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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. But dear, I couldn't care less about Your opinion. I haven't ask You once what Your opinion is, I came to comment on OP, and it is You who started quoting me, again, again and again. And now You are trying to turn it around and tell me that it is I that have something against Your opinion, and that I am pestering You, not other way around, and it is I who should stop. Well thats my lest reply to You. We'll see if You can live without answering it and moving on. Ciao bella.
  2. I do not have to, as I am not the one triggered by... colours of few words in a video game. I am writing here only to voice my opinion, that the thing op asks for is a total waste of time. And You are the one that somehow can't live with it and keeps quoting me with failed assumptions and veiled attempts to twist what I say. xd Not important really, since You are fighting for it even more than the op. For what? I don't care. Came to state my opinion that tis a waste of time, and so I did. Period.
  3. I haven't mention a skin. It can be one more bug fixed that will benefit way more players, it can be one more step towards some amazing qol that will serve entire playerbase. You try to paint me as selfish there, and yet it is You that ask devs to spend their time and resources, painting a silly title You got in entirely diffrent game, just becouse You are jelous (of all things that one can be jelous geez) of the new titles having a coloured letters and Your ego, that at this point is hanging somewhere between Earth and Pluto, hurts. It's only a colour on a few meaningless kitten words, wake up, take a deep breath, deal with it and move on.
  4. Oh I do not agree in the slightest. Thought that my post says that in between the lines. But if You insist than here You go. I prefere ANet to focus on other things rather than painting some old titles to stroke some insecure egos.
  5. Hey. I might be just blind and couldn't find such toogle in options, so correct me if it's already a thing. What I propose is a toogle to turn off other peoples titles (And maybe the guild tag). "First world problem" I know, but sometimes in large groups I want to find someone or something by it's name and the stack of long letters on the screen cover up most of the names. Figured I'll ask since we have toogle to hide pretty much everything, downgrade character models, infusions, effects and full names. But again, correct me if this feature exist already and I am too big of a dummy to find it. Orherwise, what do You guys thing?
  6. The lenghts peoples will go to feel like a special snowflakes is astonishing. I could understand having such ambitions in real life, but whats so important about couple of colorful letters. You are just playing a video game, nothing more nothing less. I got titles from few cm's too. Couldn't care less if they are colorful or not. I'd still use "Knight of Thorns" for thats what my character is for me.
  7. You compare two diffrent things. You bought a product from ANet, You have the right to use it, ANet job is to mantain it. Thats what I expect Them to do, additional free vanity trinkets are nice touch but they are unnecessery. You made a deal, You get what You paid for. You have a right to "expect" to get something more, but You have no right to demand it, nor being angry when Your "expectations" aren't met. It is ANet free will if They choose to give You a gift. Plus imho, if You force someone to give You a gift... than it's not really a gift. As for Your misguided comparison. Your wife is not a product... at least I hope so. xd Look at this terms below, and take them to Your heart. You repairing a house is a (Work), You do work to eighter earn (Money), or (It's Your own kitten house, if You want to live in the dump than it's on You) You repairing Your wife car is (Work) and eighter a (Favor) or a (Deal) depending on what You and Your wife have established. If it's Your (Favor) for Her than You might (Expect) something in return, but You are in no right to (Demand) anything. You are in position to make (Demands) if You and Your wife made a (Deal) that she will give You something in return. You see that the above have nothing to do with (Gifts). You do not recive (Gifts) from Your loved ones becouse You are (Expecting) them, nor becouse You are (Demanding) them. You recive (Gifts) becouse You are (Loved and Appreciated). Relationship between You and ANet is a (Deal). They do (Work), You give (Money). In return You get a (Product). A thing that so great many peoples are mistaking for (Work). You are playing and probably enjoying a game, a product that You bought made by strangers that do not have a responsibility to have a relationship with You, let alone give You a free gifts. Their (Work) is maintaining a game to earn (Money), thus, You should be thankful that You get any (Gifts) at all. I know I am. I made character in 2012, what I look for is not some baloon I can wave to show of. It's the content I play, lore I learn, friends I make. Yes, and the "Getting" part is what makes the game alive, plus the things I mentioned above this quote, the main meal and the cake. "Stuff to show off" is just the cherry on the top of this cake. If the game would consist only from the free gifted stuff to show off, without the gameplay to earn it, You would end up with a "beautiful cherry... but also with empty belly" and the game would fall faster than Concord. ^^
  8. I don't care, if someone is willing to pay up for a shiny title it's a deal between them and the other players. I got my titles/achivs normal way, I know about it, and I couldn't care less what anyone else is thinking about it. It's only a silly game.
