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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. I am not sure that we can say that the times need adjusting after less than a day into the new races, especially since some people are getting gold. (I say this as someone who is going to struggle to get silver.)
  2. The conditions under which ANet actually suspends are so generous that there are tons of threads with people complaining about botters, because other players can't tell the difference between scripted and non-scripted farming. All they ask is that one pays attention to whispers, not even those from players, just the ones from GMs which are in a very different color from the others. i typed in local chat "that was weird, anyone here?" (knowing only GMs can move you) when i was moved because there was no whisper from a gm.Then appeal the decision to ANet. Typing in /say doesn't count as responding to a GM. They have strict protocols about when to suspend and it would be surprising if it turned out that a GM skipped the step of whispering. But if they did, ask them to overturn it and they almost certainly will. I know a fair number of people who load up GW2 while working, because their job is so undemanding that they have the time & attention to manage both. That part of the story is entirely plausible. However, the cutoff before ANet suspends is incredibly generous. They don't do it because someone missed a single message. In short: don't tell us; tell them.
  3. The conditions under which ANet actually suspends are so generous that there are tons of threads with people complaining about botters, because other players can't tell the difference between scripted and non-scripted farming. All they ask is that one pays attention to whispers, not even those from players, just the ones from GMs which are in a very different color from the others.
  4. Fees have all sorts of impacts. The listing fee of 5% is there to reduce the use of the TP as alternative storage. The exchange fee is a gold sink, to reduce the supply of gold (which slows inflation and means new players don't have to earn 1000s of gold to afford basic gear). Neither has all that much direct impact on flipping; fees reduce the efficiency of all flips, creating a higher floor for marginal flips & making "obvious" flips less profitable (e.g. selling a 2g item for 4g is still great, just not as great) The combined fees also prevent "regional arbitrage," i.e. someone buying something during EU supply peaks to sell a few hours later during NA demand peaks.
  5. Put another way: the reason some of these things are profitable is not that many people know about them. If you want to whisper me about something you're considering, I'll be happy to let you know the sort of things to watch out for.
  6. On NA, ip/61, there was someone porting (I didn't check to see if the events were stalled; just pointing out that folks don't necessarily need to wait to finish some of the related achievements) I believe Vayne still has a toon there, for people in the North America region. (Hopefully the timing works out, since Vayne, like Rust, never sleeps.)
  7. Retail value: 1700 gems ~50 gems: 20 Slot Black Lion Satchel360 gems: (5) Black Lion Chest Key (keys are normally 5 for 450; they are discounted 20% this week)640 gems: (5) Heroic Booster0 gems: Desert Explorer Kit (150x trade contracts, 15x trader keys, 5x UnID common|blue gear, 1 treasure hunting kit)650 gems: Black Lion Sample Pack (1x recovery package, 2x tradesman packages, 5x transmutation, 5x unID dye) Not recommended: 1700 gems retail sounds good, but it's more like 1050 gems worth of useful stuff for a lot of players. For 140 extra gems, you get a better value from the PoF Survival package, which has the same boosters & transmutation charges, twice as many keys (plus a golden one), and a Makeover Kit. Retail Value: ~2580 gems 0 Gems: (5) Teleport to Friend (not directly available)500 gems: Makeover Pack (Total Makeover Kit + 5x transmutation charges)1440 gems: Black Lion Key Set (10x BL keys + 1x Golden Key, roughly 1800 gems retail & 1440 today)0 gems: Desert Explorer Kit (150x trade contracts, 15x trader keys, 5x UnID common|blue gear, 1 treasure hunting kit)Conditional recommendation: This is a good deal if you regularly buy BL keys anyhow, need a makeover kit, and are running out of boosters.
  8. Total value Without estimated values: 2900With estimate: 4200 gems (includes the value of the random BL skin, getting a more expensive outfit, and valuing a golden lion key at ~10 regular ones)Good deal only if you really like the RNG dyes and a golden lion key.
  9. And incidentally, you do craft legendary armor; the recipes are unlocked via collections which are completed primarily (not exclusively) through raiding, as well as one of the mats/currencies. It requires a lot of PvE, too.
  10. Have you considered that this game might not be your cup of tea?
  11. They were and then an update caused people who hadn't earned them in GW1 to have access to the titles, AP, and skins. they tried to fix it twice that we know about, with the problem returning. The current system is the compromise worked out. 99.9% of the time, we don't know (or need to) about how it works. a few times each year, mostly when something else has gone wrong, the two systems don't communicate well and folks get messages. Seems like an okay tradeoff compared to spending dozens, perhaps hundreds of hours trying to find the root cause, which might not be enough even then.
