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Moira Shalaar.5620

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Posts posted by Moira Shalaar.5620

  1. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 said:

    • Weaver's Elemental Polyphany will grant vitality instead of toughness while attuned to earth.
    • Firebrand's Imbued Haste will grant vitality instead of toughness while you have quickness.

    As a sidenote to this specific type of change: This is NOT something that we're changing if it is a major trait choice for this reason alone. If there are other reasons for changing traits, we'll look at this independently.

    Other traits with this behavior that we'll be looking at along these lines are:

    • Spiked Armor
    • Thick Skin
    • Pack Alpha (with SB)
    • Armored Shroud

    How is this going to work with Pack Alpha? Will it be a simple nerf, so that Rangers receive the 150 boost to all except toughness? Would that extra 150 end up moved into vitality? Or % damage reduction instead of toughness?

    With Armored Shroud, if you change toughness to vitality, that is going to impact shroud duration, or are you considering simple damage reduction instead of toughness?

  2. @Gop.8713 said:

    @Gop.8713 said:You do the thing, you progress along the track, which provides rewards. It is a reward track. It's absurd to argue otherwise . . .

    There is no "extra AP gain buff", like with reward tracks. It's not on the reward track entry on the wiki. It's infinite and not finite, it's not even complete. You can't see any of the rewards unless you data-mine it. It's not a reward track and it's absurd to argue otherwise.

    You're wrong and you should change your mind . . .

    Ok, I saw this and had to laugh. It’s too much like Detha in Ascalonian Catacombs “ Your plan is just stupid and won't work.”

    Only on Internet forums.

  3. @Dante.1763 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:I don't see any justification being presented here other than 4 is more than 3. So ... I'm a no. Anyone that wants their choices to be meaningful in an MMO will also think no.

    Pretty much this, also i was -really- confused over what a Talent slot was when i read the title of this post.

    Yeah, I was too initially. I'm guessing it is WoW terminology. I too don't think the argument for more utility slots as presented is compelling.

  4. @jasonorme.5014 said:

    @jasonorme.5014 said:I'd love to start raiding but It's too difficult for new raiders to join raids as groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because they want a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because groups want proof of experience with a currency we are unable to get because we can't get into a raid group because... you see the problem?.

    No, I don't see the problem. You can go ahead and acquire KP and LI like the rest of us did. Join groups that are learning or training new people, or make your own groups. But if active players haven't tried raiding in all these years, they just dont care about the game mode and they never will, the LI/KP excuse is just an excuse.

    That's not the case at all, people want to raid but elitist gatekeepers push them away.The stupid thing is, as Andrew has stated " raids attract a small audience", and that audience will never grow if more people aren't let in.Raiding needs to become accessible for all, otherwise, Anet won't focus their development time working on raids and those elitist gatekeepers will have shot themselves in the foot.

    I think that there is a solution to this that has not been considered yet, at least within the scope of the conversations I have read. I think Anet should develop a specific set of rewards for training new players in raiding to encourage established raiders to bring new raiders into their groups. There is something similar in WvW where a commander receives an extra pip for leading a squad of 5+.

    Proposed Incentives:5% more Magnetite Shards/Gaeting Crystals per new raider in squad up to 4 new raiders & 20% increase5% increase on weekly Shard/Crystal capincreased chance at receiving better drops on Boss kill (not sure if MF impacts that or not) per new raider in squad up to 4 new raiders & 20% increase

    Proposed Criteria to identify new Raiders:< 5 kills on current Raid Boss.

  5. @Virdo.1540 said:

    @Virdo.1540 said:please remove the ability of the druid to give 10man- 25might.It already has insane heal, a pet, tons of utility, the op spirits etc.... even some 10-man aoe heals. There is really no need at all to let it give so much might.

    If you nerf Druid's might generation, you leave it as a subpar choice in every aspect of the game.

