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Everything posted by Fozzie.5370

  1. Only curious at OP if this was meant as a serious post or troll post lol I'm all very new, engaging, challenging rewarding content. Drizzlewood Coast was by far the best release of the whole Icebrood Saga, but I have to say this latest release was absolutely awful in my humble opinion. The DRM's nothing short of dreadful, recycled Core Tyria maps, throw in some out-dated Destroyer mobs, pitifully boring, no real challenge, I did 2 of the 3 of them and quit half way through the 3rd as I was so utterly bored and went straight back into WvW for some actual fun. DRM's probably took a couple of Dev's few hours work to code them, just recycled garbage I'm sorry to say. I'm pleased for those that enjoy them but they're definitely not for me.
  2. Same as everyone else here, was expecting today as well. I guess now its January 2021 we'll get the next update: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/the-icebrood-saga-champions/ ^^ Perhaps clever game design by Anet: Maybe their plan is to "disguise": ONE x Chapter/Story/Saga/Update/Epsiode worth of NEW CONTENT into 4 different sections ( Truce, Power, Balance, Judgement), with the assmuption that they can say and/or make players think they are getting 4 different full updates! In my humble opinion, it seems they are just drip feeding us 25% worth of New Content on each of the 4 releases ( if you can call what we have had so far exciting new content ? ) over a staggering 7 MONTH PERIOD !!! - Chuck a few "ready-made" festivals inbetween and its a cheap, easy role out of content from here until May 2021
  3. Make sure you play for fun in the short spare time you have. I presume if you've played for 8 years and spent gems you already have some of the QoL features, but really that's all they are, and same goes with all the shiny cosmetics: We don't actually need them , just things we would like or aspire to have. What we actually need in game even to compete competitively at the highest levels is not a great deal thanks to one of the things I love about Gw2: Horizontal Progression. Sorry but AFK farming opens up a whole can of worms in my humble opinion and would likely be manipulated , and why should we earn free gold just for keeping our PC switched on 24 hrs per day?? Just check out Cellofrags gold making guides and choose a few things you can do in the spare time you do have. Also remember virtual gold/items/wealth aren't all their cracked up to be. You don't need all this to enjoy the game, jump on discord/TS with some buddies, play a game mode you enjoy with the time you have.
  4. @"Delita Silverburg.8632" have to totally agree with you. Played the story last night for first time and all 3 Public Instances and have to say for me this is the poorest release by far. "A Recycled old content release at best" Core Tyria maps, destroyers everywhere (not seen them before honestly!) didn't capture my imagination in the slightest, in fact I exited early at went back into WvW. Few new achievements, mastery track, few new weapons, rest just recycled boredom. I really would wish Anet would have prioritised sorting out their tech issues (lag, so many bug issues etc.) in preparation for Steam Release than releasing this poor content, can we even call it new content ?
  5. The pre-meta bar for GH is currently unbugged after the pala after the patch. So far we've now had two "rounds" of cow killing after the patch. So it's looking like it got fixed with no notes. This is on NA Well keep the good news coming. Anyone else completing their Vision Quest? On EU, completed 2 runs of Corpse Caravan with 0 bug, We killed it and all got awarded achievements. Lots of luck for everyone, I did it both times ~15 mins after Great Hall and it ran fine. Wish Anet had communicated this somewhere though! Lots of luck to all :-)
  6. Gotten worse it dosent pop up saying caravan spawnded or anything just instantly despawnded without them appearing this time been happening same for a week now @Gazt.6851 damn sad news mate. Forum needs an "Unlike Icon". Tbh I'm not bothered about just me here: It's all the fellow players on the Lw4 maps i've met along the journey. Once you've personally endured the insert as appropriate = ? enjoyment / pain / fun / hardship / torment / insanity / never-ending time-sink feeling ? of Legendary Collections makes you appreciate what others are striving for as well, and loads of luck to everyone grinding out Leggy Collections as they're not for the faint hearted. But once you've met that "dreaded cursed BUG in the system" that seems to be affecting so many Legendary Collections: Is it any wonder players get disheartened as that mountain to climb just becomes a BIGGER mountain to climb with no immediate life-line thrown our way by Anet: Seriously come on Anet: We're not asking for a Helicopter to get to the top of the mountain, but at least throw us some rope here.......
