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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 16 hours ago, Avind De Maros.7306 said:

    If your achievement was based upon reading the cheat notes, which is essentially what a wiki is, then all you have achieved is demonstrating that you can copy someone else's work.

    I agree with this.  And I do think some achievements could have a bit more guidance so they would be easier to solve without outside source. But the last thing I want is just moving from marker to marker on the map because in the end it's the same thing. Some additional flavour text and maybe more hints in NPC conversations. Markers that would appear when you're close so you dont need to pixel hunt for those small hidden items (what they are adding lately).

    But you can actually solve a lot of achievs without wiki but it will take time. I've completed legendary collections with minimum outside help.

    And wiki is not written by Anet, it's from players. You can see it when new content hits and it's being slowly added to.

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  2. On 3/21/2024 at 8:19 PM, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    Ok, but that’s what I have been saying too. Astralporing’s complaint is really about not liking / appreciating the SOTO content. But it’s been put across by them and others as though Anet have recently become greedy and exploitative with hooks to force people to buy expansions when demonstrably it’s no worse than 9 years ago.

    Lets stick to what the real complaint is.

    Off course it's about content. You said they need hooks and levers to sell expansions. And some of us pointed out content should be the selling point and if its good, everything else is more or less irrelevant.  It should be about content.

    If content is worse (which imo it is) and hooks and levers are stricter lockouts, which legendary relic is a precedence and a change of established system to be more restrictive , things are not looking good. You can't really compare changes in stat lockouts on legendary gear with new especs, new weapons... Because those actually bring some gameplay implication. Stat lockouts just require from you to spend money to get what you got in the past as part of a legendary gear.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Which is about the same as not playing WoW for one release cycle. Imagine if not playing for like 3 months meant your Ascended gear was on the level of lower end Rare.

    Thats not true. First of all constant gearing is the main wow loop. Each expansion has everyone start at the same point. And during expansion patches they usually introduce gear catch up mechanics through crafting, dungeon tokens... And older raids get easier because of that gear so its easier to do them and get more gear.

    There are very limited catch up mechanics for masteries in gw2. You more or less have to do the whole grind.

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  4. 1 hour ago, luigiormario.7305 said:

    The last three releases - IBS, EOD and SOTO I believe have suffered in quality due to changes in this structure. IBS had a rushed ending to start EOD, EOD was rushed due to no planning, SOTO was rushed as they had nothing finished prior to completing EOD (due to the rush for that).

    They had quite some time between Eod and Soto. And their cadence now is yearly expansion, they won't have more time suddenly. I'm guessing they moved their best A team developers to new projects (or they just lost them) and GW2 is now in domain of the B or just much smaller team (again only guessing, no offense to the devs). Which I think makes total sense for a decade old game and a studio that basically only has one game to pull from and goes for another title. Unfortunately it shows because in my opinion pretty much every aspect is a step backwards besides map design which is still good. And some parts of the game are basically discontinued, which again makes total sense at this stage of the game.

    Now is this model and level of quality doomed to fail? I actually think not and they are surely still planning long term because otherwise they wouldn't be fixing and upgrading basic systems. They will sustain it in it's current form and scope and gw2 is objectively still a very good game. But I don't think we will see a big  jump in quality, creativity or scope ever unless the number of customers jump significantly, which I just don't see happening. 

    Anyway if Anet is making a new game and that's their primary focus now, I'm looking forward to it. And I will still play at least spvp and wvw because good pvp games are timeless as long as there are some players left and you're not looking to be super competitive.

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  5. 5 hours ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:

    So a little about me, I've done marathons before, I've went through USA military bootcamp before, I have a masters degree, I have mastered 2 coding languages, I placed 1st in Captains Cup. So I have tested my will, endurance, wisdom, to push myself to keep moving forward, when I keep getting knocked down, I get back up and keep moving forward. It can be raining cats and dogs outside and I have it takes to preserve through harsh environments. When there is pop quizzes I'm ready, ready at all times, always ready. I have impeccable willpower, I go to the gym day in day out, it can be very harsh outside I make it work though.

    Well your problem is evident. Everything you have done up till now was completely WRONG. Waste of time. It might be to late with all that wasted effort.

    Forget about millitary training and exercise, wrong. Forget about harsh enviroments and weather. From now on weather steps out of your life, you will live in a basement. Whats a weather? Education, irrelevant, thats for people with life.

    Move to basement. Preferably no windows, planks over any potential window. Make a deal with your local delivery service, 2 pizzas + coke per day and 2-3 diapers. I think in most countries the basic wellfare should cover that.

    Now start grinding. You seem like a determined person, you have a chance.

    • Haha 5
  6. 2 hours ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

    Yes, exactly. So its more noob friendly, so more people play it, so more players learn how to counter it, so more understand how badly the profession needs a revamp, so bad players can actually get better instead of taking to the forums to air their self-inflicted grief because of a one-trick pony one-shotting them through their blue berserker gear.

