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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:We found a late-breaking bug that could put strain on the entire server when triggered in the Darkrime Delves story instance, so we are temporarily locking the instance while the fix makes its way to the live servers.

    Thanks for the info.

    It seems you disabled more than just the Darkrime Delves story instance, because, when I now try to enter my home instance in Divinity's Reach I also get "InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624" and can not enter, or I get a complete disconnect and after login my character is then moved from Salma-entry to Plaza of Dwayna.

  2. @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    @Mewcifer.5198 said:Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike
    to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

    I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

    Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.

    If you mean the Steelwarband stuff it's all just side story. It's similar to a dungeon to be honest just with public access.

    Dungeons were never required to complete the story with the exception of killing Zhaitan and Anet changed that to a soloable instance for the story. This is a step backwards.

    Yeah they were all side story stuff that tied into the main plot. This is this same. It's not main story like in an episode. Unless I am missing something, you don't need to do this either to progress the main plot which will pick up naturally in episode 3 after SAB. It will just fill in some past details. Like the dungeons did for the DE story arc

    It is different because this is a chapter in the story journal that can't be completed without doing it.

    And it seems, that you have to finish this visons-episode, to be able to play the season 1 instances. But I am not sure about it, because the second strike mission/vision/story step can not be started because of a bug.

  3. @"Hypnowulf.7403" said:I think it's time to remove levels.

    I think that is not a good idea.

    With leveling in PvE, a new player can experience a feeling of progression. Without levels/leveling this would be gone for all new players.Also all sub 80 maps would be trivialized much more.

    I feel that Guild Wars 2 is a game whose design is focused around the concept of freedom of play

    A player can choose to level with scrolls, or with "traditional" game play. That's already in the game.

  4. @Tuna Bandit.3786 said:Tell me this: Does your Zerg leave a single roamer alone trying to capture a sentury? I doubt it, you likely will use the Massive power of the zerg to steamroll the poor roamer without him giving a fighting chance. Am I right? AM I?!?!?!…But they are when they have to kill that single player, even if the player is retreating... that's not fighting that's slaughter... yet you see it constantly.

    Not all commanders/zergs act the same way.

    With the commanders and zergs, that I usually run with, it is the standard, that we do not chase single players/roamers and that we just ignore them and go around them and do not attack. And if some zerglings try to chase roamers, they are told by the commander and other players, not to do this. Unless of course, the roamers attack first and try to pick players from the zerg, then the zerg defends itself.

  5. @Obtena.7952 said:A game that caters to fractions of it's population with various kinds of content is doomed compared to a game that caters to what most of it's population want. Anet doesn't need to worry about whatever self-identification you are referring to ... they know what people are participating in what content and they know what money those people are spending on the game as well. Anet has what they need to determine the ROI based on content categories ... and indications are that it's NOT raids.

    @"maddoctor.2738" said:A game "that caters to fractions of it's population with various kinds of content" will survive and prosper compared to a game that tries to cater to what "most of its population want". That's how mmorpgs work, they cater to lots of different types of players.

    I think both of you are correct in some parts and also wrong in some parts. :)

    One of the core devs that worked on GW1 and GW2 and left Anet and founded another studio wrote somewhere, that some of the lessons he learned from GW2 was, that it was not a good idea to make so much different game modes in one game. Because you will never have enough ressources in the company to support all game modes equally and as a result there will always be players in the game that are unhappy, because they feel that their game mode is not supported anymore.

    When a new company starts it is usually a good strategy to focus only on one small part of the market and customer base and become the leader in this small area. And if you are successful you make money and the company can grow and can extend to other market areas and customer groups.

    When a company, that is active in a lot of different market areas, is not successful (for whatever reasons) anymore, it usually shrinks and focusses only on its core market and core competencies until it is stable again and makes money again. And then it can try to grow again into other markets.

    So, what does this mean for the actual situation with Anet and GW2? We actually have (if we ignore buying the PoF expansion, which is B2P) now a kind of F2P game that makes revenue from gem sales from the gemstore. As a company, Anet MUST focus on revenue and profit, or the company will not survive.

