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Everything posted by Chromazene.4807

  1. When you get stuck in a wall, there really needs to be a faster option rather than the /stuck command. Logging out and logging back in should not take 30 seconds - treat it like a death, make it 15 seconds.
  2. I mean just take a look at ele - Magnetic Aura and an earth weapon skill (I forget exactly which it is) do the same thing - but one has an animation... and the other doesn't. So many of these in the game.
  3. Which is why I said it's beyond design. There are too many latent synergies with damage and stealth such that it is warranted to apply a -90% condi / strike dmg nerf effect to people while in stealth
  4. Yeah I agree - dmg buffs really shouldn't come through trait lines. That's how you end up with 14K True shots on something that appears to have a base (with Berserker Amulet) of 1400. That's a crazy amount of hidden buffs that changes how people dodge and play the game that is not communicated until you are dead. And even then, there are a lot of situations when you want to use counter measures so you do not die sooner to other skills in multi-person fights. That's what the community at large doesn't understand - hidden damage buffs that aren't communicated by any means to outside players.
  5. It's even more than that. The fact that you can 14K unblockable out of stealth in one hit is fundamentally broken in a holistically balanced game. Many things like that.
  6. The Grenth's Game automated tournament on August 9th, 2023 at 11:17 AM EST completely failed to load for all teams and players. https://prnt.sc/VR4bif5nuq-m Like... WHAT???!!!
  7. It's funny cause Jawgeous just quit content creation in general.
  8. I'd really like to see a feature where game data for the previous 20 games is saved in replayable 2MB or so files. You know - a feature Halo 3 had back in 2007? That way it will be much easier to identify cheaters, AFKers, and griefers (and so GMs cannot use the excuse of "we have to see it!" to avoid taking action). Also, it has the side benefit of depicting what builds players use to kill you and so on. There's already a spectate feature that depicts this game data live to ANet partners, but a feature that would make files replayable after the games have concluded would be nice.
  9. That's pretty much how it is with most decision-making related to Guild Wars 2, sadly. The Wiki? There's a Discord of gatekeepers who watches the Wiki like a hawk. Balance? CMC and other balance devs like Roy are in exclusive Discord servers and get feedback only from partners, streamers, and players they like - there really ought to be an employee policy that prohibits ANet staff from establishing ex parte communications outside of official support channels. ANet's drones control the subreddit. And the two big Facebook groups are controlled exclusively by ANet loyalists. You're not going to get a whole lot of free thought and criticism about the game - I mean, shoot, even Aspect.gg is dead -
  10. Remember the time when ANet quietly dismissed an employee who falsely accused some random person of a homicide? And now that dismissed former employee works for a geo-analytics developer? I remember that.
  11. I'm still bugged that the design team cannot be bothered to adjust PvP Guild missions to account for queue times that count against your Guild Mission time limits. Some stronghold queue times can take 10 minutes! And the fact that if a teammate quits before swiss rounds in an AT, the game acts as if you never participated in the AT.
  12. Very well. I will explain the whole process in detail and the rationale behind changes to the skills, traits, and general components of competitive gameplay that I would undertake. Give me a week to articulate it and you'll have your response.
  13. When people tell me to "dodge in a different direction" I know they are monkeys who aren't contributing anything.
  14. Bud, I've seen the forums naysay me for years, the forums are full of dregs.
  15. YEah, that's the sort of variance people are bugged about. It slips through what limited balance testing there is because balance devs tend to only look at on-paper (Base Damage)(Percent chance non-crit) + (Base Damage)(Percent chance crit)(Ferocity) - it excludes might stacks.
  16. But you're making a normative argument, so it's literally equal in validity to mine. You're arguing "It should be the way where you die in 1 hit." I'm arguing that you should not - you should be killed by a series of skillfully timed hits where the mesomangement wins the fight, not the fact that you can press 3 buttons and win (nades scrapper, LB DH, Zephyr Soulbeast, Arc Berserker, Death's Judgment on Deadeye, any burn willbender, etc). In fact, there are so many of these builds in the game with the power creep, that I'd say YOU ARE SPOILED, not me.
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