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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. “Save your self” traited can give 45 boons granted 4 other allies are also close. No it can't. This is a really basic mis-understanding of how the game works.Ok maybe I’m wrong about that. Was late and my internet was barely functioning.
  2. “Save your self” traited can give 45 boons granted 4 other allies are also close. There’s ppl not even trying on core support guard in plat3-legend on Eu, many top teir mat teams are trying to find a comp for it and I’ve seen some annoying ones at that. You could try to run a mediation variant if you want, not sure what the point would be though as that’s more for personal sustain imo.
  3. Constantly pumps out boons and healing instantly and is busted when u put 5 allies into the equation
  4. Daredevil also gains unblockable for swipe. This is an important buff as swipe can go through blocks and stab and even if you don’t take bountiful theft it still makes trickster viable since it can still go through blocks just not stab
  5. 2 mid plat2 players in the same match as high g3/ plat1. Doesn’t seem too bad
  6. Core sd, dp and staff thief are all immensely under performing atm
  7. Thief acro was only really considered for years, and lots of commentary from streamers can confirm, because of swindlers equilibrium. Yes instant reflexes in nice but since they cut back damage it seems it is no longer needed. Acro is totally fine rn and is 90% chance better on sd builds as it does more damage than deadly arts since nerfs and has more sustain. Though I do feel bad for acro builds that don’t run sword, but looking at it from that perspective and at other nerfs it seems anet did a good job there
  8. I think you were right before the last shout and general sustain nerf for Healbreakers - I‘ve tried them both during the last week - you get around 200K-400K healing output over the match as a Firebrand, which is comparable to Healbreaker, while having a little less mobility in the new build, but a ton of important boons such as resistance, prot and aegis that heals teammates as well as having less cooldown on the res signet. From what I saw it looked really great, only problem is that all available heal skills (mostly for selfsustain reasons) on a Firebrand have been nerfed too much or aren‘t suited for how the spec is played That’s fair though I’m not sure entirely
  9. You need to actually think about the amulets that have been removed if "it has more than 500 toughness!1!1!" is your reasoning Well that's literally the reasoning for deleting all the other amulets with lots of toughness or lots of toughness and vitality. Barbarian amulet - gone. Paladin amulet - nerfed. Cavalier's Amulet - deleted. Knight Amulet - deleted. YEah, there's precedent for it. Not this inconsistency of "Oh, let's nerf CC direct dmg to zero... except Lightning Rod, Fear, etc. This inconsistency screws with the balance if there is no consistent design philosophy. So yes, 100% justified in deleting an amulet based on precedent. If you don't like it, petition for knight's amulet to return. Still ignores the real reason; primary verses secondary stats, as well as the other stats that come with the amulet. i.e healing power with vitality is fine but healing power with toughness isnt. There's nothing inconsistent when you look at what had actually been removed. The three that got removed main stat defensive. Paladin got nerfed since it had both defensive stats and cele got removed since it had all 3. Removing rabid for its toughness means you would need to remove valk for its vit. Yeah and there's an argument to be had about Valkyrie, too. While there is a good argument for removing valkeryie amulet - that would literally kill a few builds which absolutely need it to be viable and keep in mind none of these are too strong except possibly ranger but even then it’s just a budget 1v1er/roamer.
  10. It isn’t a form of healing. It's not, but it is a form of sustain to your health bar in a similar fashion that other classes don't get access to during overtime. When I played World of Warcraft, there were Discipline Priests who mitigated a lot of damage via shielding. The way I learned to think about it was shielding is healing that you bank in advance and cash it in as enemies hit you. It's disingenuous to pretend it isn't a form of sustain in the same vein as healing, if we're being honest. The actual biggest problem is, as people mentioned, that if you take away Scourge's barrier, then you essentially have a class with NO defense. That's a very different argument than shields vs. healing, and that's the argument I'd advise you make instead. If people are hitting you, shielding/barriers is not effectively any different from healing except that the "healing" is fed to you by your enemy instead of on-demand by you.I like the comparison to disciple priest. I simply am pinged every time someone posted and saw something to correct- as barrier truly is not healing.
  11. Classes like weaver, scrapper and scourge have builds where most of their sustain comes from barrier stacking. All other sustain is cut when the timer runs out, so how come these builds are allowed to keep theirs? This change just fixed a great oversight and made 2v2/3v3 much more fair. Also what do you mean the game will become boring when everyone gets oneshot? The match lasts for several long LONG minutes before this effect kicks in. You can stack barrier, heal, be unkillable and unfun during the normal matchtime, same as before. The only thing that really changed is that you cannot cheese the system by stacking barrier anymore. You actually have to play the game now, and aim to defeat the enemy team BEFORE the timer runs out. Seems like the opposite of boring to me. I might even play some 2v2/3v3 now. I know those specs have barrier, but it is self barrier while stuff like warrior which can share barrier does it slightly less than scourge. All healing was cut at timer but sustain is not, there’s still plenty of things for sustain and barrier a “heal-like” skill, not a heal one was one of them. There is no difference between winning before the mechanic and during as I’ve already said and with this change we are just gonna see more teams randomly dying to mechanics at times and ppl just try to “cheese” the system by using an invuln or necro shroud or w.e can help them survive which is just an effective tactic nothing actually counting as an exploit same as how barrier was an effective strat
  12. what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find As you wantnto side node and be tanky lb gs i think are the better choices you can constantly push the enemy out of the node with your lb and gs 4 and you'll eventually cap it. Gs is like a must have cuz the leap gives you a lot of mobility, then axe/x cuz sword leaps will eventually give your enemy the node.Valk is more of a dps/ tank hybrid and as such your mostly gonna aim for kills. I’ve never seen sword leap giving a decap as it can target as player, that said it’s retarget opinion is alittle bad
  13. i like how every post you made u note the fact you are a high rating player 2 ppl Qing in plat3+ for the hours I play is almost always 7 min minimum q. I generally don’t even get the 10 min qs though, it’s just legend duos Qing during off hours almost always seems to be 10 min qs when I see them.
