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Dr Meta.3158

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Everything posted by Dr Meta.3158

  1. This is it right here. Many people are too new to know any better and many people don't strive to get any better so their perspective is capped at a low level of resolution. I've been there and I'm pretty sure many others have been there too. Things I thought were overpowered and busted are now trivial and easy to deal with. I went from the mindset early on to "such and such needs a nerf and my class needs a buff to handle that" to, "I need to refine my build some to be able to handle this situation while being generally effective at my role". That along with lots of practice against different matchups lead me to accelerating far past other players over the course of covid (yay work from home). Then that left me in the situation of seeing other people doing what I used to do but can't or won't get unstuck from that mentality. No amount of reason or evidence will move them from that detrimental mindset and so sadly they will always underperform and blame everyone except themselves for it. Ie: the victim mentality. Not much you can do except keep steam rolling them in games while they cry on the forums. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is no balance patch that will fix incompetence.
  2. If you want me to transfer to EU and stalk her around to record her fights, you're going to be sorely disappointed. But all in all, regardless of what you believe, they're doing just fine on mesmer. If you can't, that's unfortunate for you.
  3. https://www.twitch.tv/ferret_gw/clip/BetterHeadstrongZucchiniRitzMitz-LWPBjKNbe43P9evN?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time Above is a buddy of mine I met during the early stages of Covid. He used to main thief quit for years and came back to play mesmer and thief. He was awful back then and was about a gold 1 level duelist and a silver 2 level conquest player. We did a whole summer of training to get him up to platinum level then I suggested for him to try to meet up with jazz x man in EU since I couldn't take him any further. So he made an EU account and trained with her and came back an absolute monster. He later picked up untamed and became so good he started to rival euratien in skill. Speaking of jazz x man, She is one of the best mesmer players in guild wars 2 period. And there are more mesmer players in this caliber of skill. So its not so much of a class issue as it is a skill issue. The only class issue is that mesmer is too slow for conquest and thats a problem shared by many classes. It's why thief or specifically daredevil which is just thief but better, regardless of balance state, is always the best class in conquest. Being good at node control across the entire map is surprisingly important in a gamemode about node control. If you ever been in a game where you seen one team zerg the other team for kills and still lose, that's why. So don't insult the mesmer players. Instead, practice and get better.
  4. As you progress in skill, your level of understanding increases and you discard your old naive ideas.
  5. There is one fire weaver in spvp that I just cannot even threaten nonetheless beat regardless of what I throw at him, and its not grimjack. I am grateful that guy doesn't stream. I've played a few ATs with him and he cleans house.
  6. Yeah I've pretty much ran across players who have the intelligence and skill to build craft a very strong and capable build for every class in the game... except mechanist. The closest I've seen was some guy I fought a couple of times running a glass cannon build and he was very on point about chaining CC's. Very similar playstyle to rory tokisaki and agent ambi but I never seen the guy again. The next best I saw was That ODB and no offense to the guy but it was a far drop off from that guy I faced and then everyone other than him and That ODB is criminally easy to steamroll.
  7. Sounds like you have an issue with people being better than you. The only MMOs I've ever pvp'd in where earth and beyond, lineage 2, and guild wars 2. All these had mechanics where you had to wait to deal damage either through invulnerability or such high damage reduction that you'd be wasting your skills. Three is not a high count, no and two are under the same publisher but its enough to refute your claim so I'm rolling with it. This guy gets it, I think the guy i quoted twice above just doesn't like to lose ever.
  8. Weaver is viabish but I think it has more to do with the lack of skilled players playing it than anything else. If built and played correctly, weaver has three very obnoxious strong playstyles.
  9. They spent more money on people to cover up whistleblowing than they spent on people to clean up these messes.
  10. Yes, the matchmaking algorithm is setup to ensure a 50% win rate, thus allowing you and your opponents friends to trade wins.
  11. Welcome to the forums! Wintrading is ok. Public whistleblowing is not ok. Please privately report the concern so that it can be properly ignored investigated. Thread deletion countdown initiated.
  12. I think I learned overall from this thread that people are tired of long lasting fights in situations where they can actively do damage rather than waiting to do damage. It seems to be a psychological issue of feeling like they're wasting effort with no payout. I think the solution to this problem is playing a build where people don't have the ability to play at all. I may switch classes for a while.
