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Everything posted by Aeolus.3615

  1. There was a thread in the old forum were a dev said that players glitching LoS were players improving themselves, after that issued that how Anet sees all cheaters. LoS is crap in this game, it is reeeally bad, some skills actually should be alowed to target that way anyway, but the same could be told to players on top of walls when people outside the walls kill players on the higher ground.
  2. Scores seams more balanced but way way less fights, the number of ktrains during the day increased but I haven't been in similar numbers fights since the beta started, what I see is more blob vs nothing moments during the week from the 3 sides, and this discourages me to play... Imagine in gw1 Alliance battles game mode we have in gw1 (AB), where kurzicks could not join cause luxons were ktrainining the shrines and kurziks would have to wait till their ktrain momentum that's how it look if this was gw1 Anet always wanted to bring EOTM ktrains towards WvW, I am sad.
  3. That's because the "rangers are sitting duck's" effect... but they are kinda right in a way... Well Anet hates rangers spiking the train tag trough a quickness+unblockables call spike, if they abuse that Anet for sure will mad at them, Anet even likes less when a Zerg gets touched in their train moment. Lammeranet repeated many times in streams they don't like tags getting spiked that way. So in future expect LB damage nerf...
  4. Rangers now need permanent alacrity for faster recover on the ammunition 😛 if I recall druid has strong alacrity?
  5. Anet will nerf revenant cause relics are op :D.. Anet logic.
  6. Quacking ducks confirmed. (no wonder last time i went to spvp i was being pm'ed some bad names from a ranger with LB at melee range). @Dawdler.8521 Sitting is the word, i dont have the orthographic corrector for english i give more errors writing my language xD
  7. 99% of rangers are siting ducks anyway That's all that matters if its broken or carries it will be meta for sure.
  8. yeah i just experienced huge drop in fps on 15 vs 15 its certain skills that completelly kill it that's true, when that burst happens game client feels gona crash. Altough quickness with stealth on /off/on and so on with f** up rendering on the enemy side when used in larger scale with all the all skill clutter laggin. Expect more boons and spam lol... sux all this spam gameplay with all perma boons and the lag.
  9. IDK minions per se i dont recall them laggin the enemy alone if i recall it is the skills that envolves minions that creates the DoS effect About the lag i m8 be wrong tho and the sprite and shaders of minions also matters reason in gw1 we had sometimes 10minon x 4-5 Minionmancers on each side of AB sometimes each side the party was almost composed by necros MM with a huge horde of minions was actually fun) u had like 40-50 minions on map per team i reccall even when MM had no limit of minons ceach necro could hold arround 18 to 21 minions , the problem is that Gw2 is designed towards blob spam over personal skill and that is how gw2 skins itself on awfull balance and values. Just fork gw1 minions and that alone would be a massive upgrade to gw2 necromancer lol...put the scourge build with barrier and condi management for the team onffensively. The issue with the lag is blobs minstrells and spam all perma boons, what Anet wants to excell is the problem...
  10. Anet needs just to kill the Scourge issue, rebuild Scourge to be an offensive minion master pvp able and problem gets fixed :) minions will atack what Scourge is atacking like a a team call spike and give them decent range minions like the ones we have in gw1. Many players didnt knew about the rise issue and many still dont know what groups were doing to win by lagging the adversaries.
  11. it was.. due the amount of dodge spam one can possible still do after the nerf by just dodging vindicador can do many things, spam vs being strong, it is nerfed cause Aner prefers balance towards zerg spam. Dont forget that heal output was cutted from rev all over the board not only vindicator and we will have soon aoe barrier.
  12. They will adress this by adding more boons to and spam to the game.. that always how Anet have adressed game performance.
  13. Hhummm I won't denny scourge isn't a problem with many scourges on my side ive have wiped larger groups with less scourges that is clearly a design problem, well scourge could give barrier to minions only with a few small changes, minions on this game are trash compared with gw1 minions, in gw1 AB minions worked great here's in gw2 they are awfully designed and even their sprite and model are horrible, gw2 players need a decent pvp able minions builds tho. What if besides minstrel being removed, scourge improves minions gameplay punishing and terrorising players, a minionmancer built for pvp in mind like we had in gw1 I rather have players in celestial stats but with celestial stats providing as much stats others do, if u count celestial stats up they provide more total than any other stats that is the celestial problem, boon duration and condi duration needs to be removed again from the stats. EDIT: Remove boon duration and condi duration from celestial , and make minstrels be like celestial but remove power and condition stats but give boon and condi duration. 🙂
  14. it's a buff to the zerg :) most of us been in 2 sides of the sotry, sometimes is the enemy that gets bomb lagged sometimes it's the other way. Zergometer = auto detection of enemy zerg by just looking at the fps counter :D time to bail.