  7. Hi all, any more news on this bug ? Are people managing to find fresh map instances easy and get it done or still struggling ? I notice this problem happened earlier in the year, as OP started this thread in April, presumably fixed and then next poster posted same bug October 15th, so 1 Month ago, and still as yet no official announcement or acknowledgment on forum about it :astonished: Surely,if this is a repeat of an already previous bugged Event that happened back in April, this should be faster to fix ? > 1 month seems a little long in my book to fix such an event, that has been repeatedly reported in-game over and over for weeks now.
  8. Yeah sadly I totally agree with you mate, and to be honest wouldn't advise anyone to get their hopes up so soon. Likelihood it will be several weeks, eeeeekkk Months ? before a fix is sorted. #Needs significantly more Dev Time to be spent on current game technical issues/bugs/problems/lag rather than devoting 99% of Dev Time on solely design & development of future content and implementing new skins. Performance > Cosmetics *In the meantime, I'm turning my attentions to one of the other bugged events to keep me occupied.
  9. I think point to remember guys is that @Kleopatrius.1562 and @"Dydzio.1320" have spent hours and hours on this task at all different times of day/night, relogging, trying different tactics. There "work-around-solution" only would appear to work therefore on finding a Fresh Map Instance which hasn't already been bugged by the Meta, fair play for them for the amount of hours they've spent on this over last few weeks, but it definitely does not mean its a fix by any means: You need patience, time, persistence to achieve what they are saying as we tried yesterday continually 9-10 of us logging in/out trying to find a fresh instance to no avail, but if you keep waiting, keep trying, day after day, time after time i guess eventually you can find a fresh map. I personally don't have enough time, patience or persistence to keep trying, so have turned my attentions to alternative collections instead, while waiting for a fix. Message from support >>> **The Corpse Caravan event is currently being investigated. We ask that you please continue to submit in-game bug reports, from the point where the event is bugged, so that the development team can continue to gather detailed information surrounding the issue. Furthermore we ask that keep an eye on the forums and future patch notes so that you may know when a fix is initiated for this event**.
  10. @"Kleopatrius.1562" yeah I vouch for you as well buddy: You've personally spent hours of your in-game time camping Istan trying to figure out a solution with Dydzio.1320 It really shouldn't be the case that players have to spend countless hours of their limited in-game time camping maps out of desperatation with these bugged issues. The problem personally I find is the distinct lack of communication when these bugs happen either directly from the Dev Team or via CS as the go between. As much as bugs are frustrating, I fully understand Anet doesn't mean for them to happen, they just happen and think us as players accept that, and they take time to work on a fix. All we're asking for is some simple communication from Anet to say " We're aware of the problems facing players with the Vision collection. We are working on a fix, but unfortunately cannot say when this will happen ". That's all we're asking for, an acknowledgement that something is being done, and we can then wait patiently.
  11. Oh mate massive gratz you nailed it, but totally sucks it didn't even register completion of the event. Thanks for all your efforts with this. Not the one we wanted but at least you determined a conclusion. I guess we're at a dead-end with this, done all we possibly can do. It's in the hands of Anet now. ???
  12. @"Dydzio.1320" ....and so mate this is what it all boils down to after the culmination of weeks of graft, truck-load of gold crafting mystic tribute, etc, etc. " Dedicated Gw2 players fighting against Raid like conditions with no offical announcement or update about a resolution of the bug anytime soon" Versus " A Yak "
  13. Keep bumping, keep sending tickets, keep sending in game bug reports via use of " /bug ". It is simply not acceptable players have not had any acknowledgement yet over the weeks this bug has been ongoing. We're only asking for some mere communication ?
  14. Keep bumping, keep sending tickets, keep sending in game bug reports via use of " /bug ". It is simply not acceptable players have not had any acknowledgement yet over the weeks this bug has been ongoing. We're only asking for some mere communication ?
  15. Add Jahai Bluffs bugged Requiem Collection to the TRIO of Bugged Vision achievements ! Just pleased Steam Release is postphoned: Server is too unstable with these glitches to cope with the inevitable problems would face when Steam integrates as well.