  9. You are keep throwing the phrase "advocating for less rewards" at anyone that do not agree with You in the matter of the topic. What You fail to grasp is that the gamer main goal is "playing" the game, not "reciving" free rewards. What use I have for a free stuff, I'll see it, ok looks nice, thats it. It's meaningless. New content, fights, adventures, and as a cherry on the top to crown this cake of excitment, a nice reward. I'd rather ANet focus on baking this beautiful cake, instead of throwing at us a handful of cherries. But to each their own. You really seem to take pride in playing GW1 and achiving "heavens door" in GW2 for whatever reason, regardless of the truth, imagine You are the one of the few chosen ones to get... whatever it is You want, a skin? Let it be a skin. You get it handed for free, or for this so called "Dedication". What is so important, and exciting about this "skin". That You can flash out in front of other players that will not be able to get it in the next 12 years? Thats just petty. Plus it would be stupid thing to do as it would demotivate new players that would see cool stuff locked behing the barrier of time and GW1. Or maybe it is money that You want, shiny shiny gold. But it couldn't be, if You are as dedicated as You claim to be, I can imagine You are sleeping on a gold pile bigger than a kitten Kralkatorrik. If it is some cool utility that You want than see point one, it would too alienate the newer players, and Devs should avoid it at all cost. In my opinion all this stuff should be available for everyone, gated not by time, but by fun and engaging content, becouse (as I said before) games are for playing, not receving. Birthday gifts are a cute little addition to show appreciation, (and it's not like new peoples are not already complaining about having to wait to get birthday skins, but thats beside the topic) I am glad for it, but I am also aware that davs can't go overboard with it to not alienate and demotivate the players that are just starting their journey in Tyria. Would I want to recive more of this free birthday stuff? The answer is nighter yes or no, becouse I COULDN'T CARE LESS. I log in to talk with my friends, to work on my fashion, to do some map breaking that I love, but most importantly, I log in to PLAY the game, soar through skies with my griffon, let Cerus mop the Nayos floors with my face, judging other ppls fashion choices, trapping innocent peoples with Lady Wisteria. This are the things I want more of. This are the things You should want more of, if all You want are free rewards exclusive to You and handful of other players, than sorry, but even after playing Guild Wars form when it sprouted, You just don't understand what this game is about.
  10. I see it like this. When I am buying a fridge or new headphones or whatever, I do not expect the company to sent me a gift every year, just becouse I am using their product. It is always nice to be gifted with something, but demanding a gift is entitlement for me. Especially when I look back and see how many freebies beside Birthday Gifts ANet already gave to their playerbase. All this Living Story episodes that we grebbed for free, bundle them together and You would have at least expansion or two, all the freebies from gemstore, all the special events that are popping every now and than. ANet could have not done any of that, and They could charge for everything from the beginning, They didn't, so thats enough a gift for me. And as far as just asking politely for something to be included in a Birthday Gift is not necceserly wrong (Even tho I am personally of opinion that stuff should be avaialble for everyone, but locked behind some fun achiv or content), but "demanding" freebies becouse You spent x time in a game, or (even more hilarous) becouse You played other game of the same company, is simply entitled and repulsive in my opinion. It kinda reminds me of this wierd restaurants in US when eighter the restaurent or the waiters, go out of their way to force You to tip them, despite the service being garbage. If someone from the devs see that kind of complains like this as well, I will just say that I personally enjoyed the gift, and I am glad I got anything at all. (Especially that wardrobe unlock got me 400 gem item, one I won't probably use but nice nontherless, and it would be nice even without this lucky accident). It's a game, a product You bought and are enjoying. If You want to be "rewarded" get out of Your home (or not), and work hard to actually achive something, do something for other peoples. Playing a game in Your free time is not hard work, it's just a selfish, little pleasure, and we are in no right to demand anything for it.