    I'd personally love to see them rework spirits, buff druid's personal dps, and give them more pet synergy with CA. Once Druid is playable outside of Raids, we can look at their might gen if it's out of line, but I don't see a problem with a support being able to generate 25 might, especially since it has to use CA and devote time away from dealing dps in order to generate said might.

    due to the 25might for 10people its the best choice for a healer with amazing support. Its so good that no other healer-role could compete.

    I disagree. Different healing classes have different strengths. Healing quickbrand provides an alternative healing + quickness which is a strong and necessary buff in raiding.

    If you look back across the history of Druid nerfs you will see it being constantly whittled away from THE support class to where it is today. Druid does not need another nerf just to make other classes viable. They are already viable with Druid where it is.

    @hellsqueen.3045 said:

    @CroTiger.7819 said:Much better if you gave ranger Lead the wind trait superspeed 2 sec when hiting from 1200+ range instead swift and quickness would make much more options available. Good change on axe and new trait for axe if it works with merge, soulbeast tradeoff can be fine if you buff some of the pets and even add option to autoatack pet skill for exchange because now it will feel very straight forward but adding autoattack skill from pet could get more depth for condi build (cover condis like vulnerbility) even power ones. Its bad that pets remains same in terms of utility, swoop update is bad since ranger need some mobility because classes like thief and even war are still faster and its deffinitly bad change because its kills ranger potential to be roamer and lock it movement when side noder because thief will have easy time decaping or leting ranger afk point. Shortbow is unchanged and last chance of having interupt ranger style back is dead. Druid still too long cooldown and lame mechanic of building full astral force to enter and heal is very lame in pvp and kills diversity, why instead its not 10 sec cd and you can enter it like reaper shourd (entering trait converts 2 condis on nearby alies to boon and leaving trait is 1 sec superspeed and stealth just to reposition fast). I like alot of changes for other classes especially mirage 1 dodge tradeoff which is good direction for more reasonable use of dodge and not stacking but soulbeast will be dumped down unless you give him ability to autoatack from pet and druid still don t get its identity. Good change overall but still expected more creativity with ranger class since its my main.

    Lets be real here, Druid is much stronger in the raiding/fractals community over the player vs player world.Agreed that it is primarily used by raiding and fractals, but while Druid is pointless in open world (off topic) it does still have some use in WvW.

    @Bealis.6023 said:Hello,I believe that preventing Soulbeast to swap pets during combat is one of the worst things that can happen to Ranger, since it takes out versatility, one of the main things that makes it fun. Even if it was perfectly balanced, why would players want to play it if its not fun?While it seems an unpopular position among the posts I have read so far, I am ok with this being the trade off for soulbeast. The could have hit us far harder so for me this is more of a relief than an aggravation. However, someone else commented that there ought to be more of an encouragement to run unmerged and I agree that it needs an internal trade off between the two. Personally I think that unmerged, the soulbeast pet ought to receive a 10% stat buff based on pet category (I.e. furious, versatile, stout, etc.) counterbalancing the merged stat boost on the one hand and loss of options on the other. It would be an overall minor boost, but is in the theme of soulbeast and give more value to pet choice on the pet side.

  6. @KingJoko.1625 said:

    @Geoff Fey.1035 said:In what way do they need to be remade?As in:
    1. you need the Restored Boreal Weapon as a recipe component to create the Illuminated Boreal Weapon?
    2. the achievement for Illuminated Boreal Weapons does not retroactively unlock even if you still have all of the Restored Boreal Weapons?

    You need the actual tier2 weapons in physical form, not in achievement, which 99% of players salvaged..I cannot confirm the statistic here, but anecdotally I can say that I too salvaged these weapons after crafting. I think this problem should have been anticipated. 1. Long term players almost certainly have ascended weapons on at least some of their characters, leaving newly crafted exotics as a loss in play value, 2. The entire game promotes inventory bloat and even with having purchased several additional bank tabs, inventory space is always a recurring issue, at least for me. So salvaging weapons for which at least I have no need only makes sense. 3. they incentivized salvaging them by having them give back the unique crafting material used in making them. This is standard with other gear that can be salvaged for unique materials, but in the crunch to make the entire set, getting these back in salvaging sped up completion of crafting the entire set.

