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Everything posted by Dyers.1567

  1. That looks pretty cool. I like it. Many of us have tried our dangest to make a decent track using the holo tracks to race on to no avail. Hope you all at Anet are looking into a fix. 👍
  2. Difficult placement due to it being too clear. Would you at Anet be able to place a thin 3d frame around the track piece so the edges can be clearly viewed? A gold, brown or whatever trim? Would then look like a piece of glass or a hologram is being stored within a thin frame. Running into collision problems with them when placed. Eyes bad enough already. 😃 Thanks,
  3. @Mil.3562Had fun on the practice track with you. Good fun. I believe it is finished. 👋
  4. For @Mil.3562 I'm not Pro but Andur.9275 is as is Chavy you met tonight at the practice area. Don't let RACE's mega track freak you out. They are Pro and that is a professional track. It is tough! There are many more easier tracks to race on out there. Btw, Welcome to RACE! 😀 Me practicing at the RACE Guild Hall practice area with the basic technique of perpetual motion with drifting. (Little white dot is my mouse pointer) Garfried told me they call it, power surfing I believe, and it reminded me of surfing in my youth. Either way, good term and they do it much smoother than I. This is before I learned to Hyperboost.
  5. Join Race or DRFT again and have at it! No need to give all your fun time to racing. I'm not good at it either yet but still having fun. 😃
  6. Above reasons are true and reasonable. WvW, PvP, PvE, time zones, Family, farming guilds etc,.. I would also love to see it possible to join more than 5 guilds. Perhaps 10 or even 20. Another reason is the ability to use multiple Beetle tracks made by other guilds, more often. There are thousands of tracks out there that could/would be shared which would help the community. More racing and communication.
  7. Hardstuck Drift Masters: A Beetle Racing Tournament! I really enjoy watching these racing videos. Some of the racing and some of the results.
  8. That start of double bass at the long left drift with the solo break. Hell ya. lol Sharing the love and a little advertising for RACE and DRFT for the help. 👍😎 2nd vid I did a couple days ago because of my modifying the track. You were really hauling butt on the track today. 😲
  9. How is everyone enjoying it so far? Here are some of our decorations on Fergusons Crossing. EoD expac, Guild Hall on the Isle. (The Dragon!) Green Dragon Tavern (GDT) Many of the track ideas gotten from watching vids by RACE and DRFT and speaking to them: Beetle League Racing Team [RACE] and Tyria Drift [DRFT).
  10. A little late to the game concerning Roller Beetle Guild Hall racing tracks? Here is our track on Fergusons crossing. EoD Want to use the track whenever you want? Send me mail in game or give me a tell in game. I will add you to the guild. Doesn't matter what server you are on to be added. No strings attached. Hope others can enjoy the track.
  11. I also love this idea and would like to see it in game for Guild Hall race tracks! 👍😎
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