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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. I wanted to single out this part of your comment above because I think it's a topic worth discussing, although I don't think it's germane to the phrasing in the original post here. That is, it's not directly related to whether Legendary Weapons should depend on a Gift of Battle (or Gift of Exploration) nor what sort of effort required to obtain either. If I might rephrase to highlight the new idea:
  2. Tip for purchasing either the Bag Slot Expansion (discounted per above) or Bank Tab (not discounted, but total was recently increased): Don't buy using the BLTC interface. Instead, for Bag Slots, open the character who will get the new slot and for Tabs, open the bank. Click on the little 'lock' icon (bottom left or bottom right respectively) that will allow you to make the purchase. This prevents you from accidentally buying more than you can use or (for bag slots) ending up applying to the wrong character. While ANet Support can help if you make a mistake, it's easier (and faster) to prevent the issue entirely.
  3. 40% discountBag Slot Expansion 240 gems (usually 400) Sale Ending Soon (under 24 hours)Character Slot Expansion 520 gems (usually 800) The current gold-to-gems exchange rate (as I type) is ~150g per 400 gems and typically it's been 105-115g the last two years, so those discounts translate as follows Bag Slot: today = ~90 gold versus last month = ~110g, i.e. a good deal despite the high rate todayCharacter Slot: today = ~192g versus last month = 220g, also still a good deal.
  4. At the time I am typing this, 93 people voted for the status quo.50 people voted for a change.
  5. Here are the reasons I never delete characters: The birthday rewards add up over time. For example, as I type, the 6th year present includes an option to unlock a 400g dye, 5th year: 260g, 4th: 400g, 3rd: 130g.Character slots are one of the most efficient sources of increased account storage. At a cost of 180g (today) to 220g (most of the last 2 years), that amounts to around 5g per inventory slot, compared to 5.5g for new bank tabs or 6g for new bag slots.Spare characters can be parked in various locations to help defray those costs, e.g. parking at a rich iron node adds ~70g/year, a flax farm adds ~130-150g/year.Without build templates/loadouts, it's convenient for running different builds, such as Power Chrono on one, Condi Mirage on another.Good tools for managing the inventory you spread out include GW2 Efficiency & GW2 Timer.There are decent reasons to limit the number of characters, too. Fewer slots on the account forces one to be efficient at inventory management.It costs less to gear up fewer toons.Keeping track of which characters have which builds can be distracting for some people.
  6. They never said there will never be expansions; the possibility was always left open. They never said anything about mounts. They never said raids wouldn't be in the games; they always left open the possibility. Oh please, if you have been here at the start you would know these kind of stuff. Clearly you haven't been around that long. However, they DID said ''no expansions will ever come to GW2'' because of the Living World, you can even look it up at the older forum.They said their plan was to use the Living World to update the game world. They didn't say that expansions weren't going to happen, just it wasn't the plan. Part of that same plan was funding the game entirely through the gem shop (no expansions, no other revenue source). That income wasn't as high or as steady as they expected, so they changed to a different funding model. Again, in contrast, new races doesn't bring in steady new revenue, it increases the cost of maintaining the game. ANet very rarely comments at all on future plans unless (a) they are imminent, (b) they need to set out expectations and/or get feedback, or © they can rule them out. In this case, they have ruled out new races happening in the near-, mid-, and long-term.
  7. They never said there will never be expansions; the possibility was always left open. They never said anything about mounts. They never said raids wouldn't be in the games; they always left open the possibility. In contrast, on more than one occasion (including this year), they have said that races aren't a priority for the studio, they aren't being considered at all at this time. So sure, we never really know everything that's on the table, everything that's coming soon. But in this case, we know that this request isn't happening this year or next year. And that isn't likely to change even after that, because the reasons it's not being actively considered aren't likely to change: adding a new playable race uses a lot of the same resources already tasked with Living Story (among other things) and it increases the cost of designing new skins, especially outfits and armors. It's not impossible for ANet to change their mind, it's just incredibly unlikely that it's going to happen before a GW3 (which also isn't on the table).
  8. Despite spike in exchange rates, this is still a good deal for those buying with gold.Today, toon slot costs 192 gold (520 gems at 148g/400G), whereas at usual rate (110g/400G), it costs 220 gold. (Current rate is 148g per 400 gems, a 38% boost since last month, 13% since Thursday. Most of the last two years, it's hovered between 105-115g per 400 gems.)
  9. My option would be: "I'd rather see a suggestion for how to deal with the reasons ANet has for requiring these items to build a legendary weapon." Farmers want faster/easier farms, AP hunters want to see more and more AP, and of course, PvE-only players want to see a PvE-only option for everything. That doesn't mean that the current system is flawed and needs fixing. Plus, it's simply not as hard to get a Gift of Battle as people claim. It can be done in a month or so, using reward pots from WvW dailies, which require investing 5 maybe 10 minutes each day.
  10. Any pattern that you're seeing as to when it occurs?I've had it happen about 5 times in the last week and not all the week before, & I don't think I was doing anything differently.