    So they have to focus on the part of the population, that regularly buys gems with real money. They have to increase this part of the population and also have to increase how much real money in average every player of this population spends for the game.

    This means that players, that have a lot of gold (because they play the game for a long time or because they are efficient in making gold), and can convert gold into GEMs, do not create directly any revenue for Anet. But having this kind of players (and content for them) in the game can attract other players, that actually are spending real money for GEMs.

    So, which players/content are actually making the most money for Anet?I have no clue, but I guess it is more complicated than we all think. :)

  6. @Zaklex.6308 said:

    @Thornwolf.9721 said:I was looking for information about what went down, since they were there and it seems like nothing. So did anything of worth get announced, shown or even really revealed or was it kind of just a thing to try and draw more players in. (Like the icebrood saga announcement.)

    They said they are going to show the trailer of visions of past tomorrow.

    Is that all they are gonna reveal? Just that.....

    I don’t know. I don’t work for Anet.

    Welp, faith is gone and hope is dead. Honestly Im not sure how they can expect anyone to be hyped for... like... babies first fractals fused with the caithe mission from S2

    Well I don’t know what to tell you. You seem to assume a lot about content that you know nothing about. Move on maybe ? If so, can I get your stuff ? ?

    I mean it looks like solo story content, thats what it looks like to me. Kind of like a filler between episodes which is what I assume it will be; Something to sate your appetite while you wait for the only content they truly care about Living world. As for my stuff, nope you can't have anything even If I move on ill let it rot on my account so that it will do the same thing my interest is doing. We need an expansion.... living world just doesn't cut it.

    Correction, you need an expansion, I personally can do without one, I'm perfectly fine with the LW/Saga as is, allows me plenty of time to play other games.

    Sure, if you assume that having players drop in every few months for a week or two only to go "play other games again" will keep paying the bills.

    In the end that's something the devs need to figure out. Just saying, only because YOU might be happy with a certain approach to content deployment, while yourself admitting you take breaks from the game, it might not be in the games best interest.

    @Zaklex.6308 said:Correction, you need an expansion, I personally can do without one, I'm perfectly fine with the LW/Saga as is, allows me plenty of time to play other games.Well, you might have not noticed, but you've just pointed out a good argument for why expansion is necessary. After all, I don't think that encouraging players to play
    games is a good design strategy for any MMO.


    Except for the fact that's exactly how the game was envisioned from the beginning, for players to be able to come and go as they please, it's one of the major design elements that ArenaNet wanted. They didn't want people to have to devote themselves to only playing GW2 all the time, they encourage players to take a break, and since that was the one of the base designs you'd think they would've taken that into account when looking at the financial side of things.

    Actually, the statement was in the context of max level characters and max level gear and was about that Anet will never increase the max level of gear/characters, so players CAN take a break from the game and then come back later and will still have max level gear to play the new content. Players do not need to grind for higher level gear before beeing able to play new content (because their old gear is invalidated by an increased max level).

    But it is NOT that the game is designed the way, that players SHOULD take a break.

    P.S. Thats the reason why you do not need (exception: higher level fractals because of agony resistence) ascended gear to play content instead of exotic gear.P.P.S. Thats the reason why Anet created masteries as another way of progression instead of increasing the level cap.

    EDIT: P.P.P.S And that design philosophy maybe is also a reason why (some / lots of) players do not care about switching their gear to better stat combinations.

  7. @Nephalem.8921 said:

    @"Seth Moonshadow.2710" said:Because as PvErs with RL we definitely have play cycles we enjoy. Not being able to complete story metas is not one of them!

    The rl argument doesnt hold at all. Sports need 1-3h time investments WITHOUT BREAKS! aswell and even more for tournaments and i've never heard somebody say: "i cant play football because i have rl".