  14. what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find Well I’ll just give you my opinion, btw I made the metabattle build for it, Greatsword is a must basically though axe mainhand can be played to a similar effect and that’s single target burst damage. The other hand can be longbow, axe/dagger, axe/axe and sword/dagger( or axe or even warhorn). Long story short I used to play GS and axe as it seems simple 1 burst weapon for melee and 1 for range, but after countless test in the new meta I found mainhand sword to be better namely for mobility and offhand dagger gives similar ranger pressure to axe.At this point I would play Gs and sword/dagger and if I ever want a ranged option I’m more likely to play longbow to help decap etc. only about 5% of my matches now are with axe, because what it does good into is rare.
  15. Yooo no problem Rabid is usually the go-to for the toughness and that's it. The condition damage is also the only way to actually do damage since almost every skill you get is a CC with no damage. The condition copy trait for Spellbreaker is pretty much your only way. It barely ever actually works, but it is funny to kill a burn guard, condi mesmer, etc with their own conditions, ngl. It is absolutely worth all the death threats that follow in whispers. 10/10 I tried paladins for a while after nerfs and it was just bleh. So was Celestial too honestly. It doesn't pay to try and be a jack of all trades imo. Better to specialize in staying alive and being obnoxious because that's what the build do best. Can build in vitality + % health bonuses on runes for heavy condi comps. Aight gotcha. It seems viable.
  16. Imagine someone who calls ppl, who occupied all their precious “top spots” on the lb and their own “team” wanted them for mats literally a year or more before them, gold/silver players 24/7.
  17. I qd renegade x scourge/guard for 2s and healbreaker x 2 dhs for 3s. I do remember doing 1 match against you on triple scourge and winning, there was many levels of misplay that I saw though on that side so it was totally avoidable.
  18. Ehh it’s not even that. Support was more essential than q symbol or sage firebrand in the first place as firebrand is mostly just putting out boons not sustain and that basically anything with a semblance of damage beats any kind of firebrand. But your also kindof right as supports are now making a somewhat come back but I think instant healing from core shout supports is alittle more likely than firebrand, as it’s mostly prolonged support not instant support
  19. Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.
  20. Actually while I know you have good intentions I would recommend- for the case you are talking about- doing ranked(great gold rewards btw) with one of these build and! Looking up guides such as on valluns YouTube and/or (even better btw) doing the qs with a person who is experienced and can not only give tips as to rotations, but tell you answers to questions about other classes and what the team(and the player themselves) could’ve done better!
  21. Sry for interfering on this post I feel it’s very important > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said: I really need to ask about the decap warrior build. I know before it was run with cele amulet, that was removed, which made sense as it had higher defense stats than paladins and likewise had toughness. Why, in this case, rabid amulet? I know there’s not a huge amount of healing on this but there is some so why not choose between paladins and menders? Maybe it’s cuz yolo toughness stats or at least I’m assuming, but in the ‘rare’ case that you actually do enough damage to get kill, which in my experience, happens every now and then wouldn’t paladins or menders be way better? Also thank you for your time if u do answer this
  22. “You have the first many mins to fight” . That’s incorrect you have the first few and then over time which includes an inevitable finish to it. There no difference in skillfully winning at the very start or at the very end besides the amount of time it took. If say I played bunker scourge and did well or better than others it is an indication of skill and it’s also not “overtime scourge” that was most likely a gimmick presented from steamers who underperformed against such builds, but there is much more to it than just overtime. Barrier a is “heal-like skill” it’s not the same thing as “healing” for example using a Rez signet works by literally healing the down to full and hence doesn’t work at timer and now neither does barrier, my argument is that is not necessarily healthy considering the mechanics of the game mode.
  23. Since this seems directly about me. Yes I think it should exist. 1 the mechanic is alittle flaud as it is since it’s no healing and eventually instant death. I wish it was more like wow with just reduced healing. But that’s just opinion about that but talking directly about scourge/ yes I think it should be able to do barrier though I’d be fine if it was just reduced barrier. With this change builds like 1 shot dh which were already top teir and countered this build as it was, will now guess what- be able to eventually 1 shot anyone and anyone that walks into traps and sword of justice will probably have no counter play. Basically stuff that was already over performing as dps build will now exist with even less counter. But... it is only once overtime starts. Maybe I didn’t explain everything as organized as I could. Mechanically barrier makes since because the mechanic is literally no healing with an eventual death field that takes large ticks off you hp however this mechanic generally takes a very long time to reach the players so this is a large period with zero healing and is basically insta death when it hits. No one wants matches where every just insta dies in the corner and with a random winner, hence at least 1 method of someone winning at this point, which was only barrier since you cannot rez ppl either is in some ways skillful and as such should be included. Unless of course they just change it to reduced healing then they can do what they wantEdit: also keep in mind core and reaper shroud are still allowed. Barrier was scourges shroud and now it is basically singled out over other necro specs
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