    Everything about this design encouraged the salvaging, which really isn't a big deal until they failed to anticipate that and put in this upgraded set (good for encouraging recurring game play) that required the previous set. I am glad that they are now looking at adding ways to require the previous weapons. I really am, but this feeds back into the problems with the design issues I have already mentioned. Having these weapons again and upgrading them, will we need to hold on to the illuminated boreal weapons for upgrading yet again in some future release? Don't get me wrong, I like the continuity concept of upgrading, just not the combination of not knowing + inventory bloat that this design encourages.

    Here's to hoping that someone recognizes the inherent flaw in doing thing this way and comes up with an alternative, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting.

  7. Home Instance nodes are excellent investments, assuming one can be consistent in harvesting them daily and has just a bit of patience. If you do an all out effort in Bloodstone Fen, you can get a back item in about 3-4 days if you also are able to do the meta, not a given I realize. Map complete helps and it is quick, and if you play WvW the reward track also helps. But the biggest thing over time is the home nodes. I buy them each as they come out and now can afford to outfit any char or several at any given time with full ascended back & trinkets just through investment and patience.

  8. This is definitely a discussion that has been hashed and rehashed and has no need of being yet resurrected again. Here is a link to at least two of the previous times it has been discussed at length that I remember because I commented there too:



    I have taken what I posted in an earlier thread and put it here as well as some things to consider when discussing this idea:

    Here are some ethical questions involved in this matter:

    1. What are the "rights" of players who have not logged in for a length of time?
    2. What are the "rights" of active players?
    3. What is/should be the deciding factor(s) when the "rights" of two parties come into conflict? Active status? Significance/Severity of "needs"?
    4. What is the hierarchy of priorities? (i.e. Is active status most important? is temporal precedence most important? is current possession {of a name in this case} most important? Is there potential for developer profit?)
    5. What role should profitability and its potential play in policy decision making in a for profit company? Should profit and its potential supersede player "rights"?
    6. Is ArenaNet obligated to keep its word given at launch and since with regards to leaving accounts/names untouched?

    Clearly different parties in this thread have different answers to these questions. These questions ought to be answered in an unbiased manner, meaning answering them in one's favor simply because they are in one's favor WOULD be unethical. I'm sure there are other ethical considerations involved, those are just the ones I could pick out off the top of my head.

  9. @Daishi.6027 said:This is an interesting topic, I have a few questions to add.If all your alts were locked to the mists (allowing you to PvP/WvW) and towns; Making them effectively mules, and cosplay/music/Limited RP toons:

    • How angry and dejected would you be?
    • Would this reduce your play time significantly?
    • Would this affect your ability to enjoy new content?
    • Would this only change your attitudes revolving minor or specific pieces of content? (jumping puzzles, legendary acquisition, etc.)
    • Assuming this was something you knew could be a game wide possibility since release, would this cause you to quit the game?

    I have no idea where this is coming from, it seems quite bizarre to me but perhaps this idea is found in some other game that you have in mind. The very suggestion is so antithetical to GW2 that it would not be possible to consider it at tall the same game.

    With the change from the current system to what you are hypothesizing, I suspect I would be completely done. I enjoy my multiple alts, I love the variety of game play, but just as much I enjoy various game modes, and not all chars play equally well in different places. Not only would I have to give up varied play, but also lose the same kind of access to much of the game played on those different characters.

    suggesting this the way you have with your final point is somewhat nonsensical in that the change is so massive that a company like anet would have to pin this down before release

  10. @Chichimec.9364 said:20 active alts and one open character slot. Most of my time is spent on my main though I change my main when I want to play a different profession for a while. Some alts are camped at various farming spots, some are my designated crafters. I do have a dedicated WvW alt and another one I use for loot farming in the Silverwastes, Istan, and Joko invasions. Others I use for farming mats across general maps. Used to have a slot set aside for a key farmer but got bored with that and don't bother with it anymore. As long as I've enjoyed playing them I don't consider any of my time spent on alts to be wasted.

