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Moira Shalaar.5620

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Posts posted by Moira Shalaar.5620

  1. Chronomancer: At this point I am thankful I didn't stay too invested in playing my chronomancer after the first couple years post HoT. They have been hammered with change after change after change for nearly 2 years now. I doubt I will ever try to go back to playing one with this kind of history. When the Chrono was released there was a sense of identity and fun in play style. Over the last two years though it has been tossed back and forth with seemingly no care or perhaps simply no idea what in the world a Chronomancer is supposed to be.

    Scrapper: I had finally pulled together a couple decent scrapper builds and have been playing it in PvE for the last few months and now this. I will look things over again once the release is live, but I don't see how this leaves anything for a scrapper healer or a scrapper juggernaut (Not meta, I know, but hey I liked it). IMHO the biggest hit here is the -300 Vit. At first glance this looks like a similar tradeoff as found in Warrior Berserker, except it isn't. At least with the Berserker there is a trait that allows that loss of toughness to be recovered, but here there is no way to recover that lost vitality with other traits.

    Holosmith: yep, its already been said lots, but the loss of tool belt skills for a length of time is just crushing. Especially since it punishes the same play style diversity that they originally gave the holosmith in allowing an overload trait build.

    Soulbeast: I knew this was coming. Too many people whining about PvP and WvW SB for it not to happen. I'm glad they were at least kinda gentle here, but I don't really expect it to last.

    Druid: really? really? The only spec hammered harder and longer than druid is chrono! How was this even necessary.

    Guardian: Retaliation & Ferocity. Again, enough people have been grumping about this that it is not surprising, but I think it is misplaced. Losing the 100 ferocity with the shift to zeal also seems pointless on a class that doesn't dish out top tier dps.

    Revenant: going to have to withhold comment here until I play it. It looks like Unyeilding anguish and Embrace the darkness are going to end up serious net losses, but I personally can't tell for certain yet.

  2. @Kovu.7560 said:

    • Home instance nodes are expensive to build up and the living story nodes require a lot of initial farming of materials you won't find much of in wvw. But the yields of those nodes are less of an issue because those materials can be obtained via reward tracks while...
    • The majority of the currencies found under the 'map currencies' tab are not obtainable via wvw reward tracks at all and are a hard requirement for pretty much anything with purple text.

    So, I want to be clear here, the OP’s topic was regarding rose quartz, an item which is NOT found under map currency. So you are moving away from this specific item to discuss the availability of map currency in general to WvW?

    I have been commenting on rose quartz and it’s accessibility to WvW players and recommending either TP, home instance or both. The home instance nodes cost 50g & 10k either volatile magic or unbound magic, both of which are available to WvW players via reward tracks. Simply consume the appropriate material. Gold can be earned through WvW to purchase the nodes. Once one node is purchased it’s output can be leveraged toward speeding up the purchase of a second and so on and so forth until the home instance is fully stocked. Yes it it expensive, but no more so for a WvW player than a PvE player. If one invests earlier rather than later, the return on investment is higher.

    But to return back to the topic at hand of rose quartz, and only with regards to rose quartz, the availability of this material already meets the standard you applied earlier that I quoted above. It is available eventually through playing WvW by way of earning cash and buying off the TP, or using the reward track to acquire the VM necessary to purchase the home instance node, all of which can be done with only very minimal time outside WvW.

  3. @Kovu.7560 said:That said, wvw players not being worse off with regards to a particular material than PvEers who do not do the event with that material is shotty excuse not to have it accessible through a reward track because the same could be said of pretty much any material associated with a specific event or map. The whole point of map-based reward tracks in wvw (and pvp) should be to allow wvw players to eventually access to equipment and treasure associated with the pve content without having to grind the pve content for days on end in a game mode they prefer not to spend as much time in -- and they still have to do at least some of the content to unlock the track.

    ~ Kovu

    I’m late to the discussion, and am probably missing someone’s point here, but doesn’t having access to a PvE material via the TP, and in this case one that usually is very inexpensive, constitute allowing “WvW players to eventually access equipment and treasure associated with the pve content without having to grind the pve content for days on end“? For that matter, home instances can be farmed in a matter of minutes and provide a guaranteed source of this material for no more effort than farming the resource nodes in towers and camps. A dedicated WvW player can harvest quick while in queue to enter the mists or after leaving for the night before logging off. That leaves the same hypothetical WvW player all the time they want (less 3 minutes for home instance) to dedicate to acquiring gold in their preferred game mode.

