in Sun's Refuge with all these books. Thank you. :) Perhaps now maybe a place to store all the other books we've collected? I know it's been mentioned before, and I know i'm not the only one who would greatly appreciate it. Also, the ability to contain all converters within an item as well, and teleport scrolls/tomes.
  18. The waypoints are basically taxi devices made by the asura who both developed and maintain the waypoint network. This is indeed talked about in Living World Season 2, as Blocki.4931 mentioned, Taimi tries to find a way to protect the network from destabilization caused by Mordremoth. It's also mentioned that the waypoint location are placed in areas where the leyline energy is strong, though not on purpose, and the waypoints become unstable when Mordremoth is attracted to and feeds on those areas for that reason.
  19. Just posting a little update on this. It's been a week, and on average i'm killing Rhendak about 4 times a day, each time with a different character. At first it was all working fine, then slowly started to see Diminishing Returns. It is currently to the point that I am not getting the Grand Chest to spawn at all. Playing any character else where in the game, even one I'm going to open the chest with, does not seem to make any difference. So i'd have to say although you can kill him multiple times a day, with different characters, it's not worth it.
  20. I've been killing him once daily for so long. I think I'm gonna bring more characters there. You can deal with Diminishing returns by going to WvW, EofM, or Fractals. All of which can be done and then return to the map without having to get a port in or run the dungeon again.
  21. So, this chest has always been, to my knowledge, lootable once per day per account. I was continuing my Daily punishment/ritual of killing Rhendak in hopes of getting Rhendak's Signet. Reached out to another sufferer to see how their struggle has been. They wanted to kill Rhendak, and despite having already done it, I decided to help. I switched characters, to change things up as using the same one daily for so... so long, gets dull. Surprise surprise! I looted the Chest! Could see it visually spawn and get looted. And I even received items only lootable from it, the chalic and trident. We repeated this, by both of us changing characters and killing him again. We looted the chest. Anyone know if this was changed? Or is this maybe a bug? (Edited for typo)
  22. I missed almost 75% of LWS1, due to not being active at that time for many reasons, and would very much love to experience the story properly.
  23. Not necessarily. In most cases the most expensive part would be the precursor. The overall cost to forge it into the Legendary weapon, regardless of which one it is, would be about the same.
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