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The V.8759

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Everything posted by The V.8759

  1. I'm only going to speak for Engineer, as that is the class I have most experience with. Besides that, my 'complaint' is fundamental: Fundamental (not PvP only) problemThe role of Holosmith is undefined but too good at everything. It feels like the holosmith was designed as a condi/power hybrid. However, it turned in a crazy strong fighter: big damage with crazy ammounts of passive sustain. I have 2 problems with this: The sustain is too high, mostly due to heat therapy.It doesn't differentiate enough from scrapper, who is designed to be the melee/sustain bruiser. However, it does it wayy better than scrapper. My overall suggestion would be, to nerf holosmith's sustain, but buff his condi aspect and damage slightly. This would make him more of a glassy fighter instead of bruiser.Then some slight buffs (not much) to scrapper would make a clear different between those classes.
  2. This is actually such an amazing idea. Engineer has Always been that class that does weird combo's and switches. Allowing skills to combo with eachother sounds amazing and would make the skill so much cooler.From a practical standpoint, it would be best if it interacted with current coded stuff, instead of coding new things to abilities. Therefore I would say it should synergize with fire fields. Something like: Oil ShotCoat an area in oil, crippling enemies and coating hit enemies with the "Oiled" effect. The Area then remains for 4 seconds, crippling enemies each second.Applying burning to an "oiled" enemy, consumes the oil and applies x ammount of burning".Whenever a fire field touches the oil stain on the ground, the oil gets ignited and creates a new fire field, extending the duration of the field by 2 seconds and changing the crippled application to burning
  3. Overall, I would say a definitive 'yes' to these changes. Pry bar can indeed use the slight bit of damage. However, the grenade change is the most important to me. As a mostly PvP player, I just get sad that I'm locked out of grenade kit, simply because the trait is required in order to be useful. I would rather like to see a trait that allows a certain playstyle to be just enhanced. It's a big no to me. Mortar kit is mainly for providing combo fields over a large battlefield. not for a damaging auto attack. Besides, the fact that it moves slowly at the moment, means that the arc is quite large, therefore being able to shoot it on top of elevated places (WvW walls).
  4. According to wiki:Skills with a movement component, such as Savage Leap, or that block, evade, or make you invulnerable for a duration, like Crystal Hibernation or Renewed Focus, are not affected by quickness.Most skills that block or evade that have an attack component, such as Blurred Frenzy or Shock Shield, are affected by quickness, though there are exceptions, such as Unrelenting Assault. I tested this, and it is affected by quickness.
  5. Fair, applied force might still be useful.However, I just feel like there is barely any synergy within and with other specs for Scrapper.
  6. Hey! I recently started playing again after quite some time. I've been on and off, hoping PvP was a bit alive again, but shocker, it ain't. I'm an engi main, and started looking at builds again. I've fallen in love with engi back in the days when soldier's amulet was mandatory on engi. Quite some time ago. So what do I play now? I looked at holo, but that's not my playstyle. I'll go warrior if I want to be swinging swords at people while having crazy sustain. But luckily there is core and scrapper. I used to play scrapper quite a bit, so let's go! Gyro's are wells now, great! Awesome improvement! Then I look at the traitline... What a mess! Here is a list of what I noticed (focussed on PvP): Impact Savant: The fact that this trait is so focussed on strike damage, shows how much this line blocks out any condition builds. Just why do you make this a mandatory trait for scrapper? Make this a GM trait or something so that condi builds don't get this useless piece.Superspeed: Scrapper used to have so much sustain with Rapid Regeneration. Now that that is removed, why on earth do I want so much superspeed? 5% damage increase is fun and some extra movement, but for a spec that is so focussed on giving superspeed, give us something that is worth using superspeed for.System Shocker: The improvements, are quite worthless. In PvP, stability is handed out so much that daze duration doesn't matter. We get perma swiftness anyways, and bolts are just meh. Maybe actually increase their effect? 2 stacks of vulnerability instead of double duration? Stun instead of daze? idk, but make it more useful.Appied Force: Quickness is shit on almost every scrapper build. Why would you want to have quickness on hammer? So that your block lasts 0.75s shorter? So that your reflect lasts 0.5s shorter? Great. On condi builds, why. The trait gives improved power, again, antisynergy.TL;DR: The traitline is too focussed on one single niche. Make superspeed feel actually worth using, and free other builds by not limiting it to power.
