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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Good tip... except for stealth gliding.Well, the idea of stealth gliding is good, it's just more complicated: you have to enter stealth before the Deadeye targets you, otherwise her shot will be true. I imagine that can be done if you're out of sight when entering the glide and sounds like while she's invulnerable, too.
  2. I've gone through twice now as backup for friends who, let's say, don't always have the same confidence as I going into brand new story instances. I deliberately shared nothing about the mechanics (or story), just letting them know I was available to assist. The first one figured out the idea right away, making it through without getting hit until midway (surprised by the 'adds' and ran out of dodges). They were not on a high mobility toon (and hadn't equipped anything special). They have some experience in games outside of GW2. Verdict: "that was fun" and is trying for the no-hit achievement without cheez. The second one did not figure out the idea right away & struggled with it. They had a potentially high mobility class, but, again, without hints, didn't know to swap weapons or skills to something fitting. They do not have much experience with games outside of GW2. Still, after a few false starts (with backup using fake /gg to give her the restart prompt), they managed to get to the DE without direct assistance. Verdict: "tough, but fun; glad I had backup." Probably won't try for no-hit.
  3. The reason for waiting is that (a) they need to investigate and it's far, far easier for them to see what you have on you right now than what you might (or might not) have (had) earlier. The key to any support request (whether for ANet or elsewhere) is always: make it easy for them to make it easy for you. (It's just that you might have to wait longer than someone trying to unlock their account after a long absence, for example.) Good luck :)
  4. They haven't said that response times are back to normal. They said that they are on the way back.Generally speaking, they try to answer tickets quickly, but 3-day turn around was the only number I've ever seen mentioned by them as an internal goal. Depending on the issue, it wouldn't surprise me if some people are getting answers within 24 hours and some need two weeks, with most 2-4 days.(I also wouldn't be surprised if most are under 3 days or over 5.)
  5. Thanks for clarifying. Adding a bit that was posted on Reddit: That seems reasonable :)
  6. as always Mesmers are 100% required I think it's more about making sure that everyone can get through even if they don't have a jackal (or have the mastery for the doggo portal). That said, it's a little weird. I'd prefer that there's an alternative that doesn't require a specific class. Even just having five people stand on buttons to activate an in-instance portal.
  7. People collect cats for the home instance; this seems equally fun.I think the OP's suggestion could be modified so that anyone can collect pets for their menagerie, that it wouldn't depend on having a ranger (new or otherwise). And, if that's the case, it could be expanded to include animals that aren't part of the charmable animal system at all. Still, I'd like to wait to see what the new instance actually is and how it works before worrying about what it might be missing.
  8. Yup. Ranger is already fun to play in a variety of situations. Pets tend to be OP, redundant, or barely niche-useful, so I'd be fine if ANet just refactored what we already have. Heck, I wouldn't mind that much if the only difference between pets within a family was the skin, as long as each family had a strong use in a substantive build.
  9. Defense events count at all the temples (although I think at the entrance to Arah it's based on the boss, not the event itself). For various legendary bosses, I rarely participated in the assaults. For the service medal, I think it was half assault and half defense.
  10. It's not uncommon to forget buying something that's used just for a collection. As @Linken.6345 suggests, check the collection itself to make sure you still need it.
  11. That only helps if you know to visit Rankar in the first place, which isn't mentioned in the meta event's description that appears in the game's UI. That is, if you know how the event works, you can pretty much make sure it's working, but if you don't know, then it looks bugged. Importantly, I don't think it's generally true of the other meta events that people believe keep getting stalled. Ogre Wars still doesn't have a clear indicator of where events should be occurring next (it often has the ones that are in progress though, to its credit). Orrian temples, Bauxite Alchemicals, Frainn, are among the other multi-part or multi-pronged events that can appear to be stalled when they aren't, i.e. as @Jeffrey Vaughn.1793 says, there's just a part of it that hasn't been finished. I don't mean to undermine the advice — it is really useful for that event. I am hoping that ANet recognizes that there's a perception problem that causes enough frustration that some people lose faith. I believe that could be addressed by updating the UI descriptions to convey more specific status details, or even just identify which NPC has that information. tl;dr multi-part/multi-tiered events appear to bug out to some people, even when they are working fine. Updating the in-game umbrella event statuses could help a lot of people get past that illusory roadblock.