  11. @draxynnic.3719 Perhaps for the better to keep the Gods away, at least for now, so the Tyria and their new allience can actually repel some threat on their own. As for the titans. I agree. Can't wait to see whos pulling the strings this time. Whats Your speculation? ^^
  12. @EdwinLi.1284 True. Wonder when ANet will go next with it. I was wondering about how the human Gods might get involved. Judging that they weren't expecting the end of the Dragon Cycle, and thought human race was reletivly save on Tyria, so the ending of the cycle might put a cross on their plans, whatever it could be. On the other hand ANet was always hestitant to allow Gods to intervine much into the state on Tyria due to how They could trivialise everything Tyria achived on it's own. Like if they were to bring them back soon as the Titan and maybe some other threats rises, it would kind of trivialise the whole plot with all races uniting under one organization to overcome such adversities. I also wonder, just as You said, if the Titans will be the only threat. It's leading me to belive that there will be some more powerful being than Titans, pulling their strings. But since the mists are so vast, there might be other parties interested in invading or maybe even aiding Tyria. Eighter way, can't wait to see how it will turn out. Story overall got a darker, more interesting vibe, in my opinion. Like in one story step You can talk with a baby bear ghost, that was kidnapped and murdered by the White Mantle to power up the bloodstone.
  13. A new enemy arises in the world of Tyria. Using foul corrupting magic. Will the Commanders and Wayfinders rise up to the challange, invent strategies and new battle tactics to overcome the new threating adversity?... No, they'll go to the forums and ask Devs to change the adversity to match most of the previous 1,1,1, boring monsters. xd
  14. Well, I guess it is Titans for now. Always thought that they need a gateway akin to Gate of Komalie to enter tho. It seems they are able to seep through portals just like Kryptic. But that might be becouse of lack of protection Isgareen mentioned. So since last ex-pac focused around the mists, I would place my bet that we will eventualy end up in a Forge of Failed Creations to stop whoever is producing the Titans there. But who would start to mess with the Realm of Torment again, hard to say.
  15. Party with someone on the map -> tp to friend -> profit? Also why there is never a compromise with ppls who hate the story. It's always "cut this, change thay becouse I want it". Why not just ask for a skip button.
  16. Couldn't agree more. And with the soundtrack accompanying this maps it creates amazing expirience. I literally forced myself to not use skyscale so I could immerse myself more, and take the whole expirience slowly to enjoy it more. Plus new warclaws are so sweet.
