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Everything posted by Luna.6203

  1. Big mistake that they did not allowed existing accounts link to steam. Just like i was able to for example with path of exile account. For me personally gw2 is only game that is outside steam. I have literally one icon for gw2 and second icon is steam for every other game on pc. Even though i dont really care if i launch game via steam or not. That would pump their numbers and i would gladly link it together. Main benefit that i see in steam is ability to easily launch windows games in linux but thats maybe 1% or less playerbase. So nobody cares and you can always use lutris or take proton from github and set it in bottles manually. Even people that dont have exactly "10y old veteran account". Probably made their account at some point in past spend some time and money on it and now they are stuck outside steam. Only link option that we have is to twitch. What a garbage and waste of time watching that. What an age we live in where people rather watching someone playing and gibbering nonsense instead of playing them self. ... Anyway i remember when they delayed steam release so they can do it properly. Yet disability to link existing accounts to steam is big oversight im my eyes. And this is result...
  2. @Carnifex.3275 Exactly this!!! I play hFB or qFB as main but if group already have those so they want pure dps i just switch over to condi virtuoso.
  3. One bug that i experience a lot on firebrand is that if you burn your mantras to 0 for example in wvw than next time when cooldown ticks it show you 3 stacks instead of 1 than once youll use that wrongly displaying 3 mantra which should be 1 it show 0 again (make sence you had 1 not 3).. sometimes its really confusing. And it happning to me lot. For example when i play wvw for 2 hours as HFB.. there is always multiple occurrence of this bug.
  4. This is exactly the untruth i was talking about. Even though many professions got better burst. Yes! You can block it, dodge it, you can kite them, los them, reflect projectiles. As support you have tons of these. Your whole toughness come from these its not that u are passively thought not at all. Look if i were stading in middle of point in lets say 4v4 mid fight i would be deleted instatly. But take advantages of obstacles like pillars and boxes - hide behind them, jump on them. height difference can competly nullify capacity of hiting you. And just expose yourself for brief moment to support allies. For example look at bell at revenge of capricorn. Its small platform with boxes on side. U are completely fine to take fight 4v4 thanks to that boxes. exept bladesworn they hit you through boxes in fact they hit you everywhere near that point. there is no place to hide. you can take open space on one side (other than stairs) but there you expose yourself to all attackes.you dont want to do that either.
  5. Yeah what a fail right? In fact i fight 1vs2 or even 1vs3 as support all time? That was mistake right ? kitten i knew i was doing something wrong. Thank you all for advices. This whole conversation was extremely productive. Im super glad i made this thread no regrets.
  6. No idea where you get that i was 1v1 as support and winning. But sure why not.
  7. You told me to play BS and learn i told you i did. This doesnt change fact that profession can hit through wall and dodge so ofcourse i came here to kitty about bladesworn. I thought its obvious.
  8. Ohh sorry i didn't realize that . . . . . you wrote was an answer. Solved thank you. And thanks for extra paragraph about how to play support. After over 700 games played as guardian now i finally know how play support thx to you. I have no doubt you had good intentions. From duel stand point what you wrote was ok. Take poison.. OK if you have profession with that. You can also run away from objectives or even stay afk. Problem solved.. i mean it! If you stay afk in lobby or somewhere in corner of map in fact bladesworn wont kill you.. U are right and i accept that.
  9. Yeah ill make sure to bring some poisons as guardian. Yes you can run away. Dont go near points dont go for objectives like bell. That way they cant kill you thats true. Ive played basically all proffesion.. not all builds still i have over 2k games played. 641 as warrior - second highest. I know how they work. Really amazing tips guys. use poison, run away, gitgud. Anyway I saw video where guy dodged that dragon crap by dodging forward. OK but DONT pretend that is okay its obviously bug and should be fixed. Not to mention you cant always dodge forward. Im barely at open space as support. Its suicide. im always near obstacle. Dodge forward would be dodge to wall.
  10. @GeneralBM.5781 Honestly i have no idea what you talking about. what that means ? space yourself ? Please be real. Try it yourself made support and go to mid fight lets say 4v4 where two enemy bladesworns constantly charging at you. Youll be happy when you dodge when you spot their animation. You still have to keep eye on your allies/enemies. Their position hp and conditions. Rotate your skills and utilities to mitigate as many hits as possible and heal hits that lands. Almost all professions can kill you in two-three seconds if you dont dodge their burst - kite melee - los range - reflect their projectiles and so on.. There is always some counter play except bladesworn.. they dont care... U are behind box with aegis in middle of dodge roll. No problem!! They hit you anyway instantly cut half of your hp and keeps you stunned so they can finish you off. I mean seriously ?
