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Everything posted by Potatoface.1287

  1. let's buff thief instead, you like that stealth dont you?
  2. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but isnt talking and typing 2 completely different actions? You cant really talk with a keyboard unless you have discord/TS/skype to do so, and is there a specific server for everyone to 'talk'?
  3. you start by roleplaying in LA, then ask for gold to fund them pixels
  4. French servers like pulling tacts
  5. add bandwagon to the list and you are good to go with the lag!
  6. Oh look, we have a badáss with a scourge nerf topic here again!
  7. Your support of wasted money is going to a good cause, more rubbish skins for people to use their real money on pixels! Keep gambling!
  8. I like to observe the scenery without doing much work, I dont res people aswell, just stand there like a carrot. Is that against the law?
  9. https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki this. why cant anet do something like this, just copy and paste from a good build source like this website, why pay extra template slots?
  10. Legal definitions can and have been changed. Then again, there is no need for this to change in the states. The US is not the only, nor is it biggest market for videp games. If enough of the global market shifts, game companies will be forced to adapt. What this means for the states? Who knows, either players there will be stuck with lootboxes while in other countries players get alternate means to acquire rewards or lootboxes get removed entirely. That's their fear actually. They know the current political climate in the US is unfavorable to any change threatening the corporate overlords. That's why they keep repeating the mantra about the "lEgaL deFiniTion of GambLinG". They know any type of change to that there is facing an uphill struggle. But they fear change elsewhere. Because they know the more countries decide to regulate, the bigger the financial hit for the studios becomes. Especially with a market like UK. And that might force the industry to change their ways including the US, and take away their favourite "poison". Not from regulation but because it's not as profitable anymore to justify the horrible PR. Funny that you think you're fighting the good fight, when you're advocating taking games and entertainment away from millions. Even more hypocritical, a game you play. I'm pretty sure I can't take away anyone's enjoyment alone. If something changes it will be because the voice of many prompted authorities from democratically elected governments to take action. You know democracy...the rule of the majority. I enjoy playing GW2 (maybe a bit less these days but still enough). If I was told its only option to keep the service going, was to keep exploiting players with its gambleboxes, I'd sign its demise with both hands. It's called "having principles". Even when upholding them might hurt your own enjoyment. I fail to see the hypocrisy in that. But then again I fail to see a lot of things the way you do, with your...unique perspective. Principles like religious morals. Which is really all this is about. People need to keep their own personal religious beliefs out of these things, same with principles(not everyone has the same principles)...we has humans were created to be exploited, it's part of our nature, you either learn to control who exploits you...or you fall into the group that just doesn't know better or care.This guy knows his argument is invalid, and brings religion to the game, the desperation!
  11. Didnt know AP dictates what 'level' you are at with the game, think they can go to their local store and get some salt. Yes, loot boxes are gambling, end of :D
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