  12. This is one of the cases of ANet Consistency™ The game includes: Gear that can be salvaged, extracted, forged.Gear that cannot be salvaged, extracted, or forgedGear that can be salvaged, but not forgedGear that can be forged, but not salvaged or extracted.Gear that can be extracted, but not salvaged or forged.I'm sure I've missed a permutation.Fortunately, this mostly only applies to a tiny fraction of rare & exotic gear (and all gear bought with karma). I think rather than making a list of each individual situation, I'd rather ANet did a complete overhaul, where they started with a plan for how they want gear to work. Since that's unlikely to happen in our lifetime, I'd like them to simply include in the description if an item can't be salvaged or extracted or forged. (Yeah, those descriptions are getting long, aren't they? It's still the most efficient way to make sure people don't accidentally lose something.)
  13. The description: From the wiki: The Copper- plus the Silver-Fed retail for a combined 1300 gems, so 1100 gems is a steal for anyone who doesn't yet own either.
  14. But... I can't summon the enthusiasm for that; been there, done that. So I'm aiming for a more manageable, smaller list. Later, once I've got a useful build, I'll do some exploring and update the menagerie.
  15. Thanks everyone for their suggestions. Here's the list I've come up with based on the comments and re-reviewing the main build websites. Anything that you'd cross off? Anything essential missing in your opinion? TerrestialBlack Moa (requires 15 points in the GW1 HoM)Bristleback (requires HoT)Brown BearDrakehoundElectric Wyvern (requires HoT)Fern HoundIboga (requires PoF)Jacaranda (requires PoF)LynxMurellowOwlPink MoaRock Gazelle (requires PoF)Smokescale (requires HoT)WarthogWolf AquaticArmorfishLashtail DevourerRiver Drake I hadn't noticed until attempting to put the list together that Snowcrows doesn't actually list pets for half their builds. They assume a raider will know which pets to take (which is reasonable considering their target audience). DT does and MB sort of does (although you have to recognize the icons and they don't always make it easy to find recommended alternatives). On the whole, I can imagine it's a lot harder for a player new to the game than for a veteran new to ranger gameplay. updated: per @Bright Oblivion.2856's suggestion, included requirements for the pets
  16. Ditto. It's normal, so the OP shouldn't worry. And yes, some content seems like it was meant to drive you crazy. ;) I agree. Also, I think Dulfy is a lot better at parkour (jump-puzzling sorts of stuff) than most of us (including me). So there are a lot of things that look easy in her videos but aren't in practice. It's not always clear exactly what tricks she uses, where she begins her jump, where she aims her turns or landings, etc. (I don't fault her for that: she produces an incredible number of guides in short periods of time; her goal is speed, not training.) As a result, I try not to worry about how she does it. There's usually several ways to accomplish the task, so I try to look for another route.
  17. Do you have full masteries on gliding? Are you pushing forward as you glide?
  18. What pets would you recommend as essential for a versatile ranger to charm, one who wants to spend as little time looking for pets in all the right places? For both condi & power builds.For fractals & raids (let's assume that covers open world PvE)Formerly "good" pets probably make sense, too, since we know the balance pendulum keeps swinging.I just started a new ranger and realized that I haven't spent any time playing it because I don't want to spend much time taming pets. (Been there, done that on another ranger already. If you'll pardon the pun, the adventure of seeking them all out has lost its... charm.) Naturally, I can look up all the builds on MetaBattle, SC, DT, and so on. I thought maybe the experts & experienced rangers here might have personal preferences or their own short-list of favorites. I don't mind if they are easy or challenging to reach. The goal is to keep the number of pets to the minimum without sacrificing adaptability. Thanks in advance.
  19. The difference isn't the amount of loot; it's the engagement of the player with the game. You seem to be deliberately taking the phrase "you need to be active" out of the context to extend it to disallow inattentive game play. It's "active enough" to be allowable. In effect, the devs are saying, "we don't care about how active you are, only about whether you're at the keyboard, in control." Letting your necros handle aggro while binge-watching Stranger Things is fine, as long as you're there, at the computer, able to respond to GM whispers and move your toon(s). Going to prepare dinner and occasionally checking is not.
  20. There are guidelines on how AFKing is handled & enforced by every GM. But GMs are only human. If they made a mistake, the only way that ANet would find out is if someone files an appeal.
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