  11. From support perspective i can see them charging their attack but there is nothing i can do. They just land their deadly attack no matter what. You cant block - even weapon block doesnt work You cant dodge/evade You cant blind You cant hide - it hits you behind pillar, boxes any obstacle with large margin. You cant kite them/stop them with staff 5. You cant really do anything. Everything mace block/sword blind, shield aegis, staff barrier, virtue, vigor and sigil of energy. utilities like advance! 100% ignore.. What the #%@! am i supposed to do ? Gw2 always been about dodges, blocks and other counter abilities, positioning and using terrain obstacles to your advantage. This profession ignores it all. I just dont get it... why this even exist ?!
  12. No offence. But if youve read whole post its pretty obvious that im not worried about firebrand at all. In fact.. It wont affect firebrand performance in pve in any way since as i said firebrand dont even use MoL in pve.. Despite of that they talk about fractals, strikes and raids this is pure WvW nerf and it will hurt ppl around firebrand more than firebrand itself. Enjoy.. And if they put other supports more in line thats good thing.. thats whole point of balance isnt it? Im not against it im up for it. I just wanted to point out that guardian is not only firebrand.
  13. even WvW ? Its just WvW where firebrand is mandatory because of MoL. Firebrand is not mandatory in fractals, strikes and raids because of MoL.. Firebrand in pve using feel my wrath. Anyway I wish there would be at least true shot movement change. That would give me some excitement. Its really depressing seeing only nerfs each path because of one powerful specialization while all others are unplaybale. Both power DH and power willy are bad and non-viable. Condi willy underperforming as well. Alac willy is inconsistent and non-viable. Every patch when i scroll to guardian with some excitement.. "lets see whats new for my main profession!" it like this: Guardian: Firebrand is still OP lets nerf it more.. Thats all folks.. next ☹️ ... I guess greatsword boost is nice. But staff damage in pve ? Why not but who cares ? Feel like youre wasting your developers time with things that arent issues. Like signet rework... what was the point they are used same way. Nothing chaged.. DH specialization comes with longbow. I think longbow should be boosted in pve to the point where its main weapon for DH not just open world meme toy. Like other specializations comes with specific weapon they actually using it most of the time. Willbender needs more power damage in pve. Maybe look at one handed swords. Alac willbender that cant generate alac when there is nothing to hit. And even if there is you have to hit like crazy to keep it up. Give condi willbender some compensation for damage nerf in last patch which was obviously intended to nerf firebrand. I mean i can understand firebrand nerf but please give us something else than just that firebrand nerfs. Its really sad at this point and gives me nothing to look forward. 😢
  14. Feel free to go to necromancer subforum and make suggestion about it. Willbender support in pvp ?! Ive never heard of it and its crazy strong you say ? I dont wanted to talk about pvp in this thread but Im really curious. Do you have any link to build or video of someone playing it ?? Yeah i have multiple builds on my guard but at end of day when i join group they want heal FB or quick dps FB. Nobody never ever wants anything else than FB. Even if they looking for alac couple of minutes and cant find any so i suggest them i can swap. HELL NO! stay FB! And its kind of okay cuz i made guard specifically because i wanted to be support mainly firebrand but occasional change would be welcomed and i would love alac role as guard and its almost possible .. almost. And if group already have heal/quick support and so they want just pure dps i just switch over to virtuoso. Better damage, fully range, easy to play and mesmer utils if needed. I cant really think of one reason why play willbender.. except if it has viable alac. This is why i urge them to fix alac willbender. Because in that case damage isnt that important although im not sure if it were enough.. I just hope so.
  15. About alac willy... If it were afterthought that you can throw some alac for fun here and there than its cute but it doesnt work that way in competitive pve environment. You either keep 100% alac or you doing as much damage as possible and dont bother with alac traits and F2. Simply u are alac support or pure dps. Also i doubt thats the case cuz in theory you can keep 100% alac. Even as healer who simply cannot hit as much as dps. Thanks to heal gear with concentration, boon sigil and rune with boon duration. You can keep 100% alac. If you can constantly hit something and thats the problem and only problem! It can be easily fixed ! Similar to F1 trait that can pulse aoe burn. F2 should pulse aoe alac. Its easy as that... problem solved. Sure there can be more tweaks like: Increase initial F2 alac boon duration little bit like 1 sec. Alac master trait could increase alac duration by some %. Maybe you guys can come with even better solution. But alac willbender is almost there just small tweak and it will work. Please make it happen.