    This is me almost to a T. I have a couple fractal chars, 3 set up for raiding, 2 for WvW, 1 for harvesting, 1 bank-overflow mule that is 500 crafting in 2 professions so I will never delete it. You get the idea. But I also was shooting for, prior to build templates, 1 of each class with a power build and 1 of each class condition build, with a couple that did double duty as also healing &/or support. That has of course become easier now with templates. I definitely use some more than others but I play all of them and have them all geared with full ascended on at least 1 build, with the exception of the odd weapon here or there. Each has at least 1 or more reasonably viable builds and I use playing new content as it is released to maintain at least basic proficiency on those builds.

    I will say that having this many alts does make balance updates a pain and relatively expensive at times though. . . . That said, having a bunch of chars also keeps up a steady flow of birthday gifts which has some nice perks.

  11. @OP as several have already said, Ranger is definitely viable and has a place in WvW. It does work very well in solo and havoc groups, although my guild squad also WANTS me to run ranger and we have developed a set of tactics to incorporate rangers into how we operate. However there are also many commanders out there that don't like ranger because they have VERY limited buffs for the squad and reflects can turn a mediocre ranger into a genuine threat to their own squad. But if you learn how to play it well, it can be very rewarding. I have routinely taken out small havoc groups of up to 4 vs 1. That said, it is by no means a gimme, I have had good spell breakers and Heralds that have destroyed me every time I meet them. So like any class, it has things it is strong against and things it is not. The real key is spending the time to learn how to play it well.

  12. yeah, I recently went for map completion on a couple newer characters and it was very difficult to find anybody. When I did I ended up swapping chars in the middle of the event to another one staged right outside for just such a situation so I could get the poi for both. The squad failed the event at that lacking enough people, which is probably part of why the Guild Hall event doesn't seem to happen much any more.

    I'm pretty sure the GH event happens right after Palawadan so you might try joining a palawadan group and see if they do the GH after.

  13. A friend and I were repeatedly crushed by a revenant using jalis/glint wearing marauder/cavalier gear and runes of the scrapper. I have since built it out and am playing with it to learn and it seems just as promising as when I was being crushed by it.

  14. @"Strider Pj.2193" said:Karma was removed from WvW and EoTM.Experience was removed from both as well.WxP was always reduced in EoTM per structure/capture. What made it ‘more’ was the karma train of circular capture that occurred.

    The ONLY thing WvW has that EoTM does not is Pips. (Skirmish track)It has reward tracks, you get tome of knowledge like in WvW, and you get a slightly reduced WxP per structure.And people left EoTM BEFORE pips.

    10/13/2015 patch notes linked from GW Wiki World Experience page:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2015-10-23#World_vs._WorldReduced Edge of the Mists rewards.Reduced event karma, gold, experience, and world experience by 25%.The number of Badges of Honor awarded for capturing an objective has been reduced to be consistent with other WvW maps.The chests that spawned on objective capture containing badges and ascended materials have been removed.The Badges of Honor and ascended materials are now dropped by the objective's boss instead.

    The rewards were nerfed, the WxP was nerfed. Yes, people left before pips. I said that. That was my point. Adding pips to WvW and not EotM has only continued to further make EotM even less attractive in the current state of the game. That is all I was saying.

  15. @Strider Pj.2193 said:EoTM hasn’t changed.., People don’t play there because it obviously isn’t fun enough to overcome the only difference from WvW maps: pips.

    Actually the devs disincentivized EotM quite some time ago, long before Pips were even a thing in WvW. They reduced the WXP & karma that originally were a big draw. Regular WvW players objected to the rate at which players were leveling up in EotM and Anet listened and acted. Then, as they have over time added rewards to WvW, those have not been put in to EotM, which has created an ever widening gap between the two.

    So in one way you are not entirely accurate, EotM DID change, a deliberate nerf hammer that pretty much killed it as a mode, but on the other hand you are right in that EotM hasn't changed to keep up with the changes in WvW. Both have contributed to the very sad state of affairs in EotM.

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