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Everything posted by Dyers.1567

  1. They have Beetle racing as a mini game 24/7. Not seen it mentioned here. Time trials and holiday events tracks that Anet created. With the added tracks for guild halls it has gotten insane!
  2. The Mighty Reaper! Roll into Madness - Halloween event track. Anet creation. [RACE] Reaper Andur creation. Maguuma Gorge https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/TW Maguuma
  3. Andur creation. πŸ€™ Jaderoad [GP] So peaceful. https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/GP Jaderoad
  4. UAoT: United Arts Speedway (recent creation) https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/UAoT United Arts Speedway Garfried creation.
  5. Zema is Arydae vs Vadrorias). Track, Quaggan Mothership. https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/EQE Quaggan Mothership
  6. The recent change in the lineup in the guild list looks like they did this to have a cleaner look and perhaps the ability to add more guilds in the future.
  7. One of the videos that got me started building tracks. I was wondering, how the hell and what is going on??, in GW2. πŸ€” This is RACE (Beetle League Racing Team) I do not know who designed this track but it is well done. A Garfried video. Many of these (RACE) racers are from the EU but there is a strong NA presence as well. One of the many reasons players wish to have the ability to join more guild halls at once; to race, share tracks and design.
  8. Another racing video! This one by Reirakiyo Amazing deco track setup, [GUIA] Seasons Tour. Created by Chavyjav https://www.beetlerank.com/cup/rank/guildcup/GUIA Seasons Tour πŸ™‚
  9. That rope pulley is a pita lol I will update this one thread here with more Beetle racing vids over the next few months. There are so many tracks and designs that are amazing. You can take classes with RACE members. Some are Beetle Mentors (Some of their best racers actually) and teach in game. When I am more energetic I will visit your hall again. Everyone, it is pretty awesome.Well worth the time to see! πŸ‘
  10. Heya Min ☺️ Saw what you donated to GDT and I want to say, thank you. Yer awesome before but even more so now. 😁 Appreciate ya! I believe that is Fussels video. Will tell I posted the vid today. He used a lot of the hyperboost technique which isn't to hard once you get it down. Watch the pressing of his drift key then boost and the angles it should explain what is going on for the normal part of his driving. Btw, There is another crane on the way up heading back with a pulley and a net with boxes.
  11. Latest update. Made a few changes to the track and decorations, as usual, so it is "mo betterer and mo smootherer" hehe Use of the crane/pulley and other new deco helped with the eye candy giving a "being worked on construction" feel. Thanks Anet. Same length so checkpoints are still correct for time trials with Speedometer. https://www.beetlerank.com/ A recording from another member of RACE. Enjoy.
  12. No Holo curved track yet I see,... πŸ™„
  13. I died from falling to far in a Guild Hall yesterday while on ma Beetle. [FΓ†ST] Waves of light track. 😡
  14. Why are you asking a mod to delete your post? πŸ™ƒ Old joke... Would go to purchase wood from Lowe's or Home Depot because you want to build a fence or whatever at your home and dang near all of it is warped one direction or another. Crazy world...
  15. Notice the bumps in one direction? The Beetles jostles on the wood and the holo... meh,... The wood as you placed was now good for the opposite direction than the direction you went. Concerning the holo, we can place, by mouse tip and it's meeting, as the only observance at the moment. An edge to the artwork would look pretty good I believe. I did see a jostle on the holo as well. Last long piece laid. I'm betting that the holo track is much flatter (level) than the wood as one piece I saw nothing yet the last piece, a bump though smaller as you sped down the track. Other direction your beetle did bounce around. Strange eh? Perhaps actually bent the opposite of the wood? Bad wood from Home Depot and the other is bad holo from Lowes? πŸ˜†
  16. In my last updated video I have a holo track within the main starting area. (Between racer staging area and crowd stands) Not worried about a bump there. I have spent hundreds of hours placing this track and fine tuning it though. If you watch you can see that I built the track backwards as the curved ramps bases are blended into the base making no edge at all. (example) Also, when going down the track you are going off tiny edges so it is smooth not towards tiny edges.
  17. Thank you, Min. πŸ™‚ Woke this morning and made the last vid for the Beetlerank website. Not even a cup of coffee in,... argh. Featured at https://www.beetlerank.com/
  18. What has been done for awhile with the wood track is building your base with curved turns etc,... from start to finish, then once done going from the end of your track you then build it again going backwards, essentially re-placing all the pieces from the end to the beginning, to smooth out the track so there are no bumps to slow you down. Track always creates an edge. It doesn't just snap on into place with no edge. If you are going down off the edge it is smooth if you are going up the edge, a bump. Building a nice track takes hours and hours of time. With the holo track you cannot clearly see the edge to begin with...
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