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Ascended drop from Tequatl and Triple Trouble.


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ArenaNet, it is time to finally bring ascended drops from Tequatl and Triple Trouble to todays standards. What am I talking about? Let me explain.
So we all know that when you get an ascended weapon drop from Gift of Aurene or from Drakkar we can choose any stats on those weapons (stats we can have according to expansions we have on the account). We can't swap them all the time like on legendary items, but we can choose them once. Why don't we have the same system on Tequatl weapon and Triple Trouble armor pieces? If we had the same system with Tequat and Triple Trouble ascended drops it would be much more friendly towards new players that were lucky to get ascended items from those encounters. Some guys here on the forum may say: but it is not a big deal to swap stats on ascended item anyway. Well, yes and no. It can be a big deal for a new player. Here is a good example of a problem I am talking about 

And from the skin collectors point of view: you would remove an additional useless drop from loot table by removing all normal ascended items (since new players would not need them anyway because they get a better thing, an item where they can choose any stat combo that is unlocked on their accounts) and give them a very slightly higher chance to get skin they are trying to get from Tequatl or Triple Trouble. 

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The exclusive armor pieces dropped on the Triple Trouble event actually allows one to select from all available stats. Other than that I think your suggestion is excellent. That would be a good incentive to keep playing those event. Drop rate could also be improved.

Edited by IvarEriksson.2498
Bad spelling
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1 minute ago, IvarEriksson.2498 said:

Drop rate could also be improved.

i dont get why the drop rate is so low honestly..if they want to keep it low fine, Just make them all sellable:  Wyrm/Aurene/Drakkar/Tequatl


I actually want some of the skins, but the drop rate means ill never get them 😕

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The post you quoted is a returning player who has acknowledged the process for stat changes and was looking for a specific stat combo to change the item too.


I really dislike leaning on ‘new players’ not being able to figure out the game according to ‘experienced players’.  I’ve had a few of these items drop and it was a good learning process the first time to swap stats to my preferred choice.  New players still need experiences in the game to teach them about the game and it’s mechanics. 



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51 minutes ago, Dumat.1479 said:

Some guys here on the forum may say: but it is not a big deal to swap stats on ascended item anyway. Well, yes and no. It can be a big deal for a new player.

can we get out off this agenda of whats is right and wrong for "new players".

if someone is farming Teq/Triple trouble enough to get a set of Ascended gear, they are NOT a new player, heck, i'd go as as far as to say if you're gearing a character in ascended gear in general you're no longer a new player.

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