    Just as a side note:

    I do hear fairly regularly from my friends who have a family and a dedicated job that for professional and family reasons they can not participate in our sporting activities and most of them do not participate in tournaments. When my friends were younger and had no family or jobs, of course that didn't happen that much.

  8. Nice. I really would like to say "Hi" to the Marionette again :) and if the Marionette-fight will be one of the four missions, I definitely will play it (don't care about if and how challenging it would be, but I hope it will be easier than fractal 100cm :) ). But there is this bittersweet feeling, that the mission fights will maybe not feel that "epic" like I remember the originals from S1.

    And I really hope that Anet will not repeat with the EotN hub the errors they made with Sun's refugee (and the home-instance).

    I like the announcement. But I also liked previous announcements and then ... Anet happened.So, lets see what the content really will be, when it is relased.

  9. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Zok.4956" said:Anet did know that the raid participation in general is small in MMOs because they are "high-end content designed for the more hardcore player" but that was OK for creating raids in the first place and they were (kind of) happy at the time that the raid participation was is higher in GW2 than in other MMOs. Because they created more raids after that.

    There is also this:

    We are planning to release raids with more regularity this season.from this link:

    Meaning at the time of Daybreak (1 month after Path of Fire was released) the Raid population justified the development of further Raids as they planned to release more regular Raids.

    Thanks for the quote. So Anet was "happy" with raid population for quite some time.

    @"Vayne.8563" said:And the lack of interest subsequently is because people probably, on the whole, don't enjoy them more than other content.

    Arenanet has the data, they both said judging by their data that Raid population was higher than expected AND furthermore they said that they were going to release more regular Raids.

    The lack of interest and the drop in Raid population was due to the following factors:a) Hall of Chains was too hard, even for more hardcore teamsb) It took them 10 full months to release the next Raid even though they promised more regular releasesc) The rewards of Path of Fire Raids was lackluster, meaning it's better to train your new players in the old Raids, rather than go for the new ones

    From the people I talked to, those are the major reasons (especially the 2nd) for stopping running Raids. I'm sure there were those that stopped raiding after getting their legendary armor, but there were far far more pressing issues with Raids than "enjoyment".

    These are valid points. But none of the issues you listed, will be fixed with strike missions like Anet is hoping. Strikes look like a work-around and will probably only create a temporary influx of new raid players. If Anet wants a bigger raid population, they should work on fixing raid problems and also make new raids.

  10. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Loki.4871" said:Only killed the vale guardian, with guildmates; it took a few goes but it was fun, and we enjoyed the way we had to do something more than dps the snot out of something. That was about a year ago because due to work I've simply not been able to reliably commit to raiding with them.

    The big thing that kills raids for me is the community. As one person described a different game's raiding community: "They are the vegans of this game". I pop into the airship section to have a look at try the golem every nnow and again, and it seems like every group insists on the tokens you get from killing bosses, insist on the latest meta build... it's even worse than Kanaxai of the Deep or Domain of Anguish back in Guildwars 1. It feels like peak "No fun allowed", and while I won't argue for one moment you should be able to bumble up with any build and beat the boss first time, the raiding community's 'my way or be a pariah' is just frustrating.It takes me back to something Valve noted when talking about people leaving matches in Dota2: Players were leaving because they weren't enjoying themselves. If a player wasn't enjoying themselves, even if they were winning the match, they'd usually leave; players having fun would stay even if they were losing.

    I want to raid but I simply just don't want to deal with people who raid because of their behaviour.

    Raiders want competent players. They cannot know if you are or not. That's why they ask for certain amount of kill proofs. Trust me, if you were a raider you would ask yourself for kill proofs because there are too many incompetent players out there destroying your fun heavily.How to acquire more kill proofs? Join communities, training discord or lead your own group. Don't let others do the work for you. Be pro-active and you'll be fine within few weeks.

    I agree. But I also think that players that are new to raids face now a much bigger barrier than in the past.

