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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. The funny part about this, is this is how things pretty much originally were (down to SotP being named RaO). Pets had a specific synergy--giving swiftness, causing conditions, or other things like big burst from pet stealth. It worked because pets were faster, leash ranger longer, and players didn't have access to the boon spam or AoE spam that is now present. Then PvP and other competitive scenes started complaining, and pets were nerfed practically each year. My main issues with these ideas are twofold: 1. Currently the pet is far too slow for any meaningful following (of player, ally, or enemy) 2. Currently the pet is far too fragile for anything like reviving or healing Essentially, they need to just apply BM stats as standard to the pet and rework the entire BM line with Commands in mind. At least with BM the pet can sort of hit and the CD reduction makes management far more tolerable. They could adjust the now default stats as appropriate so as not to make SB even more powerful, but Druid, Core and potentially the new spec should not have to suffer because of awful pet mechanics.
  2. Usually PMs in WvW end with blocking, either preemptively or when the other person responds they will immediately block anyway. The root of it is the loophole to message in the first place. But as said in the thread if it happens guess can just ignore and move on...
  3. I mean yeah, you are going to use core skills no matter what, essentially what I mean is adding a daze to a skill really does nothing to balance the class because WH 5 was fine anyway (blast finisher, boons, etc.); it was/is WH 4 that needs serious looking at. Anyway, that's still a lot of immob potential + all the ways you can chain off stuns and such to get ancient seeds to hit. I would never run power Druid though. Finally, I don't like the idea of perma-stow though, that's what SB is for, so it really should never come to other specs. They need to rework the pet--making it immune to AoE would probably fix most if not all problems with them. If not that, jack up their health a lot and reduce the swap penalty for them dying.
  4. Ancient Seeds isn't the only means of immob for a Druid--in fact it's usually my last option (unless someone else triggers it). I've found great success in being a kite machine / harasser / staller / +1; doubly so since most people underestimate Ranger as a free down. But the balance team does need to learn that skills are not the Ranger's problem, traitlines are. Coming from a WvW perspective, WH change would be nice for me but I have no place for it as NM is a hardsell over pretty much any other line. Untraited the CD is far too long to be useful. It would be great if they would actually fix Commands, because changing from shouts broke any option not involving WS. Not only that, but I can never find a good reason to take BM on my Druid so my pet is essentially a CC utility instead of doing damage like it was intended. Before the command thing used to be able to take BM and shouts as an alternate to WS for cleansing...not now.
  5. Let's see if the damage has been undone... EDIT: Seems to be working now, for me at least; thanks
  6. I realize this is being worked on, but at the moment the flagged word dictionary is making posts...well I can't even say unreakittenble without it being censored. It's kittenmaging our eyesight to read....
  7. The rev mains whining about Pain Absorption need to come back to 2012 when Empathetic Bond was introduced to us rangers. Could also have the fix they gave us for SB where it literally does nothing if you're merged...better than killing you I guess. On the upside, Resistance still helps you against CC so your build will only partly carry now. Think Torment change is in the same vein--can mindlessly spam it as pretty much everything is moving so it's always going to work. If anything, thematically it makes sense as torment is usually amplified if standing still (physically or mentally). Bleeding is the one that should do bonus harm on moving, or have a side effect of weakness or something. Also we're talking about bonus harm (plz for the love of the God's fix the synonym for this word in your censors, it's making posts unintelligible), let's not act like Torment doesn't still tick regardless.
  8. Eh good, the forums are back. Yeah I need some more resistance, resolution, and torment access on my Ranger plz, thanks.
  9. Gonna agree to disagree about bird. I don't like wasting my escape (GS #3) on leaping through a field that is going to be in an essentially random place unless you keep your pet on passive. I like bird as it is perma swiftness and if you want the skill play just use the 1200 range bird leap and LB #3 into stealth instead of having to try to shoehorn the field. The smokescale field is only really nice if you run warhorn as you can blast through it and get boons with no need to waste any escape/kite tool. Smokescale damage is also awful in comparison to something like Rock Gazelle; really the only thing it has going for it is the field. The merge ability is fine unless they move, then it does nothing (same with worldly impact, just sidestep it).
