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Posts posted by Quadox.7834

  1. 3 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Point is phantasms do their attack then turn into clones. It's been that way since 2018. Before that it was harder to play mesmer since you needed to keep track of phantasms up.

    Chronophantasma makes up about 20% of chronomancer damage , as phantasms make up ~40%. That's why you see StM chrono result in about 1/4 less damage as they also run a different sigil. I'm not sure how you would change it without being overpowered (the daze exists to prevent a huge damage spike), anything that results in phantasm damage increases needs to be kept in check or phantasmal berserker + phantasmal disenchanter could potentially deal high damage at range and "from stealth" (favorite PvP player complaint).

    What are you talking about. The whole point is to nerf power Chrono damage. The fact that Chronophantasma makes up 20% of Chronos damage makes this a great target. I don't understand what you are arguing against.

  2. 3 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Danger Time needs to be outright replaced. I don't know why they just removed the 10% crit damage and called it a day.

    The fundamental problem with a critical chance trait like that with such reliance on mesmer stacking is that for solo players (as in PVP most of the time) and in WVW you cannot rely on slow. Even in openworld PVE or fractals you cannot rely on slow most of the time. The only place it shines is in instanced content where the objective is to bash on a massive HP pool for a few minutes to get a shiny.

    Keep in mind, the current iteration of Danger Time is responsible for 15% damage since you need much more precision in PVE to reach crit cap without it (315 precision). The easiest way to verify this is using https://snowcrows.com/gearoptimizer/   Put in all defaults, disable sigil of accuracy if you run chronophantasma. Output damage reference number is 19.8K , if you remove danger time you get 16.9K or 16.6K if you disable thief rune and use eagle runes.

    I don't feel Chronophantasma vastly increases clone count. Someone running a clone on dodge trait and/or scepter (every auto chain) has more clones than chronophantasma causes. Keep in mind the phantasms are dazed.

    I said "increases the number of illusions on screen". Clones =/= Illusions. Chronophantasma increases the number of illusions on screen because it keeps each phantasm up for way longer which makes them overlap which creates the mess of illusions. They don't even have a cap, unlike clones. But that's not the only problem, it also vastly increases the time it takes for a phantasm to become a clone, which makes for really clunky gameplay in PvP (this doesn't matter so much for PvE). Also, if they remove Chronophantasma, they could buff damage in some other way (if needed), which would then solve the problem Chrono has with ramp-up time (that small mobs die before your phantasms really get going).

  3. "Danger Time: Removed the critical-damage bonus."


    I get that the purpose of this nerf is to Power Chrono DPS in PvE. But please consider the fact this change also affects Power Chrono in PvP - a build which already isn't even close to meta. This is particularly true because slow is a rarity in PvP so the uptime is much lower than in PvE. Instead of removing 10% critical damage from Chrono's burst in PvP/WvW, consider one of these suggestions:


    • Make "Chronophantasma" trait use the PvP/WvW version in all game modes (i.e. 50% damage reduction). This way you can unsplit the trait, reducing complexity.
    • Remove Chronophantasma, and create a new trait in its place. This trait has been overly strong in PvE and not fun to play again in PvP (because it vastly increases the number of illusions on screen, which makes fights messy and unintelligible). 
    • Make "Time Catches Up" trait use the PvP/WvW version in all game modes (i.e. 5% increased shatter damage). Once again, achieves the goal of lowering Chronomancers potential damage in PvE while not affecting PvP and also simplifying balance due to no longer being split between modes.
    • Split Danger Time. Seeing as Time Catches Up and Chronophantasma are both already split (both being weaker in PvP), there seems to be no reason not to also split Danger Time, so that PvP/WvW retains the higher modifier.
    • Raise the bonus critical hit chance on Danger Time. This trait used to give + 30% critical hit chance. I believe that + critical damage modifiers are more valuable in PvE than + critical chance modifiers (I could be wrong). In that case, consider removing the critical damage modifier as planned, but compensating this by raising the critical hit chance to around +25% (up from the current +15%). This will allow the trait to retain high value in PvP while not boosting damage as much in PvE.
    • (Edit) Make it something like "gain 10 seconds of fury when you inflict slow,  10  second cooldown". That would be good for PvP but not increase dps in PvE (because you already have perma fury there).
  4. 4 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    Daze mantra is a broken skill imo, the rest of the class is  weak/fine. 


