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Everything posted by Kalavier.1097

  1. And if you actually read the OP, that is what he's asking for. A library space where you can place all lore books from inventory so they are freed from bank or bag space usage.
  2. "The fleet is lost." "Who cares? I have the entire sea floor to get ships from and crew. I have a nation of buried dead to use"
  3. Is the Maw explicitly describing as destroying the Risen that fall into the water? Or is it just swallowing anything? That doesn't mean the Risen are outright destroyed, it could be spitting them up back into ships it bites. Think of it like an RTS. Zhaitan/Champion is focusing on the ships and crew, and set the Maw to auto attack/area attack underwater and left it there, friendly fire or no. It's doing more harm to the enemy then to the Risen. Or like the Starcraft 2 heart of the swarm intro. The zerg don't care if an Ultralisk stomps on several zerglings, they got way more.
  4. I have most of a bank vault section filled with books that have nothing to do with Snargle.
  5. Leviathan's weren't really described as DSD minions, which were unknown but thought to be tentacled monsters. Maw is, as far as I know, simply a massive regular leviathan that was raised as a Risen Leviathan.
  6. Internet is hard at times to determine if somebody is being serious or not lol! At the very least, Kryta was entering into a more stable period during HoT.
  7. I mean, being honest the orders all had decent relations to the various governments, and also kept their kitten to the dragons only (Which is partly why they never got involved with Scarlet in huge degrees) And trahearne wasn't responsible for Claw island falling, that was the lionguard. The commander on duty purposefully ignored warnings and cost the island. The majority of airships were Pact owned, as they spent the years rebuilding after the Orr campaign. And honestly, after the HoT campaign the pact likely wrote up entire briefings on what happened, since the dragon was dead and the mordrem left in the jungle. Also the fact the Pact had evidence that he was captured at the start, and witnesses of that. Not like he just disappeared. The commander was completely flip-floppy in HoT toward Caithe, and Trahearne used his advisors for major military moves. Hell, he was basically absent the final battle around Arah and others lead the charge. Jennah/humans resources put into the pact pre-HoT wasn't a crippling amount, and afterwards it's not like the Pact was begging for donations. And then you have Logan being made Pact Marshall. Plus, post HoT Sylvari have not been active in huge collected numbers. The Nightmare Court has withdrawn, the Pale Tree is healing and you have regular adventurers going out.
  8. Man, it's almost as if the very story step literally and quite explicitly in bold letters described why you didn't become the big kitten hero leading the pact. YOU WERE IN AN ORDER ALREADY AND THEY WOULDN'T TRUST YOU. They had to have a third party who the orders all trusted and knew so nobody felt like there was advantages being gifted. The orders at the time severely distrusted each other, even though they had shared goals. It's quite literally the whole point. He takes the leadership seat to guide them, and then appoints you as his champion on the field. I think you got things drastically mixed up given how Sylvari are a new development, Ventari was well known to be a pacifist who didn't fight humans, and nobody knew they were dragon minions until Mordremoth attacked the pact fleet. You also missed how LA had to deal with severe Sylvari distrust and even violence after Scarlet and it only settled down long after she was dead. Also, the whole thing with Mordremoth got settled in what was it, 40 days or so? And his control didn't affect the Pale tree or central Tyria that much compared to the jungle. And once he died, the call was over and sylvari regained themselves. You have a pretty skewed and mistaken viewpoint of the lore, as most Sylvari don't "run through the world slaughtering everything". Don't take gameplay for lore and all the PC's. Also, Wyld hunts are rare among the population, and we haven't seen any that go "Go murder an entire skritt hollow because."
  9. From memory of the instance, it's because we are in the outermost edges of Nayos, and are trying to breach the barrier so we an actually get into Nayos's region properly and start the revolution.
  10. Again, they are different games. One system works for an RPG, and doesn't work as great with an MMO. GW1 you set up your team with henchmen and later custom heroes if you didn't have human teammates. GW2, you are alone if other players aren't around. NPCs in gameplay are weaker because they aren't meant to be shouldering lots of damage dealing duties. Outside of hardmode and specific challenge areas/dungeons or vanquishing, I never experienced what you describe. The world didn't feel harsh and unforgiving and the stakes were high. It sounds like you are simply after a very specific theme of story, which GW2 doesn't always do. That does not make GW2 lesser. They do pretty clearly mention that this is the outer edges of Nayos, and the Kryptis who aren't in the Night King's faction are almost all in hiding to avoid being chopped up into food?
  11. This ignores the fact that until the very end of S4, there was no skyscales. Hell, even in core Tyria Horses are a thing that we simply aren't allowed to use as mounts, alongside other species like Dolyaks, Marmox, etc. Also, there is a pretty large difference between "The commander has a skyscale" and "The hobbits using the eagles". The Eagles were fully Sapient beings, servants of the Valar, and their own people. They gave Gandalf a favor or two, but were not part of the fellowship and had their own choices to make. Not to mention the commander's skyscale is part of their journey, as they helped bring about the creation of the species. Also you know, it's 100% up to you to just fly there, you can walk. Gw1 is more of an RPG, while GW2 is more of an MMO. They tell somewhat different stories because the fomulas are different. It also is that for the most part, GW1 explored a very hefty chunk of the world. There are less unknowns in the main areas of GW2 because of that.
  12. That tends to be because the Asura Characters were spending all their time in the backlines/labs and could parse through the data we were finding and make solutions while the main team was still in the field pushing forward.