  10. Bird + GS is a 2200 unit leap, use that to kite. Don't rely on LB #3 too much for stealth as it's easy to mess up (too easy actually), I'd instead rely on Dolyak for your CC avoiding needs. You probably need to run tankier as well if you are dying to melee that fast--protection helps, and run anything but Berserker, it's not worth it if you keep getting downed. The classes you named just do power better or are more 'power resistant' as well, like weavers are extremely hard to kill on a power build because of the barrier. Thief has way, way more burst potential so fighting a good one is going to be very tough if you switch to LB at the wrong time. To put it simply, LB is a giant 'kill me' sign to pretty much anyone, as you can't kite at all with it unless you have bird, then you do get at least a single 1200 leap if they don't CC you. I'd also look into boon beast as well if you want to stay power, as the sic em' glass cannon I've never seen the appeal to. Like, if you are running any defensive traitline with it (WS/NM) you are taking a huge damage hit and it's just not worth it. I've found most use for that in groups where I'm not focused, then it can be deadly.
  11. You say that as if Trailblazer/Dire doesn't give you max/near max condition damage. There's literally only 2 condition stats you care about. Condition damage & expertise. The fact that you only need 2 stats to maximize your damage in and of itself is why condi sets often end up tankier than power sets.Except, there is 4 stats you have to care about. In addition to that, you need vitality to survive enemy conditions and power damage because it take a long time for conditions to ramp up and tick (especially when the enemy keep cleansing). You also need toughness, because it take a long time for conditions to ramp up and tick (especially against someone that has roflstomp power damage and the capability of knocking 5000+ hp off on every other attack so you have to be on your toes). That was the point. Do you know why soldier gear isnt considered viable over marauder? Basicly the same reason viper isnt considered viable over dire/trailblazer, just in reverse (and thats even with additional power damage on top of condition damage). Would WvW be a happier place without 4 stat gear? For sure but you know what... that include marauder. Just gonna go on a limb and say you've never met a good condi SB in WvW if you think conditions need time to work lol. I can build one, as many cleanses as one would want, stability, 20k HP, 3k toughness, nearly 2k condi damage.... I don't run this often because it's actually pretty broken. People complain about immobs but have no idea how fast you can die to condi spam. Not intelligent application mind you, just spamming condi with insane defensive stats. I'm picking on SB here as I've mained ranger since launch, but condi spam applies to a LOT of other classes as well. Sure Rev and trap DH need to be 'close' so you can kind of kite them, but what about pistol thief? Running all that defensive nonsense and a ton of stealth / ports? Yeah that's working great. Last time I met a condi ranger that wasnt a immobeast/immodruid (which usually doesnt build for that much damage, just slow sustain) was yesterday. He was trying to take a sentry. I lost 10% hp at most while he got roflstomped. The other 90%+ of rangers running about run power. Last time I met a good (well at the very least dangerous) condi SB was probably almost a year ago. You lost a lot more than 10% HP there. Also the SB overcommitted and used daggers, both of which makes it about 10X as harder to down you--you don't use daggers, you use axe for the chill. Anyway, now I know you're being facetious.
  12. You say that as if Trailblazer/Dire doesn't give you max/near max condition damage. There's literally only 2 condition stats you care about. Condition damage & expertise. The fact that you only need 2 stats to maximize your damage in and of itself is why condi sets often end up tankier than power sets.Except, there is 4 stats you have to care about. In addition to that, you need vitality to survive enemy conditions and power damage because it take a long time for conditions to ramp up and tick (especially when the enemy keep cleansing). You also need toughness, because it take a long time for conditions to ramp up and tick (especially against someone that has roflstomp power damage and the capability of knocking 5000+ hp off on every other attack so you have to be on your toes). That was the point. Do you know why soldier gear isnt considered viable over marauder? Basicly the same reason viper isnt considered viable over dire/trailblazer, just in reverse (and thats even with additional power damage on top of condition damage). Would WvW be a happier place without 4 stat gear? For sure but you know what... that include marauder.Just gonna go on a limb and say you've never met a good condi SB in WvW if you think conditions need time to work lol. I can build one, as many cleanses as one would want, stability, 20k HP, 3k toughness, nearly 2k condi damage.... I don't run this often because it's actually pretty broken. People complain about immobs but have no idea how fast you can die to condi spam. Not intelligent application mind you, just spamming condi with insane defensive stats. I'm picking on SB here as I've mained ranger since launch, but condi spam applies to a LOT of other classes as well. Sure Rev and trap DH need to be 'close' so you can kind of kite them, but what about pistol thief? Running all that defensive nonsense and a ton of stealth / ports? Yeah that's working great.