    I'm not sure it would become more noob friendly. You're actually increasing the overall resources that way, abilities would be nerfed as you could get more usage out of them, apm requirements would go up. Yeah your weapon utility abilities (so the ones that are now just not part of your combos, rotations) would be free to use. But only when you're out of ini so need to track that. There is a simpler way to do it, decrease ini cost. Or refund in specific builds via traits (because an ability in 1 build might be an occasional utility while a core rotation ability in another- mostly for pvp/pve split)). But either way those would then get severely nerfed because they would just be available more often. 

    Thief is generally strong. It's just a bit special (which is good). And your proposal would be super overpowered in current state as you basically get another "free" weapon ability usage per engagement (depending on CD, maybe even more) or interval of rotation. So it would be followed by huge nerfs. Hammer to the ground nerfs.

  7. 11 hours ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

    I don't think any of you actually understand the concept, and that's the real problem here. It isn't a CD AND initiative requirement, its OR. You run out of initiative for any reason, you still have the other three weapon skills available. If you can fulfill the initiative cost while its still on CD, then you can use it. Explain to me how this is bad.

    What would be the actual benefit? If I understand your concept correctly it's just a safety net for improper ini management. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    I know what you are saying. But the reality is that Anet need both good content which makes the game (all modes interesting) AND combat/gameplay reasons for people to want to buy the expansion.

    Relic lockouts and reinventing how legendary gear works that on top is not in favour of players doesn't fall under either of those. It doesn't change, improve or add to combat or gameplay in any way. 

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  9. 7 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    What's good content? I presume you mean a good story?

    I agree a good story is important. But a significant number of players have openly said in this thread and elsewhere that they don't care about the story, they only play for WvW or PvP or instanced content (there's a thread right now about someone who says they only play instanced content and don't care about the story). What's the hook for people who play these modes and essentially care mainly about the gameplay / combat system and? Elite specialisations were the hook but Anet rightly concluded it would be a mistake to add new elite specs every mini-expansion.

    Surely it has to be things like the expansion relics and new weapon specialisations? So exactly what Anet are doing and you are complaining about?

    I feel like many of the people posting in this thread haven't even tried to understand why Anet might be acting the way they are. 

    For me it's very easy. This is not solely for gw2.

    New original content: new maps (can be pve/pvp/wvw), new classes/elite specs/weapons (weapons as implemented in gw2, not just skins), new events/quests, new storylines/campaigns, new game modes, new systems/assets that bring new gameplay patterns (this one is very broad but for example if they introduced new siege in wvw that would change how battles are fought I would consider it new content. New mounts, gliding can go under this also).

    Not-content: a new reward box for the existing system, repackaging of old systems under a new name and reinventing  the acquisition method (possibly done so it can be better monetized) , new skins (this is my personal, for some skins are important, for me it doesn't add much to the game), new qol features like equipment templates, balance changes. Not saying these are redundant or a bad thing but it's not really new content. I would consider them normal product lifecycle management but not new or new version of the product. 

    • Confused 3
  10. Wow pvp during vanilla was only good because it was new and it was a Horde vs Alliance dream come true for many Warcraft fans. The mechanics themselves were crude and not balanced at all. Also highly gear dependant for some classes. I played frost mage for probably thousand of hours just pvping, duelling and there were only like 4 fair matchups. Most classes/builds I could lock down so completely it was a failure if they landed one hit. And against some classes (like godly geared ench shaman) you couldn't afford 1 hit because they would 1 shot with windfury procs.

    Wow pvp only became really good a few seasons into arena (once they ditched 2v2 as a competitive mode and focused on 3v3 and 5v5). 

    But wow arena is not really comparable to gw2 spvp. Wow arena is slow, highly methodical and requires you to thoroughly rely on class synergies, so team comp and team play is super important. It's not like gw2 where everyone can do almost everything. You get a specific debuff in wow? Well it's possible only 1 teammate with only 1 long CD spell can counter it. And if you don't set it up properly and land it, you're behind and it will be hard to get back. And that goes both ways. Everything needs to be setup and executed properly with your team and if you don't execute it properly it takes a lot of time you need to somehow manage to get another chance, especially if you play more volatile setups like rogue/mage/priest.

    Gw2 on the other hand is fast paced, easier to get into or at least more fun from the get go. It definitely has depth but unless you're really good with good team mates the game becomes quite spammy. 

  11. 15 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    Exactly. Because they need to make money to continue to develop the game and many of the obvious hooks that could be put into new expansions are already well served (gliding, mounts, elite specs, legendaries).

    Your choices are really to either have game support and development reduce or accept that they need to make a few (relatively minor tbh) changes like this to add extra benefits to buying the expansions. Note that it's just one lever, they also have more things (eg last expansion had OW legendary armour, extra weapon proficiencies, strikes, accessible Skyscale and story) they add in each expansion but Anet clearly feel they need the relic lever as well.

