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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 18 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    You ignored a lot of what else I said. PvP players care more about mechanics than anyone else in the game. They ARE the meta, the ones that are looking for even the slightest edge over everyone else, the ones constantly tweaking their build like a gear head fine tuning the lifters in their prize car. I'm not saying they don't care about the BLTC at all, just that for them it's significantly lower down, and that's not going to change. They have different priorities.

    I'm not disagreeing. But the largest, most popular games ever are free to play and pvp. Fortnite, League, Counter Strike... Their revenue greatly depends on cosmetics.

    Also gw2 is not a f2p game. Pvp players also buy the game and get very little from it. While pve players get continuous updates. So if the investment in pvp modes is low, they can't expect their return to be high.

    About new maps. I don't think maps are really what's needed. It wouldn't hurt but it's not so dire. I think what would be needed is just continuous improvement of service. Bug fixes, UI, grouping, matchmaking improvements. A vision on meta and balance. Not perfect balance, just continuity, not sporadic changes all over the place.

    But yeah it's a shame how pvp/wvw are treated. The game is advertised as a pvp game. "Compete in online pvp". You look how it's categorised on steam: "MMO", "Online-PVP", "Co-op". I'm not even sure it's  a problem of resources for Anet. I think it's more a problem that they don't know what to do. Or at least they found out years ago that whatever they do is not what players want and they just stopped. 

    Also pvp and wvw are completely dislocated from the rest of the game. Which is on one hand good: separated pvp itemization, balance. But there is no interaction between pve and pvp sides of the game and players. I'm not saying pve should engage in pvp activities. But that pvp success would somehow reflect in all the game modes. 

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  2. On 1/14/2024 at 3:26 PM, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    So, what will happen to thing like daily mini dungeon or other dailies slightly longer when you could skip them without losing anything since there are a lot a dailies and a cap?

    Complaint is usually (at least from me) is not that we don't have enough pve dailies. But that we have to choose which mode we want to play next day/week. So if they just opened all game modes (thus 12 dailies; 4 pve, 4 wvw, 4 pvp), we that play all modes wouldn't be locked.

    So for players that play only PVE nothing would really change. But those that play all modes could freely play what they like.

    Hey even just choosing the mode for dailies on the first login of the day would be fine. So I can at least choose today's game mode, today. Weeklies would still be locked but weeklies are usually not a problem. Although it does happen that I'm locked in a game mode for the week that I really don't feel like playing.

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  3. How is it a fair trade of if you get way more stats?

    Also there is a "cap" on surviveability. Basically you need only as much defence that you survive, everything else is redundant. And cele gives enough that there is hardly any trade off.

    Yeah it's dmg is not bursty on most builds. But on a condi build with a good hybrid weapon it's pressure is immense. These hybrid weapons are also a problem in combination with cele. A condi weapon with good power coefs. If all weapons had clear roles it would be much more fair. Most of these weapons were tied to elite specs but are now open for everyone. Also lately they went and buffed power coeffs on some condi weapons.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Saying WvW is completely forgotten during a 3 week beta for a change that's likely to be fully implemented later this year is a bit of an overstatement.

    First beta was what 1,5 year ago? The idea is many years old (and was scrapped and restarted in between). Recently they scrapped large part of it, the alliance part. When first beta hit us, my guild and several guilds we play with were making plans, recruiting. Now my primary guild is dead, not coming back (decided last summer). I don't see many other guilds anymore even during these betas. Often you hear, x guild disbanded for good. Or they are just there but don't really run organised.

    It will take what? 2,5 - 3 years to implement this, what will in the end be a matchmaking system. That's a development cycle of a full game, not a rewamp of matchmaking system. The funny thing is, it is aimed primarily at guilds, guild-less players won't really see much of it. The guilds that won't be there anymore. Might do more harm than good that way.

