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Seth Moonshadow.2710

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Everything posted by Seth Moonshadow.2710

  1. But are you currently able to or not? Also, my reset was 3 hours ago. I don't think there was an update? My wife said she didn't see one on login. Actually on edit I noticed the build was the same for both errors so no new update.
  2. For the last 20 minutes now I have been unable to log in to guild wars 2. I can successfully log in to guild wars (1). After three attempts to log in the login exe crashes. If I try an alternate account the same thing happens. My wife was already logged into guild wars 2. She remains logged in. One of our other two can get logged in but the other one has the same problem I am having. We are getting both Server and password errors, our credentials are set to remember. Build: 147095 error: 11:1000:7006:1262 AndError Code: 42:1001:9001:4457 For those thinking it no I've not had any account issues by Anet as the last email I received from them was "WvW and fractals and dragon bashing–oh my!" Any ETA?
  3. No it's not! They have a standard "Expansion" system of items included with expansions: Compare What isn't on that list is items for near Max Level accounts (have max number of characters slots, 71 level 80 characters). I'd like to see more "Your Choice" Gem store/Black Lion gift items included with my purchase. Instead of 4000 gems toss in two or three "Your Choice" Gem store/Black Lion selection gift! 3 for ultimate, 2 for deluxe, and 1 for standard plus what they would normally include.
  4. Exactly! I think they should have, by now, ended their "Exploring" phase of what they can do with the code and game and should have a VERY good idea of what they SHOULD be doing! This "we’ve put a renewed emphasis on developing Guild Wars 2 with a player-centric approach" statement in different forms keeps coming around. I just hope they do actually return to the original Manifesto put out by Mike O'Brian The question is are they going to "STICK WITH IT"!? What they have laid out CAN WORK !
  5. I can see paying $103.96 ($25.99 one for each of us) per year. But if they are going to produce more each year, they need to make $$$, then I don't really see that as being sustainable for us. $25.99 is a fare price IMHO for 3 maps (two at the start, one later), some story, and repeatable content (events, meta, Champs). "New Rewards" not so much once my legendary collections is complete there isn't much left in the game to do except my favorite part: Map exploration & Completion, Events, Champs, World Bosses, Meta Events, and Festivals. For many the game is still JUST a GAME and not a second of even first job! A form of Entertainment. When it becomes WORK then we will find other forms of "Entertainment". "Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives pleasure and delight." When that no longer applies it's time to go. Keep the "Challenges" in the areas that WANT THEM, Strikes with challenge motes active, Fractals with challenge motes active / T4, RAIDs (if those are still a thing?) with challenge motes active. PvE doesn't want to just #1 that's true, but you know the level players want. Stop trying to change players and embrace them. In other words make that first run/instance PvE level and the more difficult/"meta" style play for the "Challenge Motes"! After all The name says it! I'd also like to see this included: I think the biggest mistake from the post was lack of information regarding price point and planned frequency of Release/Expansion cycle. Given that those have been very unstable over the years from 3 week releases to a year long drought. More precise information would have helped keep things less dramatic.
  6. I don't think many here recall LWS releases! All the broken events, or story issues, Meta's that don't kick off or get stuck. Content that's blocked for some reason and you don't get credit for them. LWS Releases were always best a week or two AFTER it's release. And they were FREE then! Now you have to pay for them!? Do you think all those problems will NOT be there on release week? So what SHOULD happen is we should get a free to play week on the new content that they get to live trouble shoot and fix then after a week it gets bundled up as an XPac and you have to buy it FIXED with out all those issues and your progress reset.
  7. No, it "could be" as many as 3 if they keep to the quarterly release. Or $100.00/year though " a slightly reduced price" so instead of $29.99 it will be their new sale price of $25.99 or $78.00 per year. Either way it's a subscription model. Though I would expect to see on average 2 expansion per year. If this is about $$$$ They need to keep it coming. 1/Y doesn't do it enough for them we have seen that. They talk about how they have worked to change the game industry but keep losing ground to that very game industry. Such as a the pay model. Are they saying the gem store is not making enough? I get the pay model, I do. I was even supportive of it when I suggested it with other "buy" options. I'm just getting tired of the excuses to change it again and again and again! I backed them when they were pushing for players to accept the LWS gems store system, I backed them when they were doing the expansion but LWS story releases. But it keeps changing and now it's just buy to play. The good thing is that if "Moving forward" is EoD then I'm not going to want what's coming out anyway. Question is when does that no longer apply? At what point will we be forced to buy an upgrade to keep playing even if we don't want the new content? If we don't like the new content can we return it and get a refund for the next one or just a refund? What if I just want the maps and events but not the story or Especs? Can I buy just the map and events? Why is it all or nothing? Why can't their be granularity? Why can't there be options? This is what got them moving in the Xpac direction and AWAY from the LWS gem store direction. Options! They just made a choice the opposite of what it was but don't want to hear the "Options" option! Nothing I haven't said years ago. So we'll see......again....