  13. It still is now. I occasionally see video commentary of competitive play every now and then on youtube. But more so in South Korea than here.
  14. Minecraft doesn't have a bevy of toxic mechanics and oddly enough despite the huge amount of children that play that game and no possible regulation from game devs, there is overall less toxicity. I think this the case that minecraft attracts less toxic people than guild wars 2 does because it has very little that would be attractive to toxic people whereas guild wars 2 has a lot of things ripe for abuse in its pvp modes. Maybe even intentionally.
  15. Look at this post and look at the reaction to the post. This is guild wars 2.
  16. I've never seen bots in ranked but I've seen bots a few times in unranked only and they are all scripted to follow each other to points and they do fight so I don't think that system would work regardless of what he intended by 10% of enemy score, which im going to go by what is defined in this game as match score rather than what is defined in this game as match stats.
  17. https://www.overwatchleague.com/en-us/ Not young, just no research.
  18. I already said... Not calling you out specifically, but I would really appreciate it if people would take the time to carefully read the posts their responding to. A lot if responses would end up vastly different if people would heed that advice. Evil is the act of performing acts that you know will hurt someone else. It is why many animals are not considered even because they are not aware and in many cases not capable of being aware of the concept of harming someone else whereas animals like dolphins are most certainly very evil. That being said, if a little bit of stress is all it takes for a person to commit to evil acts, that person is evil. People face stress all the time, but imagine that person as a parent. Kids stress their parents out all the time. As such if they commitevil acts to their kids, it will not be waved away as OK because they were "stressed". Lastly, if a person requires consequences in order to not commit evil acts, they are evil. They are literally not performing evil because of regulation. But to reiterate, most people aren't like that. PvP regardless of game attracts those type of people since many are sadistic and are bound to flock towards system with inherent conflict so the concentration would be higher than PvE, but even still its not many. The problem is that it does not take many to ruin a system. Many people old enough have been in a job situation where it only took one person to take away a benefit everyone else was enjoying. One person. It takes one cheater to ruin a game. It takes one bad driver to cause an accident and pile up tons of money and time from several people in the area and service people's time and effort. It only takes one to cause massive damage to anything. So take that one and make it at least one percent (and its definitely more than one percent) out of population with no response units, regulation and such and therein lies the mess that is sPvP. I don't even fully blame arenanet for this one because at best it would just be a constant war with the few that find their best enjoyment in sadistic pleasure with the added side pressure of people with poor emotional regulation and tendency towards spite and malice when provoked.
  19. Theres a new thread complaining about how strong reaper because of chill of all things. Its all in perspective. One thing that has to always be taken into consideration is that the majority of players are not good at the game. As such their perspective of what is strong or not and how to generally deal with challenges are going to be a far cry different than the few people who are good at the game. There is the common argument of balancing around the common denominator but you can't really balance around lack of skill as much as it is not wise to heed suggestions from those that lack skill. It's kindof like asking the general chemistry freshmen students for advice on your PhD project. Good chances are that's not going to go well for you. Harbinger was very strong too. Its still kindof strong now, just elementalist pushes it out of spvp and it never really was good for blobbing in wvw like many other classes aren't.
  20. I wouldn't even do all that. The only thing I'd do is reduce superspeed from 100% to 83% and change stealth gyro into another skill entirely. Something that fits the bruiser role. From there not only scrapper is fixed but all those types of builds are fixed.
  21. Yeah I played the original starcraft and warcraft 3. A lot of those guys that made those games left and some joined together to make an ttrpg company. So its definitely a different company now tether back when it was just straight blizzard north.
  22. The real question is, does he see the highest tier of play?
  23. I didn't know about the mechanics part. Blizzard left a sour taste in my mouth with the whole Diablo immortal debacle (the cosby suite did them no favors either). But maybe I need to actually look into the gameplay of Diablo 4. I just saw the Lillith trailer last year and that was it.
  24. Stronghold is a bit like age of empires but with fun quirky characters with funny voice acting, a smaller map, and more intense population management since you have to retain the loyalty of your people through love or fear while also dealing with other antagonistic enemies. The music is also great.
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