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Everything posted by slpr.2647

  1. as dumb as it makes me sound, i really was not aware that the items available with statuettes rotated. thats why i was so ticked off, turns out it should have been at myself
  2. these statuettes were for one purpose, and one purpose alone. i WILL be sitting on them lol it did not help seeing the kickass dragon glider thats available right now though lol
  3. At 1 statuette per chest... Keys (single) sell for 125 gems, so 60 x 125 = 7,500 gems. The most efficient way to buy 60 keys would be: 2 x 25 keys @ 2,100 gems each plus 2 x 5 keys @ 450 gems each, for a total of 5,100 gems. Not 9,000. However, to get 5,100 gems one would have to buy 4,000 @ $50 plus 1,600 @ $20, so $70 with 500 gems left over. So, yes, buying keys to get statuettes to get a wanted item will be over-priced for some, even if you over-stated the amount. i farmed some keys, thru mapping, and bought a couple sets of 5 when they were on sale. then of course got some with gold to gems, so i think i actually spent alot less
  4. ive been working for awhile now on saving up keys for BLC's . just got my last bit with the keys sale. been saving for the Starborn outfit. 60 statuettes. just a week or two ago, was still available. now, "out of stock" are you shitting me?!?!?! thx a ton Anet. , last time i buy keys, ever
  5. i dont know how often this is gonna happen, i havent been on alot to test it, but i have found that at times, with weapon hidden, upon drawing to enter combat, and during said combat, hidden weapon never shows up. know what its like to be swingin a bow staff on my DD only to be doing it empty handed? looks pretty goofy to say the least lol
  6. yes, i know this, but why? i want to why specifically we cant have a toggle for shoulders. simply because they dont want us to be able to toggle shoulders and gloves? it simply doesnt make sense. if they can give us a headpiece toggle, they can give us a shoulder/glove toggle. nobody is asking to have the ability to use armor in its place, simply toggle them off. like we can headpieces Because it is more expensive and time consuming for them to create armor skins rather than outfits https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/969914/#Comment_969914 "Armor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it's like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That's for a normal armor set -- legendary is much longer.) It's not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs." - Mike O'Brien not asking for them to be turned into armor sets! giving a toggle option cant be that hard, they did it for headpieces! we dont want outfits turned into armor sets. giving a toggle for shoulders and gloves doesnt have anything to with weight classes, nothing at all I'm sorry that you're not understanding how outfits are made. They cannot make the change that you are suggesting. oh dear god, dont be sry lmao i think i DO understand how outfits are made. and the diff between outfits and armor.
  7. 'They' didn't change your title; your thread was merged into the existing thread on the same topic. it was changed first, then i got a warning :) then it got merged
  8. yes, i know this, but why? i want to why specifically we cant have a toggle for shoulders. simply because they dont want us to be able to toggle shoulders and gloves? it simply doesnt make sense. if they can give us a headpiece toggle, they can give us a shoulder/glove toggle. nobody is asking to have the ability to use armor in its place, simply toggle them off. like we can headpieces Because it is more expensive and time consuming for them to create armor skins rather than outfits https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/969914/#Comment_969914 "Armor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it's like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That's for a normal armor set -- legendary is much longer.) It's not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs." - Mike O'Briennot asking for them to be turned into armor sets! giving a toggle option cant be that hard, they did it for headpieces! we dont want outfits turned into armor sets. giving a toggle for shoulders and gloves doesnt have anything to with weight classes, nothing at all
  9. yes, i know this, but why? i want to why specifically we cant have a toggle for shoulders. simply because they dont want us to be able to toggle shoulders and gloves? it simply doesnt make sense. if they can give us a headpiece toggle, they can give us a shoulder/glove toggle. nobody is asking to have the ability to use armor in its place, simply toggle them off. like we can headpieces
  10. but there IS something under the shoulders, at least this new one, you can SEE it. its just a jumpsuit. and moving your camera you can see whats under the shoulders.
  11. i see they changed me post title. to long? or didnt like anet being mentioned? the reason i mentioned them in the title was so theyd SEE it
  12. im going to amend this a little. looks good on female, pretty bad on male. lol on female its a killer jumpsuit. and dyed right, it looks pretty cool
  13. about outfits. we can remove the headpiece, but not the shoulders. why is this?there are a bunch of outfits that would look absolutely awesome, if we could just remove the shoulders. sometimes even the gloves, but those to bother me as much.this latest one especially. the shoulders on this this are, hmm, whats the word. hideous? ridiculous? silly? ugly? i could go on. BUT, the outfit itself is awesome.can you imagine the sales you lose because of this? so, answer us this question. why cant we remove shoulders like we can with armor sets. plz
  14. that IS a cool add-on, but IMO, keybinding is just quicker and smoother.
  15. wow, bummer. i got a key as a drop in the Lab, opened that one chest, got a scrap, AND a ticket! so i bought the new GS :)
  16. i have been playing for almost 7 yrs now, and have yet to have anything even remotely like this happen to me. ever..
  17. I played D2, which has gear progression, and weapon. every new dlc, grind to max your light lvl and weapons. imo, a pain in the arse. Idont play D2 anymore lol
  18. mine wasnt a "wah, I'm so jealous" post either, although alot of folks thought so. i was just stating my opinion. some thought i didnt want to put in the work to get it, not knowing I have "put in the work" to craft the nine leg weps i have either. and apparently, im not the only one who thinks it annoying. but w/e.
  19. 3 mins till Karka Queen spawns. standing in front of Steampipe Steading, and theres several Skyscales hovering above. how awesome it was to have wingtips dipping into view, shadows of them all over the place, and the dust that their wing beats kicks up.yeah, kind of annoying.
  20. same here, with the only exception being I played some Tomb Raider
  21. this was actually the last straw for me, just uninstalled. time to enjoy some other games that i play.
  22. same here. an easy 20+ gold, so i was happy, kinda lol the rest was just junk
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