  8. I agree sounds a lot like a pay to play model only no subscription. Just keep buying the new expansion every so often for all the content in between. "we’ll be releasing smaller expansions more frequently at a slightly reduced price and adding additional content for those expansions through quarterly updates, meaning that the next big release is only ever a few months away."~Studio Update So no Free 2 Play Model anymore? Been nice knowing guild wars but looks like this time it will be final? I'm not going to keep buying multiple expansions a year unless it comes with all the gem store items also! I'm NOT buying content AND buying micro transactions. PICK A PAY MODEL and stick with it.
  9. "Max" as it has always been ever since that was a new feature. It's NOT our internet, trust me. We can download a 4GB movie, play both Steam game (Half Life 2 [x4]), Guild Wars (x4) AND Guild Wars 2 (x4) while watching a movie. Our speed (synchronously) is an average of 96MBs-105GBs. With all four of us playing and using the internet gw2 in game ping still doesn't go over 90. Unless something is up on Anets side. Now I don't think that they were having a networking issue. Other did not complain and there were no "normal" signs we as players see indicating there was a problem. Yet just like in 2013-2014 we were network error bombed. Or when trying to get back in from being kicked we were permission bombed or when we tried to kick the player to re-invite them network error bombed. Yet we never received log in network errors, we were never dropped from the game just kicked form the dungeon into Caledon. We could freely and effortlessly play other maps go to guild halls, load other instances, all with no problem. Right after outlook of woe, just like the good old days, it just started vomiting errors and picking a different player to kick each time. \o/ YAY!
  10. Back when TA Aetherpath launched and the story arch of LWS1 was being played by the masses the aetherpath dungeon while being challenging had it's own set of coding challenges with it. We had multiple "Network Error" and DC problems along side the "Unable to complete the operation (Permission Denied). (Code=49:58:0:0:101)" I am quite sure this is a problem that belongs with Anet as it is now showing it's ugly face once again. We four have spent hours being dropped, disconnected and getting permission issues all in the attempt to complete the dungeon. NO it is NOT our GB+ speeds synchronously as we were still able to browse the web and other "network" based operations at the same time. Now at the very END of the dungeon I was dropped and now am unable to get back in to my party to complete the dungeon. The party members are not able to kick me either same "network error" message. We have spent 3 days dealing with these issues. This is LITERALLY the LAST thing we need to finish the Story Journal:Chlockwork Chaos We CAN'T if you keep dropping us or locking our party behind "Network Error Please check your internet connection and try again (Code=3012:1009:8001:3015:101" When I try leaving and them kicking same error. When I try restarting and them kicking same thing. When they tray restarting and me kicking SAME THING! but then there was always one member who did not leave the instance in order to save our progress. Yet one of our group will ALWAYS get the network error and be unable to join us. TA Aetherpath needs some help!
  11. But that's the problem. But that scaling I've seen on average level enemies too. they go from 80 to veteran to then an elite in a matter of seconds. 😲 Yes, we just participated in the 9:45 VCJM event and there were 12 of us but some left. seconds before the spawn of teh VCJM the head count was 9. At the last 5% others joined grabbed crystals and threw turning a skin of your teeth lose into a win with literally no time to spare. Can it be done? Yes Is this the way it should play out? Not in the OP's or my opinion as players. Maybe in ArenaNets opinion, I don't know. But there it is. I would suggest that since this seems to be the way the masses are now acquiring the turtle part you might want to post on the bug forum and hope for a fix. Or as you say wait more tie and see if they are going with a Elite release Open world / PvE nerf before next release. Also report an in game bug. I reported some the other day. Like the teleport a friend/gunner does not work at all. Good luck though and keep trying.