    Personally I suspect many and perhaps most in GW2 don’t fully appreciate the power of equipping and farming a home instance consistently, but I have no numbers to back that up and it may be all in my head from anecdotal interactions.

  4. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:(My on-point responses below.)I'd swear I posted about this but my post seems to have not gone through so apologies if this ends up being a duplicate. I absolutely love the creative use here of the formatting tools available. Well done. I will try to remember this in the future so forum readers will not have my philosophical musings thrust upon them in a wall of text without the option to skip to the next post.

    Edit for typos.

  5. @"Lunia.2736" said:I believe people are overreacting (acting as if they'd lose their names themselves, even tho they're posting here so they wouldn't be flagged inactive to begin with) and underestimating the amount of dormant launch accounts every game has. There's a lot of people who buy a game, try it out, don't like the core of it and quit forever. What purpose is there to let them hold on to short/cool names simply because they were there early on if they are never gonna get any use. Yes, some might return to the game after 7-8 years, but that percentage is generally rather small. If you've ever done any database work on any MMO game servers you'll see a massive amount of accounts that have a creation date of 10th March and last activity 10th or 11th March.

    I’ve been following this from the start and keep meaning to throw in my own 2coppers worth, this tipped me over the edge of inertia. My wife hasn’t played for 3 years now. She loves the game, she spent literally hours searching for just the right name for each of her characters and each one is meaningful for her and integral to her vision of that character. (My own naming convention is WAY different, using a combination of ancient languages transliterated into English) She will be back in game just as soon as our circumstances permit. Many would consider her “inactive” and she has had most of those names since shortly after launch. If you come in and take her names, not only will she never come back, she would be shattered. I share this to try and inject some humanity back into the flat representation of inactive players. None of us know why they are inactive, whatever the standard may be for the use of that term. Huge assumptions are made that these unidentified masses of inactive players aren’t coming back and they won’t care. Each of them is a person who at some point played this game, and whatever decisions are made ought to be from the perspective of treating them like people, not hooks upon which a name has been hung growing dusty with misuse.

    Names, especially short and memorable ones, carry a value to most people, besides those who name themselves Xzhsdhagdsuj and are okay with that of course. However, those short and memorable names are a limited resource and most companies see the value in them. Hence why they'd rather satisfy an active player with a nice name and make them pay for a name change than letting it rot on a dormant account. Letting it stay there is untapped potential and revenue.

    Yes, names carry value to most people, which is why taking the from someone else is being identified as theft by some here. You are proposing to remove something of value from someone else. That “inactive” player is far more than a rotting dormant account, and to be honest, if you called my wife that IRL, you & I would have issues very quickly. I would hope that you are the kind of person with the common decency not to say that to any human. Distancing ourselves by simply referring to the inanimate, intangible "dormant accounts" is dehumanizing which makes it easier to simply ignore the human on the other end of this discussion.

    Increased support queues? I mean, that assumes that the people who quit the game on a day 1 to actually return and care about the name and/or character. From personal experience on database work on game servers this percentage is rather minuscule. Sure, Guild Wars 2 might be a rare exception somehow, but I kinda doubt it. Especially with all the problems this game had at launch and with the amount of Guild Wars 1 players who wanted it this game to be like Guild Wars 1, tried it out, saw it wasn't anything like it and never touched it again since. That might even cause the game to have even more dead and dormant accounts than fresh IPs would.

    There is simply a lack of data here. You operate on the assumption gamers will not return after a longer period of time. Anecdotal evidence here in this thread indicates that they do, but we do not have the data to determine whether this is exception or rule. Should decisions that impact millions of gamers be made on the basis of assumption or fact?

