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Everything posted by TwiceCookedPorkins.8940

  1. So there are no tanks in the game. There are a few raid encounters that use tank-like mechanics, but that's as far as that goes. There are healers and buffers, however. Druids are typically the go-to healer for raids, as they are strong healers and provide pretty unbeatable, max-stack Might uptime (might buffs power and condition damage and stacks up to 25 times). The other three major buff specs are Firebrand, Renegade and Chronomancer (Guardian, Revenant and Mesmer, respectively). Renegades and Chronos can provide a lot of Alacrity (a buff that speeds up cooldowns) and Chronos and Firebrands can provide a lot of Quickness (which speeds up attack animations). While both Renegades and Firebrands are pretty good healers, Chronos are not. Warriors are also highly sought after for their unique Banners, which buff large amounts of players with unique buffs. They're also really good DPS. Boon-share Thief also exists, but it's pretty much a meme build. There are a few other specs to consider when looking at support. Elementalists can take the Tempest spec, which is one of the strongest specs for straight-up healing. They can also provide Auras to their party, which are unique buffs of varying worth. Necromancers can take the Scourge spec which is a great source of Barrier (Barrier is a damage shield). And then there are Scrappers, which you won't see much of in PVE, because their main focus is healing and condition cleanse. That's a pretty simplistic overview, but basically how the game is set up for the moment.
  2. Unfortunately, not really. Longbow just can't compete at the moment, especially for raw DPS in raids. He should be fine using it in most lower fractals though. (Just remind him to never use the knockback unless on a breakbar.) Edit: If your friend is like me and just wants a good bow build, I would suggest a Power Shortbow Renegade, Condi Shortbow Ranger or a Condi Longbow Warrior. These are the best bow-builds in the game right now, imo.
  3. Just wait til you get to Tangled Depths! MWAHAHAHAHA!
  4. If you don't need the mesmer ports, I'd suggest a Revenant, Herald or Renegade. Both work well as buffbots and both do really well in PVE/Open World.
  5. For PVE/Open World? Bear Longbow works just fine, still, if that's what they want to do.
  6. Honestly, I'd follow WP's build for Open World. At least until you figure out things more. It's not the strongest build out there, but it does PVE really well.
  7. Elementalist: FartsEngineer: FartsGuardian: FartsMesmer: FartsNecromancer: FartsRanger: FartsRevenant: FartsThief: FartsWarrior: Lilac and sandalwood
  8. http://en.gw2skills.net/ https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki https://snowcrows.com/ https://discretize.eu/builds https://www.godsofpvp.net/ Those are my go-to build resources.
  9. That's what I'm talking about. It disables the camera shake ONLY related to combat effects. NOT camera shake caused by environmental effects, such as in jumping puzzles.
  10. This doesn't disable the worst shaking in the game: Jumping Puzzles. For people with motion sickness, or, like myself, people who have migraines that get triggered by this kind of motion, we need to be able to turn off this shaking. For an example of what I'm talking about, look at the Loreclaw Expanse JP.
  11. My firebrand, Valdr Boozehammer, Guardian of the Mad King's Realm and Crab Toss Champion.
  12. Harrier. For small-scale PVE, Firebrands are one of the best buffing/healing classes in the game. That means Concentration and Healing Power. Power is just there as gravy so you're not completely useless as far as DPS goes. If you need more survivability, mix in a bit of Minstrel or Magi. Minstrel if your group has trouble stacking (the Toughness will help pull mobs towards you at the start of a fight) and Magi if you don't.
  13. Do it. HOWEVER, I do believe that GW2 doesn't have as long a life-span as a lot of people might think. I've been playing MMOs for a long time and there's this period where they start to simply die. I don't think it's dead yet, but I do think it's at the beginning of the slow-decline phase. My best advice would be to buy the expac and any of the LWs you want to do and not to spend any other money on it. It's still fun IMO, but any golden age GW2 had is past.
  14. I'd love a golemancer Engineer spec. Single pet with utilities or belt skills that activate through the golem. There's lots of cool ideas you could run with, with a golemancer. Sounds cool so obviously it won't happen.
  15. I'm going to assume this is for PVE... Minion Necromancer would be pretty good. They can have their pets tank while you plink away at a distance with axe/staff/scepter. Longbow/bear Ranger is also pretty easy on the hands. Another option I might give you is Revenant Herald. You can win most fights by simply popping your auras and auto-attacking. No pets and it's melee, but fairly durable and easy to play. Dwarf Rev is in a similar position: pop your hammers and use an occasional weapon skill. I would also suggest Mirage, because Mirage Cloak makes avoiding damage super easy. But since you say you're having difficulty with early Mesmer, that might not be the class for you. One final option is a flamethrower Scrapper Engineer. It'll never win any awards for killing things quickly, but it gets the job done and it's one of the "laziest" builds out there.
  16. No, I won't pay extra for something that should have been included in the base game. Don't speak for me.
  17. The fact that templates, something that should have been in GW2 from day ONE, are going to require payment, just means I am giving up the game for good.
  18. lol you think Anet is going to make any changes that will positively affect the game. It's a lost cause at this point. They don't know what they're doing.
  19. sure you do, go to metabattle.com and find a mesmer build. YOU CANT! lmao! the class has been kitten killed. Also, apparently WvW is dead, PvP is dead, man this game went to kitten. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Mesmer Oh no... I found them... whatever did I do?
  20. I love playing mesmer. The worst part of the class? The mesmer boards here.
  21. ... and a teleport, Chaos Aura, Aegis, Retaliation, Ethereal field, good AOE...
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