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Lan Deathrider.5910

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Everything posted by Lan Deathrider.5910

  1. Defense in WvW and PvP is kind of meta. Depending on your other sustain you may be able to drop it.
  2. That is more or less what I recommended in my original post, can't quite call it flurry then so I called it Galrath's Slash.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to write that out, I'll definitely try those out. I think the ur right about the core's double endure pain lol I prob got used to that sustain as I unlocked spb. You can still do double EP on SpB if you spec Defense. Just tinker around, kill some sentries to figure things out, and then take on some players.
  4. I can imagine that sweet animation, I would love something like this. Savage leap would be also more usable to combo with this skill and get reliable hit. Which is part of why I suggested putting immob on the second hit. There have been a lot of great suggestions in this thread, but I kind of like this one a fair bit.
  5. Mkay, Go Strength: any mid midDisc: mid bot topSpell: Top Bot Bot Run axe/dagger. The other weapon set could be GS, or dagger/shield. Axe/dagger gives high crit damage that heals you for 7% of the damage, and 50% chance to gain might on a crit that also heals you. Don't spam Full Counter, use it when you see an attack coming, or to buy yourself a few moment for another skill to come off CD. That would give you more sustain and DPS, but is just one way of doing it. You could spec Defense instead of Discipline and run Dagger/shield + GS, again with Might Makes Right. Another option is to take hammer for the AoE stun + boonrip. I would run Greatsword in the other weapon set then. Spellbreaker isn't a move spamming spec, its all about counter playing your foe. Core you can just go all in and rely on double Endure Pain to keep you alive while you DPS.
  6. So something like this: Fatal Thrust: Impale your target stunning them for 1s (damage scales by 1.0 power) then kick them away (knockback 200) while pulling out your sword (1.0 power scaling) and deal 4/8/12 stacks of bleed for 12s, 2/4/6 stacks of torment for 8s, immobilize for 2/4/6s based on amount of adrenaline spent? Initial hit should be a 1/2s animation with the kick hitting another 1/2s after that for a 1s total cast time. You can use Sundering Burst for vulnerability, so I so not foresee them even thinking of adding that in. Ditto for Cripple with Leg Specialist being available. But I think the above would be nice and fun. Someone could stunbreak and dodge away for counterplay, but if they do not do it quickly enough or if you have quickness (say from OH axe) they may still get hit with the second part. I put the immob on the second part, seemed more fitting there, but I am ambivalent on that. immo wouldnt make sense phase 2, since you release enemy from your binding blade why would there be immoI was thinking it would be better to land the immob in the second phase so that once they are knocked back they are stuck in place (barring condi cleanse) so that you can close the gap with savage leap, but it doesn't really matter where it happens. I like this idea though. Very duelist like attack.
  7. The idea is not to grant more stability for having stability but rather keep bull's charge from being stoppable with a mere CC like it used to be, it would also prevent it from being stopped by stuff that you can't evade through as well, which makes me sense in that regard. Giving it an evade just doesn't feel right for what it does compared what it could do with stability instead. But you have stab sources, and BC has evade frames, so... are you just not putting stab up and getting CC'd? Balanced Stance feels too important and wasted to actually use it in synergy with BC when the target is most likely disabled for a moment. Just my 2 cents though.Balanced Stance isn't the only source of stab though.
  8. So something like this: Fatal Thrust: Impale your target stunning them for 1s (damage scales by 1.0 power) then kick them away (knockback 200) while pulling out your sword (1.0 power scaling) and deal 4/8/12 stacks of bleed for 12s, 2/4/6 stacks of torment for 8s, immobilize for 2/4/6s based on amount of adrenaline spent? Initial hit should be a 1/2s animation with the kick hitting another 1/2s after that for a 1s total cast time. You can use Sundering Burst for vulnerability, so I so not foresee them even thinking of adding that in. Ditto for Cripple with Leg Specialist being available. But I think the above would be nice and fun. Someone could stunbreak and dodge away for counterplay, but if they do not do it quickly enough or if you have quickness (say from OH axe) they may still get hit with the second part. I put the immob on the second part, seemed more fitting there, but I am ambivalent on that.
