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Dr Meta.3158

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Everything posted by Dr Meta.3158

  1. The game is made for PC. Xbox and PS will be possible to play on. Phone will be possible to check things through an emulator kindof like TeamViewer but the director stated PC will be the way to go. There's an entire video of the director explaining it in an interviee with subtitles hosted on NCsoft's YouTube channel.
  2. If you want something you can always reach out to me. You aren't a priority to me. You need them for lessons, not me. He was being sarcastic.
  3. Yep, I agree. This was the one window in between the launch of POF (Wasn't pvping before then) and today, that I've seen where balance was decent.
  4. I'm waiting for this game right now with my old Lineage 2 crew. As a forewarning, this game will not be like Guild Wars. This game is essentially Lineage 3 but they dropped that title due to what I'm just going to call the Half-life 3 effect. Meaning this game is most likely not going to be casual friendly and will have a very strong focus on pvp like Lineage 2.
  5. New incoming balance patch with free subscriptions to better help therapy sessions.
  6. Greatsword 3 just needs to be a 600 range leap finisher and the weapon is solid.
  7. With the exception of Vaans, I play with these guys (less nowadays since COVID ended). They're good people and good players. It is best to learn from someone who knows how when you don't. If you don't want to, that's fine. It makes no difference to me. That won't stop me from illuminating options to people who want to improve rather than complain about their situation. If that bothers you, oh well!
  8. They are not authorities, they are some of the few players left that are good at playing warrior. Which is why they don't come here to complain.
  9. I wouldn't get downed on the Valkyrie thread with reaper. Reaper is good in pve. You can use the raid build and swap out a few traits and utilities for more general sustain while not losing much in power and just mow through content all the up to champion levels. Legendary bosses are probably going to warrant a celestial build or something along those lines. And thats if you want to bother with soloing those.
  10. A full team focusing the virtuoso while the virtuoso chains defenses and the virtuoso's team sweeps yours in the interim is not the correct play. In a more traditional MMO, this is like having your team focus on killing the tank.
  11. I simply cannot help you and it ultimately doesn't matter. Many others understood the post and took the knowledge from it and can use it against virtuosos to help in those matchups. Everyone else who can't, oh well.
  12. If they can't easily kill you while being untouchable in return, you're a cheater. 😅
  13. Kalla's attackable summons could work if they ran in to help as you summoned them instead of jut standing in one spot saying "you got this, I believe in you!"
  14. Hey it shocked me too, but from the comments I've gotten from losing virtuosos and spellbreakers, its borderline cheating.
  15. Sorry, I'm used to dealing with scientists and engineers and forgot to adjust. I am sorry let me adapt to my audience. You can use obstacles to break line of sight, that is the imaginary line between you and the opponent, to avoid attacks from virtuosos and mesmers classes, those characters that usually make clones of themselves that explode into pink butterflies, that use the greatsword weapon by positioning yourself between the obstacle and the mesmer such that the obstacle is in the way of their attacks. That way they can not hit you and must chase you around the obstacle. This tactic is called line-of-sighting. Here is a video in case you need supplemental instruction: Here is an article with descriptive pictures: https://www.campbellsci.co.za/blog/line-of-sight-more-than-meets-eye
  16. To summarize, if you want to counter thieves in stealth: Use your Peter Tingle.
  17. The typical play pattern of a good virtuoso is to ensure that at all times they either are blocking, invulnerable, have aegis, are invisible, or you have 18+ stacks of confusion at all times. Virtuoso does have bursts but they have the consistent damage of weapon skills inbetween those bursts. The idea is to force you to use up all of your defensive while they can endlessly cycle through all of theirs so that eventually you can't avoid the easy to dodge bursts. This is a similar play pattern to fighting spellbreakers. They way to win against both classes is to frustrate them more than they frustrate you. Against spellbreaker, kite them endlessly and whenever they stop chasing, poke them at range to get them to start again. Make them regret playing spellbreaker for easy wins. Against virtuoso (and greatsword mesmer specs in general) find a large obstacle and constantly line of sight them. Whenever they give up harass them again and lead them back to a large obstacle to line of sight behind. You have to fight toxic designs with toxic play. Its not ideal but as long as arenanet promotes toxicity in their game design, its an unfortunate evil you have to partake in to win. If you're lucky, the players will get so frustrated that they will stop cycling through defenses and go all in to try to kill you, that's your opportunity to finish them. And considering that they're the type of people attracted to such toxic playstles, it won't take long for them to lose composure. You might see some dumb advice on the forum from low skilled players like try to walk through their shatters to get behind them. Don't do anything stupid like that. And toxic, irrelevant answers given like the guy above me, ignore them. They're one of the few people that enjoy toxic design. Apply what you learned here and make them regret their toxic preferences. Good luck.
  18. Detargeting sucks because in many instances you character acts as if you still have the target active if you seamlessly detarget then use a mobility skill because this game is not optimized well enough to rely on such gimmicks. Part of the reason why invisibility is so bad for this game.
  19. WvW would solve that problem if the maps were only open at specific times for an hour or two like castle sieges and territory wars in Lineage 2. During one of those events, no one in Lineage 2 was concerned about dueling people in the middle of no where.
  20. Because strangely enough, people like to actually see what other players are doing so that they can attempt to counterplay. In the Disney spidermam movies. Mysterio was the hardest villain spiderman struggled with and that was a regular human, no superpowers, that could stealth. Stealth alone made a guy that could stop a cruiseship from splitting in half among all his mobility abilities... struggle heavily. Imagine if that man had super powers too.
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