    I don't think ranged instant cast no-tell no-counterplay crowd control is healthy to fight. Seems counter intuitive to the whole "give CC's longer cast times" patch they did where they nerfed Staff 5, overcharged shot, deflecting shot, ect. Thing is, the rest of the class is generally quite weak so it ends up not being as oppressive as it could be. 



    Did you notice that

    1. They removed Mesmers instant stun (confounding suggestions trait)?

    2. Overcharged shot, staff 5 (on rev I presume), and deflecting shot are all hard CC?

    • Like 7
  5. On 5/2/2021 at 6:17 PM, shadowpass.4236 said:


    This blind spam build has been around for a while.  Probably won't get nerfed until more people abuse it in ranked.


    Here's a few videos showing the build:

    1. Poor warrior, he hit me 2 times in a fight that lasted 25 seconds cause I just kept blinding him.

    2. Full fight

    3. Watch how I miss SEVEN attacks in a row with quickness at this timestamp because of how frequently I get blinded.  6 of which were autoattacks I was spamming which is the fastest way I can deal damage outside of rapid fire + barrage.  Smokescreen OP


    I find it funny that he gives free sidenode decaps due to his own dodges stealthing him

  6. 5 hours ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

    deleting counterplay to the instant dazes was the worst decision anet could make for pvp/ wvw. also mesmer never would have waited for the overly long recharge count (like 24 secs cd for nothing else than a short daze? no thank you). even without f3 reset mesmer used both charges on demand (esp on daze mantra as interupt tool you cannot just braindead spam when using powerblock you used it when you needed to interrupt a keyskill in a keymoment) and then recharged the mantra to reset both charges after 12 secs without waiting for the overly long 24 secs ammo count recharge. mechanically its a buff or more accurate a dumb down of the mechanic by deleting counterplay to the instant charges and if this will be an overall buff (aside from the dumb down) or a cd overnerf deletion of interrupt gameplay on mes is still unknown and depends on how they fine tune the count recharge.


    24 secs for a short daze and a relating trait like powerblock which is already way more situational/ less consistent/ less permanent trait reward and with way higher skill and effort requirement for the player compared to other skills/ traits is just way too long to take mantra or powerblock compared to other utilities and traits. so gg for dumping down the mechanic and double gg if anet just overnerfs the cds and with that deletes interrupt gameplay from mesmer and with that the most interesting, challening and skillful playstyle this casual game had to offer. so if they dont reduce the ammo cd recharge to around 10 secs (what is a bit more cd then currently) then it means back to non reactive easy to play stealthspam oneshot for power mes and even more braindead spam on condi mes.

    They won't reduce count recharge

  7. 11 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


    I think you're underestimating a lot how many skill changes will impact sPvP/WvW. There is like 1/5th PvE only changes while the other 4/5th affect all gamemodes. (And out of the 1/5th, there is quite a lot of changes that normalize PvE numbers with sPvP/WvW numbers)


    All in all:

    - Elementalist: None of the change will really impact any gamemode (at best a slight overall decrease in dps everywhere).

    - Engineer: Buff everywhere. Overcharged shot no longer self knock down, alleluia! (this will greatly impact sPvP/WvW)

    - Guardian: Power will become more aggressive while condi will probably fade away. (nearly all changes will impact sPvP/WvW)

    - Mesmer: Staff and mantra will make a come back in sPvP/WvW with more reactivity and more defensive potential.

    - Necromancer: another gain of sustain in sPvP/WvW, this will make players cry in sPvP/WvW.

    - Ranger: Less burst, more CC. This will impact sPvP/WvW.

    - Revenant: the patch look like a PvE only one, but, in fact, it will increase the potency of both retribution and devastation in sPvP/WvW.

    - Thief: globally more way to apply condition but most build will miss the 3 extra point of initiative in trickery.

    - Warrior: Nonsense from begining to the end... But, overall in sPvP it will translate into a loss of burst potential and sheer condition resilience for a slight increase of sustained damage.

    why would mesmer mantra make a comeback when they just nerfed them?

