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Moira Shalaar.5620

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Posts posted by Moira Shalaar.5620

  1. @Tukaram.8256 said:I think what makes it seem so bad is that the prologue was so good... and this was a lame chapter - especially in comparison. I hope the next one is better.

    Hah! I thought exactly the opposite! :-) I was not at all excited about Grothmar, but have enjoyed this quite a bit.

    @OP - Contrary to your title this IS content. It may not be the content you want, it may not be the amount you want, but that does not make it any bit less content. Your title is just hyperbole.

    I will say that for as much as I have enjoyed this episode, I too am not terribly excited about these masteries. With HoT there was gliding. The rest of the masteries were pretty "Meh" but gliding opened up new ways of playing & exploring throughout the entire game. PoF of course brought mounts, and despite being pretty anti-mount prior to release they turned out to be very compelling. Raven? Give me a reason to actually care, something to be excited about, to look forward to Leopard, to Bear or whatever other spirits are planned. The essence mastery? The combat buff thing is kinda ok, although to be honest I still cannot remember what color is strong against another. But none of these captures the interest, none of these masteries brings the excitement of mounts & gliding. Here's to hoping that masteries become more compelling as we get further in.

  2. @"overgas.4091" said:Hello,

    Sorry if i reply to wrong topic but plaguedoctor stats also cannot be selected from ascended armor bought from BLING-9009 (fractal merchant) even if the wiki says they can be selected. Unfortunately i have tested it on heavy shoulders :( and new stats are not there. I didn't choose any stats yet hoping this will be fixed in the future.Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illustrious_Greaves_(BLING-9009)Thank you.

    Have you unlocked the Living Story season 4 Domain of Kourna? if for whatever reason you do not own that living story episode you may not have plague doctors stats available to you. The same for Seraph stats without the Lake Doric episode from LS3.

  3. @Burnfall.9573 said:

    @Knighthonor.4061 said:Since elite specs are GW2's way of doing the dual class concept from the original game, I would like to see a new class elite spec, that introduce new minion skills similar to Necromancer minions to a different class, or a Pet like Ranger's pet concept to a different class, but with a different theme than being an Animal.

    'Necromancers , calling on the spirits of the dead, and even death itself, to overpower enemies and assist allies.'

    'Rangers are unique in their ability to succeed with the help of, or even in spite of, their environment. Nature rituals allow them to manipulate the environment to hinder their enemies, or borrow the very power of creation to heal and aid their allies'

    'They are the only profession with the ability to charm animals, which then accompany them on their travels and assist them in battle, gaining experience and levels over time'

    No, thank you

    Actually I wasn't thinking charming animals so much as raising dead animals as Pet minions. They are necromancers after all.

  4. I would like to see a ranger style necromancer elite that revolves around animal minions. Something where the necro has to acquire a pet before it can be used as a minion with the same full scope of pets as ranger has, but each pet minion brings a different skill & benefit that are similar to those of the same pet on ranger, with the life force mechanic being used for summoning the pet possibly with a trait for sharing damage from necro to pet, or something along those lines.

  5. I don't play thief a whole lot, but when I do, P/P works well enough for me, especially when traited for the heal % of crit damage that helps compensate for my personal lack of skill with the class. I know there are arguments for short bow, but since I don't play it enough to comment I won't.

  6. @Acheron.4731 said:I think there are two groups of people that do that:

    1. those practicing synergy and as Justine said, waiting for others to grp up
    2. those that are bored with the game and like to troll or make people rage-quit

    You missed one. My havoc squad does this from time to time, we look for big zerg vs zerg battles for keeps and then try to figure out and cut off the respawn/resupply line for the enemy Zerg so they (hopefully) can’t keep going perpetually, but end up losing by attrition if nothing else. We also don’t cut people off at the respawn point, but up near the battle so we are directly supporting the larger group. It usually works for a while and then solos wise up and come in their own big group and wipe us and we go back and the whole thing starts over again if the battle isn’t already done. I consider this a legitimate tactic without intent to make people ragequit, just give up on that battle and let our server win :-)

  7. @Robert Gee.9246 said:Thanks for the feedback everyone. I've been following this thread and I wanted to respond to a some comments that have come up a few times:Fall damage reduction is important in WvW.We hear you that fall damage reduction and gauging whether a fall will kill you is something that is considered regularly as a part of WvW. However we would like to see how the WvW meta adjusts before making additional changes.