  13. The smith survived HoT, he is in Verdant Brink.
  14. Also if they cleansed the tree... the seed came from a cave full of seeds guarded by plant monsters IIRC. So that'd imply either they cleansed the seed and replaced it, or cleansed the tree after it was planted... which would be weird because that would mean they'd need to know where it was and that it was a Mordremoth tree.
  15. Oh I'm not saying you are. That other guy speaking against the GW2 story however, is coming across that way.
  16. That's the thing... as said, we didn't get caught. We made a plan to get into the jails where we knew the VIP was, and had a plan to disable the guards to make escape easier. There was a lack of intel on what to expect of the jails themselves, but then again pretty sure the plan was we'd get dragged down awake, not knocked out because Taimi called us at an extremely bad moment. You are trying to turn that instance into a super serious and dire situation where the commander is not part of the plan, instead of a situation where the pirates were acting exactly as pirates would (to avoid being detected) while turning in an incredibly high value bounty for rewards. This isn't a cause of "Random humor" but pirates being pirates who are playing a role as much as the commander is by pretending to be helpless and defeated while they very much are not. I just so love how having any sort of opinion other then "GW2 story is terrible" is being used to accuse others of thinking it's the best kitten thing since Tolkien.
  17. Re-reading the dialogue, the Corsair holding the crate of grog (directly mentioned by Sayida as a celeberation toast and the finest grog she had) comments "It's very heavy." This is when they are trying to trick the entire garrison into drinking spiked grog to disable the guards and let the PC do a jailbreak with the Spearmarshel. The whole "Captured" is a literal game being played on the Awakened to let the commander get in. The entire plan was "Commander pretends to be captured by Sayida, they drug the garrison, then the Commander busts Zaeim out from inside and they escape while the entire great hall is sleeping off being drunk.,"
  18. This is a very important thing to also consider. If I search for "X is terrible" I'll find results that say it. It doesn't mean the vast majority of people think that way, just that some people do. Whether it's a large group, a small but vocal group, etc. As the saying goes... "The majority of people are quiet, with a vocal groups being the ones talking". The vast majority of people will play a game or watch a movie, and move on after enjoying it, even if they revisit it often or not. The people who really and heavily love it will go talk about it. The same for the people who truly hate it (rationally or not). You have people who dislike it/didn't enjoy it, and moved on. Then you have the people who continue to talk about their displeasure years later.
  19. I'll point out that "Plant creatures in general" are not all linked to Mordremoth, Echovald wilds, maguuma, or other regions.
  20. Using your example, The shining blade ritual. When I did that episode, I had no problem understanding the mood of the situation being serious, even if the commander is annoyed somewhat at times to be doing it. I never once felt they were going "haha funny parody". I don't even know how you'd get "Hahaha, this is just funny sequence" from that episode at all? This sounds like a personal opinion? It's fair to not like it, maybe it doesn't click with you exactly. But that doesn't mean it's not emotionally convincing for other people. Spotted the person who cannot tell the difference between opinion and objective fact? Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean the entire franchise is 100% trash. And by making such blanket statements it's... weird.
  21. The Master Togo song is a great reference to this stuff lol. GW1 was enjoyable, and it's got a solid world and storyline, but it's not like it was super deep, amazing, dark, or serious. It had silly joy moments and horrific ones. Gw2 has silly moments and horrific moments. The issue I see more often is people claiming GW1 is a masterpiece, or just acting as if you cannot like both GW1 and GW2 story or gameplay.
  22. You act as if this is a problem of GW2, and not something done exactly in GW1 as well. "I go into a community about GW2, and I'm shocked that people here don't all hate it and scream about it all the time." Listen, I get not liking it, but can we stop with this nonsense about how everybody must hate all of GW2 or love GW1 and you can't possibly like both games as they are currently? Ah yes, no silly quips. Not like Eve casually commenting about "Leaving popsicles around" or the Norn going "Meh, we honestly didn't think she was needed but she insisted." Or you know, the entire questline that is the PC actively trying to avoid a marriage proposal. Or the quest that gives you a banana scythe. If you can't take things seriously because of a few jokes to break the tension, that's on you? People joke to prevent everybody from spiraling into a despair pit and not having the will to fight on. To use another setting example, Darktide in warhammer 40k. The characters joke and banter despite being waist-deep in corpses and gunk, because they aren't giving into despair.
  23. Oh you mean like how in GW1, we operated in a band of characters who had to cooperate and work together to bring down the big bad, while drawing at times opposing factions together into an alliance to have the manpower needed to strike out? You may speak for yourself, but I've been with GW2 since the very first day the servers went live and I'm still enjoying the story as much as I did back then. You may not be using it in this manner, but I've seen plenty of people who try to use similar lines to act like all "true" long time GW2 players and GW1 players dislike or hate the story of GW2 now. It also had some incredibly silly quest-lines and events too. Which some people underplay.
  24. And or the Titans specifically told them to, as part of Abaddon/Dhuum's plans. It would also be reasonable to assume that Orr expected the Charr to evenly split their forces between the three nations, vs sending a small force to Kryta, and the majority to Orr. This would account for them losing after 12 hours of brutal fighting.
  25. Considering we know in Gw2 they had a few searing cauldrons (Kryta did not) It's quite obvious the best Charr force was sent to Orr, to bring down the city/nation of the gods with searing rituals.
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