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  5. On 1/13/2024 at 11:08 PM, Vayne.8563 said:

    But it's not a vertical game, and I don't think that has anything to do with luck.  The game is simply designed differently. I used to have devs in my guild and one of them spoke with me at length about the difficulty of making new zones in a game without quest hubs.  You need a lot more dynamic events to populate a Guild Wars 2 zone as compared to quest hubs.

    Yeah it's designed that way. Sometimes I use figures of speech from my native language and they don't work in English. 

    Anyway they are focusing on new players and casual players and trimmed or just scrapped pretty much everything else. Which imo is a shame but it's a business decision, I hope it works for them. For example wvw is a great mode that is unmatched in mmorpgs. I think it's a shame that it's completely forgotten. Most players even in gw2 probably have no idea how a good wvw gvg even plays out.  How dynamic and interesting such a fight can be. And it will just quietly be forgotten with veteran players and guilds leaving.  While new games advertise their massive pvp battle modes which in reality don't come close to gw2's smoothness, tactics and strategies (yeah even in current meta, before someone starts crying about boons). 

    17 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

    I don't consider old content relevant anymore due to power creep. Old metas are waay too easy and thus boring now.

    This is also a big problem. It's not even about being easy. I started with pof. OW metas were easy but at least I saw the thing play out. Today everything is zerged down so  fast you don't see 75% of the mechanics and they just blow past. Gerrent rarely goes to stage 2 (it rarely went to stage 3 when I started but stage 2 was common). Mouth of Mordremoth gets zerged down in the first burn phase. Or in a rare case it doesn't, it doesn't live to the second burn phase. They should really think about disabling mounts there. Such a good fight, there is not a mmorpg out there that has such bosses in open world but no one gets to see it. 

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  6. On 1/7/2024 at 2:53 PM, Vayne.8563 said:

    It's easy to say this game could make so much money if only they did this or only they did that.  Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that the game is actually successful, and it's 11 years old. Seems to me that changing stuff to do what you want might make it more successful. Or it might make it less successful. The game is doing fine. Probably not amazing, but fine. But it's also probably exceeded the expectations of its business plan, which is what you're looking for. 

    Gw2 is in luck that all content is relevant and they can count on the old content.

    If Soto was the current content in a vertical game this game would be dead in a week. Because there is for about 2 to 3 days of content in here and it's not of the best quality. And there is nothing that has any longevity; Soto instanced content is a joke, pvp and wvw are pretty much forgotten. And no wvw world restructuring is not content, they are trying to put this together for years, they scrapped alliances, so we are left with bare minimum that is still in beta and not even basics are working after years. And there is always a risk it might just straight kill wvw if they ever manage to get it together because it is a system that requires player/guild organisation to work to it's advantage. And I see wvw guilds dying at an alarming rate.

    Sure there is legendary armour. But that's not even released, many of us already have it and it doesn't really matter if there is no new content to use it in.

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  7. 7 hours ago, Values.5278 said:

    I rarely post on the forums, but your contributions to this thread have just been so consistently incorrect that I have just no choice.

    Do you even know how the WV functions? I have to assume you don't, or there's no way you would think (1) that WV would result in INSTANT inflation, nor (2) that WV would not cause substantial inflation.

    Just look at WV. It throws 500g of value at every player every season in the form of the legendary starter kit, and another 200g worth of value among the other decent-exchange cheap materials. 700g entering everybody's pocket - and the poorest players are the fastest spenders. How could you possibly imagine that this wouldn't lead to inflation? Or, better question: why would you think that the inflation would be obvious on day 1, when nobody has AA for the legendary starter kit & poor players are not yet able to liquidate it?

    Really boggles the mind how someone can think that endless free money can be given out to people and not result in noticeable inflation down the line.

    EDIT: And yes, just to be clear, obviously the exchange prices spikes during sales. This has always happened. Look into historical gold>gem conversions over time and you'll see that the overall derivative has increased since SotO release.

    Materials dont cause inflation, its actually other way around. Additional influx of materials  on the market causes price drop.

