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Everything posted by Luna.6203

  1. So previous season i was playing mainly support. So didn't really care. But now for 2v2 i decided to play willy despite of nerf that affect only mobility and survivability ... damage is still good. In pve i give up on willy since his mobility is more annoyance than actually advantage and it make whole gameplay clunky. Also alac application on willy is pretty bad. But in this thread i want to talk about pvp specifically my experience from 2v2 and bugs that i found. Bug No.1 Renewed focus wont reset cooldowns on virtues. Its rare bug but sometimes it happens and it pretty devastating in competitive pvp. I can 100% confirm i get into inv. state than renewed focus go under cooldown but virtuaes cooldowns arent reset. Bug No.2 Virtue 1 stuck. I activate virtue 1 but instead of charging i get stuck on place. Virtues 1 goes under cooldown. Nothing happens except i just rooted my self on spot for duration of animation that doesnt kick in.. Total fail when you chasing target. (EDIT2: This is probably caused by immobilize) Bug No.3 Virtue 3 wont break CC. (i probally know why this happening) While CCed activating virtue 3.. you can hear sound virtues 3 goes onder CD.. but you wont move and still CCed. I believe this is caused because at beginning there is small animation and during that animation you are still vulnerable to any CC before stability kicks in. Unfortunately you cant control character during that animation so it kind of RNG. I dont even going to talk about "no valid path found" error spam. More i playing more i starting to recognize bugged places where dashes wont work ... despite of smooth surface, no visible obstacles. EDIT: Ohh and i almost forgot Bug No.4 at asura arena. When you fight someone on top of umbrella. Dash sometimes moves you bellow that umbrella even though you are booth upstairs.
  2. It's really funny how people hate firebrand on forum but love them in group. Hate is so strong that even when patch nerf firebrand people see buff. LFG is still filled with LF qfb /hfb. ๐Ÿคจ Yet! Mechanist is already better support. And drood and tempest seem really good as well now. Time will tell but yesterday i was doing t4/recs daily with drood heal and its was great. Anyway i swapped to my ritualist quick dps and there fireband was nerfed even though without arcdps i coudnt tell exactlly . But as long as i can provide quickness nobody probably cares about +-few% dps. And for pure dps i rather relog to virtuoso anyway. Since i really dislike willbeder in pve. So you don't necessarily need firebrand.. All mechanist, drood and tempest are viable. And that good thing. I think signet change is good.. Share signets was still something that only highly experienced group could take advantage off. Most of time as firebbrand i had to carry not that great group doing lot of mistakes that i have to heal through. One thing that i hate is mantra of solace. They removed aegis than they give it back in pvp/wvw. And now it seems like two different skills. Which is odd. And i really really dislike that approach. I understand when skill got a bit different duration or cooldown in pve vs pvp.. But when skill doing something entirely different ?! Not to mention heal is weak and aegis was compensation. Now its really poor healing skill in pve that is good only because of trait signergy for quickens.. For WvW nothing going to change. We were boonbots before we will be boonbots again. Not sure its win.. Im personally bit bored vomiting boons in middle of blob.