    Back in the days when I started raiding, gw2-raids were new to a lot of players that raided and there were a lot of training-runs in the LFG. We learned together. And if we were low-manned in our guild-group, we filled up the slots of our training runs without any kill-proof requirements.

    When I started raiding in HoT, it took us around 1 week to kill VG, with multiple evenings dedicated to practice and tries.

    good for you. My group needed much longer until we made our first VG kill. But we could only raid at one evening per week because of RL.

    This fantasy that everyone was equally bad and thus it was easier is just that: fantasy.

    Of course, not everyone was equally bad. But just because you experienced it differently than others doesn't mean that the experience of others is just a fantasy.

  11. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Friday.7864" said:

    And you not wanting to join a guild in a game that literally has "Guild" in its name is so comical it hurts.It's only so named to keep the franchise alive. I don't believe that it was ever set up that players had to be in guilds.

    Yes. Only the original Guild Wars had Guild Battles (GvG) including tournaments, a ladder/leaderbord of guilds etc.

  12. @"voltaicbore.8012" said:I work with a lot of businesses of various scale/scope irl, and it's a pretty consistent problem I see - some entrepreneur designs product P to appeal to consumer group C, and the initial numbers before launch suggest that you can make a profit doing so. But after launch, P is not actually doing so well, and very often the knee-jerk response is "let's do what works out well for our competitors." Problem is, what limited success P enjoys usually comes entirely from its characteristics that C finds meaningfully distinct from competitor products. Changing P in ways that betrays that distinctiveness almost always alienates a lot of the folks from C who did show up to support P, while the changes still leave P inferior in many regards to its competitors. In other words, you kitten off the folks who support you now, and usually fail to suck in enough new support to replace them.

    I agree. The product defines/attracts the customer. If a product/service is changed significantly, existing customers will leave, and only later on, eventually, new customers will come that maybe can replace the revenue of the lost customers.

    But trying to convince existing customers that the changed product is better than the old one usually does not work when major characteristics of a product are changed.

    The sad reality is that the right answer in many of these situations is to either (A) shrink operations to fit what P is capable of bringing in without betraying its core uniqueness, or (B) abandon P in as financially efficient a manner as possible, and move onto the next thing. The layoffs indicate that (A) has already happened for GW2 to a great extent, and some seem to think that (B) is happening behind closed doors as well.


  13. @Zok.4956 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I can't find where the Devs said, "We aren't sure we can support Raids moving forward"; I only see this:

    "...we want to find better ways to support (Raids)..." and "Regardless of if that succeeds or not (Strike Missions), we understand the importance of balancing our efforts between accessible content with broad appeal, and content that appeals to the more hard core audience, and recognize that we need to do a
    better job of supporting the latter

    To me, and, of course, that's just me, it sounds like they are committed to creating more 'hard core' content, i.e. Raids.

    "the biggest challenge in creating more (raids) is the small audience they attract."

    They have a problem to justify to put more money/devs into development of more raids because of the small audience.

    After raids started, the devs where happy, how many players the raids attracted.

    @Vayne.8563 said:Where do you get the idea that the devs were happy how many people raids attracted? I'm curious because I've never seen a quote about that.

    @Zok.4956 said:I am not sure if it was at a guild chat or on the forum, so I can not give you the exact quote. But I remember that someone from Anet stated, that they were happy about how many players were doing raids, more than expected, without giving the exact numbers/percentages.

    I have now found a quote about this that I want to share: From: http://dulfy.net/2016/03/05/gw2-reddit-developer-ama-summary/

    @Developer AMA SummaryRaid in MMOs are high-end content designed for the more hardcore player. However, from an analytics standpoint, the participation is higher than other games we’ve seen. This is likely due to the nature of our progression system in GW2.

    Anet did know that the raid participation in general is small in MMOs because they are "high-end content designed for the more hardcore player" but that was OK for creating raids in the first place and they were (kind of) happy at the time that the raid participation was is higher in GW2 than in other MMOs. Because they created more raids after that.