  12. That's very helpful. I suspect it would be useful if the umbrella event description that appears in the upper right of the UI could be updated to show what needs to be completed to progress the events. (Also help with Champion Frainn and others, who are also alleged to be MIA under similar situations, i.e. the 'meta' is waiting for an event to finish that is hard to see from far away.)
  13. Fighting Zomorros means (choose one): There's a 20% chance that any encounter might be upscaled to Challenge ModeIf there are four (or more) members in a subsquad, there's an 80% chance they'll be capped at the damage of one randomly chosen player.Two of the squad's members will have the weapons appear as legendary.It will cost 20 mystic coins to enter the instance (per squad, not per person).More seriously, my Wild Asuran Guess is that it will be like fractals in that it tells an older story: this is how Miyani came to be Zommy's keeper.
  14. Of course. Let''s gather playerbase in Istan for 90% of the time so we don't need to put any rewards in any other content ever. Interesting that you misunderstood that to mean its opposite. Adding a single AmGem to a few events isn't going to drag people away from Istan, not when you can get enough gold to pay for fistfuls of AmGems for the same effort. However, PoF offers some rewards that can't be purchased with gold and requires items that aren't currently available from the less popular metas (or are available in low supply). Part of the popularity of the HoT metas is that, besides the decent loot, they also have a chance to drop various special shinies and offer currency that isn't readily available elsewhere. PoF metas don't have the special shines, drop currency that is available through other mechanics, and don't have the decent loot. Adding AmGems is similar to adding gold: less inflationary than coin, but not any more fun or exciting. If you ANet wants people attracted elsewhere, then they will try to provide something new or not-easily obtained through existing sources.
  15. Honestly, that differential is almost made up entirely by a barrier of knowledge and not mechanical prowess. (with a few exceptions like engi and sword weaver). Deadeye DPS is literally 3 buttons. It's just that most players don't care enough to seek out that knowledge and then make excuses when their toughness vitality gear gets them stuck in a boss fight 10x longer than intended. If more people actually had a growth mindset and realize that maybe there's something they don't know/understand we wouldn't have such a huge gap. If players enjoy being a meaty tank and not knowing what their traits do, then they are opting into a terrible experience completely of their own volition. Agreed. The differential in chess is probably far greater than 5x. And probably for all sorts of other human endeavors. The fact that there's a differential doesn't tell us anything other than that player skill matters. And for a lot of players, that's a good thing.
  16. Again, I have nothing against AmGems as a reward, except that there are other things that I'd rather have from PoF events that are harder and more annoying to obtain than AmGems.
  17. We already can farm AmGems quickly: run Istan or Silverwates, convert all the drops/currency to coin, use those funds to buy gems directly (or buy orbs to forge into AmGems). I'd rather see more mosaics or unique skins or infusions than something readily available from other sources.
  18. Thanks for posting this on the forums. Lulle's guides are awesome, especially for those without mounts. They've reduced map completion times for me enough that I was able to do a full set of 25 maps again. FYI besides using the Wayback Machine to find the old site, someone on Reddit also posted a handy Imgur version of just the maps (without the explanations offered above).https://imgur.com/a/U0NRxhA
  19. @"Gehenna.3625" said:They also said that there would be no raids.They never said that. After raids were introduced, they said that they had always been thinking about how to bring them to the game, ANet style. Original Source of the Rumors About CanthaDecember 2012 Interview with Josh Foreman (skip to 1:44:17 for the relevant bit) (I've listened to the entire thing and that's as specific as Foreman gets)Empty Coffee Mug, referencing the same podcast on RedditHere's what Foreman said: And that's it. The only actual fact we have is that there were plans for a Canthan district in Divinity's Reach and that the section was removed at the last minute. "We kept getting feedback" is ambiguous about the source. We don't know if a Korean VP over at NCSOFT said, "don't do it" Maybe there was last minute feedback from playtesters in Asia. Or perhaps ANet had just entered into negotiations with KongZhong (the current publisher for the China version of the game) and they had an opinion. Or it could have been something else entirely. We simply haven't been told why. The phrasing heard is generic, not specific. "Everyone was having a problem" could mean "a single VP at NCSOFT." And "[this ethnic group] doesn't like having their architecture mixed with [that ethnic group]" is a universal preference of individuals across the world, but doesn't seem to be reflected in international games, in RL buildings. It could be the reason, it could one of many reasons, or it could be in-house speculation because it's really weird to pull a completed part of the game days before launch without a game-stopping bug being the issue.