  3. It probably depends on graphic settings and monitor settings. But in my case this torch blob of light cause unnatural brightness hurting my eyes in already bright areas. It's also ugly if there were shade from character or something. Or effect would be suppressed in bright zones. But its just unnatural blob of oversatured colors. Dark areas are rare. And if you have situation like lion's arch puzzle you can take any aoe skill (bigger = better) which create big green circle under your cursor (targeting indicator). Hover mouse cursor over dark area and you have night vision ๐Ÿ˜ถ
  4. I dont see single torch in that list thus i don't know how this is useful.. Notable exceptions These items have a particle effect that includes a light or glow that does not illuminate the surrounding area: Beacon of Lightโ€” the glow effect when drawn does not add illumination. -- axe not a torch Emberglow โ€” the torch-like flame does not add illumination. -- scepter not a torch Firebringer โ€” the fire effect when drawn does not add illumination. -- sword not a torch Fractal Capacitor โ€” the rays of light and particles do not add illumination. -- back not a torch The Anomaly โ€” the rays of light do not add illumination. -- focus not a torch The Bifrost โ€” the rainbow footsteps, weapon animations, glow, and other effects do not add illumination. -- staff not a torch Warbringer and all preceding WvW Skirmish backpieces โ€” The flame effect does not add illumination. -- back not a torch Lightning Catcher, Sun Catcher, Wind Catcher and their Grand counterparts -- back not a torch The Cutting Edge and Holosmith's Sword - despite being lightsabers do not emit light -- sword not a torch Caladbolg weapons (excluding Broken Caladbolg) -- dagger, scepter, sword, greatsword, shield but not a torch For the following sets, the fire effect when drawn does not add illumination, except for the torch. -- except for the torch Fused weapons Molten weapons Royal Flame weapons Anyway 1st two replies in that thread resolved exactly what i was asking for. Sure, if know about any other torch without light source to surounding area. Feel free to share.
  5. @Khisanth.2948 @Inculpatus cedo.9234 Thank you very much! So i bought Seven Reapers Torch Skin. NO light! Pretty decent skin. Super easy to get BO on market for 15g. Pinnacle Flame is also nice. But i have 15 588 achiv points. And that torch require ~double. But definitely good to know... Maybe one day in future. Torch will be my 1st pick. Forgotten Brilliance Also good option to get rid of light i didn't know about. If there weren't Seven Reapers Torch Skin (easier/cheaper and prettier.) i would go for this one.
  6. Hey I've spent enormous amount of time to find torch that not cause light on surrounding area. If you ask google there isn't really much relevant links on that topic and lots of them are many years old. I cannot confirm it but it seem like there is spellfire torch. I found that one like 2-3 months ago and since than im checking gem store if i ever see it to give it shot. Someone also told me that dragon bash has no light source but i can already see in preview thats not true. Also there is lot of discussion about different colors and intensity. I thought maybe something dimmer could work. So far no luck and i tried a lot of them. Does anyone know about something ? it can be ugly and expensive as long as it won't cast any light around. Thanks
  7. Yeah this kind of worry me even more. Where one profession have to sacrifice half of dps/heal or even more for boon support and other can do 90% pure dps variant and provide same boon support. Ppl will find out quicky whats next meta and other proffesions will be unwanted again. Like i mentioned alac willy is already pretty bad and unwanted. Now when other professions gain easy access to alac this problem will only grow. Its good there is trade of for alac on tempest there should to be.. As firebrand i can lower my heal even more for example signet sharing to boost group dps, swap axe for mace for more heal but loosing fury uptime.. Mosly you want max boon/max dps and heal not an issue. right? Mechanist is exception and thats not fair. But regardless its step to right direction... right now tempest support without quick or alac is not viable at all.
  8. Ahh right... its fine.. you can always swap trait if more heal is needed and there will be other source of alac. After patch everyone will be able to do anything.. thats what anet aiming for. And yes firebrand will have to go ritualist dps or so... I think willbender need improvements on how alac is generated.. But thats not discussion for this subforum.
  9. @Serephen.3420 @Sunshine.5014 I think people dont care about raw healing in pve. Your on.1 priority as support is keep all boons on your party (that must include quick or alac). I think having both aura share and alac would be way too powerful and its fair you can chose one or another but not both. Problem is: You cant deal good dps and be alac at same time. But you can be good dps and provide quick. ...SO... You want heal with alac and dps with quick. ...SO... This change will make tempest better support than firebrand. Now imagine share auras on top of that.. that would be way too OP!!!
  10. This change has nothing to do with pvp.. Its for pve where tempest support/heal is dead. Heal without quick or alac has no place in current pve meta. Anet actually doing great job here. For pvp nothing going to change with this. Just ignore it and be happy for people who like healing as tempest in pve.