    @Developer AMA SummaryRaid teams are smaller than teams for Living World releases. For example, with Salvation Pass, we had only about 5-6 people working on it full time for 4 months.

    If Anet can not justify anymore to assign only "5-6 people working on it full time for 4 months" to make a new raid, then I guess the raid participation must be really low at the moment.

  14. @Vinceman.4572 said:

    @"Loki.4871" said:Only killed the vale guardian, with guildmates; it took a few goes but it was fun, and we enjoyed the way we had to do something more than dps the snot out of something. That was about a year ago because due to work I've simply not been able to reliably commit to raiding with them.

    The big thing that kills raids for me is the community. As one person described a different game's raiding community: "They are the vegans of this game". I pop into the airship section to have a look at try the golem every nnow and again, and it seems like every group insists on the tokens you get from killing bosses, insist on the latest meta build... it's even worse than Kanaxai of the Deep or Domain of Anguish back in Guildwars 1. It feels like peak "No fun allowed", and while I won't argue for one moment you should be able to bumble up with any build and beat the boss first time, the raiding community's 'my way or be a pariah' is just frustrating.It takes me back to something Valve noted when talking about people leaving matches in Dota2: Players were leaving because they weren't enjoying themselves. If a player wasn't enjoying themselves, even if they were winning the match, they'd usually leave; players having fun would stay even if they were losing.

    I want to raid but I simply just don't want to deal with people who raid because of their behaviour.

    Raiders want competent players. They cannot know if you are or not. That's why they ask for certain amount of kill proofs. Trust me, if you were a raider you would ask yourself for kill proofs because there are too many incompetent players out there destroying your fun heavily.How to acquire more kill proofs? Join communities, training discord or lead your own group. Don't let others do the work for you. Be pro-active and you'll be fine within few weeks.

    I agree. But I also think that players that are new to raids face now a much bigger barrier than in the past.

    Back in the days when I started raiding, gw2-raids were new to a lot of players that raided and there were a lot of training-runs in the LFG. We learned together. And if we were low-manned in our guild-group, we filled up the slots of our training runs without any kill-proof requirements.

    But today, most raids are old and I guess that most players that raid, are experienced with the raids and do not want that their "normal" run becomes a training-run for some strangers. So new players that start now with raiding have a much harder time to find training runs via LFG, so they have to look for a guild, community etc. and make also commitments to that community, guild, etc.

  15. @flog.3485 said:

    @"Obtena.7952" said:Correct, they aren't ... even by their very nature they are intentionally designed around guild participation, which tends to require a good deal of organization to execute successfully. Of course, whether Guild missions are casual-oriented content or not has NOTHING to do with the post your are replying to or this thread. If you want to debate what is or isn't casual content, feel free to make a separate thread about it.It's the logic you used to
    what is casual contents, in which you used to labeling out of any contents that requires "waiting for players organise into groups" from being casual. In this case the whole debate of meta achievements are irrelevant as nearly all living story meta achievements contain activities that require waiting for players to do as such, which makes meta achievement never meant for your definition of casual players.

    @"Obtena.7952" said:I don't know what you are talking about. Nothing I said should have given you any indication of what I am and am not willing to do. You should try to follow along better, ESPECIALLY if you are going to accuse someone of having a false agenda and that person is me.

    This I apologise for falsely pointing onto you, but you should be aware the whole topic is about willing or not willing to do strike mission.

    The whole topic isn't about willing or not willing to do a strike mission. The whole topic is about Anet adding content that was never there before as a required part of the meta. You're singling out the fact that I don't like the change, but the topic is about the change. If it was here all along there wouldn't be a conversation. But when a change occurs, if you don't like the change, you're well within you rights to say so. This is an unacceptble change to me, which ruins content I previously enjoyed. It's not about willing, it's about enjoyment.

    The Icebrood saga was about changing the formula of the game.

    Are these words coming from Anet, or from your own interpretation?

    That is the main reason why it is not called Living story season 5. Had the devs clearly stated at the start of the season that they would just do a copy pasta of season 3 and 4, then I personally would have agreed with your complaint but it really isn’t the case here.