  20. It's honestly not any more bugged than any more than any other event on any map that hasn't refreshed: sometimes, stuff goes wrong and NPCs stall or something fails to trigger, However, it's still possible to do this event. Every time I've needed to do it, as well as plenty of times I was just in the area for something else, I've managed to get credit. You only need it to work once, so focus on getting to the map for that one time. Here are a couple of techniques: Park a toon anywhere along the route of the event chain. If you have mounts, you can get to Frainn's location, so I recommend that. Whenever you have a free 5 minutes or so, swap to that character. If the event is up (or nearly so), great. If not...Check the description of the meta event in the upper right of your UI. It should indicate some level of progress if it's up. If so, great, head to the location it's at and follow it through. If not...Swap back to your other characters and come back later. Don't wait around; you've got better things to do.In addition, you can increase the chances that you'll get the event on the first try or so by getting in a freshly created instance or another from the one you usually get as follows: Immediately after a patch, the map will be completely new; this is ideal.During & immediately after the Ley-line Anomaly spawns in Timberline; this is nearly idea.Any day that has Timberline Falls as a 4-event daily, the map is likely to generate extra instances; this is pretty good. After reset, maps can sometimes spawn extra instances; this is hit & miss.When guilds commonly do g-mish, i.e. weekends, just before and after reset.Check LFG for someone doing it. Of the 7 times I've killed Frainn this year: 4 times, he was up when I spawned into the map (once, someone had done the pre-events and left him alone, so he'd been up for a bit).3 times, the pre-events were in progress, so I helped out with those (and announced in LFG).In 5 of the cases, I also announced in /map.Out of all 7 events, despite my attempts to include others, a total of 5 people joined me; usually I was alone.
  21. tl;dr a city portal tome seems unlikely. Better to ask for a comprehensive solution covering VIP & city portals; more attractive to ANet (to sell multiple VIP passes) and more likely to be worth purchasing by more players. A city portal tome isn't likely to happen for a couple of reasons. First, the city portal scrolls were made available before VIP lounges were ubiquitous. As with most old things, ANet rarely goes back to retrofit without some compelling other reason. Second, the cost of the scrolls is already so high as to make them unattractive to others: VIP passes cost around 220-300 gold and include access to mystic forge plus other services, whereas city passes lack the forge and have inconveniently-spaced crafting, even if you can get some at 80 or 150 gold. (The LA pass costs 500-1000g.) So instead of asking for a city portal tome, ask for a Hub Portal tome that could cover both VIP passes and city scrolls. This would make getting multiple VIP passes more attractive, while giving ANet an excuse to look at including the city passes. I have city passes and I wouldn't pay 10g to put them in a tome; they have no value to me given the existing VIP lounges. However, I have (and stopped using) some VIP passes and would be willing to pay 800 gems for a chance to (efficiently) keep them all in shared inventory again.
  22. Running various HoT metas for tokens/mats was much faster & less tedious for me than repeating the story, as @Cyninja.2954 said above. If you enjoy the story (and variations depending on race or prof, as there are sometimes), then, sure, re-run story. But otherwise, it's just simpler to join the community in open world.
  23. To protect accounts from phishers, ANet has added requirements to proving ownership before resetting passwords. That means more time spent by agents, which results in slower overall response times. I believe (but lack evidence) that a lot of people returned for Wintersday and forgot their passwords, and that set Support back. Add Lunar New Years (also popular) plus new LS releases. Plus the mass suspension. Plus the change of policy for the EU on privacy (resulting in questions and requests for data). Plus the migration of people from Bliss. It's all understandable from anyone who has ever worked customer support in a global firm, with more than a few thousand customer/clients. (And all incomprehensible for those who just want to get back in the game or reset authentication or replace a lost item.)
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