    I need falling damage reduction for some jumping puzzles.Right now we think the only one that really needs it is Griffonrook Run because it integrates fall damage into the critical path (the red eggs restore health for this reason). We'll be adding fall damage reduction into the bomb buff as a result. We don't think this necessary for the other jumping puzzles at the moment but are open to adding it as the need arises.

    While I am really glad to see evidence that you are indeed following the feedback, I think you may have missed the significance of some of what has been said.

    JPs:Removing fall damage not only impacts those who regularly run JPs & portal trains as mentioned earlier by @"Treize.3578", but also impacts those who are unskilled at jumping puzzles, for whom this trait may mean the difference between restarting part way through, and having to jump back to the nearest unlocked waypoint and run back to the beginning and start all over again. While the first is frustrating, I can guarantee that the second is going to end up being the difference between retrying and giving up for some of those trying to learn. When saying that Griffenrook is the only JP that has falling built into the mechanics and therefore the only one you will put in falling damage mitigation, it seems that you then now intend for JPs to be more punishing for players to learn.

    WvW:I am really not sure how to take your answer here in wanting to see how the meta shifts before making additional changes. "additional" seems to indicate that you intend to go ahead and remove falling damage reduction from WvW despite near universal agreement in the part of those posting here that this is a bad idea. Fine. You are the developer, your call whether we like it or not. But in saying "how the meta shifts" you create for yourself a conundrum. Either the falling damage mitigation traits are commonly used enough for you to consider them meta, in which case you are intentionally removing a well used and clearly well liked feature, or else the traits are not used much, they are niche, in which case waiting for the "meta to shift" has no meaning at all.

    *Edited for clarity

  8. @Tyga.7056 said:I don't see why people complain about the removal of fall damage traits. If you can't do a jumping puzzle without, you dont deserve to finish that. As simple as it is. Also who wants passive skill activation for example in WvW. Just start playing the game properly and stop complaining about things that require no active skill usage, you can easily fix that issue by using your brain while you play :)

    Actually fall damage has a significant place in WvW play. It is not about playing “wrong”, it is about being able to take jumps that others cannot; useful as a smaller group/roamer trying to get away from the Zerg pursuit, or getting to someone below that thinks they are safe because of height, just to name a few uses. It IS using the brain to play.

    @Robert Gee.9246 For all the reasons mentioned previously, this seems really a bad idea. It is treating all game modes as if they were the same, here balancing around open world options and neglecting the distinctions between the various modes and content. this very kind of thing is why so many on the forum say that you all in the balance team only balance for X mode.

  9. @"Glass Hand.7306" said:I have the following suggestions:

    1. It seems to me the build templates are incomplete. You cannot have a build that means something unless it contains both the skills, trait and full equipment specifications. While there is nothing wrong I have seen with skills and traits part of the template it needs to specify the equipment, weapons, infusions, sigils and runes as well. Otherwise it really isn't as useful as it should be, and is clumsy to use. The GW2Skills site is a great example of implementing what I think a build template should be. Combining this with a chat code would be great. The idea of separate build and storage templates per character is a mistake. The per-character Equipment and Build templates should be merged to one template and the Build and Equipment tabs should merely be different views of the same template.

    I agree that being able to associate a build template with an equipment template would be ideal. For example, I have an equipment template for my daredevil that uses a staff, and an equipment template for deadeye that uses a rifle,. Each of those equipment templates demands a different build template, so I end up changing in both places.

    1. Once equipment is bound to the template it becomes a loadout. That loadout can be stored as an instance of the unified build template on a per character basis. The loadout should include a reference to the original template so that deviations from the template are noted. Changes to the template during creation of the loadout should be supported. A new template should be able to be created from the loadout and storeable in the account template library.

    This seems similar to what the previous poster proposed and again I agree that having a single current build that reads from build templates would be better so that changes made aren’t retained unless intentionally chosen to.

    1. Automatic loading of equipment and build on changing game should be a simple optional setting.

    Maybe a drop down on the build template to have the option to associate it to a equipment template?