    Oh, interesting. I thought it was because, it is a season that also will include expansion style content without an expansion. But whatever Anet intended, players still call it Season 5 because there is not much difference between the Sage and a Season visible, yet

    And Anet makes the same mistakes they made in the past: When they see a problem, they make a workaround instead of fixing the problem.

    Raids, as stated by Anet, attract only a small part of the players. Thats OK, because it is a type of content not everyone likes or is able to do. This has not changed since the beginning of raids in GW2. But now Anet stated that raids attract too few players to make new Raids. But instead of fixing the problems of raids (including: make more and better raids, make them more accessible themself, make them more attractive, etc. -this is another topic that was already discussed) they make strikes as a cheap(er) work-around to get more new players into raiding.

    Fact is: We do not know why Anet put the strike achievements as required in the zone-meta. It could be part of their strategy to "force" more players into strikes, or to "change the formula of the game" like you wrote, or maybe it was only an over-motivated strike-loving employee, or maybe it was just a bug because of the seperation of one episode into two, etc.

    But whatever reasons Aner had for putting it in the Zone-achievement, the existence of this thread is proof, that there are players that think it is a bad design decision and that this will be bad for the game and that, if it was intentional, it will be counter-productive in the end.

    However: I did not see (maybe I have overlooked it) a reason, why it would be bad for the game if Anet would reduce the achievement count for the Zone-meta achievement, so the strike-missions would become optional for the zone-meta.

    Also: Why is it a good design choice, that even WvWer have to do this for the reward and why can they not do this with a wvw reward track anymore?

  16. @Vilin.8056 said:

    @Vayne.8563 said:It is my belief that the vast majority of casuals don't like and won't run strike missions for a variety of reasons. I'm not even sure that skill is the main reason.

    As I've said before I have the skill to raid I just don't enjoy raiding. I believe a lot of people are in my boat.

    Again, you do not speak for the majority here, that kind of self acclaimed statement feels somehow offensive to our community.

    You make the same mistake with your self acclaimed statement because you do not speak for the community.

  17. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Sobx.1758 said:Moreover, if "you're" such a gemstore collector that "you" keep whipping out gems for complete skin set boxes, there's even less of a reason to pretend 200gold price point is any problem at all.

    You actually missed the point completely of what I wrote. You can read again, if you like.

    I give you a hint:

    @Zok.4956 said:"Fair and honest would have been, if they would have put the contents of the reward track as a package in the gemstore for 400-600 gems or the skin alone for 200-400 gems."

    good day.

    You ""accidentally missed"" the main point of my answer. Does it mean you agree with me or you just have nothing to say about that and would rather pretend your way of pricing items is correct, while it's obviously not for the reasons I've stated in my previous post?

    What exactly was your main point? That the price of the WvW-warclaw skin is too low and that it should be priced much higher by Anet? No, I do not share this view and neither does Anet. The WvW-warclaw track is actually a sales-packet and you should know how packet prices and also sales promotions work in the gemstore.

  18. @"Sobx.1758" said:Moreover, if "you're" such a gemstore collector that "you" keep whipping out gems for complete skin set boxes, there's even less of a reason to pretend 200gold price point is any problem at all.

    You actually missed the point completely of what I wrote. You can read again, if you like.

    I give you a hint:

    @Zok.4956 said:"Fair and honest would have been, if they would have put the contents of the reward track as a package in the gemstore for 400-600 gems or the skin alone for 200-400 gems."

    good day.

  19. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:Well 200 gold would get you just under 600 gems.

    Lets do the math here:

    1 Key: 125 gems1 Statute: 13 gems ( fair estimate / 10 keys )1 Heroic Booster: 150 gems1 Guaranteed Skin: 1200 gemsTotal: 1488

    Or if you want to be stingy and compare to random skin unlocks ( 400 gems ): 688 gems

    The skin of the reward track is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package), so realistically it's at max only 400 gems for the skin.