  13. The issue is that you can contest a waypoint by riding through the guards on your warclaw. There shouldn't be any contesting without doing damage to a wall or gate. Make it maybe 5% or something before the waypoint gets contested. Yeah they need to make tapping like olden days where you have to take out most of the guards to trigger anything. Also, going in and out of gate is a good way to defend a structure against a group that has no idea what it is doing. I've taken many a siege out that way...
  14. You haven't seen a Berserker in action, have you. Arc Divider is like a literal PBAoE nuke. I have, a/a/GS SB does very similar damage, but it also brings immobs and stances to the table. No reason to run a dps warrior over Soulbeast. But there also no reason to run a dps SB. It's funny. The discussion about Ranger in WvW is now over 8 years old and to this day, not a single ranger could proof that they are not unviable. The only things Ranger has currently is that LB5 doesn't need LoS and that Druid can spam Imob. And both should not be a thing. Lets hope EoD changes this.Maybe the 8y long QQ will stop. But there is a reason. For immobs. And spike damage. And CC. It's an excellent midliner. Yes, you can run the same on Druid. If you prefer to heal instead of dealing tremendous spike damage. The discussion you are referring to occurred before the Soulbeast was released so it's basically totally moot now. Technically you can just faceroll with guard, necro, and scrapper. But you don't have to. The Immobeast is even on gw2mists.com, although it's not meta simply because it's a bit difficult to play. But lots of guilds run these.This? https://gw2mists.com/builds/ranger/power-soulbeast I don't understand how that build works at all unless you are never the target, and never alone. Even then... It has one condi clear, and probably the worst one we have as it's a double edged sword (against power the healing is so low you might as well not heal). It has essence of speed and live fast but seemingly nothing to self-synergize with these; it has immobs but no WS so they are both on full CD; A/A but no BM for the trait.... I'd at least swap out Marksmanship for Beastmastery and hope not to run into many condi classes--I've had some success doing this in groups, but solo losing all of your protection (WS/NM) is going to hurt. Yeah, sorry, but I hope no one is running that.
  15. Why would anyone run immobeast when Druid exists? Also how is anyone getting mass immob'd in a zerg when they should have cleanse out the roof? On my immob builds it can be effective on a group of say 8 or less that isn't stacking, but if you get a whole zerg (20+) it drops to pretty much zero usefulness unless picking off random off tag players. Stance share is awful, which is why if you try it you will get run over by an actual zerg comp of firebrands, scrappers, etc. Also none of the stances are useful outside Dolyak; Bear stance has such a low heal that if you aren't getting condi bombed you might as well not run a heal skill....
  16. IMO, Claim Buff needs to be transferred to Bloodlust to give it some meaning. That way it also encourages fights...you want the buff? Go fight over the ruins. If want pressure off n camp, adding an additional camp up top wouldn't hurt. Somewhere farther up like in the skritt or tamini areas. I say additional as North is the only 'chokepoint' camp because S camp is utterly useless. The only 'downside' to this is if your server is competent, your Garri and such will go to T3 faster, but no one seems to care much about PPT anyway.
  17. I think this is less of a roaming poll and more of a ganking one. Thieves and SBs (assuming glass ones) are very good at ganking or +1'ing but if they run into a bunker well the SB usually loses and the thief runs. Same holds true if they run into multiple people. Of course they are also the two most complained about on the forums by pepole that think 'warclaw = invincible' so they'd rank highly in this poll. If you meet actually good roamers / duelers, a good tempest / reaper / berserker can ruin your day pretty quick.
  18. I don't see how WvW is more grindy than PvE. I'm around rank 800 and got most of my WvW rewards when I was rank 500 or less; essentially I had enough skirmish tickets and stacks (8-10 of them) of memories of battle lying around before I actually started playing WvW for ranks (i.e. joined a guild). Grandmaster mark shards are an annoyance, but nothing in the game is tailored to sitting in one game mode, so I just crafted most of the marks. I now have a full set of legendary armor and the most annoying part was not WvW related, it was the promotion of t6 mats to get enough for each gift. Contrast this with PvE, trying to get Aurora. Before you even get the collection to do it you have to go on a series of item hunts which take HOURS. Some of these items are in a very challenging jumping puzzle, which one could argue is pretty far from 'normal' gameplay. After you get done with that you have to do it all over again for each item in the Aurora collection, and some of it is boring achievement grinding--which I'm using WvW reward tracks to get around. Not to mention you have to grind out mastery points or be in BIG trouble as things like infinite gliding are required for certain areas (and cost millions of xp + mastery points to get). For basically a quarter of the effort I can get a set of legendary armor, Conflux and Warbringer in the time it takes to get ONE legendary trinket from PvE. So yes the rewards may seem lackluster, but at least you don't have to jump through a million minor hoops to get them. You just go into WvW play the mode and get rewards.
