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League position fixed?


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you prolly not good enough to be there


but if you in NA and you got past 1350, something very annoying happens, you start being match with plat duos much more than  you should, after that if you actually don't dodge them and keep playing the games become a rng, you most likely to be matches with same ppl match after match, now being placed with or against the duo will decide the outcome of 80% of your matches.

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course I was good enough? I got there? Doesn't make sense that you suddenly get loads of losing streaks after a good run. 

Not to mention the match making is rubbish sometimes, hard to get a team that has a chance of winning:S last two matches players gave up half way through. 

Seems like the match making keeps you fixed and doesn't want to let you get higher up

Edited by John.8507
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22 minutes ago, John.8507 said:

Of course I was good enough? I got there? Doesn't make sense that you suddenly get loads of losing streaks after a good run. 

Not to mention the match making is rubbish sometimes, hard to get a team that has a chance of winning:S last two matches players gave up half way through. 

Seems like the match making keeps you fixed and doesn't want to let you get higher up

there is a big difference between getting into a ranking, and being able to hold it.

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14 hours ago, John.8507 said:

Of course I was good enough? I got there? Doesn't make sense that you suddenly get loads of losing streaks after a good run. 

Not to mention the match making is rubbish sometimes, hard to get a team that has a chance of winning:S last two matches players gave up half way through. 

Seems like the match making keeps you fixed and doesn't want to let you get higher up

Even the time of the day you play has a big impact in match quality


You prolly never played a game with population this low


But ultimately your skill does matter and you are placed correctly


Just quit playing when you see you getting thown in scuffed matches

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5 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

Even if the system was perfect, players would ruin it. That's just how it is.

This season seems a little better at least for me on EU, might be getting lucky MM though . Like there are more people in the p1 p2 range than before. Maybe the expansion Hype is working to boost enough population for the Prime time. Also the Leaderboard looks less kitteny, most of the win rates don't seem fake.    

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