    Except to actually PICK that skin you'd need to pay 1200 gems, so lets not lowball here and claim you'd totally have a perfect rng to get whatever you want. This is not randomized.

    No need for rng.

    The "Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack" (not available at the moment) costs 2000 gems and is a package that includes 5 warclaw skins, so each of the skins has a value of 400 gems. Included in the package is the "Outrider Warclaw Skin". The "Guildrider Warclaw Skin" from the WvW track is a reskinned version of the "Outrider Warclaw Skin". As I wrote, it is a reskinned version, of a skin that costs 400 gems (in a skin package).

  20. @subversiontwo.7501 said:

    @Nightcore.5621 said:Mistforged armor that you need rank 2000 to get is almost impossible to get after this patch. Fights takin so long like never ending. either reduce the Requirements to get the armor or buff the xp for takin over camps / towers.As has been said a million times about this:

    However, the Sublime mistforged stuff (which is what you mean when you say mistforged, right?) was/is a token of appreciation for veteran players who stuck out years of neglect. It is a type of reward that should not be devalued. It is questionable enough that such an effect has already been added to sPvP gear (where rewards and cosmetics have always been better) and gemstore items.

    If the Sublime effect is devalued further you are going to upset alot of old players who spent years just to that and nothing else.

    It is a nice skin/effect that I use on one character where it fits but nothing more and it would not devalue what I already have, if the requirements would be lowered so other players could get it with lower ranks.

    @subversiontwo.7501 said:That effect is meant to be as rare as some of the rarest infusions. It is the unique prime effect of WvW and should as such be more valuable than legendaries or at least the crown jewel of a full legendary armor collection. They just added it on WXP to reward veterans rather than as a 6-piece legendary effect. Keep in mind that players who have been doing things like roaming, playing support classes or other class that tag far less have always received far less WXP and loot. There are extremely active and experienced players who are not much more than 2k rank (after 7 years of a daily multihour routine in WvW). To them, your irks about the patch are disrespectful even if I'm sure that isn't what you are intending.

    You may remember the Obsidian Sanctum farm, back in the days when zergs were killed (they let themselves be killed on purpose - in turns) to gain a lot of WxP/ranks. About 30-40 ranks per hour was sometimes possible doing this. Or you may remember the massive EotM karma trains (only capping without defending anything) where players also could gain lots of ranks in short time. And don't forget the bandwagoneers that always switch to the winning servers, so they can karma-train in zergs better and gain WxP with less effort.

    The high rank of a player says nothing about how the player got his high rank. So please, do not talk about "disrespectful", if new and low rank players find the rank requirements too high and if they think, that gaining WxP is not not as easy as it was before (because, that is true).

  21. @Angel.6085 said:

    @"kash.9213" said:

    When we're told we'll get a skin that we can earn in game through a reward track (not gemstore) and then we find out our new thing is basically a gemstore item it doesn't matter if we're not forced or if it's optional, that's still a real letdown and says a lot about what they think of WvW players going forward.

    It is in no way, shape or form a gemstore item. People farm gold in game, people pay with gold they earned in game. You do not have to swipe a credit card for this. Gemstore stuff is also obtainable without real money.

    You 100% can earn this in game.

    As you wrote all gemstore stuff can be obtained without real money by converting gold to gems. However, if most players would have enough gold to be able to convert it into gems if they buy from the gemstore, Anet would have no gem-sales with real money. So, in fact a lot of players do not have enough gold to convert gold into gems for gemstore stuff and buy gems with real money. Thats the business model of the gemstore.

    If you buy black-lion stuff with gems or you buy it with gold makes basically no difference (except for the exchange fee), it is still a sale of gemstore stuff.Paying 200 gold (equals 500-600 gems) to "unlock" a reward track that gives you a "free" skin is basically the same as if you would buy the skin directly, it is the sale of a skin.

    So, in fact it is a gemstore sale outside the gemstore in the shape of a reward track.

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