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Everything posted by Dantheman.3589

  1. I agree with the analysis of what’s wrong. But not the solution- as making it single target will just ruin the mechanic. As a solution I’d say just only touch on the damage of soj maybe nerf the power damage of that a lot and lower the burning a bit- if you think this is still too much just increase cd on utilities like traps to compensate
  2. Tbh this is just something you should get used to in gw2. Many ppl even at the silver level skill wise can ezily get to plat on something as ez as MM scourge and ppl will think they are bots because they actually get in high rated games as a low skill player- the result they lose those games and all backwash into G3ish rating, hence if your gold rated every match has like 2 necros on each side. Once you get into higher rating the necros become alittle less common, but you’ll still see some
  3. Blind is massive annoying- ele scrapper holo put out so much that the match up into builds that might be able to dps them off node are still won, since they cannot hit that dps.I think burning is kindof fine- it seems to mostly be a thing because of needs to the classes that do stuff besides burn so that’s more a consequence to nerfs, now ppl just need to have burn to dps properly.Or at least that’s my opinion feel free to disagree
  4. O boi 10k shards is child’s play. I could get almost all the gizmos in a month
  5. I've mained Guardian, to be honest, I do not have any problem with dealing a Mesmer. If I take right actions like dodging skills or using right skills in right time etc. I can take down any class. I believe that mastering any class and playing it is the right the key. But, the thing i want to mention is that the attention you have to pay.For example; as a Guardian, I have to calculate every move. I cannot use my skills randomly, I need to use them in a correct situation. To success, I have to play smart.And about Mesmer; I just started to play with Mesmer a few days ago. I just checked a meta build and never watched a single PvP guide. What I do is just laying down whatever phantasm/shatter I, and spaming F3 F4 and teleport when I am low. I don't even select a target, I just push the buttons and try to survive while laying clones around. I have more win ratio than any other class now.I am not trying to tell that Mesmer's damage should be nerfed, I just wanted to point that Mesmer shouldn't be a class that is really easy to play. Ragnars being sarcastic but the point is that playing well will always lead to good results. Yes some builds are ezier and burn dh is like the epitome of ez, but let’s be real it still requires some skill- I’ll say as a somewhat good multi classer who actually loves guardian, I’m actually garbage teir at dh but can play burn cuz it’s ez. I can only play core guard builds at a high level though becuz that’s all I’m familiar with . Sure it’s ez and maybe it produces more results than Mesmer but that doesn’t mean guard is a problem.
  6. It like many things has amazing counters- but the teams who organize for tournaments just don’t bring those- scourge, sd thief some times condi rev, all insane hard counters. But who knows maybe no one will consider bringing counters or playing around it so ppl will think it’s op. Decap druid is like that- hard countered by all other ranger builds and will lose the 1v1 to thief and rev roaming builds- but teams just don’t think to play that or around them and get hard memed
  7. If u want tanky for ranked I’d put ranger on the list. It is mechanically ez and comfortable, and it can also be played tanky hybrid damage dealer which can be very good in ranked due to mobility and ability to play most roles. Though I’ll point out it’s not brain dead op or anything just good, ez and flexible. If u want brain dead op then probably that shiro renegade build- which is alittle harder for sure but pretty brain dead at performing all around well
  8. Nothing more to add I talk about high-end play because like I said: you don't balance around players who are using it wrong. If you don't understand why then you have never been a high-end player in any game. PVP falls apart when you balance around bad players because there's no incentive to get better and good players that would prop up the mode through thousands of hours of play simply leave.Are u really gonna claim I’ve never been top teir. I thought I were a fan boi who plays necro in g3/p1
  9. I decline matches p often and many times this week I get no dishonor at all and can q up right after I decline? Possibly an occasional bug? No screen shot cuz why would I record this obviously
  10. Necro can definitely carry some players many hundred mmr higher than there intended rating. What I don’t get about your post is why u always talk about high-end play and balance as if theres something glorious about a small part of the population. Maybe ur just a fan boi, what am I supposed to think
