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Everything posted by Wakani.1829

  1. you play badly> you do not learn> other dislike this > others are toxic and you are prince? And here we have another example of a toxic post.Pointing that out isn't toxic. Fact is everyone who would want to do the content, would like to do it smoothly, and if someone you invite along through LFG, keeps dieing, fucking up mechanics ectect, and simply does-not-get-better. then there's nothing wrong with the group kicking that person and finding someone more suitable. Everyone learns at their own speed, thats alright, thats acceptable, always was, always will be. But by the same standard, you can't, and shoulden't be judging people for not wanting to spend their entire gametime, babysitting someone who needs a very, very long time to learn. It's upto that one person, to then put in the extra work, perhaps by researching the fights, and looking up guides, like everyone else who has issues with it, would do. When i returned recently to the game, i had zero experience in raids other than wing 1, and i had only one character decced in ascended gear that could even do something, a condi engi. I was honest with the people leading groups that i applied to, and said outright before applying I only have 35 Li's, and i have 0 KP, i haven't raided since sabetha was brand new, id apretiate a shot, but i dont blame you if you'd rather find someone else , half the groups i applied to took me in, the other half didnt. i don't blame the ones that didnt, because it is afterall THEIR gametime to do with, however they please, and if they'd rather do all 7 wings in one go, rather than babysit someone whos never gone past Wing 1, then all power to them. The fact that you would call someone toxic for pointing that out, shows how much of a snowflake you are, and your type of people, are litterally the reason why the gaming industry as a whole is in the shitter. because of overly-sensitive SJW PC people like you. Now stating that, is toxic - That i know but its also the truth, deal with it.
  2. The fault here lies with ArenaNet, not making Li's, LD's and KP, a currency that you Cannot link.there's never been a game, that had difficult content, with things you can show off to prove you know what you're doing, that didn't have people asking for that proof. Don't blame raiders for the stupid design choices of the person who decided these things should be something you can ping and show off.
  3. As someone who spent the first 6 and a half months after release, playing SPvP exclusively, and then quitting untill HoT release, and playing that in PvE Exclusively untill after killing sabetha, and again quitting untill a month or so ago, when i returned and got PoF. For SPvP - I'd love to see some proper balance and change of pace that could shake up SPvP, im not sure if Swiss-style is going to do enough for that. For PvE - I'd love more raids, and more Fractals, and ofc a proper HardMode. It's not that i hate the dungeons, it's just that for me personally, the several-paths-approach, never quite did it for me, with that said, i don't think it'd be fair to introduce only new fractals and raids, and ignore the dungeoneers entirely, so an even ratio for all three would be amazing. For Open-World - I'd love to see some actually-hard-and-mechanically-difficult World Boss Encounters, for me personally, i only did world bosses once or twice per boss, and that was basically it. the reward and difficulty simply didnt hold any interest to me at all, and thus the replayability for me was non-existant when it came to that content. For WvW - I'd love something that would pull someone like me, whos spent less than 60 minutes total in the WvW zones, i can honestly not tell you what it'd be, because i have no idea. all i know is, that the concept of WvW, giant battles and so on, is one i find fun - but when there, it does nothing for me. Going for any one of these, without the rest however - Would be a massive F you, to anyone who enjoys those particular playstyles, so it has to be all TL;DR, Arenanet is like a sandwich shop, that refuses to tell the regulars and new customers, that they've stopped selling sandwiches. Content Would be Nice .
  4. Sadly no. If there's one thing GuildWars2 doesnt need more of, its Monetization, especially with their current level of communication, and refusal to listen to the community. Normally i woulden't mind, but there are limits, and there are times where enough is enough, for me this is that time. this franchise is amazing, and it's being molested and mistreated grossly, by either ArenaNet, or NCsoft (don't know wich of them, since neither are willing to talk about their mistakes or shortcomings).
  5. GuildWars2 Classic No. Guildwars Prophecies Classic ? Maybe.
  6. Untill such a time as ArenaNet and NCsoft communicates with their players properly, and in a productive and respective way (i'e not calling everyone who has a negative view of their recent blunders and lack of communication, toxic), and actually start developing and pushing out some of the content the community time and time again keep asking for, clearly in the majority - not the minority. My answer will have to be a sound No , simply because in my opinion, despite the ludicrus amount of money i've personally spent on this game thus far, they don't deserve a hard pass, or handouts untill they learn from their mistakes. and they certainly don't deserve a steady flow of money, wether weekly, monthly or annually untill they get their act together.
