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Everything posted by anonymous.7812

  1. BG paid for a lot of guilds back in the day too. Speaking of control ONS and TW both had alts guilds on the other two t1 servers to prop them up. Let's not pretend BG is innocent. Please just stop, just last week fought bg on mag and they were using siege like they were ex yb players, guys up on smc outer wall building multiple balistas to hit the group fighting below by the ne sentry while bg had a decent zerg running and multiple treb fire and mortars, it was sad. As soon as you got anywhere near smc the trebs would be firing with pretty good precision, like these guys had a ton of practice on them. Then when we had smc and fighting in the sw area you'd have guys building multiple open field balistas to fire on players. Just because you're roaming in no mans land and don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Yes, some guilds on BG did the same thing....Thats my point. People LOVE to hate on BG, but everyone still wanted to be the next BG and control T1. No one so far has been able to and everyone is salty about it that now most people just hate on them because they have managed to have a more evenly distributed coverage. Was in the matchup and didn't see any of that, I was in EBG then because Mag almost only fights or defends EBG, they will let their BL fall to waste before leaving EBG (old long time Mag player here) so their BL was empty of most fights. I can also say the same thing when pushing your keep, I don't think I have seen so many ACs going at once. Again, people like to claim so and so server does soooooo much siege, while ignoring or not seeing how much their own server does use. Like I said, EVERY SERVER uses siege, and they should, it's there for a reason. And if siege use is your only complaint of BG, which can be applied to every server, well, not sure why the hate for BG. I see what happens, roaming means I am all over the map, I scout etc as well, and just because I said I 90% roam doesn't mean I am never with the zerg, or just happen to be in the same area, where I will go and pick off back liners from the other side, free bags are hard to say no to. Worth repeating as I am sure the bandwagon calling is coming again, but I am on Kaineng, not BG and was there before the link, I also have 6,000 gems sitting in my account not being used on anything and didn't transfer when BG was open. And I have fought against BG many fold more times than I have been linked with them and when I was on BG it was before they were T1. Maybe it's because I have server hopped so much and been on every NA server at some point, that I understand the servers are mostly the same, with the same amount of siege use etc. It's also specific people, and guilds that do it as well, most people on most servers (with very few exceptions today) don't even bother to use siege. And other than attacking, I almost never see tags drop siege anymore, back in the day as soon as a keep was capped the tag on most servers went around and dropped siege everywhere for people to build before moving on. But, to sum things up, people cry that BG is to big, and has queues all day long, then that is proven wrong. Then it's coverage (it is) that is demonized, which shouldn't be, it should be a goal for all servers. And then it devolves into "OMG BG uses ACssssssssss!!!11!11!", let me just say if your server doesn't understand basic siege clearing, and just bashes it's head on the gate while being rained on, it has bigger problems. Hah, BG wins matches because they have more players who play at all hours. That is all. BG player's only skills are at gaming the system, buying guilds, and cheating. That is all. Not something to be proud of for sure. Most people have zero respect for the players on BandwagonGate and for good reason.You're wrong on all counts. That is all. But you know what? If it makes you feel better to blame everything on the big bad BG, you go girl
  2. I'm sure the less than $10k will keep Arenanet afloat for years to come!
  3. Grid AND party view at the same time !? Holy Sh-- I've been wanting that a long time.
  4. BG is low pop (hours played) compared to SF and FA, and winning a matchup has no bearing on a servers fullness. The tinfoil hats in here are always hilarious when BG opens.
  5. If you run with Arc you'll see the difference. It's not usually the ping that spikes, it's the 'R' value that will either spike up or down - that's the true skill lag. That's server side, and now with 2 full server groups fighting you'll get it. It used to only happen when all 3 sides fought. I think our Amazon virtual boxes had some ram and CPU downgrades.
  6. Years back the best SEA guild is TPA. AHMA? Never heard of them then. Please take a few miles queue behind. TPA lol
  7. Cool it Jayden. FC and BP have a few large guilds 2v1 on BG. Once they get bored of their unholy alliance, the skirmishes will be back where they should be. Losing Cookie will be a minor bump long term. Also, thanks for turning it into a matchup thread, locking will be soon. What Alliance? Maybe because you Guys cant take a loss? Or maybe you Just not used in the red team playingWhat loss? Red and Blue are already stopping playing as is always the case. Weekend warriors..
  8. You meant your server as in BG not as you as an individual and if you don't think calling someone rude and arrogant is bad mouthing then I can't help you. Your currently on a 12 skirmish losing streak so it's not a cookie problem is it? Are you on Kain or some kitten cause you don't seem to have a clue. You don't run with his zerg but your on the map hearing him say stuff so yeah not helping I guess. Maybe you should leave the map. Cool it Jayden. FC and BP have a few large guilds 2v1 on BG. Once they get bored of their unholy alliance, the skirmishes will be back where they should be. Losing Cookie will be a minor bump long term. Also, thanks for turning it into a matchup thread, locking will be soon.
  9. 50 seconds of stealth for full zerg without having to have a lot of mesmers or engies -- at least it's funny for a little bit.
  10. Matchup thread, but anyways -- we've been asking for adjustments to not limit when transfers are taking place, so we don't have stacking (or unstacking) for 8 weeks after relinks. This has been the norm on NA since links. Unfortunately Anet won't take any time away from alliance work, even if it might not take much work. So we have this mess for several more months (or more)..
  11. Calm down EU. There's still 6+ days to enjoy the event. Or not enjoy it, if it's terrible. At least we get SOMETHING. We're not exactly used to that, take your scraps and be grateful.
  12. Can confirm - not crashing constantly, but randomly. I've had 2 crashes today in ~5 hours.
  13. Primordus Virtus aka Jarvan's RISE .. pretty sure they're the only RISE that anyone would reference in the WvW forum.
