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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. In the video it looks like they have a fixed placement next to the associated building (wood at the sawmill, plants at the farm, etc.)?
  2. I don't think this will be added, as it would make harvesting nodes nearly worthless, if only one person on the friendlist or in the guild could share them permanently with everyone.
  3. You can see a glyph management option in the video, when he uses one of the auto harvesting stations
  4. As far as I remember one of the devs stated in a discussion about adding new material to the material storage, that they can't just add everything that is used for crafting, as the number of slots is limited in the database. So I would guess the same might be true for the bank, also the number of slots (510) is suspicious close to 512? I'm not a game dev, but i doubt the storage space is the main problem, my guess would be that they don't want to risk changing datatypes etc. in a database that has grown over more than a decade, as any bug or dataloss of the storage-system, where people have stored things worth many thousand or even more gold, would cause a large outcry, rollbacks etc.
  5. We already have one language that isn't following the design. Spanish only has text, no audio.
  6. Do you also own other expansions on your alt-account. Because my alt with only SotO also has no option to dye mounts, afaik you need PoF for it?
  7. The output of the symbol conversion is random, so you throw in the cheapest ones and hope for the most expensive one. If you click the link in the table on the website you can see how the profit is calculated (including the droprates).
  8. They are reading this forum, but if you want an answer or help with technical issues you usually have to write a support ticket. In this case it would also help to know where where on the route the problem is happening to see , if it's even something theycan fix, or, if it's a issue with the provider / routing.
  9. As far as I understood the release page, they only mean the new raid when talking about CM and legendary CM.
  10. As I have already written before, the raid ring is as expensive as the other trinkets and even has a minimum of six week timegate, so the grind won't be reduced at all.
  11. So you have never checked the prices of the legendary trinkets? Then you would know, that all off them except the free PvE amulet have nearly the same price, so the grind for the raid ring is already the same as for the two accessories. The only difference ist that the collection. The collection for the accessories may have more parts, but in exchange they have a much smaller or no timegate. But yes we already know you hate raids and blame them for everything you don't like.
  12. To unlock an elite spec like virtuoso, you need to own the expansion it belongs to, be lvl 80 and invest hero points into the elite spec in the training-tab in the hero-menu.
  13. All gen 1 precursors can only be crafted once per account. Guess the price spike would be much lower , if it was possible.
  14. Have you already tried to check where on the way the problems happen (with tools like pingplotter), to see, if it's really a problem on the end of anet / AWS? According to some numbers I found, it happens much more often than I thought, about every other day a cable breaks.
  15. So the problems happened soon after you added more RAM, have you ever tried to rule out that the RAM is the cause of the problems by either using only the old or the new modules (maybe also running RAM tests)? Especially if you mix different RAM-modules they might be the problem?
  16. The math is mathing, but only, if the drop chance of both gifts is equal. Maybe the cheaper gift has a higher drop rate, as I have seen multi post, where people got might four times. The problem is, that the sample sizes are very small, because until now it were only four gifts per account, so we would need the results of much more accounts and not only the unlucky ones.
  17. Schimmi.6872


    A part of raid wing 6 is Zommoros's mini menagerie, where you can find his mini collection and also have to fight some failed experiments. So yes, NPCs can own mini collections too.
  18. You can also just buy the facets, or the piles, then it's much less tedious.
  19. 8g50 back for an investment of currently over 600g (including "precursors"), wow, such an unfair advantage. Meanwhile the other sets are all much cheaper at the moment.
  20. In normal mode it's random, in the CM you can choose which boss you want to fight I can't speak for others, but at least for me currently graphic bugs are a problem at this fight, AoEs are hard to see, when the screen is filled with blue fragments. Together with low FPS it is much harder to react as in other fights.
  21. For me it were about 880MB (one audio language i think) I forgot to check the number of files at the start, think it were about 30k files.
  22. The items you mention are both exotic items, not common, so one of the higher rarities? Here cou can see the list of rarities - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Item#Rarity If you want more information on items, one of the fastest way is to enter the chat-code /wiki + shift click on the item or just/wiki and the term / topic you are looking for.
  23. I think that it just refers to motivations, as they are used as a bait for the higher tier bosses.
  24. It worked some years ago, that you could join in a very short time window after the kill, but that was an exploit that was fixed.
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