  16. Personally guys i wouldn't waste time camping Istan at the moment until its fixed. I abandoned Istan when I'd finished the other stuff on collection, i waited for ~ 20-30 mins around a week back, saw the Caravan event start, got excited but it vanished in literally less than 10-20 seconds, and Great Hall Meta kicked in. I switched instances, and exact same thing. So I went to all other Lw4 maps instead to complete as much on the other parts of Vision, spent my time farming all 6 map curriences & also I'm working on Conflux. Really good to have another project on the go, as likelihood this issue will take the Devs some weeks/months to resolve, I'm confident it will get resolved just the Devs are over-stretched as it is with workload pressures at the moment. Hang on in there, but i really wouldn't dwell on the map and waste your time with this while it is still bugged. Do as much as you can for the other bits of the collection, getting mats ready, clovers, Lw4 curriences, gold etc if you need it, and/or embark on a different goal/project so you feel like you're not wasting time an uncontrollable matter. Just my way of handling this frustrating situation!
  17. +1. I have the same issue, after having tried it countless times ( I don't get a single attack registered, like wtf? ). So many bugs with Vision, its bewildering in fact just how many issues there are ( is it any wonder, i've met so many players whom are so demotivated with all these bugs, they've given up with the collection in its entirety). With so many bug issues, I can think its only a good thing that Steam release in November was delayed: Things aren't stable enough as it is ! NB: I know we shouldn't have to, but I'm going to get the boots instead from WvW / sPvP Reward tracks, mainly because I know this achievement problem won't be fixed for weeks & weeks, and most likely won't be until 2021. From what I've seen over the years, the resolution of bugs at Anet is pitifully slow.
  18. Bump, affecting countless players trying to complete: Visions of Istan. @"Excursion.9752" Just sell it on the Volatile Magic vendor for 1000 volatile magic and call it a day. Once it is fixed then remove it. Like others have stated it is very demotivating. ^^^ Totally agree, this would be the fastest "short-term fix", easy to implement on a hot-fix, and would not detract too far from the significant amount of other stuff you have to do (e.g. complete Istan Mastery) to make the collection any easier. P.S. If you have not already done so, the best way to get this noted directly to the Devs is to go to one of the 3 locations in-game as per the bugged events: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Corpse_Caravan Event coffin (map icon).png [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Heretic's Arena (80)Event coffin (map icon).png [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Champion's Dawn (80)Event coffin (map icon).png [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from the Astralarium (80) When you are at that location type " /bug " A window should pop-up: Support 'report a bug' Make sure you check-box the "Blocking-progress" as this should help to escalate further up the waiting-list. Complete very brief description of issue, along the lines of " Corpse Caravan events bugged, spawn and then vanish " or whatever, just keep it short to the point, SUBMIT when you're done. We won't get a response back from this, but the more players that flag this issue, I'm hopeful it will get flagged more at the Devs end. Thanks !
  19. I would create a ticket for this bug, but am certain its already been ticketed multiple times and don't want to further overwhelm and already overwhelmed support. I wouldn't think surely a hot-fix for this would be too difficult, as in my experience of camping Istan searching in vain for the Caravans I've seen the event start, then suddenly vanish and Great Hall start. The very odd reason to why these Caravan Events were working totally fine, what's the reason to cause them to glitch ?? A Bug in the System perhaps If anyone notices this is fixed please can you advise on this thread, as I've no further purpose to return to Istan other than for the last part of this Vision collection.
  20. I think they just place the markers because they can: They serve no purpose or relevance to me: I just ignore them :)
  21. Any junk item, even the ones you can sell for like 2 copper, I just make a bag slot for it, stack it to x250, RIGHT click: Destroy ( to keep deleting them one-by-one is an exercise in futility!) . But: Oh wait I've run out of bag slots.....