  14. Most reasonable people would prefer that they were gone as well, they never really asked us if we wanted them. That aside, OP can follow my advice - ask them to stop in map/team chat, request others do the same. When that's ignored - create support tickets with details, encourage others to do the same. Follow up the tickets when the troll continues abuse. Honestly we should at the very least be able to put rank requirements on the tactivators to make it harder for trolls to create new troll accounts.
  15. It's been a while since I checked, but when last I did the EULA didn't mention asking permission of Duckgirl or Anonymous before pulling a public use tactivator. The OP consisted of much more than pulling tactics to troll - though, if repeat offenders are asked to not pull them when needed, and they continue to do so - a vacation from the game should be on the table. It's directly interfering with others' enjoyment of the game through mis-use of game features, and that is violating the Rules of Conduct (not a EULA) and under ArenaNet's discretion may result in account action. These are facts whether you believe them or not, and they've been used to suspend access to accounts I've personally observed.
  16. Create support tickets with as much information as you can glean. If you have recorded video of the trolling mention that in the report. Encourage other players on your server to do the same. ArenaNet will reply that the 'best' way to report them is with an in-game report. Ignore that. That's a copy-pasta that they're forced to send back to you. They will ONLY action trolling accounts through the support website, and I'm 100% sure of that, as I have multiple instances that support this. Don't give up hope, it might take a few tries. You can expect up to 3 months for the first few cases, and 6 months next. Afaik, they will never perma-ban repeat offenders, for whatever reason. Players need to shun behavior like this, instead of celebrating this toxic behavior ( talking to you that call the troll 'cute' or 'it's so boring when Mr Troll is banned' )
  17. There are some instances where Benevolence will edge Life for ally healing -- if you're stacking healing/outgoing healing though -- Life is almost always better.
  18. Okay, so we're throwing BS around now?The prices of a lot of materials went down because they literally rain down in PoF and S4.Did you know you can buy bags of T6 mats in any of the S4 maps? And that you can rake up 20-40 rares per cycle of Istan?I have ZERO reason to believe the market crashed from a bunch of afk farmers instead of a few maps designed to create literal tons upon tons of ex-valuable resource Scroll down past that, you'll see I clarified that I meant Engraved Totems, not Elaborate Totems (T4, not T6). Ooh right, apologies.Well.. can't beat 'em, join 'em, i guess T4s have gone down in price because T6s have. It's called Laurel->T4 conversion. When T3 or T4 are the most profitable, that's what people buy. I do not believe there's a single other (big) reason. T4 farming would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list. Yeah, January last year they were worth 8s or so, they spiked up to 20s for some reason (new legendaries maybe) and it seems like they're adjusting back down. I doubt it's all that much to do with AFK farming though. A slow down in the introduction of new legendaries, maybe? No it's what I said, T6 dropped, so T3 and T4 became better to buy with laurels, slowly dropping prices for both of those tiers. The big spike was Legendary Armor released, little spikes were probably a new weapon. Ah, of course, that makes sense, there were spikes when they added the WvW and PvP armour too. I suppose some people had enough tokens and tickets saved to begin creating those, or else it was speculators. Yeah.. also way less people made WvW/PvP armor -- and if they did, it's spread out a lot more, since the PvE people were sitting on their tokens for many months.
  19. Okay, so we're throwing BS around now?The prices of a lot of materials went down because they literally rain down in PoF and S4.Did you know you can buy bags of T6 mats in any of the S4 maps? And that you can rake up 20-40 rares per cycle of Istan?I have ZERO reason to believe the market crashed from a bunch of afk farmers instead of a few maps designed to create literal tons upon tons of ex-valuable resource Scroll down past that, you'll see I clarified that I meant Engraved Totems, not Elaborate Totems (T4, not T6). Ooh right, apologies.Well.. can't beat 'em, join 'em, i guess T4s have gone down in price because T6s have. It's called Laurel->T4 conversion. When T3 or T4 are the most profitable, that's what people buy. I do not believe there's a single other (big) reason. T4 farming would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list. Yeah, January last year they were worth 8s or so, they spiked up to 20s for some reason (new legendaries maybe) and it seems like they're adjusting back down. I doubt it's all that much to do with AFK farming though. A slow down in the introduction of new legendaries, maybe? No it's what I said, T6 dropped, so T3 and T4 became better to buy with laurels, slowly dropping prices for both of those tiers. The big spike was Legendary Armor released, little spikes were probably a new weapon.
  20. Okay, so we're throwing BS around now?The prices of a lot of materials went down because they literally rain down in PoF and S4.Did you know you can buy bags of T6 mats in any of the S4 maps? And that you can rake up 20-40 rares per cycle of Istan?I have ZERO reason to believe the market crashed from a bunch of afk farmers instead of a few maps designed to create literal tons upon tons of ex-valuable resource Scroll down past that, you'll see I clarified that I meant Engraved Totems, not Elaborate Totems (T4, not T6). Ooh right, apologies.Well.. can't beat 'em, join 'em, i guessT4s have gone down in price because T6s have. It's called Laurel->T4 conversion. When T3 or T4 are the most profitable, that's what people buy. I do not believe there's a single other (big) reason. T4 farming would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list.
  21. Charged lodestones were over 6g a piece a year ago at the time AFK farming took an upward trend. It does effect the economy. No they weren’t. The highest that they have ever gotten was a little over 4G briefly near the end of 2014. They were less than 2G a year ago. Not only that, but the ONLY thing that significantly dropped the price on these are Pact Scout's Mapping Materials. Probably 10,000x more impactful than a few idle-farmers.
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