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Everything posted by anonymous.7812

  1. I've only ever seen SoS win fights on SEA/OCX when most every other server has 10 players online. If you're looking for NA pugmanders, avoid SoS like the plague. If you're into grossly outnumbering people on SEA/OCX, and fighting a lot of doors, yeah SoS is probably fine. Not BG player btw.
  2. The current Chrono meta is getting very stale, very fast -- hopefully @Cal Cohen.2358 has something up his sleeves in a month or 2.
  3. Durability. Have your support classes stack those. The extra healing isn't as important as high uptime on resistance and protection.
  4. So you're out there dominating FA guilds on SoS with a bunker SB ranger. Are you playing late SEA/OCX/EU or something when there's 3 people playing?
  5. Yeah staff Weavers suck, please buff them! They definitely do really really low DPS and definitely need many buffs. Thanks Arenanet!
  6. I got one on one of my accounts as well. It's real - it goes to qualtrics. It was a survey asking if we knew what the combo system is, and how much we use it / like it. They're still trying to gauge whether or not to continue to support this system. They've been patching out combo traits/runes etc. Removing that system will likely just lower the skill ceiling a ton and dumb-down the game quite a bit, which is not fun at all.
  7. Make any argument you can, but every time they do this event with BONUS REWARDS even -- the population on all of the maps I see plummet. I see very few queues throughout the week. I mean -- WHY would Anet even begin to entertain this suggestion? Bringing players to the game mode is their goal, not alienate the masses. Sorry minority, it's just the way it has to be. The compromise of throwing it in EotM is about the closest you'll get.. but that's real doubtful.
  8. Change is scary guys! Please don't change! But also please fix the game! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well good thing Warclaw comes with a default skin, huh?
  10. For a reskin of a skin that only costs 400 gems. 90% of all mount skins are reskins, especially for 400 gems. The rest is more than made up with the remaining rewards in the track. Your point? What remaining rewards? :D1 BLC key all 6 mount minis (valued at around 1.5g each, which means an immediate return of around 7-9 gold)1 BLC ticket (in form of 10 tickets scraps), another 25-50 gold depending on which skin you chose7 Mystic Clover (another 30 gold value in legendary crafting materials)3 boxes of Season 4 map materialsrandom other loot The 200 gold price tag was to be expected. I'm sorry players once again got their hopes up for "free stuff". Anyone who spent 1 minute on looking at past reward implementation and tried approaches would have expected a price of 100-200 gold (based on gem value of regular mount skins). I was actually quite surprised there was that much extra stuff in that track. Honestly, I'd be rerunning that track for 100 gold even without the mount skin. no skin is worth 200g for me especially mount skin id probably wouldnt even buy a mount skin for 1g. Sure, you are not forced in getting it. It's optional. i know its but people like moi we do mainly WvW barely look on TP and just dump everything in bank or leave it in inventory do not even make close to 20g a week well i dont tbh since i dont even bother with dailys if i get them done nice if not cool also. anyway i know im a expection but wvw doesnt yield kitten load of gold i think 200 is over the top.especially when new mount skin is actually ugly as hell :x Yeah, not buying it. I WvW a lot, it certainly is not as lucrative as high end PvE farms (which yield around 20-30 gold per hour), but it's far from where you are suggesting it's at (or you simply afk at spawn for pips, and even that rewards more than 20 gold per week) . If you are dumping everything in bank, you have valuable resources which could be converted to gold. Even without that though, WvW nets more than enough in gold for vets unless you spend gold left and right, which would be a spending issue and not a reward issue. Back in the day, circa 2013 iirc we calculated what a WvW player makes per night and after siege it was around 1.5 - 3 gold. This was based on a play time of 2 hours per night with a guild. So for a guild like mine that does 4 nights a week that is 6-12g per week for a flat 8 hours of time. That was before reward tracks. Now we get so much kitten to sell you should be making waaaaaaaayy over 20 g per week. I make my old 2013 earnings now in just merchant fodder.Is WvW lucrative or a valid way to earn gold? Absolutely not. But 200g is obtainable. I think the bigger argument should have been that the build changes are going to cost us all a lot of gold to implement and it was perhaps short sighted of them to make the track 200g with that in mind... or perhaps they wanted one thing to still be on someones bucket list next week. It's around 6-15g per hour depending on luck of drops and if you're running boosters. 200g is really not much, even to a wvw player, if they play a lot. If you're casual.. sure.. but you've already got a mount skin.