  10. Given the screen shot I can say it wasn't me, but I do run an axe/axe LB ranger in WvW with a different build than any posted here and I for one absolutely love it. It definitely has its own weaknesses to be aware of, but for my guild's havoc group style and solo roaming it is a lot of fun. I suggest getting creative, move off the meta and you will find some very interesting synergies!

  11. @DeadlySynz.3471 said:How exactly is the ranger balanced currently when right out of the PoF starting blocks without any nerfs, they were nowhere even remotely close to be useful in WvW? A zerk ranger long-range shot on a typical tanky target in WvW wouldn't crack 800 damage; now it'll be even less. There is nothing balanced about this. We just have a bunch of players complaining without any merit to back up their claims.

    nobody makes money on their auto attack. I agree that may squads and commanders don't want rangers but as solo roamers and in small havoc groups we can dominate with ranged DPS. You may not be able to do much, but I personally regularly can dismount and down opponents with bursts of dps.

  12. I have what sounds to be a similar trait build as OP, but for gear I use Diviner weapons, Grieving armor & Valkyrie trinkets with Eagle Runes. I find it gives me a satisfying blend of defense and offense without much excess precision/crit chance. If you don't need the boon uptime try switching diviners for more grieving.

  13. I think the hyperbole is strong in this one. I was in WvW last night with my guild havoc group happily dismounting and killing to my hearts content, (and also being chewed up by an exceptional thief and different insane thief/spellbreaker duo, but that is off topic here). Yes there have been some toning down balance nerfs to ranger, but we are in no way relegated to solely being carrion feeders.

  14. From my perspective really the only thing that would appeal about moving to a hypothetical GW3 would be the potential for a rewrite of the game's graphics engine to make best use of advances in graphics processing technology. I for one don't think that in itself brings enough value to scrap the investment on everybody's part into GW2. In a purely hypothetical mode I would rather see an expansion that revamped the graphics with the entirety of the existing game updated than a wholly different game. However I suspect that the actual viability of such an update is somewhere south of 0% and plumbing the depths of the domain of Anguish.

  15. @Mystic.4293 said:Is not right what you guys did with ranger weapons. Is unfair that the skills need a build to bows pierce an enemy with basic hits, I think it could be from weapons itself.Let’s measure, the necro’s staff it pierce the enemies without a build and the revenant’s shortbow burst in area. Mesmer’s Greatsword that don’t even count as projectile pierce through enemies on the way, the mesmer’s staff that hit in area causing a lot of damage and buffing.Axe in first hand says that hit in several targets but hits just 2. I believe that should be something like thief shortbow. If hit even 3 then could be called “several” targets.If the build reduce the skills cooldown would be right cause we could use the weapon with all the mechanic without need build. If I need one weapon to pierce a target I need to use an all trait just for that, is not fair.


    May I ask what has brought on your complaint here? Are you new to playing Ranger and discovering that you dislike the current Longbow mechanic? Have you been playing for a long time and you just don't like this aspect of LB?

    To put the piercing in to a larger context: Both the Ranger Shortbow and the Renegade Shortbow require separate traits to get piercing arrows. Thief has a slightly different mechanic which is a bounce, not a pierce, and is something that they have done with other Thief projectiles, it is a thief thing. Dragon hunter LB auto attack kinda pierces, but only the auto, none of the rest of the LB skills do. Each profession has some things different to give each their own flavor. Rangers & Renegades get piercing arrows, but you have to trait for it. I play a Ranger main and have for years. I play both a DPS oriented build using LB and a Condi build with SB. Both are excellent, fun and effective builds with nothing lost at all in having to intentionally trait to get piercing. Don't even get me started on Ranger Axe! I am likely to bore you with my enthusiasm for the weapon. I like it even better than Longbow!

    Please help me understand how then I as a Ranger (and occasional Renegade) along with all the other Ranger players are being treated unfairly in this?

  16. I’m coming into this 6 pages in so I will admit right up front I didn’t read all 6 pages, but will this effect the already in game build changes for going between PvE and WvW or entering and leaving underwater?

    I for one expected this to be monetized in some way. If I understand. It right equipment templates will give us ext a bag space (currently gem item) and the entire concept is going to eat into the sale of character slots. Those are two different products this will impact. As one who cannot use the third party template system, I am really looking forward to having these in game, although I can understand how the change may negatively impact those able to use the third party option. However, I do hope that the price per slot is more reasonable than shared inventory slots.

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