  12. You have some valid points. But EoD content and guild wars 2 moving forward is for the elite gamer not for Open World PvE players. It will need just as dedicated a group of players to complete successfully as the DE meta event. I can say this because I literally ran a whole map on the Jade Maw earlier today and it failed. I put in map chat the wiki information on completing it, suppressed multiple times, I had them gather the Deff + Off boons many had the map +10 or at least +6 boons going. Even with all that it scaled so high 50+ players could only get it to 80%. On the flip side it was my wife and I plus about 3 or 4 others and we completed it in just the nick of time. But we completed it. Interestingly enough yes the whole time during our "raid" on the VCJM we had the same players saying come back when there are only 5 or less or come back when there are 10 or less. Or best yet ridiculing us for even 1 listing in lfg for the event 2 to complain about EoD and how the metas suck (my response was to tell them to tell it on the forums) 3 to put down players "I can't believe this many players don't know fractals". 🤔 with friends like those who wants to be around that game mode I thought? This goes to show that EoD in it's entirety is tuned for raid level. But this is apparently not changing any more than it already has. While I agree with you this "leave and come back with fewer players" philosophy is quite odd given the opposite message from the meta. Bring more bring all you have and then all the other blah blah blah. So for now however so sadly this s if you want the turtle it is best to just return later with fewer players and hopefully complete it. The suggestion for AreaNet I have is to add more spawns of the crystals and more frequent abilities to throw them. I've seen it's RNG literally wait 30 to drop those precious crystals and then another 5 to spawn and attack opportunity. ALL the while the timer is ticking! That is just wrong. Having an 8m timer that by the time you can do ANYTHING you down to 6m then by the time you can do anything again your down to 2:40m Yes I have watched it each time we've tried. After that you don't have time or if you do it's very very close. Or just come back later. Sad but there you have it, it does work. Players shouldn't have to do that but.....
  13. Valid points all of them. I would say it is still broken or at least NOT up to "Open World" game mode standards, PreEoD. That can be changed. Change the way the Deff. & Off. stations work. My little Jade bot should automatically apply those boosts when charging from a battery. Walk up to a battery take a charge give you 2 battery charges and apply 1 stack each of the boons. Take a zip line bam! 4 charges 4 stacks of boons ready for meta! Now drop the meta 2 hour issue and reduce it to other PreEoD meta standards and bam! back in business. Or does this mean all PreEoD metas will be made as time consuming and challenging as EoD DE meta? "We will continue to make game-mode-specific balance adjustments as needed." I guess we will get our first taste o what that means in April with the LWS1 EP1 Strike Missions. If small group and PUG's will be able to complete them or not?
  14. Thanks for this post really shows at least form the forums community where EoD stands. Too bad the studio isn't going to listen to it. But I hope they do! I found this "We will continue to make game-mode-specific balance adjustments as needed." But is it a false hope?
  15. No HoT open world was much easier, I'm an ele main saying that. Now granted the Cata is superb! If you think EoD metas are equal to HoT or PoF you haven't been reading the forums or playing the game I have. 8 of of us literally started ran the lanes and completed Mouth of Torment meta and legendary. You can't say THAT about EoD or DE meta! So yes MORE Challenging content! 20 players can take OctoVine, Can't say THAT about DE. It's not just DE meta either the other metas are similar. So yes, Guild Wars 2 while a very great game, has dropped the ball on solo, small group and PUG players. They have even said as much they expect us to be something we do not want to be. Play content we don't want to play and purposefully put carrots behind those modes.
  16. Yes, but we knew this from earlier information also. The only problem I see is that the game is going in a direction of "challenging content" and the days of PreEoD are gone. That frustrates me when you consider the volume of players and content that isn't getting completed by small groups or solo players or PUGs. When HoT arrived every one was gliding, when PoF arrived every one was mounted when EoD arrived only the elites had their turtle. Now it can be bought but then you must complete strike missions at a higher challenge than strike mission before EoD. So yeah Not so hyped for the future of guild wars 2. I liiked Strike Missions before EoD but not the EoD strike Missions. We could duo or four man it it was rough but we could do it. EoD nope not an option!
  17. Then you haven't looked at post that states what I said. Look here . When taken as speaking to the "elite" community this reads very much like a "You have done much and we are getting the rest of the player base up to your speed so hang tight" NOT like PvE is open world and for the casual gamer. No unless I'm missing something this reads like the game is going to be brought up to EoD standards and if you can't see a difference between the game preEoD and all of EoD then your missing what's really happening. "Closing thoughts: It's natural to make assumptions about what is common or normal based on our own habits and capabilities and extrapolate that out to the rest of the player community, but most Guild Wars 2 players have few methods for working directly on their legendary goals. Much of it is earned from the 7 clovers a month from the final login track reward! The feeling of working hard for something and finding out it’s going to be easily accessible to others in the future can feel bad, and that feeling is real and valid. But you’ve made a ton of tangible progress in fractal Challenge Modes and other people having access to that in the future doesn’t take away from everything you’ve accomplished. I hope this gives some more insight into how we think about reward design and clarifies some of the changes coming in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons ."
  18. I would have been ecstatic about this news where it not for the knowledge that from EoD moving forward Guild Wars 2 is for the elites. I'm sure THIS version of LWS will be much like the EoD release and therefor not for PvE / casuals this time around. Good things it's free still hopefully?
  19. This should have been made part of the video preview information. Looks like "get good or get out" is the law of the land now. Okay.