  11. Unless something has changed recently - it's been LIFO (Last in, First Out) for quite some time. HoT condi meta consisted of stacking boons after your Rev uses resistance to ensure your resistance didn't get stripped. Double check your testing, I'd be very surprised if this has changed - and I'd imagine it's a bug if it's so.
  12. It's very rare.. out of my 8 accounts.. it's probably happened less than ~10? times, out of thousands of boxes.
  13. Remove all of the banners, they bring no interesting content to the game. They're only fun for the special person that runs around with it ruining fights.
  14. Tempest healer will be just fine. We still have 10-man shouts. Nerfs across the board - condi might come back as meta and we're very good at clearing them. Unwarranted doom and gloom before actually trying the patch. Please post non-biased feedback in the thread so Cal can make tweaks if needed.
  15. Cal, If you can before the patch, please also look at Siege damage and health, since our damage will be nerfed against them. Also - for the love of jebus - Banners. At the very least Dragon Banner, it's not getting nerfed based on these notes, but should be.. it has strong CC and pretty good damage currently - it'll be abused to high heavens if this goes through. It also triggers traits, which is always fun getting immob'd when bannered.
  16. One thing that's concerning: nerfs to the revive skills -- but Warclaw can still stomp. Please remove that ability from Warclaw, it encourages people to not play, but to wait for downs sitting on their kitty.
  17. Don't do it then, they make it annoying to drive off the weak willed. Everyone else uses a macro.
  18. Necros need it a little more, and they are STRIPPING so that you can DPS. If your commander isn't supporting you, that's on them, unless there's already too many DPS eles in squad. In that case, you're best to stay back and just help, OR switch classes. YOU NEED TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE TAG. 3/50 too many? I communicate with my tags all the time. And they are almost all the same: no support for eles (unless there is a real oversupply of fbs), but complaining about lack of ranged damage when the unsupported eles get taken out right at the start or can't perform because we are busy dodging the red mess. 3/50 suggests that there's 10 full subsquads. If you're not getting support, there's not enough for each subsquad. They need more support players, perhaps switch to one. Either way, it's the commander or lieutenant that decides subsquads. They are putting you in with more self-sufficient classes, like warriors and cough rangers. You're too reliant on pub-tags. Time to find a guild who'll put you with full support subsquads.
  19. You mentioned a server name, why wasn't this thread closed for match up, like the others?
  20. @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said: Necros need it a little more, and they are STRIPPING so that you can DPS. If your commander isn't supporting you, that's on them, unless there's already too many DPS eles in squad. In that case, you're best to stay back and just help, OR switch classes. YOU NEED TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE TAG.
  21. there is one ele player on my server who usually does more damage than the the next 3 non-weaver players combind. That guy is a MONSTER. support? what support? Most coms put us in our own party with 0 support. If we are lucky we get a tempest - which has to stay with the tag, so you are on your own again. You need to learn to flank and not stand in red circles. Which makes all the complaining of the scourges even more hilarious. They get their fbs and revs to protect and boost them and they still cry about their cruel fate . . . Find another com, or join a guild that will support you. Weavers can stay with the tag quite a bit however, if you're properly supported. Point blank Weaver AoE can really hurt in a melee ball comp, too. Typically you don't see more than 1-2 damage eles per 25 though.
  22. 1,3,5 in water heal. Tempest brings a lot of clears, heals and CC. Best immob spammer out there. Definitely good in large group play. Fathom people not playing pve.
  23. Yes this is fine in unorganized pug blob fights. Any decent organized group puppies all over pirate ships.
  24. This was intended. Control abilities on Rampage are not supposed to do more than a few damage. Only the damage abilities are supposed to do normal damage.
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