    I'm fully in the latter camp as I want GW2 to continue to be developed as much as possible. This is a non-issue to me and tbh I'm surprised that legendaries weren't made this way from the start (ie it's surprising Anet didn't make it that you had to buy expansions to unlock stat bonuses in your legendaries from the start).

    Or they could make good quality content and charge it accordingly.

    Good content doesnt require any additional hooks and levers to get money out of customers.

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  12. I craft legendary gear so I never have to bother with that piece again. They made a huge step in that direction with legendary armoury which was the reason I started crafting legendary gear. And now took a step back.

    I don't know why they had to reinvent the wheel for this almost legendary relic. Well I can guess. They want incentive for players to buy expansions. And they are running out of legendary pieces so they want players to be engaged with gear progression in some other way - unlocking latest stats. I hope this unlocking doesn't mean also big material sinks because that would change it from "almost legendary relic" to "not really legendary relic". 

    Anyway I don't think these new stats/bonuses are a big incentive to buy new expansions (content should be the incentive). 

    In the end I don't care if this way a charity legendary and thus it's not really a full legendary. I would rather craft a true legendary that is 100% future proof without any additional unlocking and buying of new content required.

    I really hope they don't pull this off with new stat combos and all legendary gear. 

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  13. Discretize's site used to be specialised in fractal builds. But I just checked, all the builds there are 5 months old so not sure if they are up to date (not following the fractal meta). 

    I wouldn't be so concerned. Make sure you actually like to play your build. You can use arcdps to check your performance and if you're satisfied that's all that really matters. And if you're afraid that someone will critique you just because of your build, well guess what, they are probably a kitten and they will find a way to be a kitten regardless.  And not everyone agrees what the best build is anyway. My guild used to have recommended build list for each class. And I didn't always agree with them and ran my own build and I did fine and no one cared.


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  14. 1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    I still say enable friendly fire to solve the problem though.

    It may not be the best solution but it is unquestionably the most funny solution.

    Or player colission. FF would be funny but wouldnt last long. Player colission would be actually cool, I've played massive pvp mmorpgs with colission before.

    And they already have it in place with fractal instability social ackwardness. 

    Wvw social ackward event pls.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    And then they all stack on one place while generating all the boons passively and/or by spamming skills because it’s only a matter of exponential gain inside the boonball.

    Don’t try to tell us that someone with no boons, barriers and bubbles trained to become skilled with all the boons, perma 30%+ barriers and bubbles up the wazzo.

    No, but dont expect a group of uncoordinated pugs to beat a coordinated comped group on voice  that trains for this ever.

    People like to say how braindead and easy is to boon fart in a squad (and I agree to an extent). But increasing the skill cap for proper boon generation and timings will not help them win. It will have the opposite effect, the disparity will be even bigger because good groups will manage their CD on point. And randoms will not manage them at all.

    And its similar with strips. Bad groups dont coordinate strips, like at all.

    Straight up decrease in boon effectivness would do the job much better.

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  16. 34 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Or an even more obvious example, player skills such as AoE which calculations is the whole reason the game lags in zerg fights. Even from a basic point of view no matter where you are looking from - the AoE checking which players are inside or the players checking if they are inside the AoE - it is a calculation that has to take place.

    Even more, every ability range in relation to caster and target and pathing in between. And I think the game also has real projectile physics and includes elevation component so not only x and y but also z component.

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  17. 8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    So, if the defense Event works like some people tell me.🤔

    That would mean that the game server has to run constant checks if a player is inside a certain area. Without that player interacting. 

    Making it the only event in the game to do so. 🤔

    Pretty wierd stuff. 🤔🤔🤔


    How is that weird? The game constantly checks your position and relation to other assets. If we just stick to a few obvious examples in wvw: gliding area, ex warclaw mount speed, defender buff, capture rings, objective reveals.

    And most events do this anyway. Most events require you to be in specific area. How is that different to wvw defense? The game also clearly indicates when you are in the event area with top right event msg in real time.

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  18. 9 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

    Then how i'm getting defense credit for killing a single player that died before getting close enough to the "defended" objective to interact with it in any way ?

    I'm pretty sure people just made that theory up, because they don't want to admit that they aren't actually contributing to many "kills" in a significant way.

    It's definitely not enough to just kill any player in the radius. I can tell you this from thousands of kills and hours. Not only squad vs squad wars without a single event credit but completely solo kills within the inner keeps. The player must have somehow interacted with the objective although I don't know what those interactions are and if they were ever confirmed.

    Edit: This is just my hunch, nothing confirmed. I think it also depends on the objective. SMC for example you get credit all the time (but there are also lot's of guard to aggro) but Klovan seems to be one that it's almost impossible to get it. I noticed it because once we wiped several squads of enemies from 2 attacking sides and somehow no one from my squad got defence. That was like an hour long back and forth. And since than I'm keeping an eye on that one from habit.

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