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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. It's very rare, I don't remember since when I own the Reliquary (about a year or more), but I can only remember one or maybe two times I saw the kit with 20 charges.
  2. The broken spoons were added later, before this change it was possible to get more than one WvW-, fractal- or tequatl-spoon.
  3. You can change it back - Options [F11] - General Options - check box "Move Inventory Compact Option"
  4. With the exception of the Chilly Chase all the super rare drops are also a super rare drops of champ bags you can get anywhere in the game. So, as long as we don't know how rare "super rare" is in this case (which will need ages because of only 4 chests per acc per week), I would just see it as some added flavour, because the super rare category would be empty otherwise.
  5. If you buy a skin from the gemstore you can use it one time for free like other skins, after that you will need charges. The only skins that can always be used for free are the Zenith and Pinnacle weapons and the Hellfire and Radiant armor (from the achievment rewards).
  6. As soon as you put 2 points into the warclaw-mastery, players next to you get a speed-buff which let them run at warclaw-speed. So if they also use movement abilities or superspeed they may be faster than you. Otherwise the warclaw should still be faster than players with swiftness.
  7. That's already possible, just not in one step. You can exchange the Tomes for Spirit Shards at Miyani and use the shards in the mystic forge (https://gw2efficiency.com/currencies/spirit-shards).
  8. I haven't been there for some time, but can't you use your mount there? As far as i remember, only the sauna was a no-mount-zone?
  9. The primer won't work for the booster, as it is only for utility items lite sharpening stones etc. (see https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Utility_item).If you want to use the primers for food or utility, you have to use the primer first. If you use the item first, the primer won't extend the duration.
  10. No, I dindn't missed the part about your run with +25% movement speed and I agree that 25% alone isn't enough (about 3sec too slow in my test on a core account) but that's why I also mentioned swiftness and movement skills. As movmenet speed boosts don't stack, it doesn't matter if you have swiftness or the 33% boost from the mastery. So, lets look at your classes (i only consider the core skills, so they can be used by every account):Engineer: permanent swiftness through Trait "Streamlined Kits" (Tools X 1 X) - just swap to a kit every 20smovement skills: e.g. "Rocke Boots"superspeed: Tool Kit together with "Streamlined Kits" , Toolbelt skill of Slick ShoesNecro:permanent 25% - Skill: Signet of the Locust permanent swiftness should be possible too - Warhorn 5 + Spectral Walkmovement skills: not much on core nec, maybe Flesh WurmGuard:nearly permanent swiftness (or permanent with higher boon-duration) - Staff 3, "Save Yourselves!" , "Retreat!" (use this Trait for the shouts: Pure of Voice - Honor X X 1)movement skills: not much on core guard (without targets), maybe GS 2So all 3 classes can get perma swiftness and so they are as fast as someone with the 33% buff. From your 3 classes, engineer should be the easiest one, as it has better movement-skills and access to superspeed, if you have unlocked the elite-specs, you would have even more access to superspeed and leaps. If you want to be even faster with swiftness, there is also the Superior Rune of Speed which increases the movement speed by 66% when under the effect of swiftness. At last there are also other ways to do the achievment, you can use one of the novelities with movement skills like the Choya Pinata Tonic (endless one from the amnoon casino, or one-time use from the tp for about 1g), or the Executioner Axe Toy. I tired it with the choya tonic today and had 1:20min left. If you need further help with the achievment, just ask, maybe I can help.
  11. Some classes have more mobility, yes, but it's not a contest, it's just an achievment, that can be done by every class without the mastery.Every class has access to at least +25% movement speed (skills, traits, runes), swiftness- and mobility-skills (doesn't matter if core or elite), so I don't know which class shouldn't be capable of doing it?
  12. You don't need a a tag to creat a squad for strikes or raids, tags are only needed to create squads for more than 10 players.The disadvantage of this squads is, that you don't have the same rights as a commander would have, but at least you can create a lfg entry.
  13. He hasn't left, just switched from game security to another team (bonus events etc.). But he deleted his reddit-account some time ago.
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