    Personally if I quit a game right away and came back after over 7 years and lost my name "Bob" due to inactivity I'd only blame myself. But considering a lot of people's stance on this matter they'd rather blame the company and the person who took the name. Which I find odd, since I'm used to this system from almost every other MMORPG ever. Any game I might return to in the future I just log on once every year or two to keep my name. Not a big deal. Generally the inactive name wipes are also announced quite a bit beforehand and have a large buffer on what's considered inactive. Hell, sometimes that announcement brings me back to games I forgot about and I end up enjoying the patches and changes made to it. It could do the same for this game.

    While it is refreshing to see that in your own case you are not/would not be hypocritical, I think it is a mistake to project that same lack of interest across the entire spectrum of other gamers who are not presently logging in.

    Ultimately this is a matter of low stakes ethics. I say low stakes because either way in this setting nobody dies, no populations are devastated. It is what makes both sci-fi as a genre and gaming as a modality interesting: they become ethics laboratories.

    earlier on 4/10 you commented:

    It's actually quite intriguing how opposed this community is to this common practice compared to any other game community. It's generally seen very favorably there. While some even become really toxic about the mere notion of it here.

    It is the ethics of this issue that has many of us who disagree with you and the OP adamant about our position. I find it interesting that you consider those who hold to an ethical view that differs from your own to be "toxic". I am assuming here, and feel free to correct the assumption, but i would guess that the comment in view is where this idea of purging names is identified as theft. That is an ethical, moral valuation, clearly one that you disagree with, but an ethical, moral valuation nonetheless, not toxicity. I am not calling you unethical either, so please do not read that into my statement. I'm simply saying that there are multiple standards of ethics involved here.

    Here are some ethical questions involved in this matter:

    1. What are the "rights" of players who have not logged in for a length of time?
    2. What are the "rights" of active players?
    3. What is/should be the deciding factor(s) when the "rights" of two parties come into conflict? Active status? Significance/Severity of "needs"?
    4. What is the hierarchy of priorities? (i.e. Is active status most important? is temporal precedence most important? is current possession {of a name in this case} most important? Is there potential for developer profit?)
    5. What role should profitability and its potential play in policy decision making in a for profit company? Should profit and its potential supersede player "rights"?
    6. Is ArenaNet obligated to keep its word given at launch and since with regards to leaving accounts/names untouched?

    Clearly different parties in this thread have different answers to these questions. These questions ought to be answered in an unbiased manner, meaning answering them in one's favor simply because they are in one's favor WOULD be unethical. I'm sure there are other ethical considerations involved, those are just the ones I could pick out off the top of my head.

  6. I have someone in my guild who has a guaranteed way of getting the diving achievement for Aetherblade/Not So Secret. He has helped me on my account and three others that I know of, all on first time. It has to do with standing in the right place, looking in the right direction and then dodge rolling off the platform and you fall right into the water. I cannot speak for him, but If someone here is interested, I can message him and see if he is willing to post here.

  7. @phs.6089 said:boost your MF, get all you can, guild buff, food, etc. This should help.

    @Glider.5792 said:

    @"Ben K.6238" said:Is it possible you already received the item somewhere?

    (I ask because I distinctly remember trying to grind an item in PoF last year, only to check my collection tracker and realise I'd already got it.)

    That's an excellent suggestion, but I checked the collection and still need it. Also checked all my characters via GW2Efficiency, and don't see it in anyone's inventory.

    To add insult to injury, now for the last half hour, NOTHING drops from Smokescale I kill. Zero, zip, nada. Is this a bug?

    Perhaps, you've hit DR (Diminishing Returns)

    I think you're right in that I've hit DR and will turn the game off for a while, or at least play other characters. Sigh.

    Just logging off of those characters on which you farm them wont do much. As far as i know, DR gets properly removed only if you actively play that character somewhere else, doing some other content for some time.

    These are both excellent suggestions, as is:

    @Rasimir.6239 said:I know it's an unpopular opinion, but my solution to those random collection items is: don't farm. Most if not all of these collections are much easier done if you just forget about them and play the maps normally. I know many RPGs and especially MMOs have conditioned us to go farming, but in this game especially it's a recipy for burn-out and frustration, while being mostly unnecessary.

