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Everything posted by Aylpse.6280

  1. I give up. I can't get the help I need, nor get over this hurdle. I don't know what to do.
  2. So when is my boy Abbadon coming back to subvert tropes and save the day?
  3. Gael Fenice, Firebrand. His name roughly translates to "Holy Phoenix" in french.I went for a halfplate setup for a more magical feel, as he isn't very large or brutish but proper protection of vitals is important.. he has a helmet but it's not pictured.
  4. Should have looked here before sending a support ticket. Yeah, stuck in que here.
  5. I strongly disagree with everyone who said "Scarlet". She had potential to be a good villain, however the execution was horrible. She would have been much better if everything was done in reverse. Starting with the attack on Lions Arch and the players would have a personal grudge against her, rather then having Scarlet be one step ahead the player would be foiling her plans and breaking down her forces. (Starting infighting with Molten alliance, Aether blades and Nightmare court.) and eventually taking her out. As mentioned in the post above, she is a mary sue. Using the suggested method I have provided and retconing the Asura collages (One would be fine, sure. All three? Many Asura struggle with just one...) she would have been far more enjoyable. Rant aside, as for my favorites, I HATED Caduceus. Perhaps due to real world parallels to the deep state, lets be real who actually likes corrupt politicians? So there are some points for him there though he wasn't very compelling. Several unfinished assets and pieces in the game (now sealed off) suggested at one point, Kudu was going to be the main villain. His connection to Snaff, air of arrogance and deadly ambition prop him above many of the villains. His philosophy (and the philosophy of the Inquest in general) are unfathomably dangerous. To forsake all empathy for the sake of progress. Yeah, lets throw in some unstable elder dragon mojo and see what happens. Kudu didn't mess around (unlike the current Inquest which I can very much liken to a headless chicken. Kudu was the head, in case you were wondering.) when he was on screen you knew there was going to be trouble, dare I say the little shark rat was intimidating to a degree. He had the makings of an excellent villain, its a shame he was axed so soon. Joko... is Joko... may we take a moment to praise his name, best compared to Dr. Eggman, he's campy, he's fun, he likes to monologue. He's that Saturday morning cartoon villain, a welcome change of pace from things and kept S4 fresh until Kralk took the stage. Speaking for Kralk, it isn't easy to make an avatar of mindless destruction a sympathetic villain. I personally wasn't too upset about his redemption arc becuse I saw it coming. There had been hints since the base game that the elder Dragons weren't outright malevolent or evil by nature. Mordermoth hammered this in if you look at his dialogue. Grandpa Kralky has played the biggest role of any of the Eds in Gw2. I personally love how alien the brand is and the presentation of this huge mountain sized dragon. Says a lot for how intimidating Kralk is.
  6. I am not saying this in favor of afking, but let me ask you this. When for the love of the six has the pvp community ever been "ethical"? This community is so toxic the sludge died of poisoning.
  7. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76602/new-elite-spec-disciple-weapon-swap-and-longbow Oh, beat me to it. Nice!
  8. A bow. Yes, a Bow. Why a Bow? Have you ever played Dragon's Dogma? Have you ever seen a MYSTIC ARCHER? Imagine conjure ice bow but on kitten crack. Throw in some irony like Longbow - Physical. Make the utilities do cool flips and evasive stunts, make the F1-5 have some kind of volley mechanic on attunement swap. Or ammo for "charged shots" that either change the weapon 1-5 or add additional effects. Make the ammo refresh on attunement swap.
  9. No, that's false. There is only one person playing PvP. Everyone else is a bot or one of Team USA's alts. Jokes aside, ranked has been exploited and busted since inception. There isn't much to do about it because there will always be another exploit. I vehemently condemn the players exploiting, and I am no way defending them. What I am saying here is not to take ranked or anything else seriously. Because what's left of the pvp "community" is pretty Honk honk.
  10. Yes, I'd rather play support. Though I assume the dream is truly dead.
  11. Finding a duo partner is a no-go, it's like a job application. I have no real per-requisites, contacts or methods of getting one, I was removed from -that- discord and there are no pvp guilds. So I guess I am stuck with hybrid? Will I get better playing that?
  12. Because my ONLY alternative is map chat. I need some help. This is strictly from a ranked soloQ perspective. Let me start this off with I am not a noob. I have 14 years of pvp healing under my belt. (Not just this game, I have a laundry list but that is besides the point.) I have been with this game since beta, I have vehemently studied pvp and each meta. What each class and espec does. Ect. Ect. Yet for some reason I STILL suck, that wall between gold and plat, that line between actually being good and being trash. No matter what I do, YEARS later, no matter what class, I cannot overcome it. Every other FB I face is pretty much immortal. No one seems to be able to kill them before my team gets shred. The second a rev or mesmer even so much as looks at me funny I am floored. Where other FBs seem to have a steady pace and are in control I am being knocked all over, dazed, stunned and slammed into a locker just like in highschool. What am I missing that everyone else has? I'll be 100% real. I have a mental disability, does this restrain me from reaching the skill ceiling? I don't want to be doomed to the mediocrity I seem to be cursed with. Please, if anyone can help me, I would be their pocket healer forever.
  13. You move faster with your weapons stowed last I checked. Hell there are times where I am kiting on Necro I try to stow after a cast mid combat. I don't mean any BM ever, at least not seriously or out of malice. I do apologize to anyone who thinks I have jumped on their corpse. I have a bad habit of bunny hopping in every single game, even to my own detriment and there are times I forget.
  14. This is a joke. Right? This build isn't any fun to play against.
  15. Don't worry, if it's not the Thief's fault, it's the Necros. That Rev jump you out of nowhere and shreds you while your team chases the bunker Scrapper off node? You suck. Your bad. And you smell like a corpse. Not a necro main either? Don't worry we got you covered! Kitten weaver sitting on home 1v2, it's YOUR fault we lost the 4v3 at mid because you aren't meta! But Aylpse person, I don't play any of those classes! Fret not my ranked grinding monkey friend, because you just need to remember, no matter what you play, the team chat meta dictates that you shift the blame! Bronze player? Don't worry about it we got you covered. Just shift the blame! The key here is to turn off team chat, even if it's a technical determinant. I've never seen team chat used for anything constructive or to alert you. Outside map pings, It's every man for himself.
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