  9. Spell Breakers lore wise are Paragons with Daggers as their Spears broke. So dont want double of that. They're really not. The Order of Sunspears had a lot of Paragons and was one of the main centers of Paragon training, but Paragons weren't all or even most of the order. Joko banning spears was a symbolic gesture that wouldn't actually have directly affected most of the Sunspears, and Spellbreakers using daggers styled like Sunspear spearpoints is equally symbolic. Nothing in the Spellbreaker skills or traits points to Paragon. Justiciar, on the other hand, was a title of rank among the White Mantle, usually held by Warriors (Justiciar Agatha in Lake Doric being one exception). There's nothing to indicate that they're support-oriented in this fashion, and I don't think the Pact Commander would want to be associated with that legacy.^ This. We can get Paragon. Warrior has shouts that could use augmenting through bringing back echos, arias, and finales from GW1. Think something like when you use a shot an echo affects the recipients where after a few seconds another effect happens, like buffs or healing. Finales would shout like effects that cause the next attack by the recipients do XYZ effects like inflicting burning. Aria's would be a new utility that count as a shout but would have a longer cast time with effects throughout the channel time. Weapon would have to be a staff that gets thrown like a javelin. A Defense Tactics Paragon would be IMBA... mmmmm IMBAGon…
  10. Well for Berserker you need to go full meme dps to get very much mileage out of it. Carrying a Rifle for Gunflame lolz is fun. If you roll Berserker, then work on timing Headbutt right, and slot savage instinct instead of smash brawler. Generally speaking though, you asked for core or Spellbreaker. You will want Defense traited: any top top usually. If you run GS then run Strength: any mid mid for sustain or any mid top for higher DPS If you run axes then run Discipline: mid bot top. Core is usually Strength, Defense, and Discipline. If you want Spellbreaker: any top top for boon ripping, Top Bot Bot from dps/sustain depending on if you use OH dagger and Might Makes right from strength. Mid Mid Mid to alleviate power and condi pressure.
  11. The idea is not to grant more stability for having stability but rather keep bull's charge from being stoppable with a mere CC like it used to be, it would also prevent it from being stopped by stuff that you can't evade through as well, which makes me sense in that regard. Giving it an evade just doesn't feel right for what it does compared what it could do with stability instead. But you have stab sources, and BC has evade frames, so... are you just not putting stab up and getting CC'd?
  12. We have last stand to cover stability, brave stride too if you want to take that trait...
  13. That depends on the loot. I think double or triple daily rewards may be easy and be good rewards for people in a special event. Fractals are rewarding enough daily mate.Yes, but this was an event/festival idea, which would have more rewards. Again, the gist would be to get more people into FotM and to get them started on their currencies while they are there while also rewarding longtime players of FotM.
  14. That depends on the loot. I think double or triple daily rewards may be easy and be good rewards for people in a special event.
  15. Well I mentioned a festival, because then there could be achievements related to it while the festival is ongoing that can give better rewards that can't be farmed on mass, where as if it were just an event rewards could be over farmed if not done correctly. So it is a function of how rewarding it is desired to be. Very rewarding? Then a festival would be better than an event.
  16. How about a 2 week long festival or event centered on Fractals of the Mist? It could be as simple as an event that just gives extra relics, pristine relics, research pages, and matricies upon completing dailies. It could be a chance to have pouches of fractal relics drop from enemies within FotM. It could also include the option to turn off instabilities. Or it could be a full blown festival with extra achievements that give chests full of FotM currencies and fractal weapon skins. The gist would be to entice players who have not been playing FotM to come play and possibly stick around, and to give current FotM players a little more reward for playing the part of the game they like.
  17. Are you really this boneheaded? Did you read the whole discussion? See the original quote here. This an OBSERVATION. It does not include a suggestion or any sort of ulterior motive. It was a supportive argument to what Obtena said at the time, not a counter to it.And yes, there's a reason why Warrior has shorter cooldowns. It has less buttons so it gets to use them more often.If there's any sort of takeaway, it's more towards that 45 second cooldown I mentioned on Guardian. And it's not on Firebrand. @Lan Deathrider.5910 No, not really. I think Warriors cooldowns are fine now that Rampage is 120.I'm usually upfront about my suggestions so if I wanted Warrior having longer cooldowns, you wouldn't need to be asking me.I do hope some future Elite Specialization gives Warrior a bigger pool of buttons to press. Well we had banners as bundles and instead of buffing them to make them useful they nerfed them heavily to make them ‘easier’ to use, so I do not foresee more buttons to push.