    Play the HoT maps with different characters. Explore the maps, do the different event chains, have fun, and if you see a smokescale in your path, possibly take a tiny detour to kill it. The claw will come, and most likely sooner than you expect. This game is just so much more fun if you actually go out and play it and leave the unnecessary farming to other games.

    I had to look this up to remember what it was for. It’s been s while but I’m pretty sure I got it just by playing the map a lot.

  8. @Ayrilana.1396 said:For masteries, it’s typically best to not prioritize events and instead go for chaining enemy kills. This is why the leather farm on the Lake Doric map is the best one for HoT masteries followed by the escort phase on Dragon’s Stand.

    Another option is to do the living story dailies. Each one gives 12,700 XP. You can also preemptively stockpile them in anticipation of future masteries. I purposely stockpiled about 2.2M worth of the PoF ones so I could unlock the new mastery right away.

    I apologize ahead of time for asking a ltp question, I have seen this statement made before, but have never been clear what and how is being stockpiled to prep for the next mastery, nor have I been able to find anything on the wiki.

  9. With all the recent emphasis on speed & movement, I would like to see a movement speed stat on the hero panel along with the rest of the stats that will show your current speed with whatever buffs are present (swiftness, super speed, swim speed, mounts, rising momentum, etc) including while mounted when all the other stats are regularized.

    Also, less likely but still nice would be a checkbox UI option to put those stats from the hero on the main UI so that they are visible.

    I seem to recall fro GW1 being able to see ping & FPS stats on the main screen too which would be a nice option for those of us who have to use less than idea internet conn.

  10. I just received the following error when trying to start up GW2."Guild Wars 2 64-bit.app" is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated. This software will not work with future versions of macOS and needs to be updated to improve compatibility. Contact the developer for more information.

    I am running macOS 10.14 on a late 2015 iMac. Is anybody else seeing this? Is there someone from Anet that can bring this to the appropriate person's attention?

    EDIT: when I clicked on the "learn more" it took me to this page, which makes it seem that the Guild Wars 2 64 is actually 32 bit, but when I do the system report it confirms the app as 64-Bit (intel) Yes.https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208436

  11. I'm having a different issue now that I upgraded to mojave. We have multiple accounts for family members and only a couple computers so we have to change login info pretty regularly. Since I upgraded, I cannot change accounts without receiving an error 42:0:9001:4414. Once I reboot I can enter different account info, but as soon as I log out and change I get the same error again. I am absolutely certain too that I have not been mistyping the password either. and it happens every . . . single . . . time.

  12. I quit caring about the story as a reason to play back in LS2 when the writers made that grotesque story turn with Wynne, Caithe & Faolain. I haven't trusted them since, and haven't wanted to even try. I skip every bit as much of story cutscene as I am allowed. Killing off Taimi "just because" would be a couple steps removed from that, and yet would continue to reinforce (for me at least) that untrustworthiness. Why should I be willing to invest myself in liking or caring about what happens to characters that will either be killed off on a whim of a writer, or worse, be forced to commit an atrocity because someone thinks stories need pain to be meaningful. I love this game, I enjoy many many aspects about it, but the story is one area that I have become a passionate antagonist against GW2.

  13. @Shailyn Slay.7234 said:Not sure if this is quite the right thread - but I don't want to open another one:

    I just noticed that the 'Escort Ogres to Queen nadjie' event next to the bugged instance entry was behaving wierdly: after the escort there was no dialog between the Ogres & the other NPCs. The same thing happened for me in the LS story - I walked up to the primeval queens and - nothing. No dialog, no way to even try entering the next instance.

    hah! Just be glad you made it that far before running into problems!! :-D

  14. I had the same problem. Restarted after queens to get to Taimi, but could not talk to Taimi et al. so restarted again and was able to enter instance.

    *Edit, the instance kicked me out immediately after activating the arm/special action skill. Code=7:11:3:191:101

    **Edit, now I am unable to log back in at the character screen, as with others above. Keep receiving the same network error.

    ***Edit, tried logging back in, got sent to LA. When I got back to Taimi I have the green star, but get Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624

  15. @Ayrilana.1396 said:The one thing that I don't get about the complaints though is that doing map completion doesn't really gain you anything.