    Legendary kits and material bags have nothing to do with inflation. You dont get 700g out of it. You can only trade for gold  with other players, no gold is generated, its actually removed from the market via tax. Less gold on market, prices go down.

    Only injection of pure gold currency causes inflation. Or scarcity of raw materials by providing additional sinks. And we got plenty of both lately. 

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  8. On 1/9/2024 at 8:49 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    Only if you forget about the rather big amount of spare AA you can earn, which means you can easly skip objectives and still have enough for what you want. If you feel the need to "just get over it", seemingly just so you can buy out the shop and spam the infinite 30aa gold option as much as you can then it's your choice, not some inherent necessity the current system has.

    I agree. That's why I said that if I'm locked into a mode I don't want to play today, I have an option to "just get it over" or not do it. And with weeklies and special tasks there is more than enough AA to ignore dailies. Dailies specifically are a downgrade for me (I was specifically talking about dailies) and I would probably not do them if I was AP capped. I'm not, so I still often do them. But weeklies are good. PVE ones have some meaningful tasks there, I revisited some content I didn't do in a long time and it was fun. I even started doing spvp tournaments because a friend wanted to do a weekly and having a good time there. I would prefer if dailies were completely scrapped (I'm a daily hater in most games as they are mostly there for fomo) and all the focus would be in weeklies with even more interesting tasks but I know that would probably not fly with Anet (fomo) and players (some just like that type of daily play).

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  9. 12 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    A tick box next to the ones you want left open would be a good idea. Ideally saving on logout too. Would be like having a favourites option, but slightly more appropriate to the tool

    That would be ideal. 

    Also a direct key bind shortcut to the UI window. Shortcut now opens Contacts by default and have to click to another sub window.

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  10. 3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    How many more?  Put a number on it.  I'd bet even then there would be some players who would want even more than that.  How could Anet appease them?  Where should Anet draw the line?

    Very simple. There should be at least 9 dailies, 3 per mode available each day (on top of "login" task). So you can complete it in any mode you enjoy for a given day. 12 also makes sense since that is what we had, some redundancy.

    They could make it 9 if you choose all 3 modes. 6 if you choose 2 modes and whatever you have now if you only have 1 mode selected (dont know how many are available, never had only 1 mode selected).

    With a cap on a max AA per day.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Keeping a system in place which promotes a "just get it over with" game play approach is flawed in its self, but let's just keep it at that.


    This hasnt change. It actually got worse.

    In the old system I logged in, decided what mode I feel like playing today and did the dailies while playing what I enjoyed.

    Now I login and if Im not locked in the mode I feel like playing today my choices are either "just get it over" or not doing it.

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  12. There's been plenty of complaint about research notes but not as a material sink. We need material sinks.

    The complaints were mostly how the system is unnecessary complex and it could be simplified and less time consuming. Some issues were addressed though.

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  13. 19 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    You dont need to cross the finish line you can stay at start the whole time just moving abit to not get kicked due to afk and you will still get the wv daily done.

    Isn't that actually very sad? Just this notion and general players' mentality that the system is good because it gives great rewards for being semi afk 5 mins or do the most menial tasks possible.

    Is this really something you expect from a good game? That one of the big expansion features is a daily system that showers you with rewards for this. Don't get me wrong, old dailies weren't better, but at least they didn't lock me into specific content for a day/week if I actually wanted to do them.

    How about good, engaging content that you want to actually play and that gives good rewards. Something you look forward to play instead of something you just want to do as fast as possible because it's so darn rewarding and then you can move to a real game.  

    This is not critique of the players or you, it's a sound advice for the system we have. But I can't say a game feature is good if the best advice is to just afk for 5 mins through it. If that's good, the only thing that would be better if the game just gave us all the rewards as we login and we're done.

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  14. I just dont like we dont have all modes (pve/pvp/wvw) available and have to lock myself to 1 or 2 for a day/week, in advance. I dont have enough playtime to do all 3 in a day.  I usually lock 2 so its at least doable and often just ignore dailies since they are not really rewarding compared to weeklies.