  18. @Yannir.4132 are you suggesting that warrior needs longer CDs? If you want warrior to have longer CDs, then you need to offer compensation in the form of more unblockables, more damage, more cc, more condi, and/or more mobility. The option of being able to use F2-F5 would not go amiss either.
  19. I can get behind this. It does AoE though. Maybe make the AoE larger instead? Reduce Rifle 2 to a 4s CD, reduce Rifle 3 to a 6s CD, increase the damage on Rifle 1 and Rifle 2 by 20%. Unroot Killshot. Rifle might actually be decent then... especially if Crackshot made all the rounds pierce again like it used too.
  20. Warrior already has those things. I don't want an elite spec with more of the same things the core already has. That's the point of elite specs to change up the way core play. As I said above, Guardians aren't the only heavy armor defense class in Lore. Justicars existed 200 years ago and played a warrior/dervish/monk role. Guardians is more Warrior/Rit/monk compared to here. Besides its support role its not like Guardian in gameplay. The mechanics of this is more of a inverse Revenant with better resource system.Like I said before, I don't want another elite spec that's does the same thing core does with a different look. Rage skills for example seem like amp up Physicals. We already have Banners and Shouts. I would be very disappointed in a new elite spec that gave more shouts. I'm not arguing with your lore, but what you put forth is a guardian. Warrior only has Longbow for combo fields, I'd love to be able to lay down a smoke field and leap through it. I'd love an e-spec that had access to several low CD fields of varying sorts that I could leap through or blast. Shouts as they are now suck, but an e-spec could make them better with things like echos and arias from GW1. You can have your Justicar, but you'll get further with it if it played off of what Warrior can already do and make it more like the old Paragons from GW1 than the Guardians in GW2.
  21. So my input for you: The utilities would have to affect 5 allies for this to ever be taken. 3 enemies for some attacks, but 5 for others, whatever seems balanced but some hard AoE would be nice. Tiger Technique should provide precision to allies instead of take away from foes, just because I think that would be hard to implement.Snake Technique might be better if it gave blind every 3rd strike. Allow multiple Techniques to be active. You will need something to replace burst attacks, otherwise you'll be breaker half of the warrior traits that everyone takes. Change vault to a forward roll that ends in a sweep that knocks down foes and heals allies.ORChange vault to a savage leap type at attack that cleaves and heals in a area. Keep the ground target in that case.
  22. Because you won't click the link he gave you here is the description of the Guardian from the wiki: "Guardians are devoted fighters who protect their allies and smite their enemies by drawing from the power of their virtues. True guardians are brilliant tacticians and selfless defenders who know when to sacrifice their own defenses to empower their allies to achieve victory." What you posted looks like, sounds like, and would function like a guardian. Warrior needs a better support role, don't get me wrong, but what you put forth is more of a guardian e-spec than a warrior e-spec. A warrior support e-spec would probably have more combo fields, or updates to shouts and banners along with either staff, pistols, or shortbow (shudder at the thought).
  23. Flurry not keeping up with the game is a separate issue than people complaining about something that Anet already gave them the tools to mitigate. There are numerous traits and utilities that aid in adrenaline gain, and a trait line that reduces Burst CDs. If you roll into a match without the means to get adrenaline sans hitting a stationary target, then GG you suck at warrior, not just Berserker. A better comparison would be Necros with Iife force and Shroud. Shroud has a CD, requires a resource to initiate, and its own skills have CDs. That and in Shroud hits reduce your lifeforce, so one can argue that they have it worse. I do agree that more control would be better, like to ability to freely exit BMode, but getting INTO BMode initially or once it is off CD is pretty trivial as it is right now.
  24. I honestly never see other warriors running Bulls Charge... Maybe a core warrior would, but you don't usually see them anymore.
  25. The point of this thread is that Flurry, which may have been fine at launch, no longer is. Greatsword Burst was so terrible that they changed it to what it is now. Flurry is as bad now as the old GS burst was, mainly due to the self root but also to other issues with flurry, namely that the damage is not really any better than auto attacking and the long duration immobilize is weak now due to the plethora of condi cleanse that did not exist at launch.
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