  15. Not intencional at all, players just felt forced to add more aoe minstrell chronos due how Anet have been nerfing boon strips.... not intentional. :) just a natural response from player side due the dumbcrap of balance this guys do. In WvW seams Anet only wants things to work in zerg if lags or makes a tool in the fps the better Anet likes players dying to the zerg doing the lag, anyway players should not even be fighting each other in 1st place ... wvw is corner stone PVE. :)
  16. the lag is called Arenanet, expect game to get worse with more spam happening and more zergs. when the chrono bomb happens... 130 fps to 8-16 fps :D valid tactic since theres skill that can be spammed to reduce performance of the enemy gw2 client lol.. Edit: Arenanet only touches those skills when every one starts doing it as meta, if some guilds/groups are leeching like kitten bags but only a few groups do it Anet allows it.
  17. That is true.. the group with more minstrel supports and scourges will win been there even wining with a much smaller group with more scourges and few FB's... that is a fact. But scourge was always a problem for balance. Wait till u see revenants with almost 2k barriers on 3rd auto and providing every 8 sec 9k-10k barrier aoe... in wvw altough will be harder since contrary to scourge that can cast it out of the box the rev's needs to built it and be in combat, and with the vindicator perma dodge build that it still avaliable builting more barrier for the wand skill 2 if i recall.. LOL ive actually know some vindicators that once the wand barrier happens.. all they need is to refresh the aoe barrier skill to keep it perma for the team. Mine with half of the healing power i was providing in pve was on perma 10k barrier, on wvw was way harder to build barrier to those levels, but in zerg gameplay i bet it is easy to built those lvl's of aoe barrier.. Vindicator aplies more barrier :) will be broken as f* add it with the barrier from other specs and scourges... on a blob content and tell me wich smaller groups can face a blob or queue. IMO 1st change is remove stats called misntrell.
  18. Might, fury, could be stated as basic boons those could be the ones with more appliance and stability, quickness, resolution and alacrity should be the boons more difficult stacking and the builds that apply longer alacrity and quickness should be on stats more towards dps with boon duration, this would balance group towards make these critical boons more squishier and relly more on the team, rather have all and every one except reappers in minstrell... it is just stupid design and balance. Groups nowadays have perma resolution+ stability it is just stupid the current balance that this developers are doing... all in the name of the pve chipmunks. remove boon duration support tanky stats ._. is the only way to balance. This mentality of making every class give every boon is creating more unbalance than anything else...
  19. That's the TRUE design Anet keeps enforcing no matter how many problems it adds to the player side.
  20. That's what players have been telling.... Anet nerf's counters to boons and adds a ton more boons to be spammed. I think both are related, one affects the another, alliances will create more organized blob vs smaller content anyway since most focus on a few time zones the 500 players will ktrain different maps, only and IF only an enemy server has similiar numbers at the same time i bet both will try to avoid each other and both ktrain the empty server, even the smaller server with a gorup of organized 40 cant beat a organized blob/omni queue. Metas on the small servers will change to more havock to try to stress zerg by making them move back and forth, but i am wondering if zergs will bother anyway. Zergs will proly hunt smaller groups for the KD ratio show off.
  21. 1- Remove minstrell from game, celesttial has more total stats than the other stats so a cut half of the boon duration and condition duration and they still give more total stats than other stats but they are more "balanced". 2- See wich boons are still problematic and see if some need a direct strip dedicated effect. These changes alone would impact game to be more balanced... and would stress up groups more since they had to relly more on active support and if they wanted strong heals they would have to go for low boon duration stats...
  22. The red map was to much advanced for a game that is all about ktrain 11111, the map begged for more mechanics but anet gave the map a midle finger. That is the real problem, ktrains over combat/gameplay depth.
  23. They work on zerg that's all Anet cares, Vindicator dodge spam still happens on zerg gameplay due perma vigor and dodges afecting alies wich helps recover the dodge bar this is all that Anet cares on vindicator and the main reason why a cool mechanic class becomes a mess. If your game play is just spam even a dodge that can become good gameplay for Anet lol.. Anet is like if spams its working as intended that's all that those lamers care. . . Meanwhile uninstall minstrell =) or reformat the entire stats system from the game lol.
  24. That's is what i have been suggesting, less heal quoficients for all strong heal support specs/builds but better heal output...but... All changes are PRO-ZERG gameplay that's what ANET is enforcing.. stack and spam like a kitten player, and bomb when mother chicken says till start's QQ's when its pin gets sniped. Besides expect a huge nerf on wand or a smaller nerf on both wand and heals all over again.
  25. it is Ktrain or be ktrained.... both are awfull. I might have to swap to EU...
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