  20. "Challenge Mode Strike Missions Challenge Mode Strike Missions will not be immediately available when Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons launches. We’ve been playtesting them for months internally and I think they’re a ton of fun, but we want normal mode to go out first so we can fix any bugs and polish the encounters after seeing the strategies players develop in the live game" and "Closing thoughts: It's natural to make assumptions about what is common or normal based on our own habits and capabilities and extrapolate that out to the rest of the player community, but most Guild Wars 2 players have few methods for working directly on their legendary goals. Much of it is earned from the 7 clovers a month from the final login track reward! The feeling of working hard for something and finding out it’s going to be easily accessible to others in the future can feel bad, and that feeling is real and valid. But you’ve made a ton of tangible progress in fractal Challenge Modes and other people having access to that in the future doesn’t take away from everything you’ve accomplished. I hope this gives some more insight into how we think about reward design and clarifies some of the changes coming in Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons ." ~More info on Strike Missions, Balance, and Rewards in End of Dragons 🤔 The truth is out now. I can stop posting now.
  21. True, but I've not bothered checking to see if there is even more locked SooWon content. I'm afraid to look so I'm just getting the things I want and getting back to the Northern lands. But yes you're correct. Would have been a completely normal gate were it not for the format of the current release. We had to beat Balthazar before getting griffin 💩, now we are just getting the 💩 Good XP farm though when you don't look for the win😁
  22. Fare point you make there. How nice it would be if they actually did give us another go after a fail as with the /GG command in raids? But then that' s one aspect that makes raids better than this. So again really it points out how the mixing of the two styles just isn't a great idea. Why break something that was working? Oh well, chalk up another fail. <---theme of EoD😖 I'm also sure that's what went through the developers minds. It makes sense. There's some bad guys before hand, then the are some LT's and finally the Boss in both types of play. Sure the bad guy isn't supposed to be a walk in the park for both type of play. Really the only difference is the two play styles. why not just bring them together and let the player base work it out? We make one style of content and ship it and they just play it, ideal right!? Right! But then there is this. Sure all four types have things in common, but at their core they do not cross over. There in is our issue. The game is divided into all of those. The players, not so much. Actually they did say that the "challenging content" was going to be the strike missions released with CM's later after the release. That's half the reason so many are confused and upset with what they've been given from what they were told they would get. So begs the question, are we the beta testers for the Strike Missions? That's not going to fair well for those looking for the extreme sports challenge missions us crying for nerfs. What are the SM's going to be? After all Isn't there already an SM for this battle? So why then is Open World tuned this way? All I know is it's not going to see the year long play and money drop from me the other releases have that's for sure. SooWon battle is in all the other content of EoD also. I've never seen maps with so many blue downed icons before. and instead of stopping and helping I'm flying by or leaping by, cuz I know what's there! And that's not the play style I like, I'd rather stop and help the downed out.
  23. I said I would report back after trying the new changes over the weekend. So here I am again. I must say my perception of EoD hasn't changed much. I still think it to be the worst release I have played in Guild Wars 2 designed for raid-focused-players. Jade bots and the boost to Vit are proof the game was designed for a more "hard-core" play style. Or they wouldn't have needed the boost. It's sad to say but the biggest issue for me is seeing the entirety of this release being made for the smallest percent of players. I do not think they should be excluded, I also think they should get their fare share of content. I think this should have been marketed as "Challenging Content" so we have the information we need to make a proper informed decision to buy or not. It's also one of the more beautiful places we have to play in with great new features, fishing & boating, a fun new mount that was faster only if you win the meta, thankfully it was changed. I was able to get in on 2 more runs. It was a 50/50 Win/Loss. So did the changes help make it more accessible? It would appear that it does only if you don't miss a Break Bar. On the game we won we made the break bar each time it popped. We had more time for more dps. On the loss we did fine and I felt we were in for another win but then missed a break bar. From there it spiraled down and players immediately shown the l33tist play-style. The bar was missed and "gg it's over" was the mantra. We even had noticeably less players. I can say they at least stuck around to the 20% marker. well, gg it's over. We have a strike mission to do and we are down to map comp and masteries. Not what I hoped I 'd get but since the achieves are also tied to the SooWon win We're not doing those either! Not until it's nerfed more. So much enjoyable content not worth the frustration of lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose win complete 1 thing. Then lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose win complete 1 thing lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose win complete 1 thing.lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose win complete 1 thing. FTN.
  24. "Updated the defiance bar mechanic of the final encounter in the Battle for the Jade Sea meta-event to be more consistent and not reliant on chance. This change should ensure more opportunities for players to engage with the defiance bar mechanic and allow for additional damage phases. Reduced the amount of control effects needed to break the defiance bar of whirlpools in the final boss encounter of the "Battle for the Jade Sea" meta-event." ~Ruby I hope this leads to more PUGs being successful also. I likely wont have time tonight but will definitely play it more tomorrow and see how things go. Thank you and the Team for all you have done.💖
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