  11. Oh my ... It's happening! https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-june-2022/ Elementalist: Tempest will now be able to provide party alacrity, with a rework to their grandmaster trait Lucid Singularity. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅณ
  12. Even though gaming on linux is totaly posible these days. And huge respect for all people/developers that made it possible. Usually dx12/vulcan games runs as good as windows counter part. Sometimes even little better. When it comes to games/mmos with older engine that is heavily bound to CPU on dx9(11). Linux always deliver a bit degraded performance. From my experience: - Fist of all dx11 is huge improvement over dx9.(personally tested) Especially on linux BUT both linux and windows takes massive improvement using dx11. - Im personally using newest but stable version of wine unless there is problem than i downgrade version. (and there are problems often times) But using bleeding/cutting edge distro with newest kernel, drivers and wine is usually (not always) best. - As mentioned above use lutris release wine or very popular is: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases - Read comments here: https://www.protondb.com/app/1284210 ---> ppl share settings/tweaks/runners that may help to improve performance. - But best fix is will all respect and love for linux... Use windows for gaming. Gw2 is one of the games that at 1st launch at linux performance was terrible. After testing different runners and settings. I was able to get almost same fps as in windows. But almost! For example in WvW where my computer cant even keep solid 60fps and im glad for lets say 30-50fps with relatively smooth frametimes on windows.. At linux its about 20-40fps or less with stutter/very inconsistent frametimes (shader compiling). Another solution is to lower graphic settings on linux but i dont want my gw2 looks like counter strike 1.6 ๐Ÿคข
  13. Hey guys i should update this thread.. yesterday I raised ticket. GM responded me surprisedly fast. Like really right after i made it. In past it usually took few days to get response. So that was pleasant surprise. Anyway... Gm confirmed that i recieved chest. Even on which character. About 2-3 days before accident i were talking to my sibling about games.Who play what currently. gw2 expansion good, swtor expansion bad etc.. I also offered her my laptop to take a brief look before buy. On my defence. She declined to borrow it. But it turn out she did it anyway later. I don't have any passwords on laptop. Gw2 is on my task bar with autologin. And it just laying on my table while im not home. At end it was totally my fault. But the positive thing is... Even though i'm using gw2efficiency for long time to check prices i never made acc with api key until now and ist amazing. I was always manually logging over my characters one by one to find some items. This is game changer for me. Thanks again for this tip. And sorry for two stacks of cunfusion. SOLVED
  14. I play gw2 24/7 where would i get time to play other mmo ?! or do anything else at all ? ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  15. Thanks for tip. I did that. But no success. I guess it's time for contact support.
  16. Hello! I can't believe what just happened to me. Yesterday i picked Bag of Experience -> last but one from daily reward track. And today i received Bag of Mystic Coins the 1st in daily reward track. Completely skipped big Chest of Loyalty. I'm really double checking.. I was checking alts that i play frequently. And no and no big chest for me this month. Before i open ticket. I want to be sure i don't missing something ? Has it happened to anyone ? Any idea what whast going on ? Thanks for advices...
  17. EoD professions are overturned even in pve.. virtuoso is glass cannon though.
  18. [ looking at picture ] ๐Ÿค” hmm... ... got it! Team with warrior will lose match. Unless they are so good they can win 4vs5.
  19. No matter what they do you wont be happy. Even if they really put lot of effort with best intentions to this patch. I cant imagine one patch just miraculously fix all balance issues. Especially when nobody know whats going to change - nobody can test it - thus there is no feedback loop for unknown incoming changes. But lets hope it will be better. Despite what i wrote im really looking forward for new changes. Speed that i clicked on this clickbait thread is proof.