  17. Really. Just wanted to say that. After EoD I felt disappoimted, SotO made me reconsider if this game is worth playing. I gave this x-pac a chance, four hours of gameplay and I am still stunned by the beautiful combination of scenery and music. I was a fan of the base game soundtrack, beyond that, not so much. There were some nice songs but nothing comparable to Jeremy Soule masterpieces. Some of the songs remind me of the Witcher, some of the Plague Tale, but I got literal shivers when i got hit by Dune like chorus. Amazing. Just amazing. Skins, OMG. Someone at ANet must have a blast with Elden Ring or other Souls game. Becouse skins remind me so much of souls like style. And I absolutly love it. Can't wait to mix and match my new charr tarnished. Just look at the new voult shoulders and chromatic helmet. It is iconic. Spear is also fun to play, but for now I only toyed with it for like 10 mins so not much to say. As title said. I am in awe. Now I feel the pressure to skip job tho just to dive in again. Thanks for giving me hope for this game again. Edit P.S: On a side note I want to also mention great kodans textures as well as warclaw textures and "animations"? I am pretty sure warclaw moves somehow diffrently. Story seems to be solid for now too. I liked hearing the news from all the places we been to. Kinda hoped for Zojja reunion with the rest of Destiny Edge there, that would be so awesome. Than again I not so far away in the story and there are more comming, so maybe one day, even if only for a one final dance and goodbyes, I would love to see them reunited. P.S.2 Mild spoiler ahead. Frode mentioned fractal inhabitants that the Ward want to release to Tyria. Does it mean Tyria is getting kind of multiverse treatment? Like Eir comming to life or few versions of Rytlock? Or maybe asura pc will be able to meet with their evil alter ego from story? Wonder what this fractals mean for the world overall.
  18. Sticking to a single buisness model. Not something like: non repeatable LW events -> repeatable LW -> Ex-pacs -> Sagas -> Short expacs...
  19. Kill Braham, and that one tengu talking bouth the den of iniquity, take the reigns of the pact as we were meant to until Kormir 2.0 stepped it, ensure total world domination with me as supreme leader, taste how the omnombery bar taste like, become a God as we meant to in gw1 and establish a cult before I leave, to be sure people pray to me and worship me. Not like I am going to answer thos prayers but You know... And than play some Keg Brawl with other Gods. xdddd
  20. Ye thats the first crossbow skin I meant with the second being iron legion one from grothmar valley, the square one.
  21. That, I would actually like to see. Some more crossbows beyond this 2 we have as rifles. ^^
  22. They look really well done. And pieces to mix and match. Can't wait to try them out in game. ^^
  23. Finally? Spears on land are a thing for many years now in form of melee staff users and it's spear skins, so if this is what I am supposed to be hyped in this x-pac than well... sorry, I won't be. If They really want to make me hyped, add a weapon type we don't have already, Polearms, Tomes, Orbs, Claws/Fists, whatever, just something new... duplicating an existing weapon type and advertising it like it's something new is weak.
  24. Yhh I am so tired of the Wizard Tower at this point. Might be becouse this repetitive white/gold architecture that is literally everywhere that is putting me off. Still just as some others said I would love to see more fractals not tied to the ongoing story. With original mysterious storytelling like Cliffside for example. And if they really have to recycle something than I would love to see some battles from original gw. Like Abaddon, Shiro, Lich fights. Maybe some fractals tied to the past lore, like norn exodus from north. Being a part of Asgeir party and making a charge for Jormags tooth. Or tying some loose ends with showing conclusion to Malyck story. Or to tease us with it. Fighting throu first stages of mordrem only to find something vague and big and mysterious that would make community tongues wag. Finding out what Livia was up for with the scepter of orr. She lived hundrets of years I bet she have some exciting stories to tell. Maybe some insane battle alongside Pyre Frieceshot against humans, or since charr on humans fractal is already there than maybe let us sow some fear into charr while exploring some little part of Gwens life. Or maybe some insane otherworld scenario that would vagouly show us what the Six is up to. Setting foot in their current domain or the totally another planet. Nothing clear. Only something that would make us talk and speculate on something other than current expansion for a change, to put a little fresh air, becouse imho for now, with how long streatched SotO is, I cannot help but feel that this x-pac is stale. To the point that I don't feel an ounce of hype I used to feel when mystery of a new fractal was slowly being revailed to me. Thats my opinion in short. It feels stale and repetitive.
  25. It is named Pain Cliffs for a reason You know? xd It is meant to give You this sweet burning feeling of anger and helplesness. If You don't like it, no one is forcing You to go for it. Be extra careful and arm yourself with patience or just leave it. I don't see nothing that requires change here. Especially since the assassin thing You only need to finish once.
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