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Everything posted by Derdzvero.7051

  1. Well, I don't think anyone has issues, running a farm train so there must be a difference, right? I mean if it was a regular grind, we all have been doing for years, why would people rage now? Sure, there was a rant about grifon since we had to run pony murdering train for days, but gold there was ok at least and it was massive. Same with Tarir and dragon stand..Answer is (IMHO) - it's not the same. And playing lws4 content is not a problem. Replaying it is! That means 1h repetitive, boring, meaningless circle on 5-6 small maps. Many times a day. For many days. It's a suicide for the game
  2. Because Anet focused too much on expanding the game with LWSeasons, instead of improving and extending the content.. my 2 cents
  3. I wouldn't bother now - if one day you reach a point, where it's needed, you can do it in a day probably. P.S.Weapons I don't craft - those I get from HoT and PoF collections. Some need level 400 crafting though, but that is still OK and better than crafting ascended from scratch to end.Armour - I only use Grandmaster marks nowadays. All the way. No insignias, no vision crystals, balanced distribution of mats across tiers.
  4. 250 of each is a NOGO with current droprate (apart from Istan). Within several weeks/a month max, the majority of players will reach that mobile-game-collection and then it will be the downfall of the game...point of no return is approaching.
  5. I know what and how to spare myself a brain-dead time wasting, that is not the problem. The problem is the trend - next patch we won't have that convenience at our disposal since it won't be "how it's meant to be played". And please restrain from telling others what problems do they have. As Marjory was saying: "Language, please!"
  6. Doing a heart (carry robot parts, hitting a dummy with a stick, etc.) for several days, 30 times a day and calling that content and long term goal? There is a medical term for that and it's not something good and healthy. Wouldn't be surprised if EU bans such whale-inspiring games next, after loot boxes/gambling stuff..It's 2019 and some are thinking of traveling to Mars, if you haven't noticed...
  7. LWS4 started great... until Anet decided to become Marvel and messed up with Joko&Aurene. Question to Anet: when you are walking around Elona/Fractals/with Marjory, or simply playing a Necromancer, don't you feel some inconsistency? Any.. weird feeling, that something doesn't fit?P.S. same happened with Silvary - turning 1/5 of Tyria population into mobs, without follow up, is not a story telling that deserves credit. Not in 2019.
  8. Oh, I think we all have established a very...special bond with Anet, LWs4 maps, mount and their collections already. I'm sure that wasn't exactly as planned, but...At least I did while following that lemming train in Dragonfall for 30 times to unlock the 3 merchants..
  9. HOT is great. Just don't approach it as if it's a GW2 content, rather than Dark Souls ;)Especially without mounts.;)
  10. And I have found them tedious and repetitive. Just because people are present doesn't mean they're enjoying it (or that they're not). TBH I think there will be an increase in map populations only in the short-term. I've already noticed fewer people this week compared to a week ago. YMMV Absolutely. There's no excitement in the air, no jokes in chat or jumping/posing shiny characters around. It's a dead mood. Heck, even medicine collection, which requires 30 escort mindless events is boring as... it's a real pity though, level design, graphics, art - all beautiful as always by Anet.. just that game design..omg that game design..
  11. This whole story will end the same way as with slippery slope and birds of prey.. Nothing will change until next financial report comes out and player stats accumulate so.. to each their own in the meantime. I'm personally enjoying other games and from time to time do lws2 story for an hour..
  12. GW2 is NOT free 2 play. It's a wrong and shady advertisement.Nothing meaningful in this game is available without buying whole content - perhaps lws2 is not a must, but all the rest is (provided you want to gear multiple chars and participate in all activities/have all mounts).Every new player should calculate 2 expansions and lws3+4 at very least. My advice: . Collect all the gold you can - everything in GW2 gets cut down to gathering gold (by simply run&tag mobs or doing same big bullet sponges again and again). With that gold you can buy yourself content, gear up , bypass timegates, collections and so on.Sounds boring and brain dead? Yes. It's getting worse. @Derdzvero.7051 said: GW2 is NOT free 2 play. It's a wrong and shady advertisement.Nothing meaningful in this game is available without buying whole content - perhaps lws2 is not a must, but all the rest is (provided you want to gear multiple chars and participate in all activities/have all mounts).Every new player should calculate 2 expansions and lws3+4 at very least. My advice: . Collect all the gold you can - everything in GW2 gets cut down to gathering gold (by simply run&tag mobs or doing same big bullet sponges again and again). With that gold you can buy yourself content, gear up , bypass timegates, collections and so on.Sounds boring and brain dead? Yes. It's getting worse. You can do every aspect of the game as a free to play player except raid.No, you can't. You can't sell stuff on TP and thus you can't get even basic amount of funds. Most I could get back then from running around for world events was exotic gear for 1 character (cheapest Nika set). That's it. Forget about anything else.
  13. GW2 is NOT free 2 play. It's a wrong and shady advertisement.Nothing meaningful in this game is available without buying whole content - perhaps lws2 is not a must, but all the rest is (provided you want to gear multiple chars and participate in all activities/have all mounts).Every new player should calculate 2 expansions and lws3+4 at very least. My advice: . Collect all the gold you can - everything in GW2 gets cut down to gathering gold (by simply run&tag mobs or doing same big bullet sponges again and again). With that gold you can buy yourself content, gear up , bypass timegates, collections and so on.Sounds boring and brain dead? Yes. It's getting worse.
  14. Not only that, but you have now tamagotchi in game!!! A Tamagotchi in 2019!! It's just a matter of time that will spread to other areas in game and that mount will be forced in future content, I have no doubt of that. At the end AFK farm comes and we have... BDO.Many mention that they liked the collection because it was difficult and long - wrong, it was stupid, artificially prolonged and definitely insultingly easy for anyone with mouse and kbd, able to press 2 keys at a time.This dev team treats people as being autistic and creates whales. I'm not playing anymore, but still throwing an eye here for changes - if it doesn't happen I'm uninstalling in 1 Months time. I'm not wasting electricity for bad story and incompetent game design..
  15. RIP GW2. At this point it's a copy paste of all bad in games like BDO: feed, breed, xls sheet, stopwatch, alarms..live with the game and think of it, even when it's offline. No, thanks, that's insulting. PvE was the only good part of the game. Was.It's astonishing how some game studios can suicide, taking playerbase for autistic. Goodbye friends, enjoy what you can.Go to ****, Anet!
  16. To be honest I'm with OP on that one. After brilliant HoT and LWS3, I've swallowed empty PoF, having to do 1 thing over and over again to get the stupid bird, that can't fly.. playing Barbie dressing dolls for months, went through complete bunch of nonsense balance patches, absolutely bad LWS4 story (killing Joko, getting dragon pet, having zero idea of Magic and dragons storyline).. to end all in 15min by spamming special skill and find I can't even explore the island as it's locked behind ala "dragon stand" event. But there I was never pushed to spend weeks and weeks in it.. Sorry for the noise and whine, but I don't tolerate gameplay for whales. My patience is gone, sadly.. P.S. Anet graphic design, level design, animations - all great as usual. Thank you guys for your hard and beautiful work.
  17. Having the same issue with GW2 since latest patches. Seems windows focus...
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