  22. I'm a functional guy so mainly prioritze the functional / QoL stuff >>> 1) Shared Inventory Slots2) Volatile Magic Permanent Tools ( An absolute must in the tools department ! )3) Copper-fed, silver-fed, rune-crafter salvage o'matics4) Character slot5) Storage Expander (one of best things I ever did was max out my Storage deposit to 2K, such good QoL without having to constantly login/logout alt. characters as storage mules.6) Mistlock Sanctuary Pass7) Armistice Bastion Pass8) Candy Corn Gobbler ( such a brilliant thing just for 300 Gems ): Never ever buy the Experience booster, Item booster, Heroic Boosters: Just buy the Gobbler, stack up on Candy Corn, while eating your dinner or doing something else, spam the gobbler for 5-10 mins, you'll have several hours of Bonuses: XP, MF, Karma/Def boosts etc. Note: If you have Snowflake Gobbler, no need to buy Candy Corn one as they do not stack, its either one or the other.9) Zhaitaffy Gobbler Pack ( just for the extra 25% reward track in WvW, PvP is a nice boost)10) Bank Tab slots (pure lazy QoL feature: Ofc more cost effective to buy character slot storage mules, but not as readily accessible as ease of bank tabs)11) Warclaw mount skins Luxury item for me as I really hate the base Warclaw skin
  23. ......well after 3 hours i finally did this JP, and came to forum to try help others. Totally agree with the consensus above, Anet really got to change the whole waiting time thing between runs, its really annoying if you keep kitten falling at the 1st few jumps and the other 4 players keep making it really high up...the wait is torture! Only reason I was determind to complete it was not for the armour set (not really a fan) but you need that collection for the Backpiece which i desperately wanted! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mad_Memoires:_Complete_Ignition Btw: I totally suck at JP's, in fact I'm so bad I get comments from total strangers saying "Dude why can't necro's ever jump :P ", " Mate have you tried opening your eyes to see where you are going ? " I actually laugh when I draw such attention at my total ineptness, as I can troll myself harder than total strangers, since my jumping co-ordination is as good as a goldfish. So how did I get through the Mad King's Clock Tower JP ? 1) I abandoned using any race other than Asura (this is for someone that never uses Asura for any game mode): In fact I would even recommend making one of these little guys just for JP's as personally I find them so much easier. ( I'm sure the character hit-box is no different for each race, but my guildee on his Norn kept on saying on multiple occasions he got to the Clock Face, jumped and his Norn Face kept splatting on the top part of the hole, and he couldn't make it through! lmfao - Started a whole guild discussion about character hit boxes! 2) How to deal with the waiting thing ? I set up laptop next to my desktop to do other stuff during the down-time. Don't have a laptop ? Put some chilled music on, favourite movie in background or failing that jump on TS/Discord for a laugh with some buddies, or just play some Candycrush or Tetris on your mobile to kill the time. Keeping calm is half the battle with JP's. Put as much energy into keeping calm as you can: Not easy at all, but definitely something I had to learn. 3) The more frustrated I got with the JP, the more mistakes I was making, the more I was getting annoyed with the waiting: I quickly learnt at this point to.... W a l k A w a y: Go do something else either irl or in-game: You feel loads better to take a break, and more relaxed when you return to it later: In fact when I did this I actually improved a bit each time with the height I got: Neurokinetics & Muscle Memory ftw, and being more relaxed and focused after taking a break. Breaks really important!!! 4) Try set yourself a time-limit per day that you will practice, have a go at it. My personal time-limit was 60 minutes. If I'd had enough, I'd leave it to the next day. If was feeling I was getting somewhere with the jumps, I'd perserve a little longer. 5) Like me, if you suck at JP's ( I'm scared of heights irl so hate them more than most people) try to think differently that all your time failing with Clock Tower is not " I'm wasting my time, grrrrr" which I heard from loads of players, you're actually improving your jumping skills, and in general your whole finger-eye co-ordination ( "...Look at his neurokinetics- they're way above normal "). You maybe feel more brave to tackle some of the other harder JP's in the game you'd shied away from without the time-pressure of the Clock Tower ? 6) One thing I learnt early on, is at the very first jump, when you are waiting for the animation for the block to appear/turn-over: Just as the animation starts, jump then, and you'll make it ( well not too early ofc so you fall!), this shades maybe just a nano-second of the start-block but found once I'd mastered this, the first one-third of the JP was a lot easier as you keep nicely ahead of that nasty yellow mist rising to engulf you. 7) Know your JP Route: During the horrible "waiting downtime" : I repeatedly watched: Ayin Maiden>>> ; http://dulfy.net/2012/10/27/gw2-mad-kings-clock-tower-jumping-puzzle-guide/ 8) This YouTuber's own 4 hours attempts help to get me through this >>> His PAIN at 07:20 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We feel you brah. This dude should seriously have more subscribers! GOOD LUCK: Practice, keep calm, take regular breaks, more practice, watch the Video guides, and remember if its just not going your way, there is always tomorrow. If someone as inept as me at JP's can get through this: You can too.
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