  7. If arenanet's developers and PR department actually mean it when they pat eachother on the back on streams, and repeatedly proclaim their love for the community who plays their game, then the developers and PR department would get on the ball now, and take the time to answer the questions the community who wasn't being toxic put to them. They overhyped an event, that shoulden't even have been an event, to the point where the suspense building matched that of a major content drop / expansion announcement, and neither was the case. the stream they had the day before, where they on several occations hinted to the announcement, and said theres SO MUCH TO SAY, but not yet! - was a gross over hype of something that simply wasnt that hype worthy, and thats not toxic to point out. roughly 15 minutes of the 1 hour was spent on the actual announcement, while the rest was more shoulder clapping, and pushing merchandise that noone asked for - now dont get me wrong, i dont mind merchandise, i pre-ordered the collectors edition on day one of it being available, but, you dont spent 45 minutes running out the clock, and pushing merchandise, when you've hyped the community in the way that they did. This was a giant PR disaster, and one that could've been avoided if they (or NCsoft in the case that they pushed for it against the developers and PR departments wishes) had actually taken a step back, and looked at what the community has been telling them for more than 6 years now. Guildwars 1 had 2 major expansion drops within 1.5 years of the original game releasing, we're 7 years into GuildWars2 now, and we have no clue if there will be more content to satisfy the masses, because lets be honest, while i find the livingworld storylines overall good, they arrent something that keep me (personally) playing. for those that it does, all power to you, i envy you - i dont want to take that away from you, but i do want content that meets my needs aswell. and as a paying customer, i AM entitled to at least question that. Someone made some great analogies after the stream, and ill put it bluntly altho some may find it ''toxic''. Arenanet and NCsoft, when it comes to GuildWars2, are acting like a sandwich shop, that refuses to tell the regulars and customers that they stopped selling sandwiches
  8. I for one, just want some proper content. I get that they're a buissness, and they are in it to make money, but they don't need to put 95% of their content in the cashshop, we need a better ratio, so everything isn't locked away behind a paywall, or as you said, RNG mechanics that are (thankfully) started to get banned in many countries. GuildWars 1 did amazingly without all this, 7years + and i never ran out of things to do, a month or two in gw2 and you're dry on content, unless you count timegated dailies and what not. This whole announcement should've happend in a blog post, with a trailer attached. the level of anticipation they created, was, is, and will always be, something gamers connect to MAJOR content drops, or massive overhauls. trying to change our perception of that, NEVER works.
  9. Played the original GuildWars for almost 7 years straight, never got bored, never ran out of things to do. GuildWars2 dropped, i spent 6 months playing PvP exclusively, because i wanted to try something new, and they kept pushing pvp as something they were gonna focus on, that didnt happen, so i went to PvE for roughly 2 hours before i was bored out of my mind. Heart of thorns dropped, and i returned to the game about a month into it's release, played till just before the 3rd boss in the spirit vale was released (sabetha). Returned again in April 2019, and played through the Path of Fire expansion, aswell as the living world seasons, several new raid wings have come out, but i have yet to get into them, because everyone and their gram's wants you to have 250+ proofs of kill, wich i obviously do not have. GuildWars2 cut out over half of the GuildWars Franchises soul, and from what i can tell, they've seemed almost religiously adamant on making new content exclusively for the cash shop. If i was to say whats keeping me from playing seriously, like i did the Original GuildWars? A distinct lack of options when it comes to skills and builds, GuildWars (the Original) did it right, Guildwars2 - not so much.Wheres the Ritualists ? what about the dervishes ?.Why did we ever go away from Elite Areas?, they were basically a mix of a dungeon, fractal and raid, if that had been utilized in GuildWars2, it'd have been amazing endgame content to aim for.Why is every single skin a cash shop item ?, give us a healthy split, for things that can be earned in game.Why are Utility items, such as gathering tools, and Primers for food, even IN the cash shop ?, these things should be things you have to earn through playing the damned game.and who's not-bright-at-all idea was it to allow people to BUY gold for gems?, whoever did ought to be fired, out of a cannon - into the sun. Where is Cantha
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