  7. Another thing I'dd add to the list is impact savant. It should be 20 or 25%, and be optional in the traitline somewhere. As a minor trait, all scrappers have it automaticly. 90% of engineer barrier access is on engineer. Therefore, its barriers are balanced already to incorporate 15% extra. Besides, scrappers can be built without barriers aswell.
  8. Btw, I'm back in Holland after three months of traveling in a week. So I'll have my gaming pc again. I would love to play some games with you man if you're up for that
  9. Agreed that its from the daze on gyro destroy era, but honestly, Scrapper is already fine for open world PvE since.... Basicly every build works there. Therefore I think mainly the weakness applying is still important to hold in the game, since Scrapper main design is to be a bruiser, which is mostly PvP oriënted. If we include launch in the trait, it could be fine, assuming they also buff Spinning Gyro and Spare capacitor. Then scrapper would have Thunderclap, bomb Gyro and spare capacitor that could proc it. Also rifle could proc it if you dont want hammer. Or alternatively, you could go further and say "applying CC or removing a stack of stability applies weakness." EDIT: My proposed trait would actually synergize well with hammer. Since you have 3x daze aswell when leaping through a lightning field. That field is on Hammer already but can also come if traited gyros
  10. The more I think about your suggestion, the more I'm temped to not like it. Think about it, Engineer has good condi removal in general (allthough reliant on a few traits). The weakness invuln would mainly be useful in PvP/WvW, where I would rather just cleanse it and apply weakness on the enemy. So what I suggest is the following: Perfectly Weighted: (Adept)Hammer skills deal 10% increased damage. Stunning or dazing a foe applies weakness and vulnerability on them Mass MomentumEvading an attack gives you stability (4s, 8s icd), gain might when you have stability And then there is the spot open for the gyro trait you suggested without removing Expert Examination. It would also make the trait lines more logical as it was intented in the first trait makeover: Top: Superspeed lineShocking Speed - Rapid Regeneration - Final SalvoMid - Offensive linePerfectly Weighted - Mass Momentum - Applied ForceBot - Barriers/protectionRecovery Matrix - Gyro trait you suggested - Adaptive Armor
  11. Thanks! Also re-worded Mass Momentum suggestion: Mass Momentum - Currently: Gain power based on your toughness, gain might when you have stability. New: No longer gain power.While under the effects of stability, Hammer attacks can no longer be glancing hits, gain might. Hmm I dont know about this one though. Having two traits on Hammer just seems weird to me to be honest. Maybe it would be better to merge the stab on dodge with might gain and the 10% damage increase with glance invuln
  12. Hey! I've recently came back to the game and I'm happy to read this post (and initial post about restructuring). This leaves me with a few questions however regarding the mechanics of Guilds and world transfers. The post mentions, when there is capacity between 90 and 99%, you can join if you are in the respective WvW guild. Now, my question is, how is WvW guild defined? My guess would be through the preferences of your guild missions, but how about PvX guilds? Or a PvP guild that likes to do WvW every now and then as a guild event. Could anyone clarify this? Aside from that, I've been playing with someone I met in game for years now. We always PvP'd together and we wanted to roam together in WvW aswell. I'm on Far Shiverpeaks and we decided for him to transfer to my server. I even paid half of the gold to support him. Problem however was that the server was full. Which shouldn't be a big problem since people come and go on servers, and a spot will be free some times. However, to my shock, there is no que system! You just have to be lucky when pressing the transfering button! Is that something that can be changed? Something like this: 100%: Can't join and player gets in a que. Players who are in a WvW guild from that server get prioritized in the que. Lastly, how does account inactivity work with servers? I imagine there are accounts that haven't been active for months on full servers. Can such an account be untied from servers, opening a spot for people who want to join a server? Or is there already such a system? If so, where is the line?
  13. I just read this post and it should stay on top. So bump
  14. I am far from an experienced revenant player, but the things that keeps me away from playing it, is the lack of build diversity. I tend to play around with builds myself, make new things, it's a very large part of this game. Revenant lacks this extremely due to very limited choice in skills. Once I choose a legend, I'm bound to certain skills. So in order to make revenant more viable add more skills. I understand from a design point, that this isn't the revenant 'feel'. But it's possible to tie skills together. Example: Pain Absorption = Riposting Shadows = Inspiring Reinforcement = ....New skill = New Skill = New skill = .... If you get my point...
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