  8. 8 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Well i guess there's an argument to be made that if only Chronos have access to Alacrity, you make them mandatory in every Raid (which is the ONLY CONTENT THAT MATTERS amirite?), so spreading it out to other classes mitigates that. But then, Raids are inherently broken because as soon as something gets "meta levels of X thing" like alacrity, it's going to still be mandatory and only one class will be good at it. At least make it then so that whoever has acces to certain boons, can distribute them equally, not make one class better at it than another because that defeats the point of trying to have build and class diversity in such content.


    And now Mirage can grant alacrity as well which is cool i guess, i see what they were going for, making the espec a bit more support friendly, and i like the idea of Staff being a support weapon, but they only gave Staff alacrity on ambush, meaning Chronos won't get it and now staff becomes a boon weapon only for Mirage.

    I mean, i don't want to seem ungreatful that Mirage is getting some love, but i think it's getting the wrong kind of love, and since this all only ever applies to Raids, it all seems so pointless in the grand scheme of things.


    Why balance the entire game around a niche content that the majority of players will never play?

    All they had to do to limit the power of Chrono in raids was to reduce or even completely remove its potential for giving alacrity to allies. It should never have been possible to give perma alacrity to allies.

  9. 6 hours ago, Jaykay.9641 said:

    I mainly play PvP/WvW, so from this perspective, I'm just confused/disappointed in these changes. Some thoughts:



    I get the reasoning why they are doing the no cast time build up change, but overall, I think this is negative effect. Unless Mantra of Pain has like a 5 sec CD for each charge, this is probably a nerf. For PvP, the cast time was a key part of counterplay, especially for Mantra of Distraction. Now enemies won't be able to interrupt the Mesmer cast time for these Mantras and overall, dumbs down the game in the name of simplicity.



    Nice change to Chaos Armor for consistency and lower CD. Alacrity on Staff Ambush for Mirage is so weird. This seems like they intended this to be PvE oriented but will actually be quite powerful in PvP imo; especially in WvW when one dodge isn't really that much of a problem because of food and concentration (for Vigor uptime) which can be stacked through the roof in WvW. Mirages will be spitting out Clones with Phase Retreat with Alacrity.



    On paper this looks OK, but if I'm reading this right, it looks like they put 2 staff talents on the same tier.

    • Chaotic Dampening: This trait has been reworked and renamed Chaotic Potency.
      • Chaotic Potency: Gain condition damage. Gain additional condition damage while wielding a staff. Recharge of staff skills is reduced.
    • Chaotic Transference: This trait has been reworked. Chaos Armor grants 3 seconds of protection. Gain regeneration for 5 seconds with a 15-second cooldown when gaining protection.

    Has this ever happened before? So if you go Chaos, on the major trait lines you have a choice between 2 staff talents. IMO, this is terrible design. I'm wondering if there is a typo on one of them and maybe they meant Chaotic Interruption to be changed instead. I'll miss the current Chaotic Transference has it really brought value to Rune of Undead.


    Also, I would love if the Chaos Armor talent for protection was changed to Chaos Aura for protection. This would be so awesome. Leap and Blast finishers in Ethereal fields give Chaos Aura and this could reward good players for using them for themselves or the team at critical moments.


    Overall, I'm disappointed in a PvP context. Hopefully they'll make some changes before launch to poor performing talents and skills/utility skills. Anyway, you'll find me rolling Celestial gear in WvW roaming now that it's broken.



    6 hours ago, Curunen.8729 said:

    This is a strange one, and yeah it would make sense if it was protection on all Chaos Aura instead.


    The only thing I can think of, given also the change to Illusionary Membrane is that the access to protection is reduced aside from random procs on chaos aura - so I assume they want to force a choice between more damage and faster cooldowns, vs more defence.


    The odd thing being that faster cooldowns on staff implies more defence anyway so it still is puzzling.

    It will be protection on Chaos Aura (not just staff 4).

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, JazzXman.7018 said:
    4 hours ago, Quadox.7834 said:


    i just saw its just the new forum format looking weird. you cant rly see what is a quote and what is the own post anymore (at least in your last post and when you quote a quote of a quote).

    I see what you mean, there is no quote block around what i quoted from you, there might be some bug with quotes-within-quotes in the new forum layout.

  11. 7 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    There are a few things that could have been done better, but overall I'm more happy about the contents of this patch than I've been about virtually every PvP nerf patch we've gotten since Feb 2020. 


