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Everything posted by Laurencius.9258

  1. Well, the game had a good run, but Anet has decided it doesn't want anyone to play anymore with this 'patch'. Guess they're about to roll out GW3.
  2. Abandoned ranger since it is now the weakest class by far, but was stunned by how much they nerfed Necromancers, which are now the second weakest class. Took 3 times as long to kill a sentry - A SENTRY - with Twilight, no less. I have to run from other players since I can't even damage them anymore, unless they're playing ranger or necro. Necro vs necro used to be a really interesting fight, but it's just sad how easily I can kill other necros now. And where is the sense in making the Warclaw so slow that I can outrun it on foot? Mounts are supposed to be faster not slower.
  3. Of particular note is how Anet is falling all over themselves to make rangers as useless as possible. They're, quite literally, saying to all us folks who like to play rangers, "Ranger has been made garbage - we don't want you to play anymore - please take your money elsewhere."
  4. Really? Someone complaining that the RANGER is too powerful?!? As someone who has played ranger for years, I can attest to their decidedly NOT being overpowered, but ridiculously under-powered. If anything, the ranger's range needs to be expanded, to 2000, to give them a chance to survive a 1v1.
  5. When I PvP now, once it becomes clear I'm up against an overwhelmingly powerful team, I just stop playing and let it kick me out. Everyone should do this from now until the clowns at Anet decide to get off their fat duffs and make it fair.
  6. Just did a pvp where someone on our team was writing on the mini map. nothing but insults.
  7. I fail to see the point of my being murdered thousands of times before I can inch my way to level 20 so I can play ranked matches. I need to be playing other zero level folks, not people with years of experience, who I can't even hit. There is no sense or reason for this and it is the most brainless requirement I've ever seen in a video game. Why make it impossible to play against people of your skill level?
  8. Again, I've abandoned playing the Ranger, but it did teach me self reliance, since I could never join a party, squad, or zerg. Had to learn to do everything myself. That has served me well, since now I'm playing a Reaper and I'm killing it, including having my own solo guild (something I'd never have even attempted if I hadn't been ostracized while playing as a ranger.)
  9. I've given up playing my ranger. No guild will accept someone who plays a ranger, anet refuses to make them balanced, and I'm tired of being badmouthed.
  10. Unfortunately, it looks like GW2 is dead. Strangely, there isn't a game to take it's place. I'm puzzled why so many companies don't seem to want our money, but I guess we'll just save it until someone gets a clue.
  11. It's expensive to randomly change servers whenever other players harass me for being a ranger. Does anyone know a server that actually wants rangers for WVW? Thanks in advance!
  12. After patiently waiting for 5 hours, a group finally showed up and even with a dozen folks helping, we couldn't get it below 50%. Sorry everyone, but it can no longer be killed.
  13. Sorry folks, but there are no bounty trains anymore. The last 10 times I've tried to kill the thing, I'm the only one there. No one can possibly kill the thing solo. Griffin mount is currently unachievable.
  14. I'm guessing they've decided to retire the griffin mount, and just haven't bothered to deactivate "Open Skies" from achievement.
  15. Best I've seen in 3 days of trying is just one other player helping me. I have to go at it solo 9 times out of ten. Literally, no one is bothering with this bounty. It also doesn't scale anymore, since even with the other player helping me, we couldn't damage it, at all, after hammering away for over 10 minutes. The Griffin mount is no longer achievable.
  16. I don't believe anyone will get this achievement anymore. There are never enough people on the map to help take it out. Really pisses me off after all the gold I spent on all the other necessary elements for the Griffin mount, but I'll never get it because the Facet is now unbeatable.
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