  19. I don't disagree that soulbeast has some ground to retain the ability to revive pet in such fashion, but I would never dream of comparing it to mesmer clones or thief stealth. That's just nonsensical. Clones were made to die, and stealth was made to be broken by reveal due to hitting enemies applying reveal onto you. I would not argue rangers are punished for taking on condi classes if they run wilderness survival, that's only an issue if you're purposely giving up defenses for more boonage or damage. WIlderness survival's monopoly on ranger cleanses is a different beast.Anywho I totally sympathize with druid, used to main it before they gutted the healing countless times over instead of addressing the actual broken traits that were making it the cheese unkillable sidenode duelist it was. Don't shortsell ranger pets though, they may not be strong in direct combat but in duels they're great for keeping pressure when enemies move behind cover or using their command (or sometimes even normal skills) to really dish out some pain, debilitation, pressure, or control.Anyway I'm not saying ranger's top tier but don't act like it's the weakest or most handicapped class in the game (there's not a real correct answer to that but there are many more possibly correct answers and ranger never strikes me as the biggest victim in that category). i see countless people saying 1v1 balance is irrelevant but at the same time call for ranger nerfs. anyways, try dueling a condi herald or any type of renegade and see how long your pet stays alive. even mesmer shatters will end up nuking your pet in 1v1. reaper, necro. pet is completely useless most of the time. and yes ofc i’m talking about with WS, only soulbeast can survive without WS. druid needs it for CA charge and core needs it for condi cleanse. i started playing druid again last week cus of nostalgia, and oh boy have i realized how amazing it is not having to worry about pets dying on soulbeast. it’s such a stupid and pointless hazzle constantly having to micromanage your dying and crippled pets. and its not even like enemies are target them deliberately. they just die to aoe and cleave. even when i dodge all the condi and aoe myself my pet just facetanks all of it and dies eventually. in melee its not even like i can avoid it because if my pet is on passive it still follows me. but if its on attack mode it’s on enemy and will still get hit by aoe. Fair enough. I won't lie, the main reason I even discovered this whole thing and started playing soulbeast again to see if it was legitimate was because an evade-heavy condi soulbeast dueled my rather condi-resistant scourge for what must've been 20 minutes straight, and in the process he revived his pet at LEAST 15 times, which was painful as hell given it was a snow owl applying chill and dealing persistent 1-2.5k hits every two seconds it wasn't dead. i can see that being annoying yea. scourge tends to be somewhat countered by soulbeast in general though, i’m not sure the pet was necessarily the main reason for that. but if he revived his pet 15 times, that goes to show how easily it would’ve died on druid or core lol. Ehhhhh, condi soulbeasts are usually less problematic for necromancers than power ones (especially scourges, and especially especially my particular scourge build). This guy wasn't a powerhouse or CC train like the usual soulbeast. Matter of fact the only reason he won was due to his near endless on-demand mobility-escapes, powerful heals from snow owl merge and troll unguent alone, and constant poison to an extent that could rival the constant reapplication of a burnguard's burning. The owl npc itself definitely wasn't the defining factor, but it made up a huge aspect of his mobility and healing in merge and a solid amount of chill-pressure and curveball power damage when unmerged, both of which faced no drawbacks from the owl's usually limiting healthpool due to its endless free revivals. Using this logic though you could say the only reason necros win is the double health pool or shade uptime in the case of scourges. If they win because of a class mechanic, they won. Though if you're having a prolonged fight with a SB they probably have built wrong, even putting stock in WS as a SB is playing it too safe as you lose a lot of damage. If you meet a bunker core or druid though at best you are going to stalemate them, at worst they have many more options than your typical SB to use on you.
  20. If you think moving walls aren't dangerous, look up the Demon Wall on Final Fantasy XII...
  21. I just got the Runecrafter's, pretty good purchase IMO. It only has 5% less chance of rare mats and 100% chance to give you either a mote OR a symbol, both of which I'd prefer since I'm swimming in T6 mats anyway. Basically I don't get the fascination with silver, since it overlaps with mystic--so just get runecrafter and buy a mystic kit for the rare's if you really want to be particular about it.