  20. As far as i know anet removed all 10 target skills with 5.There is one supp healer per group you are not supposed to pair with them u are supposed to replace them / compete for same spot... right ? ATM tempest stand no chance. Also im not talking about weaver at all.. weaver is great dps thus there is no problem to get into group. Same for cata with quickenss. And its completely different topic. BUT Reason why i picked ely (same as guard) is you can play support role. Exept i find out you cant. ๐Ÿ˜ž(in pve) Now a days machinist is only pve support whereas firebrand is also acceptable.. but even on heal fireband i have to go ritualist-dps-quick boonbot...because heal spot belongs to alac mechanist. And no way im going to play that ugly green ugly jade ugly bot. ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ You Ely veterans are probably used to it. But im really disappointed. Thats not what i expected. Although i knew there must be something wrong with ely heal since i dont really see support ely in pve at all.. Actually i rarely see elementalist overall. ๐Ÿค” I may be wrong but i bet giving tempest alac would be 100% fix.
  21. I started my journey as ely recently. So correct me if im wrong. Its amazing support in pvp i already have blast of fun after playing support guard for soo long. But without alac or quickness nobody wants tempest support in pve. I believe tempest need alac on grant aura trait or overload or something.
  22. This bothers me too. If there is person really bad, toxic, afk, abusing other players in pvp team. All of you playing pvp know these stubborn snowflakes. Afking in spawn area spam chat how others are so bad. Ironically but not surprisingly these are the ones who are bad and ruin game for others. Ofcourse you dont want to team with such player ever again. Almost all people in my block list are people from spvp for extremely toxic behavior or abusing whispers even from opposite team for winning. In pve you can block + add note to prevent invite in future. BTW try this in private/guild group ... these ppl would be kicked immidiatlly. But in pvp ? no punishment at all.. they may end up in you next game and ruin another game. But i can see problem. People would abuse such feature for match manipulation. Ideal would be allow players pick 5 teammates and sign up as team. But there is another problem you cant let 5 man premade go against 5 randoms. Only thing you can do right now is look at block list and wait until that players enters game and then sign up for next pvp.. Or sign up with same class as person you want to avoid. Game usually puts same class on opposite team. Than you can swap character before game starts. Though this do not always work.
  23. NO chance they gonna buff willy in pvp. Willy will be nerfed hard in pvp enjoy it untill you can.. untill balance patch hits. I dont give **** about pvp but phys skills are useless in general (pve) and nobody wants willy as alac support. I would like to see team alacrity on one phys util skill just like quickness on elite shout. So you can fill gap for moment where you cant hit and thus generate alac.
  24. @greedywholesome.9081 I dont play ele.. but i played with one. And i double checked (wisted swirl icon = tempest) not weaver my bad ๐Ÿ™„ really sorry i caused so much misunderstanding in this thread -> @Paradoxoglanis.1904 I think most of guards like me go mainly support. Cuz this is what matters most. If team already have support ill swap to willy or DH. Btw DH is actually good if you have support to boost your sustain a bit otherwise its way too fragile to my taste.
  25. I usually duoQ with friend.. This at least garantie one good player that i can support. But sometimes i just want fast daily and than i soloQ. Problem is if you team sux there is nothing you can do about it as support. You can carry group to certain degree but you know how it works in spvp bad players are usually 1st to afk and blame other for their own failure. Some people insist on avoid support at any cost and constantly die alone feeding enemy team with free points. etc.. If weaver is weak even more proof this thread is not true. Spellbreaker support is to me like an empty spot. No offence warriors. Even worse with empty spot at least you wont lose rating. And finally guard .. Its good no doubt about it. But try i!. Its not easy to kite two willbenders and los two harbringers each match while keeping eye on groupmates. But again it a lot depends enemy.. sometimes i can laugh on 4 enemies trying to chase me other time i have problem to survive one good player. Good teammeates around you makes huge difference too. Anyway ...I bet there is huge nerf comming to willbelbender and i hope it wont pull down core support with it. I wish heal firebrand would be viable though its much more versatile and fun to play.. But that's offtopic. I just wanted to show my disagreement with this topic. Thats it. bb
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