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Everything posted by SpellboundTutor.4257

  1. I'd love one for hatched chilis. I... didn't even think of that. I'm dumb.
  2. I can only really speak for myself, but while the emotes are fun, I don't see them as being worth the grind. What I would really like is if a meta had multi-tiered rewards like the weapon/recipe collections have in recent episodes. Also, you want to -really- entice me? Do that, and make the final reward a converter for that map's currency/crafting materials. That'll light a fire under me to get going on those metas! Do you know how many Eitrite Ingots I have that I can't use!?! If I can convert 250 of them into a single Iron or even Silver Ore, I'll be content!
  3. I imagine some kind of submersible like with Draconis Mons, then you'd have to fight sea serpents while having some sort of Asuran magnetization/gravitation device keeping you from flying off it. Bonus points if we can use Underwater Skimmers during the trip!
  4. I'm looking at this as them stretching out a single Living World episode over the span of several months because they don't have enough staff to deliver regular Living World episodes between now and the start of EoD. Like they didn't really have any options if they wanted to keep to a schedule other than possibly waiting on releasing the final Living World episode 4-6 months down the line. I'm not going to say it's comparable to a Living World episode because it's absolutely not. But it's better than nothing. That said, I think some of the systems could have been better explained, like the Mobilizing Allies global or the Dragon Mastery crystals for unlocking the mastery trees and how they're not all going to be available right away or something. I've had to answer questions in EotN with pure speculation and I hate doing that. I also feel like there should have been more to the DRMs. Not saying "only releasing three" is bad, that's fine if we're playing the long game with Champions and more will get released as we go. What I am saying is that, as far as the content IN the DRMs, I feel like the challenges for Challenge Mode are kind of bland. Something that might have made things more interesting would be, like how Steel and Fire was handled. Because it feels like DRMs are a step backward from what we got with Steel and Fire. Taking Metrica Province as an example, we could have had side objectives with, say... Braham sensing more destroyers in an off-the-beaten-path area and you have to beat up a bunch of destroyers to "Rank Up" and get better rewards, or maybe separatists taking advantage of the chaos in Gendarran Fields, or a giant wurm miniboss spawns and starts wreaking havoc. Just... something like that. I think, if we want to have good solid content in DRMs, the developers of this content could definitely take some notes from what they accomplished in Steel and Fire.
  5. Can any of that happen in dungeons? Steel and Fire is the closest thing resembling DRMs and it's a Strike, not a dungeon. Here's the thing though. This is content introduced in "Icebrood Saga" -> "Champions". When you open LFG, where's the first thing common sense would tell you to go for this content? "Icebrood Saga" -> "Champions". But that's wrong. That is incorrect. Because those are squads, not parties. And as far as I am aware, people associate any LFG in the Central Tyria category with stuff in the core game. That's what I mean by "It's not intuitive". Just because something technically works does not mean it's intuitive or user friendly. You can refer to Ikea for examples of that.
  6. Really? Because when DRMs came out, I know I didn't even think to check Tyria Parties for DRMs until I found this forum post. Not once. If it were intuitive, that'd be the first place I'd check. in·tu·i·tive/inˈt(y)o͞oədiv/adjectiveusing or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. Again, really? The only difference between a strike and a DRM is the party limit. Compare: Steel and Fire Strike to DRMs vs. Ascalonian Catacombs to DRMs. All that said, I'm not saying "We shouldn't use Tyria Parties in the meantime", but for most people, it's not clear that that's the solution right now. Especially when we have a category for "Champions" parties that is exclusively squads.
  7. 100% agreed. While we can use Tyria Parties, it's not very intuitive and there are people using Strike Mission squads, then disbanding the squads to make parties just because it's the closest in similarity to this new content.
  8. Heya! So I noticed from Heart of Thorns onward, whenever you do the story on any character, you can get story achievements. I don't remember if you have to run it first on any character on your account or if it just lets you qualify for achievements right away, but regardless, Living World Season 2 requires you to complete each chapter on a character for that specific character to start getting achievements. Would it be possible to change Living World Season 2 to allow for achievement hunting after one character on an account completes a chapter? I would be okay with a change like this even if, after the change, we'd have to do it one more time without achievements to flag the account. Thank you so much!
  9. Hello there! I was hoping to come here to ask if we could save multiple Achievement lists. I know we currently have a "Watch List", but that actually automatically overrides any and all auto-generated "Daily" lists. Like, sometimes I wanna track achievements when doing certain pieces of content (i.e. the Steel and Fire strike mission), sometimes I want to track certain achievements in Bjora Marches or Grothmar Valley for completion's sake. But in order to do that, I have to untick every achievement from my watch list and re-tick every achievement I want for the content I want to do. I was thinking, maybe replace "Watch List" with "Watch Lists", then you can make your own lists (up to a certain amount or saved client-side to save on server stress) that you can swap between? So I can have a list for Steel and Fire stuff I wanna focus on, a list for Bjora Marches achievements I haven't done, a list for various miscellaneous collections I want to check on every now and then... etc. Thank you very much and I hope you and your team stay safe in these difficult times!
  10. I literally came to this thread to ask for this exactly. Was not disappointed.
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