    As for the tasks, they were always boring and lazy. They might as well scrap dailies and just keep weeklies. Those are more engaging.

    And yeah some are very uninspired. Dodge 3 times (you dont even have to dodge an attack, just spam dodge in combat), escort dolyak, identify 10 pieces of gear. 

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  15. On 12/22/2023 at 7:56 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

    I don't necessarily disagree.  I never use one because I'm not involved in content that would need be to be top of form ... I'm too darn casual  🙂   My point was to echo what others have thought/posted in the many, many threads on this topic.  The biggest argument I recall reading that was against meters was that the data was public.  Those detractors had no issue with the DPS data remaining private.

    That might be even better argument for in game dps meter. Because right now it exists and Anet and players don't have much control over it. If Anet incorporated it in the game, they could give players more information about it. For example it could be a squad feature and players could see in LFG and squad UI if the DPS meter is enabled or not and decide if they want to join such squad or not.

    The thing is DPS meter is only really useful when you can compare data to other players. Golem numbers are one thing but direct comparison to other players in a real encounter is much better. Golem numbers are actually misleading to a lot of less informed players as they are generated by a handful of best players in perfect conditions. You don't see such numbers in live encounters in pug groups, not even close. Players could get more realistic data and expectations if it would be available in game for everyone, everywhere.

    I played a game which went a step further and even told you some statistic after a fight. For example "your dps was better than 80% of players completing this encounter" or "you died 1 time, better than 90% of players, average players dies 3 times". It was great info because it put you in the perspective of whole player base and never saw any negative info about it. 

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  16. Well I don't know about 30 mins, probably exaggeration but we haven't got 1 memorable boss in Soto. Strike Cerus is decent at least mechanically, normal mode is very easy though. And everything else is... I don't even remember.

    We got quite a few very good fights in Eod; Soo Won meta, Harvest temple strike and one of my favs, Old Lion's Court strike (not technically Eod). And in general the quality was above Icebrood Saga. So I was hoping for another step up, not 3 steps down.

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  17. 6 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    i think there's always a ~20% profit over time at the current market price of stabilising matrices. this is because you sometimes get a small roll, but you sometimes get a big roll as well, and you can attune the rings to get an additional roll for next to no cost (infused items also have an extra roll).,


    furthermore, anyone who is dropping alot of ascended trinkets is likely also dropping salvage kits, as well.

    Also there is a small chance of a collection item. See the following achievements. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_Recycling

    As you can see some of them sell for a hefty amount of gold. 

    In the long run it's usually worth it. Depending a bit on Matrices price. But you'll not get rich with it. I salvage all of them just because I'm often in need of matrices so I dont sell them and might as well get some with salvaging. Keep in mind if you're selling them you also need to pay the TP tax.

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  18. Balance in mmorpgs is largely irrelevant when it comes to enjoyment of most of the player base (there is a degree of acceptable imbalance but gw2 and most games are not there). Unless you're in top 0.001 (you can probably add a few 0s) in pvp modes or in some world first pve guild balance is more than good enough for you. Also if you're looking for competitive pvp, mmorpgs are really not the place to look for, there are many dedicated, better games out there. And top pve guilds just take what's best anyway.

    Look at wow. At it's peak both pve and pvp balance was horrible and it didn't stop it from being enjoyed by 10s of millions of players. And we're talking whole arena seasons being dominated by 2-4 builds and some classes being unplayable (at least as perceived by players at the time) in raids.

    Yeah players will complain. They always do. Even if game was 100% balanced, they would because when they get killed it's easier to blame balance than themselves.

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  19. For all such long achievement chains I would recommend you just start it and go for it. Just chip away at it slowly. Soon you'll found out it's not that bad at all and it can be quite fun if you're not in a hurry. 

    Just don't look at all the requirements and contemplate how long it will take. You'll never even start it that way. 

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