  22. Because the Devaluation of T6 mats can be more easily explained; just looking at trading data show the supply has been increasing for most of the materials for around a year now, this coincides with the releases of the Drizzlewood maps Yes... thank you for pointing this out.My point is this:Players who make this complaint (and we have seen a few over the past year or so) always point to how hard to makes crafting a legendary.They never acknowledge how much easier their loot farms have made it, how much faster it is to accrue t6 mats thanks to Drizzlewood or the Volatile Magic Farms. All we hear are the sob stories.Making a Legendary item in this game has never been easier, but these posts about Mystic Coins that cry "what about the casuals making legendaries??" don't stop. I am not even a casual player and I find out even with everything I do daily I can only make around 5-6 coins per day per 1 account. I am talking about Supply and Demand mostly. There is more demand than supply for the Coin market and a lot of TP Baron know that so they are holding coins especially Goldrim who holds approx 500,000 Mystics Coin and his account worth 16.3 million gold. Just this morning the moment I posted this discussion, the Coin price was 3 gold because some guy just purchasing a huge amount of coins on the market. I even know some people who have around 20k - 50k coins in their banks. They are all waiting for EOD and Steam release to jack up the coin price to 4 gold. When Coin reaches 4 gold each, Legendary Gen 1 price is up, T6 mats will also back to primetime. Not to mention, new legendaries might also be released with the expansion. I do not know how many Legendaries you have crafted but as a person who has unlocked 75% of the legendaries items in this game and I am crafting new legendary every 2 or 3 weeks, I am still finding out it takes too long to collect enough coins. You and I might have time to focus on grinding for legendaries but you need to have an open mind and think about the real casual player who has like 2-3 hours of game times per day. I have done some surveys with the real casual players, and trust me when I say it takes them approx 7-8 months for 1 legendary. There are a lot of contents in this game and what is fun when you only have 2-3 hours of game time and have to grind for something you want in a game. Remember this, Gw2 is a game, not a 2nd full-time job. Making a Gen 1 is easy but Gen 2 is a bit different, sure you get the clovers then what? Those 250 Mystic Coin for Mystic Tribute is not free. About the devalue of T6 Mats, the value is going down because you can grind that mats but for the coin, you have a limited way to do it. Grinding t6 map is not that easy either to get a full stack of T6 it takes hours too, it is not as you go to Drizzle Coast, goes around does some events here and there, and kaboom 1 stack of T6 mats. Stop using the word "cry" lol, people have the right to mention and discuss. If you do not like these posts so stop reading them. It is not that hard. Using words like cry does not make you superior compare to others. You might have a top value account in Gw2, you might say crafting legendaries is easy for you, well Good for you then. However, you need to stay open-minded and respect other people opinionReal casual players get out the credit card and buy every mat from the TP instantly. Then they play the game for the collection's and stuff you can't buy.
  23. I like how the OP disappeared in the early part of the topic, and now we're discussing how niche SB actually is. Like, using a similar build to the one in the vid above (with a few trait tweaks) it is truly a monster in a small group / +1 situation. Roaming though? Awful. Way, way too glassy and all two of your survival / escape options are pretty craptastic compared to a good NM build on either Druid or Core. So yeah, I run two builds, this one for my groups where I can just kite and destroy people, and then an survival / immob build where I can duel just about anything (except DE's cause that range / escape advantage is nuts).
  24. I don't understand the topic. I see WvW mentioned a lot but don't see it as a grind--I'm only rank 800 and a couple hundred ranks before that (rank 5-600) I had enough skirmish tickets and such for a full set of legendary armor. But I enjoy the mode, and do lament it has a worse skin than raids--I don't even use the skin at all. I find PvE more of a grind, have to play hours of story missions to get a chance at some basic stuff like ascended mat eaters. Not only that but have to finish some grueling tasks (i.e. chalice of tears) which WvW has no equivalent to. Add in all the mastery tracks you need to grind out to do anything (i.e. gliding / mounts) and it's a big time investment. But, I don't see why you need any of it anyway though, outside of the 'hardcore' content of raids and fractals. If you are doing those you probably enjoy them (like I do WvW) and aren't here complaining about it. Open world stuff has been runnable by literally any stat combo since the game launched--any hard events you have an entire mob to carry you.
  25. Nothing better illustrates how old the GW2 playerbase is than this topic. Twitch is huge, get one streamer behind your game and you get an influx. Even as an experimental thing, like Summit1G did last year; he decided to play GW2 for all of a week and he had 15-20k active viewers at ONE time. That's a lot of eyes.
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