  11. At this point ppl either use unranked as a place to meme or get a quick daily. But if you wanna increase your win rate the first place to look is guides- most ppl recommend metabattle and streamers like jebro or vallun. Not tryna promote anything just saying more knowledge = more wins as a new player, also the mmr in unranked is different than skill rating so yeah you might see players in different elo than you in unranked
  12. Can I point out as someone fairly objective to this conversation- that trap builds with trap rune were being complained about on the forums as op/toxic before most knew about the possibility of it being meta. That alone seems to give a bit of confidence about that, though I’m honestly not sure what to do about it. I think at most put a small icd on trappers rune and/or shave the condition output of dh. Thank you for your time
  13. What I think we actually need is icons that show specializations on the mini map so I can differentiate between their ‘class’ and ‘inter-class’
  14. I’ve seen it all ??? What, do you disagree with that definition? Because the style of thief has been considered a support class for a very long time. Thief cannot do much of anything on their own. Their goal is to empower their team, both directly through +1ing and creating outnumbered situations, but also by applying pressure around the map through rotation and the ever-present threat of decapping. Thats a support playstyle. Nah man go for it. I just haven’t seen anyone besides 1 other person attempt a menders shadow savior thief. Its only viable if you put in the time to learn it, is what I usually say. Support and healer are not the same thing. You can be a support without healing. Its about your role in the game. And thieves role is that of a support.No, no thief cannot support with out healing, mind you rezzing is also healing. Supports that support without healing do it via damage mitigation which thief does not do.
  15. I’ve seen it all ??? What, do you disagree with that definition? Because the style of thief has been considered a support class for a very long time. Thief cannot do much of anything on their own. Their goal is to empower their team, both directly through +1ing and creating outnumbered situations, but also by applying pressure around the map through rotation and the ever-present threat of decapping. Thats a support playstyle.Nah man go for it. I just haven’t seen anyone besides 1 other person attempt a menders shadow savior thief. Its only viable if you put in the time to learn it, is what I usually say.
  16. Good god this chat is terrible. Here’s an opinion- thief is garbage teir rn. The feb patch made any thing but the stealth spam builds unplayable, and now that’s pigeoned holed by stealth + mobility nerfs and severely under performs. Get over it, thief was meta as a fing might as well since it can be all over at once and now it’s trash teir cuz it’s a dead all over at once now.
  17. Change for the sake of change is often the best imo. Such as daredevil being given a new steal and skills that barely even functioned right like necro Rez signet and ranger protect me. But it also breeds some that ppl don’t like- like necros losing the well trait for something completely useless, that’s where this idea failed, maybe they fixed 1 issue but made the game unfun with an F tier trait
  18. Are you certain that the bots are actually bad? I guess what I maen is: are you sure this person doesn't have a good AI for when the bots are on THEIR team and a real person shows up? In WoW PVP, supposedly bots are winning the day, and I feel like GW2 would be even more egregious: a bot would have superior reflexes to a human, and may not have to identify moves by sight (could be looking at network traffic, etc), & isn't restricted by a camera I’ve seen legit bot programs before and I think around the start of gw2 some were considered highly functional until ppl learned to play, also apparently ppl stopped using bots on na but still do on Eu, a ‘rumor’ purely but who knows maybe true
  19. I’m more worried about the bots on NA who climb every season with the same person on multiple alts at 4am for purposely ez matches and get rank 1(past 10 seasons btw?)
  20. Fact check- they already created new big maps for 10x and 15x. That was done years ago, they just don’t plan on making them public.
  21. Staff builds would be good if it was ez to hit. It seems what works for thief is number 1 duo q with another good player on a high burst build and just farm rating killing bunkers 2.) play condi p/d and just load condis on w.e class has worse cleansing or 3.) play deadeye and just pew pew from afar and watch some ppl not know what to do about it
  22. No good options to select from. As I pointed out earlier some of the most ‘common complaints’ generally seem to stem from a bad point of view. For me I would want the option of- I think it’s a good direction and mechanically thief can survive also maybe a few other things could use tweaking but even a surface change such as this is not bad would be an option id select. But none of the options presented really represent what I think
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