    This is the kind of thing I like to see. New life given to underperformers (I've wanted to play Scrapper in PvE for ages), some new builds being given life (Mirage may compete for a slot with Alacrigade) neutered weapons being un-neutered (Engi Rifle), they finally nerfed holo and put some of that damage back into core. I have very few complaints. I'd like to see more of this. 

    They didnt nerf holo, in fact they buffed prot holo. We are on the PvP forums.

    • Like 2
  12. 29 minutes ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

    did they accidently delete your last answer and mark my post as yours? me confused

    Idk. Either way, it's pretty funny that they decided to take the effort to rework mantras but didnt touch any of what people found annoying about it.

  13. 46 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    or they should remove this stupid kitten slow trait and buff mesmer skills to compensate.
    I dont see power mirage or power core overperforming.
    oh wait, turns out quadrupling phantasms and giving like 25% dmg modifier will turn kitten skills into OP skills.
    who would have thought!

    Chronophantasma should be removed but not the slow trait. 10% crit dmg on slow is not really strong in PvP at all. I mean, Superiority Complex already exists (25% crit dmg). And Vicious Expression (15%). Only reason it can overperform in PvE is because stacking chronos let you have perma slow but this will never be the case in PvP. The obvious solution is to simply split the slow trait modifier.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Asking that from a Revenant, there's not enough AoE's to do so. Put one down, move 2 feet, countered.


    Same thing with Mesmer, people move 2 feet and they're safe.


    Now you look at what it entails to CC someone still you have way more options than putting one AoE that can be easily avoided.


    Torment like this is more in favor of the offender rather than the victim. In either situations the victim can also counter like before with movement while the attacker can keep the pressure.

    Depends on what you are facing, when I'm playing mes it is very easy to force me to move. Maybe not so much with degen kitten like scourge & decap druid.

  15. 31 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    they just flipped torment.
    it gets 50% buff for pve damage, and 50% nerf to pvp damage.
    so by default any pve build that uses torment gets stronger, and pvp gets a nerf.
    BTW they nerf chrono in pve since it has ridiculous 42,5k benchmark, but after the torment changes, rev will push out something in the ballpark off 45k, same thing with mirage.
    This entire patch is a sad joke.
    Other than QoL improvements, almost everything is fucked be it for pvp or pve

    And they inadvertently nerfed PvP power chrono as well by nerfing the slow trait. That should have been a split or something, or they should have just nerfed PvE chronophantasma to mirror the PvP version (i.e. 50% damage reduction) instead of touching the slow trait.

    • Like 2
  16. 34 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Torment changes are interesting, bad at first look however it's much easiest to keep someone still than make them move.


    Just IMO, I would willingly take Mallyx bursts entirely just to clear them shortly after because standing still was the better solution, if anything Torment has no real way of being any better, this is just an alternate timeline of it I'd say.


    In the end, Torment has better synergy with CC's now. If it could be a percentage of the movement. Chill and Cripple would see a better use too.

    You just put an aoe under their feet

  17. 6 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


    what people still used mallyx after the resistance nerfs? Pretty sure people went and moved to Sevenshot Renegades after that.


    Edit: According to metabattle, it's meta so i guess people still use it. Havn't played the game that much (i log on like once a month) so i suppose after patch we will have to see how mallyx fairs with those boon changes.

    Don't think it will be good after patch (not just bcs of resistance changes but because of the torment change).

    Go watch some AT vods on MightyTeapot's twitch if you want to see crev. It wasn't quite as good as prot holo or scourge but still very strong.

    • Like 2
  18. Yep. And of course you could say that "PvE is what most people play and what brings in the money", but many of these changes seem to particularly target high-end content such as raids (for example, the emphasis on PChrono), and we know that the overwhelming majority of players do not play raids - which is why they paused development on raids. So it seems to me that you can't even make this excuse. They didn't balance after what most people play, they balanced after mid-to-high-end PvE and almost nothing else. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not a PvE player.

    • Like 1
  19. 12 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:



    Mallyx was always already dead, ever since resistance had it's duration reduced to 1 second intervals and it's energy cost rocketed up into the atmosphere.


    Side note: Technically Rev has access to resolution via retribution line, the tanky dwarf spec.


    It was used in top teams in mAT and other tourneys, wtf u talking about

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