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Possible ABL SEC Exploit?

Twilight Tempest.7584

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It is well known, has been around for years. ArenaNet's inaction about it has made players look upon it more as a feature than a bug. Though I guess in some sense it is an "exploit".


It sends you through the waterfall to the main exit of the spawn as an automatic and instant port (pushback mechanic).


Ed. Quite alot of people know about the leaps into various structures and typical spots where the map is poorly pieced together and you run a high risk of falling through to the underside. It's more so that people don't see them as- or use them to impact the game mode to any greater extent. ArenaNet likely sees it the same way, deeming by their disinterest.



Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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     Not a exploit, theres a few areas especially in red bl that will send you to spawn. If your character gets anywhere it should be many of these areas are tagged to send you to spawn. Gliding into a cliff from super high up will often trigger it. 


Wvw was designed without mounts and gliding (These should never have become part of the mode) so this is their fail safe.

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Once upon a time it was possible to get inside the enemy spawn if you could Stealth for a long enough duration. I don't recall when they changed this, but at some point they made it impossible by forcefully removing you from the spawn if you managed to get in. As soon as you hit a certain barrier you get teleported away.
(I did this quite a few times with Engineer, and I recall being able to kill certain NPCs in the spawn as well).

The barrier that triggers the teleport is particularly large in the Alpine BL for some reason. You can activate it in a lot of areas that aren't even that close to the spawn with the most popular one being toward the south of the map near the Veteran Warg.

None of those locations teleport you to anywhere special, but they do move you a significant distance. So if you know the spots you probably want to prevent someone from reaching it if you plan to kill them.

Edited by Shroud.2307
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19 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Technically if you use it intentionally, its the very definition of an exploit.

There is a 10k rank streamer who spends most of his stream (or at least used to) farming no ranks, and when they die a few times and leave through the middle, he has exploited his way to way they are.  Literally doing nothing but this all the time, over and over.  Really wish they would just permaban people who exploit or use third party programs.

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