    Some of us are more heavily oriented towards being completionists than others. My own goal is to complete every single map on every single one of my characters. I couldn't even tell you why, other than I just want to. {Shrug}.

    @Lexi.1398 I used the method described above by @Donari for almost all of my characters to get that PoI in Lake Doric. I think I may have caught a zerg once or twice, and that without mounts. With the right skills/traits and timing I was able to get the point on every class, although I did have to run and retry several times before I got the hang of it.

  16. @"Nemezijus.6851" said:What others above said ^. Plus I dont see how Istan GH got a nerf? If anything its almost a buff, since theres 4-6 champs spawning every 25% of Amala, making it ~24 champs per fight. I havent gotten that many champs before Anet patched GH. For me its a buff.

    Clearly my frustration is not shared by others, that is to be expected in any forum. With regards to the nerf to the Istan Guild Hall, previously you could cycle through multiple characters during the same event and collect from the chests whether or not those characters had participated in the event. This was kinda like the Auric Basin multi-map farm that happened for quite a while. Now, after the nerf only characters who participate in the event can open the chests, and only in the stages of the event they actively do. No multi character looting, and now there seems to be a hard limit on the number of chests that may be opened in a certain time period.



    @TheNecrosanct.4028 You are right, I forgot about the silverwastes. The one by the Vinewrath I mapped back when you could actually glide into that area regardless of meta to get the HP & PoI. I don't like how that is entirely blocked now either. And I was just as grumpy about the one in the Labyrinth when I was mapping that zone then. The one in Auric basic is an entirely different situation.

    Thank you to the others who have posted suggestions on how to complete the map. I will take advantage of those alternatives, but I still assert that zone completion shouldn't be locked behind metas, whether here or silverwastes or wherever else.

  17. We are having 2 very different experiences then in Istan. I would consider how it was 2 months ago "heavily farmed". Now when I can go through most of the weeknights looking for squads in LFG and not finding any during peak play time, I would not define that is "heavily farmed" unless you are talking about some other aspect of farming. My point is that it is on the decline and will only continue to decline, not grow and unlikely to even continue holding where it is at. Zone Map completion should not be gated behind meta events. ANet has already shown themselves to agree when they moved the HP in Auric Basin from behind the Meta locked doors into the open chamber.

  18. The Warden's Quarters PoI in the Domain of Istan is only available during the final stage of the Mordant Crescent Guild Hall meta event. While that worked during the time that Istan was the fresh current content, now it is getting increasingly difficult to find squads working on that meta. In part this is due to new content with the Sandswept Isles, and in part from the significant nerf (not arguing for or against here) that was brought against this map's meta event rewards which reduced the long term appeal for this map. The result is that players now have a much more difficult time getting this PoI.

    Yes, I check LFG for groups and I have even occasionally found them, but often I am catching things as squads are waiting for the Palawadan Meta, and even so the number of squads is still much reduced these days.

    I am asking that the developers simply leave a side door open so players can make a suicide run in, or else make this PoI obtainable from the roof as well as inside. Thank you!

  19. At this point with this many pages I will be upfront that I have not read the whole thing so perhaps someone else has already expressed the same concern as my own.

    I reside on a smaller population server that gets passed from one link to another every couple months. Some worlds have been great to team with, others have not, which should be no surprise to anybody who does WvW. But what remains consistent is MY server. There are some guilds that have regular events that I can join when I am on. I am not a member of any of those guilds, nor do I want to be. But I like how their commanders do things and commanders are not all equal. With this alliance idea, unless my declared WvW guild manages to be a part of an alliance that has commanders I like, not only will we continue the churn, but now we will be churned up and spit out without even the benefit of playing with long established groups. . . . unless I can add them as a guild. But being required to join one of the other guilds on my world NOW as the only hope of being able to run in squads with them later causes guild issues because so many guilds have rep requirements.

    I hate the current linking system, but as bad as it is, this alliance system with even greater churn every 8 weeks is only going to thoroughly break up any possibility of having cohesive groups. I enjoy WvW, but if I get tied in a team for 8 weeks populated by players who specialize in antisocial behavior, that is going to be 8 weeks of no WvW for me.

    There has to be a way to fix the existing population balance problems without shattering existing server cohesion.

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