  11. It all depends on how you define, "Great Community." What's your definition, @SkyShroud.2865 and why do you think GW2's people haven't met the bar? For me, I look at how willing people are to help others, how often people stop randomly to help, how many questions get answered in /map or /say, how easy it is to get people for cooperative events, how willing people are to communicate for group or instanced combat, how easy it is to meet people. Then there's also relative comparisons: is this game's community notably different from other games? Better? worse? In what ways?
  12. I'm unclear what exactly your symptoms are. The TP doesn't immediately unlock when you buy the game; there's a delay (4 days if I recall correctly). It turns out that people would use stolen credit card numbers to upgrade, then do a bunch of stuff on the TP to launder illicitly earned gold, so it just makes more sense (to ANet) to keep the TP restricted until the banks have time to confirm the purchase.
  13. That's the available work-around.What OP asks for is a way to narrow down who does and does not need to be made aware of some of the nuances. For the OP, I support the idea, as well as more logging generally. However, apparently ANet isn't sponsoring a Guild/Guild Hall team at the moment, so it's going to be ages until we see substantive changes. Unless there's an exploit or a game-stopping/breaking bug I doubt they'll touch it soon.
  14. Yes. I'm surprised it's not on the wiki. Often, all it takes is waypointing far away from the Hall of Champions and then walking back. That causes her AI to reset. Sometimes you need to walk away from the center area and then back. (In both cases, everyone in the party has to do it; she follows the closest player.) Sometimes, you'll need to kill all the mobs on the way into the Hall. I've definitely been in instances with her refusing to start, but it's been at least 3-4 years since we've been unable to reset her and been forced to restart the instance.
  15. They have, they are (training takes longer than most of us realize). The backlog also takes longer to work through until it's gone.
  16. In the specific case of AFK versus inattentive farming, it is up to them to (a) set the definition (which has evolved since game launch) and (b) decide whether and when an account crosses the line. It is not up to us to argue, however logical it might be, that because something is possible that it is permitted or ok.
  17. You can report in game by right-clicking on the health bar/icon and choosing /report then botting. If you want to include more details, you can create a support ticket and update it with supporting images/video. Or if you feel that the people are using 3rd party software to automate their efforts, you can send an email to exploits@arena.net. Whichever choice you make, report and then move on. It is up to ANet to determine whether rules are broken or not, and, if so, what actions to take. They might decide to watch and see what else the account does, the better for identify patterns of botting. They might decide to warn the person.And they might also conclude that the people are involved in inattentive farming, rather than being truly AFK. ANet doesn't have a problem with people barely playing the game to collect a tiny bit of dust; the rule is that you can't let the game/software farm for you, you have to be involved at some level. This also means: don't bother whispering the suspected AFKers or watching them for more than a few minutes. We aren't the AFK Farming Police: not only are we not responsible for deciding if rules are violated, it's not even up to us to collect evidence. Give ANet enough details to make it easy on them and then ...move on.
  18. What did customer support say in response to your ticket?
  19. See also: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35947/24-28-32-slot-bags-why-can-only-32-slot-ones-be-unbound-from-a-characterhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6479/remove-soulbinding-of-24-and-28-slot-bagsShort story: it's apparently intended that the bags become soulbound, in much the same way that using an exotic precursor makes it soulbound until you forge it into its corresponding legendary. Thus, apparently ANet thinks of 32-slot bags as "legendary" and 24- and 28-slotters as mere stepping stones on the way to the pricier luxury item. I thought I remembered that being unable to see the soulbound in the crafting interface was a bug, but I can't find a quote for that right now, so treat that as "speculative hope" (or "hopeful speculation"). Personally, I think it's a mistake to soulbind bags, regardless of the reason. At best, it's an inconvenience that doesn't encourage anyone to change their choices. At worst, it's a distracting blocking issue (albeit a minor one) that creates needless work for player and support alike (whether or not the crafting disruption is a bug).
  20. The wiki has a handy comparison of all the VIP area passes at:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lounge
  21. You've heard of Black Desert Online, ESO, Star Trek Online, DC Universe Online and Neverwinter? And these games also have years on them already. So I fear you are mistaken. Some games are developed with an eye towards a console release. Some are backed up by bigger studios or publishers, some of whom also focus on consoles. GW2 doesn't fit that situation. ANet is the publisher of the game that was designed to be a PC-only game from its inception. Now, it's obviously not impossible to port, depending on the compromises the studio is willing to make. That would require hiring a new team of engineers, testers, play testers, all with console-specific (and probably porting-specific) experience. It would also mean some additional long-term and ongoing maintenance costs. Those costs would be balanced against the benefits: how many new first time owners would a console version generate? How much will this group spend on gems (the lifeblood of the game at this point)? And how do those numbers compare against all the other things that ANet might work on. In a lot of cases, we don't know how ANet thinks about this. In the case of consoles, though, we do: In other words, it currently is moot whether fans think a console port would be good for GW2; ANet doesn't agree.
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