  16. Willbender: 1) Condi willbender is inferior and clunky version of condi firebrand without utilities. 2) Power willbender got poor damage no utilities to group as well. 3) Willbender was obviously designed to be alac support yet it doesnt work. a) If you are alac dpswilly and you are in phase where you cant hit. You wont generate alac and boons falls off. Also damage is really bad. b) If you are alac healbender you dont hit target that often. You mostly rely on symbols while casting staff 4 or shout heal and so on you are not hitting! FIX: Make it so F2 just pulse alac regardless if you hit or not. -> Also besides of inconsistent alac its doesnt bring anything else just poor damage/heal. Noone even gives you chance. If i say im experienced alac-willy and i can do well. Nobody invites me. They think im trolling. Im not going to even talk about dragonhunter as alternative. There is only power dps build and its laying dead somewhere at bottom of benchmarks. That leave us firebrand as only viable option. Not because its superior dps or superior heal.. not even close. But because this does this for whole group: [25 x Might] [Fury] [Quickness] [Resolution] [Stability] [Regeneration] [Swiftness] [Protection] [Aegis] [Resistance] [Vigor] People still saying. Guardian is blue favored anet child.. There is new thread to nerf firebrand every 14 days or so. Most overpowered class since start of game.. 10 years! Non of it is true. In fact except firebrand boonboting there is nothing. I know feedback from forum is probably pointless. But i still hope that maybe just maybe there is 1% chance something will be done. At least i can say i tried. Please Fix alac willy this game could use more alac supports. Its EoD spec it should be your priority!
  17. Willbender is no longer meta. That OP bandwagon is gone. Not that its terrible how it used to be at start of EoD. But nerfs were significant. People that play what is currently top (as melee) play herald, spectre, bladesworn... What you see now are pople who like guardian as main and that include DH... no matter the meta.
  18. Hello, i wanted to finish race mentioned in title. Usually i don't have problem with races quite opposite i enjoy them. Usually when i see race i dont need guide i just do them ... may take few attempts to reach gold. But no problem at all. I have experience with all mounts all masteries done ofc. But in this case i was failing hard. So i watched multiple videos and i noticed they are way faster. Almost as they getting some kind of speed buff from flying through rings. I just somehow dont udestand grifon mechanic and doing something wrong or its bugged. Becouse im not even close to speed and height that i see in videos.. and i mean it not even CLOSE! i cant finish it at any rank. Last ring is just unreachable.. I tried it multiple times in multipe ways from multipe guides.. And just no. and as i said not even close by far margin i cant reach last ring and on other rings im far behind as well. And i have no idea whats wrong there.. any suggestions please ? Does anyone did it recently ?
  19. Exactly this.. I was really excited especially for wvw where your cursor is barely visible in large fights.. But i had to turn it off immediately when i realized click area is not at left-top corner. Maybe if outline were semi transparent.. Still probably no... overall blund shaped cursor is bad idea. Suggested picture is perfect except i don't like its bigger (height is increased for some reason) i would make it same size just pointy/sharp and click area should be exactly on top-left edge.
  20. Wow pvp seems fun without bots and afkers... People actually playing to the bitter end! 😮Instead go afk after first fight that isnt in your team favor. And than spam team chat how is everyone bad except player that spam chat while afk at base.
  21. I don't want to be mean but i'll be.. This thread is perfect example that feedback from forum is "trash folder" .. nobody cares. How hard it can be to change sound effect ? Or even less just reduce volume. Look how old this thread is.. how a super small chance would make people happy and yet nothing.. Its shame.. I saw video recently one of the famous gw2 youtuber how anet listen community.. You have to be youtuber or submit ticket or i don't know.. but talking on forum means nothing. Or that annoying sound is intended so no fix. Sorry for rant .. scepter is not popular weapon anyway.. not a big deal. Still shame. Only useful part of this forum is players helping players.
  22. Signet of resolve: Its good but cooldown 35 sec in pvp seems way too high. But its okay heal option now before patch it was useless. Signet of courage: In pve as heal support guard have to use feel my wrath. Try to join group.. Hi i'm heal fb without quickness but i have nice elite signet. Even if for whatever reason you would want extra burst heal instead of quickness. It has one minute cooldown. So it cant be used like staff-4(20sec / 16s). Even book2 is 42sec. This elite signet need cd like 40 sec max. Maybe even less heal and shorter cooldown. In pvp as heal support guard you have to use renewed focus. Every support need o'sh** button. Or youll be dead support. Activation heal you for 900 each interval with avatar stats. In game where people hit for 5-10k+ or spam conditions what eat you in 3 seconds, during the cast that is completely unprotected and roots you in place. There is large heal at end of it but I garantie you by that time you be interrupted or dead before that happens... probably both in this sequence. When it comes to wvw No stab. Can't move.. try in blob vs blob stop following tag for 2 seconds.. RIP. Not to mention you be kicked in 1sec once you don't provide stability for you party. ------------------- Also signet trait "perfect inscription" in radiance (damage trait line) I cant imagine on which build you could get there and pick it over righteous instincts or amplified wrath.. Now don't get me wrong signet rework is good. But now finish what you started and make it useful. Move perfect inscription somewhere so healer can reach it. Allow us to move during signet of courage cast. If its ment to be used in pve it need quickness (or some interation from firebrand trait that give quickness) and shorter CD. If its ment to be used for pvp than it need stab or invuneability and in that case cooldown should be high.
  23. It's not just spvp. Yesterday guy who is in my block list even with note so i remember what he did and why i put him into block list just joined my fractal group. I can understand it doesn't work in pvp. Match manipulation is already pretty bad even without this feature. But yesterday i learned blocking is completely useless overall in this game.
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